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/lit/ - Literature

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11878121 No.11878121 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw this was the only fiction book I legitmately enjoyed but everyone calls me a pleb and a faggot

I dont care tbqh, deathmatch stuff like this is pretty cool. Are there any books in this vein of people go in and kill each other?

>> No.11878155


>> No.11878157


>> No.11878161

this desu

>> No.11878170

leave me alone.. (.__. )

>> No.11878175


>> No.11878176

You have a low IQ

>> No.11878178

You’re a retard faggot aren’t you

>> No.11878196

im not a retard faggot...i said leave me alone..
(._______. )

>> No.11878219
File: 66 KB, 878x1002, 1463458323215.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>using emoticons on 4chan

>> No.11878228

how else am i going to show emotion??

>> No.11878250

Reaction images. How old are you?

>> No.11878263

leave me alone

>> No.11878279

You’re a retard faggot and you’re underage

>> No.11878305

Dude, you should try Fortnite!

>> No.11878314

Battle Royale by Koushun Takami is the book that inspired the Hunger Games. It's decent; if you liked the hunger games you'll probably like it too.

>> No.11878427
File: 19 KB, 455x577, 1433910646711.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11878446

Low effort bait, if its real get off this board

>> No.11878492

it is real

>> No.11878618


all contemporary YA SFF is under the shadow of Harry Potter

even if you hate HP, you have to admit that Rowling did it both first and better

>> No.11879267


>> No.11880020

Come back when you're 18