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File: 57 KB, 250x364, Logo_of_National_Novel_Writing_Month.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11877364 No.11877364 [Reply] [Original]

Less than a month to go, is /lit/ ready?

>> No.11877367

w-whats this owo

>> No.11877834

*notices bulge* *gets flustered* OwO UuU what's this? ^.^

>> No.11877840
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>> No.11878029

But to be serious this event is absolute cancer. Just what we need, to flood the market with tens of thousands of abortions of novels sprung from the brains of such brilliant people that can't be assed to write unless there's a social group for it so they can tag it on their blog.

>> No.11878344

Cool virtue signalling.

>> No.11878379
File: 26 KB, 509x625, C7DE0258-B67C-4148-83FE-7AF9315DF13D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I need to finish this damn short story already

>> No.11878671

I might actually do it this year for my Transformers fan fiction.

>> No.11878687

Oh, how I love roborotica. Care to bless us with a sample of said work, if you yet have one? A general introduction or summary would also suffice for this man.

>> No.11878758

It's not porn, actually, though I find Transformers romances surprisingly tolerable. The fandom has a real problem with incredibly sappy hurt/comfort fiction, and I'm basically writing this as a response to that - I want to tell the same basic story of someone recovering from trauma, but with a sharper edge to it.

I've not yet settled on the whole of the plot, but the premise is that a particularly fearsome and violent Decepticon gets knocked out during a battle with the Autobots but not killed. The Autobots hack him and discover he's got big, big brain problems and is as much a victim of the Decepticons as anyone - he was a pet project of one of the big bads, used for the dirtiest missions over the duration of a long, long war, and it's left him with Issues. Because they're bleeding heart good guys the Autobots end up deciding to lock his memories behind a massive firewall inside his brain and dial him back to before the war started, to give him a "second chance," with the plan of returning his memories after the war, one by one, so that he can be counselled through them.

Things begin to unravel because he has trouble adapting to a nightmarish future where Cybertron is destroyed and his race is almost extinct, and he's living among Autobots most of whom are not on board with the project and still hate his guts. He's not grateful for the second chance - he's bitter that his life has been stolen from him (he doesn't comprehend the true horror of his life because, obviously, he can't remember it). This all leads to friction. Things go from bad to worse when the firewall starts falling apart prematurely, and his memories start to return - unbeknownst to the Autobots.

Still not sure how it ends. Killing him would be too cliche, but I don't want a happy ending either because it wouldn't fit my goals, which is to write a hurt/comfort story with bite. And I don't want to redeem him, either, yet I can't just have his memories all come back and he goes back to being a psycho because that'll make the whole story pointless.

And then there will be a bunch of political stuff about Autobot-human relations.

If this sounds familiar it's because it's the same premise of a subplot in the 900,000 work fanfiction called "Masks" by L. Mouse over on fanfiction.net. I've always liked that subplot but unfortunately the story died before it went anywhere good.

Thanks for indulging me my ramblings.

>> No.11878765

>900,000 work
900,000 word*

>> No.11879063

can I just write the required word count in various essays?

>> No.11879103

I love the concept. Tried it for three days once. It was just a lot of server crashes and people complaining about straight white males.

>> No.11879136


It is the logical literary event for societies which regard markets as the arbiter of literary achievement.

Like most mainstream writing communities on the internet, to exist at such a large scale it is forced to become so inclusive that it has nothing to say about what literature should be, or do. All it does is exhort people to produce content.

>> No.11879338

The true the true purpose of this event is to make people realize they don't actually enjoy writing. It's a wake-up call.

>> No.11879342

The market is already flooded with garbage. Why is it always necessary to be cynical with things like this?

>> No.11880621
File: 16 KB, 480x360, where do you think we are.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why is it always necessary to be cynical with things like this?

>> No.11880668 [DELETED] 
File: 267 KB, 687x768, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one copy of Infinite Jest please

>> No.11880693

What if it makes me realise I do actually enjoy writing

>> No.11881037

Then do it on your own, and ask someone you can rely on to help you keep up/not skip a day instead of the internet

>> No.11881045

>Then do it on your own

Do you think it's shameful, to be pursued in the dark? Do you think that communities are bad, and that other people should be avoided? Maybe it's just the sight of people enjoying something you could never have - friendship, formed over a common interest - which provokes you.

>> No.11881161

Maybe this will be the kick in the pants I need to write that prose-dense novella I've been memeing about for weeks now.

>> No.11881191

I was not him >>11879338. Also fuck the rest of what you said.

>> No.11881258

Always depends on what you take out of it. Finished 50k last year and didn't write a word since. That doesn't mean that I hate writing, everybody has different approaches to it. Some may write a few words every day, some dozens of pages every four months. You don't have to like writing to be a good writer. However for most people it is the accomplishment of writing a book they seek and not the writing itself. This is shallow, yes. But in the end everything that helps you get words written down on paper is a good thing.

>> No.11881262

I always hear about this but I never know what the fuck it is.

>> No.11881273

Write a novel in a month.

>> No.11881330

>You don't have to like writing to be a good writer.
Objectively, no.
Name me one writer who hated what they wrote (because of the writing process) that is now deemed "great" today. You can't, because passion is the driver for great art and if the medium is unable to nourish the passion, it rejects the passion over time.

>> No.11881336


>> No.11881344

All technically correct, but that doesn't make it a bad thing. A population of consumers who have delegated away defining literature to one class of experts and producing it to another just seems trapped in a sad modern disease. If the price of breaking through this crust is a pile of bad novels then so be it.

>> No.11881345

I now associate absolutely all cutesy mininalist graphic design with a drooling butthole waiting to be abused because honestly what else does it signify

>> No.11881403

Kafka clearly enjoyed writing the Metamorphises by his own accounts of laughing at his drafts and then showing them to his inner circle. I don't know where you got that impression from.

>> No.11881426

lol, this guy thinks he's a hollywood action movie protagonist lecturing the villain

>> No.11881465

not wanting to be published =/= hate what they wrote. i dont anyone to find my crossover fanfic shitposts but that doesnt mean i hated the process or the result. i think there are examples of your point but kafka isnt it. iirc pessoa wrote about disliking his writing and wishing to overcome it. been awhile so i dont have a reference on hand

>> No.11881492

little hesitant, but after I managed to write my masters thesis of 70 pages for 2&1/2 weeks I feel that for a I month of less than serious work I can at least pull a workable rough sketch of a novel.

Influenced by Joyce, Burroughs, Auster, Kafka and Haruki Murakami the story follows a young men suffering from severe narcolepsy trying to get his apartment's roach problem fixed. After he finds the exterminator dead in his office our hero get's involved in surreal crime story.

The whole gag consists in the narcolepsy of the main character, who randomly falls asleep or suffers from sleep paralysis. This blackouts would be presented by various stunning formal performances in the novel.
I was even thinking of cutting up pieces from later parts into dream sequences earlier on.

there may be some medieval theater allusions.

>> No.11881515

Herman Melville had to have his wife chain him to his desk and lock him in his study so that he could finish Moby-Dick

>> No.11881530

Do you even know what that means?

>> No.11881542

Love it

>> No.11881563

Interesting, alright, I'll remove my stubborness but I think Melville was fairly anomalous after the fact.

>> No.11881626

>This blackouts would be presented by various stunning formal performances in the novel.

I have no idea what the fuck that means, but otherwise awesome.

>> No.11881648

Probably worth noting that what it actually results in is a pile of unpublished novels, since no publishing house will take on a 50k manuscript from a nobody.

I think lots of unpublished novels is a good thing that should give the reading public a better appreciation for how novels work, or don't. It's a sort of mass self-education program with no tangible effects on the world.

>> No.11882035

I'd read that, more so if it was about a group of friends who all had narcolepsy and their friendship

>> No.11882143

So is OP going to explain this?>>11881626

>> No.11882146

It's even more homosexual than these posts.

>> No.11882162

Maybe like .01% of the shit written by those fags even gets finished, let alone considered for publication. It's a le quirky meme event for underage r*dditors and pretentious yet plebby aging millenials.

>> No.11882190
File: 66 KB, 888x499, jontron_s_reaction___now__that_s_a_load_of_shit_by_tanimationprod-db9ck7c[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually kind of a cool concept, but why is it always November? The last few months of the year are extremely busy for me.

I might just do my own NaNoWriMo in March or something.

>> No.11882195

Sounds cool but literally no publisher or agent will touch something that weird these days. You'll have to self publish it.

>> No.11882222

That's an extremely optimistic wa of looking at it. Realistically, none of the retards and quirky children who participate in these ever learn a thing. In the first place, if one had a serious interest in getting published, they could easily find out what the industry standards and such are on their own without getting involved in something as pointless as nonoqueermo. It's pure pseudery with a side of r*ddit faggotry.

>> No.11883141

Is this anything more than just a wordcount tracker?
Also I don't get why you would confine it to a month, or really, why you'd confine writing an entire novel to a single month. Seems like it'd be better as something to start applying to your latest work, and make it less about finishing the novel and more about just writing a specific amount in a deadline.

>> No.11883177

It's a brand. Free to participate but I think they try to sell shit associated with it too.

>> No.11883179

>doing nanocancer

>> No.11883195

There is a quote always floating among Redditors that goes along the lines of "I hate writing, but I love having written".

No idea who said it.

>> No.11883473

I was thinking of incorporating cut-up, rhythmic prose, anagrams, automatic writing and other kinds of more challenging use of (form)s for the dream sequences. Using bits of texts outside the dream sequences, or using actual newspaper text into the novel, using my own dreams and journals I hope to melt reality and fiction. Overall trying to hit the tone of Blue Velvet but without so much emphasis on mother figures (the story will be about taking your life into your own hands. The narcolepsy is something of a metaphor for living in a dream, being dead in live). I still hope to use my knowledge in psychoanalysis to flesh out better how plot is suggested to the reader.

I got a little motivated from all the positive comments. thanks!