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11877151 No.11877151 [Reply] [Original]

What are some must-read war memoirs? I'm planning on reading With The Old Breed but would like some other recommendations. Especially from WWII and on.

>> No.11877179

The writings of Lawrence of Le Arabia

>> No.11877219

>On 16 October 1906 Voigt was ready for his next caper. He had purchased parts of used captain's uniforms from different shops and tested their effect on soldiers. He had resigned from the shoe factory ten days previously. He took the uniform out of baggage storage, put it on and went to the local army barracks, stopped four grenadiers and a sergeant on their way back to barracks and told them to come with him. Indoctrinated to obey officers without question, they followed. He dismissed the commanding sergeant to report to his superiors and later commandeered six more soldiers from a shooting range. Then he took a train to Köpenick, east of Berlin, occupied the local city hall with his soldiers and told them to cover all exits. He told the local police to "care for law and order" and to "prevent calls to Berlin for one hour" at the local post office.

>He had the treasurer von Wiltberg and mayor Georg Langerhans arrested, supposedly for suspicions of crooked bookkeeping, and confiscated 4002 marks and 37 pfennigs - with a receipt, of course (he signed it with his former jail director's name). Then he commandeered two carriages and told the grenadiers to take the arrested men to the Neue Wache in Berlin for interrogation. He told the remaining guards to stand in their places for half an hour and then left for the train station. He later changed into civilian clothes and disappeared.

>In the following days the German press speculated on what had really happened. At the same time the army ran its own investigation. The public seemed to be positively amused by the daring of the culprit.

>Voigt was arrested on 26 October and on 1 December sentenced to four years in prison for forgery, impersonating an officer and wrongful imprisonment. However, much of public opinion was on his side. German Kaiser Wilhelm II pardoned him on 16 August 1908. There are some claims that even the Kaiser was amused by the incident, referring to him as an amiable scoundrel, and being pleased with the authority and feelings of reverence that his military obviously commanded in the general population.

>> No.11878091

Orwell's Homage to Catalonia. Some of what's in it is surprising, and few witnesses are as completely trustworthy.

>> No.11878126

My grand father was captured by the germans in 1940 and refused to work for them. He and 3 others refused out of 600+ prisonners. He was sent to a concentration camp in poland and spent 5years there. He was eventually liberated by the russians and came back to France weighting 33kg.

this is absolutely unrelated to the topic but seeing american larping as fascists makes my blood boil. They are domesticated swine who would've spread their butthole the second they were captured yet they larp as something they know nothing about.

C'est pour toi

>> No.11878134

Cringe and bluepilled. Also needs to learn how to stay on topic. :)

>> No.11878172

Yaaas, Pierre. Slay.

>> No.11878200

>French guy refuses to work
Quelle surprise

>> No.11878251

>my grandfather

How old are you?

>> No.11878292

Have no fear. They are poor and ignorant. They are being cannabalized by the rich. They believe they're helping their own nation by emulating the failed ideology of a nation that lost in war and got completely dismantled twice back-to-back.
They're actually irreparably damaging their own society and being taken even less seriously as a result (the other diplomats openly laughing at their figurehead when he talks about his accomplishments), and they'll be crushed by China in 5-10 years and will never see it coming.

>> No.11878409

if a german worker refused in french camps after ww2 he got shot. actually they were lucky to find work at farms etc. else they wouldnt get any food and starve so there is that.

>> No.11878590


Pleure moi une rivière. "A l'ennemi je ne tends pas la main" ? Normal qu'il ne veuille plus lui tendre ensuite.

>> No.11878804

>his grandfather was born in 1920, being 20 years old in 1940
>his father was born in 1962
>he was born in 2006

Math checks out. He's twelve years old.

>> No.11878820

WW2? Mostly politicized rubbish
Read Storm of Steel, greatest WW1 memoir.

>> No.11878899

okay now this is based

>> No.11878906

von solomon freikorps

>> No.11878924

Kek the french are the kings of larping since the revolution.

>> No.11878936

Don't listen to the 14 year old gamers anon, you're alright

>> No.11878975
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>go to war to defend Polish sovereignty
>end war by handing over all of Central Europe, including Poland, to a totalitarian dictatorship

>incinerate hundreds of thousands of defenceless civilians in places like Tokyo, Dresden, and Hiroshima
>sentence captured officers to death for "crimes against humanity"

>> No.11879018

>Innocent Krauts
>Innocent Japs
Papa Stalin and Papa McArthur were too soft on both. Nothing short of ethnic and cultural cleansing could fix their wicked, barbaric, mass murdering, uncultured, primal, evil, emotionless hearts that lack any sort of empathy for their fellow man. Are there any good germans, or good japs? Perhaps. Is it worth risking the future of humanity for them? No.

>> No.11879025

Neck yourself

>> No.11879151
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>Papa Stalin
Dumb commie

>> No.11879166

The British, they are a hell of a drug.

>> No.11879171

Imagine believing Donald Trump is a 'fascist figurehead'.

>> No.11879177

Sorry your thread was derailed, try Storm of Steel by Ernst Jünger for a detailed telling of WWI from a German point of view, if you can read German it's better in it's original language as Jünger couldn't speak any other language well enough to write in it or assist in it's translation.

>> No.11879182

/pol/ thinks fascism is just edgy racism and trolling

>> No.11879511

Put me in the screencap guys.

>> No.11879564


>> No.11879572
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>> No.11879588

>bayonet and shoot millions of people for looking slightly different than you
>drop bombs on cities
wtf these are exactly the same

>> No.11879708

Good-Bye To All That.

If you don't come out of a war memoir as anti-war and a pacifist you are a psychopath and should be hanged for the betterment of humanity.

>> No.11879717

you fucking idiot
literally a disgusting traitor and the most cucked kind of ressentiment filled nigger possible. Imagine wanting to fight for a foreign government which is exactly what you accuse the US armed forces of doing.

>> No.11879751

Did the Brits even do this? It was probably the Russians or Americans.

>> No.11879762

Are you retarded lad?

>> No.11879832

well, its not WW2, and not from a soldier's viewpoint, but generation kill is pretty fucking entertaining.

>> No.11879852

"Do it again Bomber Harris" in this thread

>> No.11881186

This man gets it

>> No.11881215
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Better start with what is easily the most read and most influential war memoir. It's worthwhile reading his poetry alongside the book.
Also Sassoon's poetic corpus can be read collectively as a memoir.

>> No.11882132
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*tips fedora*

>> No.11882156

>thing framed as horrible
>thing trivialized
what a compelling argument

>> No.11882159

>wants to hang people for diverging opinions
checks out lads

>> No.11882220
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>Fascism is National Socialism
>A Frenchman complaining about violating human rights
You violated human rights nearly on par with the Nazis as a democracy with a colonial empire yet you're winging about muh fascist war crimes

Daily reminder that the French will always be massive hypocrites

>> No.11882233

>Firebomb hundreds of thousands of civilians
>Bayonet, shoot, starve civilians
>Not essentially the same
Btw the Allies also did cause the mass starvation of millions of civilians and actively made it worse with the knowledge that their actions would do so.

>> No.11882239
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>> No.11882240
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>level bombing without a bombsight

absolute war crime

the entire war was just an excuse to expedite r&d of new manufacturing processes for make benefit glorious race of humanity. scientists pioneered spacecraft under naht-zee dictatorship; by 1969 'murika* landed on the moon and by 1991 people in civilized countries had all become cars. coincidence? no!

we will all become cars, comrade anon! and in this way we will explore the cosmos. the sacrifice of all those people was an impetus to advance us to the next form of being.

(*god bless)

>> No.11882260
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ITT: retards arguing about things they don't understand

wow, who would've thought

>> No.11882261
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No I was talking about the millions of Vietnamese and Indian people who died of famines intentionally caused by various Allied policies designed for them to retain political power.

Of course then there was St*lin