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File: 271 KB, 606x1458, TheZenoedParadoxxed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11876803 No.11876803 [Reply] [Original]

There's no reason why five accelerationism threads should be allowed but not a critique. You can't be that lacking in awareness that you have to censor all opposition.
Capital is dead.

>The only remaining theory of value for accelerationism is in bringing to the surface the totalitarian and tyrannical nature of our current condition. But this is an impossible framework given that the necessity of life ensures our capitulation to any economic mode leveraging our continuation. If the necessity of armistice turns to worldwide economic encirclement, so be it, our wars are grand enough now that it may take an eternity to fill the stores and block up the tunnels. Such is the simplicity of nature turning us around the bend so that we do not run off course. Humans will never see the marketplace as the source of domination and tyranny, it is unnatural—no matter how unnatural the landscape itself becomes. Thieves may be born of our hoods, and the gloves we purchase may be slipped on to hide our severed hands, but we will never turn against the market. We are abstract beings wandering hourly into an abstract bazaar, because the goods never arrive on time; they are a mess of irradiated rot; or they simply act as a drain upon the unknown craft which forms them, thus necessitating an unfolding of anti-forms—this is the essence of Capital.

>To think that anyone would shake in fear over products with spooky rebranding is foolish. These are nothing more than apotropaic trinkets sold to wanderers in the marketplace, while the symbolic mysteries of the initiated forever remain repulsive to them. The latest product may arrive as a house of horrors, or a recuperation of the cosmos even, but life never turns on itself, no matter how decrepit. We are so caught up within this natural revolution that we do not even see the leadership forming—we are spectres led on by even more ghostly figures. But it was our ancestors who dealt with the true horrors: cannibalism against encirclement, starvation amidst the ecstasy of an unending dance of death; we are merely hauling the rubble away. A true ode to capital would pay tribute to these men. Yet the accelerationist wants us to live in his tragicomedy, to believe that a counter-inventory of the dwindling stores will shock the castle into capitulation with a war already lost.

>> No.11876804

>And here we see the necessity of unveiling the tyranny which resides elsewhere. Capital is sentient. Capital is sacrament. Capital is senescent. Capital is sentiment. And yet it is not everything, not even close—no matter how hard we might pray for a permanent fixture amidst our abstraction. It is neither G-d, nor Go-, nor -od—no matter how many trinities are produced attempting to enclose all manner of escape. Recent figures even suggest that capital is nothing more than a drain on the gods. And this is opposed to the tradition of economic myths: for the old god Hermes the market was only ever a beginning, he started out as the god of economy, and through his trials and wanderings between worlds he eventually became everything. Capital, in contrast, appears ever more to take flight from its own supposed object, two of the greatest apotropaic symbols brought to ruin—then the slow floor down upon floor collapse into black market conflict around the world. The final paradox of bourgeois revolution is that its obsessive, recurring inventory creates its own counter-revolution: formal capital is subsumed by its real proletariat.

>> No.11876816

show me where sentient capital hurt you.

>> No.11876823
File: 230 KB, 1222x870, StopDesiring.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are so fast you've accelerated into the post-meme era?

>> No.11876830
File: 371 KB, 810x602, screen shot 2016-03-09 at 14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know this is difficult for you, but you should just be grateful to have met someone who can keep pace with 'capital sentience'.

>> No.11876857

>me spamming banalities is keeping pace, teehee
keep telling yourself that, tryhard leftist fag

also it seems that you think the end goal in accelerationism is the collapse of capitalism. you're wrong. there is no end goal.

>> No.11876873
File: 39 KB, 641x482, 1438836280158.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw you'll never be her gf

>> No.11876880
File: 421 KB, 1242x1101, CapitalIsBurning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being this stupid
>And this is why accelerationism can never work, nor come to any rest in a single truth, because it presupposes itself within the valorisation process, just as its fathers and grandfathers had done before it.

>> No.11876884

>crying about leftism
Why are you all so slow?

>> No.11876895

>he thinks everyone is a humanist realist begging for an obscure findom waifu

>> No.11876903
File: 60 KB, 446x604, 273D73BF-6E4D-44AF-8AA4-D81B08A07E57.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you are driving a car and are about to crash, slamming on the accelerator in the vain hope of breaking through is the last thing you should do.

>> No.11876941

Yes, but accelerationists are hollow-earth thinkers. The laws of physics are irrelevant when time is compressed.

>> No.11876956

It’s not about physics, it’s rationality. If something is not working, you pushing it to it’s absolute extreme won’t make it magically loop around to work again.

>> No.11876967
File: 6 KB, 214x236, Grayons.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11876984

Accelerationism is the most self-defeating ideology mankind has found since nihilism.
You enter a feedback loop of increasing entropy. Sure enough, you will destroy things. You don't get to choose which things go. In other words, you drag everything to the worst point it could be just so you get rid of 'the system'. It's like the Samson option of retards.

>> No.11876985
File: 70 KB, 1052x714, ParadoxOfWealth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe if the accelerationist jannies weren't so seething over this no one would have to post it again. Censorship doesn't work out very well in most cases. An accelerationist should realise that.
What are you so scared of? You should welcome this. Or you don't like that someone is faster?

>> No.11876992

Yes, but what is the cause?

>> No.11876996

I know. I didn't mean it literally.

>> No.11877003

Maybe if the anti-accelerationists weren't so seething and easily butthurt about this.

>> No.11877018
File: 28 KB, 236x244, 6DD7E765-90C4-4E9E-BADE-348EA87F0698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then why do it? Why conform to a belief that will either end in disappointment as they just keep making bigger and then smaller iPhone or one that will make skynet a reality and get us all killed? Is it some sort of complex death cult, or do they just watch too much cyberpunk?

>> No.11877026

It is supposed to be a literature board?

>> No.11877029

>i know you are but what am i
Thanks for confirming that it's just another Yale psyop.

>> No.11877031

Then delete the accelerationism threads as well.

>> No.11877036

I would if I was mod.

>> No.11877039

In short, it's because of the contradictions inherent within liberalism/humanism, as well as the weaknesses of human nature that have been written out of our laws.

>> No.11877209

Of entering the loop, entropy or..?

>> No.11877222

Of why they get trapped within this feedback loop.

>> No.11877267

Ah, I see. It's because of the nature of chaos. How many of us can leave 4chan permanently?

>> No.11877342

The point accelerationists deem success will also be lost to entropy, or the new order crushes them after identifying them as wholly malevolent and destructive entities.

>> No.11878070


>> No.11878083

Nice job Camattefag

>> No.11878100
File: 93 KB, 1085x461, 1537603989225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>accelerationist jannies
tfw camattefag was the janny all along just trying to get people to go along with his shitty moderation scheme

>> No.11878117

Camattefag btfo'd

>> No.11878168

Oh look it's the Camatte faggot who doesn't understand accelerationism or even Camatte

>> No.11878179
File: 11 KB, 600x315, 1533760081248.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Capital is dead.

>> No.11878182


>> No.11878183
File: 281 KB, 1278x922, AccelerationistsCanMe____.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being this shitty at conspiracy theories.
And fucking cringe.

>> No.11878197

>y-y-you c-couln--t p-possibly und-understand th-th-this n-n-nuh-nonsense
Keep sliding, boys.
That'll show em.

>> No.11878201

Accelerationism is like finding out you're being cucked, but then affirming the cucking because you're aware of it and convinced yourself you're a part of it.

>> No.11878205

Triple based.
And reddit-pilled.

>> No.11878210
File: 104 KB, 518x996, FlexYourMuscles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It follows.

>> No.11878306

>harry potter meme

>> No.11878458

Keep posting.
It really helps.

>> No.11878468

First they insist that this meme will only help them. Now they are seething and seem to understand memes even less. So can we return to the original question?
If accelerationists are so fast, why are they fifty years behind Camatte?

>> No.11878511
File: 320 KB, 750x441, 1525806999557.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who is this 'they' you are after? 90% of people memeing acceleration on here haven't even read FN lmao.

>> No.11878631

Wow Nick Land truly is a genius. Shocking this guy had a mental breakdown he seemed so healthy.

>> No.11878762


Accelerationists mystify capital by abstracting it from human activity; without viewing the reproduction of capital and the reproduction of labour-power as integrated processes, the former appears to take on a limitless self-sustaining autonomy that it does not possess

>> No.11878828

This thread was moved to >>>/pol/187965919