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11876224 No.11876224 [Reply] [Original]

What bookmark does /lit/ use?

>> No.11876227

I use the i ching as a door stopper.

>> No.11876229

Airline boarding pass, my dude.

>> No.11876245

Pay stub with gross income visible.

>> No.11876251

toilet paper (used)

>> No.11876255

library receipt or just fold the page if it's a random paperback

>> No.11876290

some random piece of paper like the true patrician that I am

>> No.11876311

I read two books at once and shove them inside each other. Two bookmarks in one

>> No.11876325

used tinder date condom

>> No.11876330

I can’t afford books so I use my phone’s pdf reader

>> No.11876331

london underground ticket from 2004 i found inside a book i once bought

>> No.11876334

Just tear the page

>> No.11876335

Dog earing

>> No.11876345
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>> No.11876382
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Business cards from restaurants I've dined at.

>> No.11876454

I earmark the page

>> No.11876462

Usually just the bookmarks the library has at the checkout desk

>> No.11876469

I stick my finger up my butt, wiggle it around and then smear down the page I leave off on, I navigate by smell. I usually read at least 100 pages in one sitting so they get spaced pretty far apart.

The smelliest page is always the one I leave off on.

>> No.11876471

Bought a roll of ribbon from a craft store for $2. Cut off bookmark length strips. Now I have a dozen or so bookmarks and I can make more whenever I want.

>> No.11876478

I generally buy editions that come with their own bookmark ribbon thing

>> No.11876479
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absolutely disgusting

>> No.11876502

my memory.

>> No.11876514

Tea tabs

>> No.11876586


I use the author-made demarcations in his own book. This can lead to me spending rather a lot of time on one book or one whole day on a chapter, just depends.

It helps me understand the book better though, because the author is the one who divided the book the way he did, purposefully designed to help the reader see the different points he is trying to make

>> No.11876690

Paint color strips

>> No.11876695
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Real patricians mark their place by taking a shit on the page.

>> No.11876699

>He doesn't read the entire book in one sitting.

>> No.11876705

The receipt of the gun which my father used to kill himself.

>> No.11876716

Whatever random shit I find laying around when I start the book. When I finish the book I leave the bookmark in. When I reread a book I thus get a reminder of what was happening in my life the last time I read the book.

>> No.11876721

Folding a top corner of the page

>> No.11876747

The better bookstores here give out their own bookmarks.

>> No.11876756

I rip the page out of the book when I'm done reading it so I can always start reading on page 1.

>> No.11877013
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>> No.11877038

Train tickets, complimentary bookmarks, and my personal favourite, receipts and other assorted paper fossils of distant lives that I find in secondhand books and sondernut over
Gay, I know

>> No.11877255

postcards friends and family wrote to me

>> No.11877331

A drawing my sister made for me.

>> No.11877344

top part of a rizla paper

>> No.11877370

Telekinetic markers.

>> No.11877452

A papyrus bookmark I found on a bus when I was six.

>> No.11877461

Yep, this. How's it possible to remember what happened before you stopped reading, but not the page on which you stopped reading.

>> No.11877482

Je vis pour la gastronomie française. On devrait envoyer des colis piégés à toutes les "brasseries" parisienne qui servent des burgers

>> No.11877498

found the females

>> No.11877509
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>or just fold the page

>> No.11877520

a small piece of paper torn from a notebook

>> No.11877535

Sorry I don't fill up my rooms with dead trees.
I read almost only on my phone or on my computer.

>> No.11877555

But the french actually make good burgers.

>> No.11877571

I use a metal bookmark that came with a video game's limited edition, called "Labyrinth of Refrain"
It's adequate, desu.

>> No.11877663

the one in my browser

>> No.11877735

In the books I have handy I'm using:
10$, nothing, toe knife, and a self portrait doodle I like

>> No.11877747
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what is a "toe knife"?

>> No.11877754

There are plenty of trees. They grow out of the dirt, unlike coal and thorium. Philistine.

>> No.11877766


>> No.11877814

Small knife, cleans toenail

>> No.11877864

Hair from girls that I like at my college.

>> No.11877937

The same bookmark I got in high school, over 10 years now.

>> No.11877942

those things from bookdepository

>> No.11878008

appointment dates from my psychologist

>> No.11878042


>> No.11878505

a bag of tea

>> No.11878533
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I just stick my dick in it so the book is always conveniently with me

>> No.11878718
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>I can't afford books
>I use my phone

>> No.11878726


>> No.11879104

I remeber the page.

>> No.11879355
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Whichever one they send with the book.

>> No.11879359
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It's hard to find nice bookmarks nowadays. The Tutankhamen one is my favourite, I found it inside a second hand book. The rest I either bought or got for free.

>> No.11879390

dollar bills

>> No.11879476

A piece of torn and folded post-it that's asymmetric enough so that I can intuitively tell which page and line it's pointing to. It's always small enough that it never actually sticks out of the book - even a tiny amount of thickness is enough to always open up to the page with it anyways.

>> No.11879645

a normal one

>> No.11879670

A book mark that I made with notebook paper and tape.

>> No.11879673

appointment slips from my psychiatrist.

>> No.11879701

I don't use a bookmark; I memorize the page placement and simply return through determination.

>> No.11880010


I rip out each individual page and tape them together into one continuous scroll. Then a affix the scroll to the front and rear pegs of my mongoose bike, the paper gliding over the handles, and read on my way to school. Then, when I'm finished school, the part of the scroll I left off reading is still above my handlebars.

>> No.11880271


Spinoza is all stopped-up at work in the break-room cubby and I haven't bothered about it for like two weeks, preferring instead to sketch things on paper while on break. I'll still finish eventually on principle because I'm halfway through, but since the whole thing (Ethics) is clearly wrong it's a real slog. I don't usually bother about marking it since I can generally remember my place.

I have multiple bookmarks from a local communist bookstore, a local occult bookstore, and now that I check the fantasy bookstore where I got a Codex Sephar-whatever-it's-called recently. There is a local bookstore custom about when you make a purchase, they dole one out to you as advertising. My best bookmark is the big proud AKIRA one I got with the manga somehow, long ago. I don't use bookmarks generally, though.

>> No.11880276

I usually use a different bookmark for each book then leave it in their when I'm finished

>> No.11880384

>can read
>cannot remember a a number that is at most four digits long

>> No.11880397
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One of these.

>> No.11880403

I imagine someone who uses these only reads at coffeeshops and talks about how they live at barnes and noble

>> No.11880404

I just read where I think I left off. Sometimes rereading a couple pages to get back into the mindset

>> No.11880410


>> No.11880419

I actually do use toilet paper. Unused of course

>> No.11880422

I jizz on the last page I read.

>> No.11880427

A small piece torn from a cigarette pack. Always at hand.

>> No.11880582

why do I feel like I've seen this happen before even though I shouldn't ever have nor do I recall it happening specifically?

>> No.11880590


>> No.11880594

Now I feel like using one of these ironically.

>> No.11880652

>he doesn't eat the page after reading it
good job not fully absorbing the contents

>> No.11881021

I need these on a shirt

>> No.11881127

Found the female

>> No.11881135

>self portrait doodle I like

>> No.11882086

Big brain

>> No.11882165

Just a folded piece of paper

>> No.11882173

some rectangular piece of paper they use in perfume shops to spray it on to test the scent, it smelled good in the beginning but now it just smells like paper

>> No.11882181

i dont, i leave the book on the ground opened on the page i stop reeading at

>> No.11882200

A folded piece of paper on which I write the new words I'm learning because of my reading.

>> No.11882244

This but I don't want people to laugh at me

>> No.11882293

I unironically bought some bookmarks from Barnes and Noble. There's one with a picture of a sloth on it and it says "hang out and read". It makes me happy.

>> No.11882319

that is a great idea, thanks anon

>> No.11882354
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I use this origami snowflake I like to make.

>> No.11882632


I want to unfold it

>> No.11882640
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i want to stick my dick in that

>> No.11882959

You're welcome; I've been doing it since I was 15, back when I decided that if I wanted to become a writer I'd need to acquire a wider vocabulary.

>> No.11882976

Ta gueule.

>> No.11883038

Cyberpunk times, my friend

>> No.11883120

Some religious guy gave me a bunch of church memorbilia when I used to landscape for free, shit like rosaries, small pamphlets and one was a bookmark that's supposed to look like stainless glass with a pic of baby jesus and st anthony. Its pretty nice desu. What a great guy he was too would tip us like 20 bucks each.

>> No.11883222

trader joe's receipt with a note from my gf on it

>> No.11883231
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A folded A4

>> No.11883291

I want to lick her feet.

>> No.11883299

>being this much of a redditor

>> No.11883301

End your life.

>> No.11883333

I only stop reading once I've finished a chapter, and that's easy to remember.
However for the books that don't have chapters (fucking Discworld comes to mind in particular) I dog ear the page to the line I finished on out of spite.

>> No.11883339

Patrician answers

>> No.11883340

Bookmarks? I do not stop reading, ever. I have two different audio books playing on different ear buds while reading 8 different books through a prism. At the same time I have my servant rub my braille books on my back so I may absorb the contents through touch.

>> No.11883684
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>> No.11883984

He let you keep it?

>> No.11884091


>> No.11884092

Receipts mostly

>> No.11884101

Stop eating at taco bell

>> No.11884113
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A couple one dollar bills I dyed. Here's one.