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11875774 No.11875774 [Reply] [Original]

been lately into movies and music that deal with social isolation and depression.

Not personally depressed at the moment but I enjoy consuming media with such sentiments.

>> No.11875792

What movies? I’ve been searching for some but most I looked up I’ve seen

>> No.11875793

iliad and the Quran

>> No.11875810

From september the ones i liked the most:

>Tony takitani
>Hiroshima mon amour
>Le feu follet
>Lights in the Dusk
>Rebels of the Neon God
>Vive L'Amour

basically anything by Aki Kaurismaki, Tsai Ming-liang, or Louis Malle

>> No.11875855


>> No.11876319

nice contribution there

>> No.11876322

Le Feu Follet is a fantastic film, I wish the novel was translated

>> No.11876324

>Hunger by Knut Hamsun
>Underground Man by Dostoevsky
>Pretty much anything by Garshin
>Ecclesiastes in the Bible

>> No.11876339

>anything by Aki Kaurismaki,


>> No.11876351

hahah i tend to forget about the cowboys.
aki's "finland" trilogy is by far his best work in terms of a balance between comedy and nihilism.

>> No.11876365

my diary desu

>> No.11876390

post it

>> No.11876405


>> No.11876624

Notes from the Underground

>> No.11876671
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I normally don't like romantic movies but this was fantastic

>> No.11876683

>I'm a giga pseud
gotcha. Check out The Anatomy of Melancholy and The Book of Disquiet--safe, critically approved, superficially obscure middlebrow fare that a NYT columnist would give you a celebratory pat on the bottom for reading

Also since you're a criterion drone, try digging around the NYRB Classics imprint--it's like the Pitchfork of books, but still okay to like

>> No.11876691


>> No.11876974


>> No.11877181

exquisite taste my friend.

i will indulge myself with these delightful works while i puff on an aromatic blend off my missouri corncob pipe

>> No.11877387

good post

>> No.11877549

have you seen Oslo, 31. august? it's a modern "remake" of le feu follet

>> No.11877565

Based and bombpilled

>> No.11877575


>> No.11877585

do you post on /fa/ too? About tattoos?
dumb crossposter

>> No.11877602

I, to, enjoy drinking my water distilled in Bolivian wood houses and listening to avante garde fiddle music only from scandinavian eight tracks while I lounge in my couch of african tree leather

>> No.11877634

notes from the underground

the dissected, lonely young-man "meme trilogy" of

>> No.11877680


>> No.11877828


>No Longer Human
>The Book of Disquiet
>Journey to the End of the Night

>Winter Light
>The Silence (1963).. actually, basically anything by Bergman
>Red Desert
>La Notte
>Three Colours: Blue
>Manchester by the Sea

>> No.11877850
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>> No.11877855

I'd add The New York Trilogy by Paul Auster into this as well. It's more private eye/detective based but it deals a lot with isolation

>> No.11877904

it's so depressing

>> No.11879229

What a faggot.

>> No.11879239

Heh hasn't read it, he's a memester.

>> No.11879284

Seul Contre Tous