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11875319 No.11875319 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books that will help me be done with porn once and for all?

>> No.11875327

just keep jerkin until you get a gf. no big deal

>> No.11875334

fuckin none of them dude, lmao'ing @ ur life if u think words on a page are gonna single-handedly deprogram the most primal desire there is, there are monks with a thousand times the spiritual resources you do who still struggle with it, git gud nigger

>> No.11875336
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>> No.11875342

how come when im in a state of continency life is so much better?

>> No.11875343

Hi Bresson-anon. Unironically Plato, namely his teachings on the power of the imagination to lead us astray. The trick is to understand that masturbation is a false sexual experience and for your own sake avoid it and even thinking about sex. I managed to become borderline ascetic after about six months of flying from every sexual thought. It's very doable. Take me, I used to be a daily porn user. Now I've 'relapsed' into 'touching' maybe 3 or 4 times this whole year.

>> No.11875345

because ur not feeding an inner deficiency by squirting your essence at images of inaccessible women

>> No.11875348

t. poorfag

>> No.11875360
File: 1.06 MB, 3313x2392, 2013.05.-Dreyer-Ordet2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the response. Any books in particular?

>> No.11875412

>lmao bro run away from your problems

>> No.11875515

>willfully habituating the vicious cycle of placating lust by giving in to lust

>> No.11875521


>> No.11875522

I suppose the Republic, it's the only one of his works I've read that I can recall talking about the imagination explicitly. My understanding of his doctrine comes from reading secondary literature on him, like Thomas Szlezak's Reading Plato

>> No.11875529

*this doctrine

>> No.11876529

The Confessions of St. Augustine

>> No.11876614

That was good, I'll be checking this guy's website.

As for OP, no book can help you with that. I once stopped for a month before turning crazy and relapsing. That's because the focus is on porn and not on something else. I don't know at which point you can be considered an addict. I consider myself one and I fap once every 2 days.

>> No.11877708

This, if you take it seriously

>> No.11877711

Also any pagan Platonist or Church Father or even midieval theologian

>> No.11877965


Porn is not necessary for jerking off.

>> No.11878858

The problem with porn is not that it exists but that it's not taken seriously enough; that it's so ugly. All you see is ugly models, bad directors, low budgets. But two alpha individuals going at it is an amazing sight, but also one guaranteed to arouse ressentiment to the point of making the spectacle too painful to look at for the majority of viewers. Such a treatment would at any rate raise everyone's copulation standards, which after all is what art is supposed to do. That's why I think that Hollywood should get into the porn business. Remember the latest 300's sex scene? His penis should be going in her vagina, right there, on the silver screen, to really glorify sex, to make people feel bad for sleeping with those beneath them. (Of course if any of this happened, and if women's standards were raised in this way, we'd never hear the end of it from the PUAs. But maybe that would be a hint for us to put an end to them, if you get my meaning, or at least to the uglier among them, which is to say the vast majority of them?)

>> No.11878870

It's a huge deal.
All sexual losses are harmful and reduce your mind into serving base pleasure. It isn't a biological free lunch. It leaves you fatigued tired and only satiates for half an hour. People want to be free of this madness, not switch the hand for a vagina.

>> No.11878876

Incredibly low IQ poster who has never succeeded at mental abstinence.

>> No.11878881

Books are good but books alone won't solve your problems. /lit/ isn't a self help board, I suggest you try >>>/r9k/

>> No.11878898

thats not what he said, what he describes is like he has said "run away from being fat by running" I.E its what you should be fucking doing

>> No.11878905

Don't go there. Bad place filled with licentious speech and lewd videos.
He's asking for books on quitting self abuse which do exist.

>Science discovers the physiological value of Continence
>Plain facts for old and young
>A Treatise on the Cause of Exhausted Vitality: Or, Abuses of the Sexual Function
Crude mechanisms but all have useful advice.

People on that shit board would encourage this vice or give him a book to Dr. Ruth.
It's valid to discuss these topics on /lit/.

Good luck OP. It's more difficult than heroin.

>> No.11878983
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no book will help you with this.
The internet is not the answer to your problems it IS your problem.
throw your laptop out the window.
smash the desktop with a hammer
give your smartphone to a homeless person.

free yourself from the advanced-industrial mind-set

>> No.11879020

Then kill yourself. You've been addicted to sexual gratification since you were born, and REALLY addicted to it since puberty. And unlike external drugs, you can't cure this addiction with abstinence, so find a way of managing it and make peace with that method rather than entertaining bizarre delusions of curing yourself of being human; only death can cure that.

>> No.11879035

Diogenes masturbated in public, and he was a much better thinker than Plato. Trying to conquer your hormones with thought is as arrogant as it is futile.

>> No.11879036

weak souls

>> No.11879037

You're very arrogant to assume your way of life in the age of abundance and immediate gratification is what a human mind is meant to experience.

>> No.11879042

I masturbate once a day and feel zero guilt. Get a real addiction, then we can talk.

>> No.11879095

The reason why so much porn is shit is because most people aren't actually particularly erotic, they're just horny. Most people just want to have a wank and then go back to watching football or whatever. Truly good porn is harder to make without a proportional increase in profit/viewership/esteem, so there's little market for it. We're not getting truly great 3D porn in abundance until there's a substantial cultural shift and couples who post their home movies online are considered just as respectable of celebrities as beloved "serious" actors.

What nonsense are you on about? People have been making porn as long as they've been drawing, painting, and sculpting. Prostitution, both commercial and religious, have been around for millennia. We have been managing our libidos since forever, and sexual gratification is only a scarce commodity during times of plague or under the yoke of totalitarian regimes that reflect a high F-scale civics.

>> No.11879108

>He's asking for books on quitting self abuse which do exist.
I feel dirty just for having read that creepy drivel.

>> No.11879119

>a naked statue or fucking a prostitute is the same as jacking off twice a day to jav midget porn
You used the word addicted and you're being insincere about everything else.

>> No.11879152

If you're hungry, eat. If you're horny, fap.

>> No.11879183

I'm being insincere? Who was it that brought up jav midget porn? Or are you one of those Rashida Jones types that sees porn as some kind of gateway drug to mythological (and fictional) extremes of sexual depravity?
>watch internet porn once and next thing you know you'll never be able to get off to anything less than decapitating and violating little orphan girls
Also, since you completed puberty (if you even have), what's the longest you've gone without having sex or masturbating? Could you, with no more than trivial effort, abstain for the next three decades? You are addicted to sex, which should come as no surprise given that we're a sexually reproducing species.

>> No.11879193


>> No.11879196

No shit.

>> No.11879293

Based Grugposter

>> No.11879350

You continue to assume this addiction to sex is the normal state of humans and not the product of the last thirty years. Of course you have to exert more than trivial effort, because this is how you're programmed to think by everything around you, because it has become obvious how powerful of a tool it is when it comes to influencing people and making them unreasonable. Congratulations, you're literally an NPC.

>> No.11879377

We can all pick our paths. But no nofapper can truly refute this logic.

>> No.11879383

You're also a huge food and oxygen addict

>> No.11879417

I'm fit and I eat junk food very rarely because it tastes disgusting and unnatural, thank you for giving me a good parable to further illustrate my point. Your argument sounds like you're about 18 so I'm sure those aren't your final thoughts on the subject.

>> No.11879494
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>You continue to assume this addiction to sex is the normal state of humans and not the product of the last thirty years.
Yes, masturbating to readily available pornography is totally an invention of the last 30 years. (Never mind for a moment decades of Playboy and other newsstand fap material that used to be sold openly in America. Also ignore that this is still the case in the rest of the world besides a few hyper-muslim shitholes.) The Marquis de Sade and all his thousands upon thousands of cohorts were time travelers sent back to corrupt the past with the mores of the internet age. Same thing with all those smutty Japanese paintings and all the other erotic material produced in droves by every civilization ever. The only reason you can entertain such ignorant notions is that christian prudishness pushed eroticism into the fringes of cultures in the west and missionaries engaged in massive media whitewashing wherever they dragged their dirty feet. Were you brainwashed by christian schools or do you actually choose to be so ignorant?

>> No.11879501

Masturbation only satiates for 30 minutes then you are sex obsessed again.
Abstinence and preventing arousal in the first place is much more peaceful and makes you less horny. People don't practice mental abstinence and still have erotic stimuli in their environment. That's why they think it's an impossible task.

>> No.11879533

more to life than cummies. why you mad at chastebros? relax

>> No.11879595

For me it was realizing the degeneracy I was encouraging by consuming porn. I asked myself "would the world be a better place if no women treated their body as a cheap toy and men stopped believing it was one?" The answer of course being yes, I had to face the fact that I was equally culpable for porn's existence. It made it a lot easier to resist the urge, and now I rarely think of it. It's only occasional relapses every few months rather than once a day like it used to be. Kant's ethical system is actually a pretty good place to ground yourself.

>> No.11879656

Bro, being addicted to sex and liking sex are two different things. He's definitely wrong that sexual addiction is a recent phenomenon, but virtually unlimited pornography certainly isn't helping anyone maintain a healthy sense of sexuality.

>> No.11879719

>Masturbation only satiates for 30 minutes then you are sex obsessed again.
Pretty sure you're just 15 and projecting. I spend around ten minutes a day on average managing my libido; it really doesn't intrude into my daily life, and I spend very little of my day thinking about sex. But if you're constantly stressing about sexuality, trying NOT to think about it, then you'll fail to compartmentalize it and end up perpetually on guard of the devil trying to tempt you or whatever stupidity you religious nuts believe.

>more to life than cummies
Ignoring for a moment that stupid frog posters inevitably entertain stupid frog poster notions of the world, yes, there certainly is. You can be as abstinent as you want, no skin off my back. But when ignorant fundies start spouting bullshit about porn being an addiction (rather than a manifestation of an inherent human addiction), trying to censor art, projecting your own twisted psyches onto everyone else (e.g. Society has become too sexualized! Porn destroys your ability to have healthy relationships! et cetera), or making up creepy bullshit about how masturbation drains a person's "life energy", then you're taking your own personal (and inevitably religious in foundation) beliefs and forcing them on the rest of us. You mind your libido however you want; don't tell me how to mind mine. If you're really serious about abstinence as the only solution to the problem of human libido, just do your parents a big favor and abort yourselves rather than harassing everyone else with these disingenuous charades.

Dear god I hope this is bait.

How many people do you know that are "addicted to sex" beyond what has been average throughout human history? I know none. If anything, bottling up your libido is dangerous. A common feature among sex criminals is less exposure to sexually explicit material than their peers:

>> No.11879728
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I'm an agnostic and largely a materialist and I don't want my life to be controlled by a base instinct that I, in my late youth, perverted and reinforce through my own doing.
The fact that my sexual frequency has only increased with age, is proof that there are behavioral drivers to this.

Your opposition to Christianity is because it gets in the way of your fun time. That's literally it. It's almost laughable. I appreciate the asceticism and self-denial of it, and find it, if anything admirable.

You claim to be superior to them, but you aren't. You're just a bugman controlled by this instinct. Go ahead and watch your 1080p pornography videos and beat it 3+ times a day. In the end, it detracts from life and makes you more miserable. It is a constant source of distraction and drain that undermines one's potential in life. Great men throughout history, long predating Christianity, have sought to overcome this, not be be held captive to it. The Ancient Greek physicians held semen retention to be the ideal state of health and that losses of it were injurious. The Roman Stoics were even more "prudish" than the Christians, with Gaius Musonius Rufus going as far as saying that sex should not be had for recreation, only procreation.

You are insane to think that pornography accessible at a mere mouse click with limitless novel video stimuli is the same as some painting found in the home of the wealth which would have grown old quick as a source for sexual stimulation.

>> No.11879750

>or making up creepy bullshit about how masturbation drains a person's "life energy", then you're taking your own personal (and inevitably religious in foundation) beliefs and forcing them on the rest of us.

sound like a midwit normie trying to force his sterile utilitarian notions of health on those who have done the reading. i've experienced directly for myself what people mean by that "life energy" shit

>> No.11879753

I'm 29 and it's only increased in frequency as I aged.
When I was a teenager, I did it no more than once a week initially. This progressed to once daily by the end of it and by my 20s it was 2 times a day or more.
Libido isn't some mysterious force. It is subject to habituation and behavioral drives as evidenced by deltaFosB induction.

If I indulged at ad libitum today, I would be at 4+ times a day and hornier than I would be were I totally chaste.

This is not even mentioning the physiological toll of the act, including the acute rise of prolactin following sex which immediately has an antagonistic effect on dopamine activity beyond that of the reactionary period (remaining elevated for 16+ hours), suppressed reward/motivation for other activities due to implicating and wasting your dopaminergic system to be focused on carnal activities, and hypofrontality. Your entire mind is wasted because the next orgasmic hit is the main thing occupying it. It's worse than opiates.

>> No.11879778

OP any book that discusses being a responsible man who does his duty in taking a wife who you will care for,and in return give you a son. In that way you'll be using your sexual needs in a productive way. I suggest the book Fathers and Sons.

>> No.11879791
File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-lust-indulged-became-habit-and-habit-unresisted-became-necessity-saint-augustine-76-74-99.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Renounce the flesh. Temper your desires while lessening your appetite. Lessen your labors and remain in your cell. Do this and you will know peace.

>> No.11879800
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>> No.11879807
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>> No.11879811
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>> No.11879825

>An observation. The top guy looks like Dexter, which is good because they are all obviously serial killers. What's the message here? That porn leads to meth?
I know he's just joking but sexual arousal more psychologically stronger than drug urges.
>and that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand

>> No.11879965
File: 227 KB, 1498x469, 2018-10-03 20_16_11-History of masturbation - Wikipedia - Iron.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The fact that my sexual frequency has only increased with age, is proof that there are behavioral drivers to this.
That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. A sample size of two is not evidence of anything. Here's a sample size of 5865:
Or some more specific data:
(These are both from The National Survey of Sexual Health and Behavior.)

Are you sure you two aren't those pent-up would be sex criminals who didn't learn to manage their libidos during puberty and are now one sinful thought away from kidnapping a child?

>The Ancient Greek physicians held semen retention to be the ideal state of health and that losses of it were injurious.
Which ones, exactly? The greeks enjoyed blowing their loads into little boys so much that it became a key phase of aristocratic upbringing, and they drew numerous depictions of men having a wank on their little vase paintings.

>Your opposition to Christianity is because it gets in the way of your fun time.
No, my opposition comes from millennia of intolerance based on the writings of a few jewish sheep fuckers who would denounce and destroy any culture they couldn't pervert to their own brand of tyranny. That they are also insufferable prudes is just one specific manifestation of their barbarism that particularly irks me.

>Great men throughout history, long predating Christianity, have sought to overcome this, not be be held captive to it.
I don't consider a few minutes of my day on average to represent "captivity". You probably spend ten times the psychic energy per day in resisting temptation, whereas I close my curtains for a little bit and then go back to whatever I was doing before. What is your point, even? You think the men who were chaste didn't even masturbate? Of all those famously chaste men throughout history, I can't think of a single one who denounced masturbation, though many denounced relationships with women.

>The Roman Stoics were even more "prudish" than the Christians, with Gaius Musonius Rufus going as far as saying that sex should not be had for recreation, only procreation.
How is that in any way more prudish than the catholic church, which dominated western culture for centuries upon centuries? And it's still far less prudish than the greeks, summerians, babylonians, celts, egyptians, and really everyone else except the muslims and jews. Hmm, kind of makes it seem like the common thread between the abrahamic religions is rabid intolerance of other cultures:

>> No.11879975

>Which ones, exactly? The greeks enjoyed blowing their loads into little boys so much that it became a key phase of aristocratic upbringing, and they drew numerous depictions of men having a wank on their little vase paintings.

cringe and redditpilled

>> No.11880028

You could stop being a faggot and learn some self control.

Youre bored and have made a rather bad habit of fapping eveytime you get 15 mins alone. Go out side and meet a girl. You keep touching yourself because no one else is.

>> No.11880031

Neither of those two studies are longitudinal studies and are useless at observing increased frequency with age, especially among a generation who grew up with limitless novel stimuli able to be indulged upon at any time.
As I said before, the main driver behind sexual frequency is habituation, especially in the population of people who have grown up with readily accessible video pornography. It is a reasonable hypotheses, especially seeing that like almost any other pleasurable behavior, the neurological processes that instill habit (deltafosb induction) still occur.

>> No.11880036

Both are undesirable.

>> No.11880059

OP, if you want motivation to quit jerking off, read this.

>> No.11880203
File: 80 KB, 644x599, science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you can see auras and connect with your chakras, too, but don't expect me to care, dumbass.

Wew, lad. Do you know what else increases prolactin? Eating. And exercise. And that's beside the fact that reduced prolactin levels are just as harmful as raised levels, with such effects as low testosterone, erectile dysfunction, low sperm count, reduced sperm motility, and decreased function of seminal vesicles in men. Maybe the summerians were right? On the other hand, after all these decades of study in various different countries with varying degrees of religious fanaticism, no one has discovered any negative mental or physical repercussion of pornography consumption, internet or otherwise, and not for lack of trying. There's just as much evidence for masturbation causing hairy hands as their is for prolactin burnout or dopamine downregulation from sex, porn, or whatever.
>It's worse than opiates.
Ah yes, please tell me more about something you know nothing about. How many times have you been addicted to opiates, pray tell? (In case you're wondering, only someone who has never been addicted to opiates would say something so stupid.)

THE definitive study on the subject (a very thorough meta-analysis of the research) is titled "Pornography Problems Due to Moral Incongruence: An Integrative Model with a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis".
Here's the media summary, with a choice quote highlighted in pic related:

Of course sexual demand is more robust than drug demand: you need to take drugs to become addicted to them. You're already addicted to sex, and you always will be. It is a basic need of mammals; you wouldn't be reading this if it weren't. The mammalian system is one of addiction, which doesn't mean everything you're addicted to is a dangerous sin that will destroy you if you aren't super super careful not to sin too much.

>> No.11880223

>professing science as dogma
>false equivalency and simplistic understanding of physiology
>dude religion dude!
>presumption after presumption (DUDE wtf, you were never addicted, how could you say something so stupid!)
>"definitive study" (despite it contradicting most cognitive science that hypersexuality is a deleterious behavior.)
Pseud the post.

>> No.11880297

>Neither of those two studies are longitudinal studies and are useless at observing increased frequency with age
If you're a retard. For one thing, internet porn has been easily accessible since the very early nineties, and quite a bit earlier for those who jumped on the internet bandwagon first. The 30-39 group that shows a decrease is masturbation is a generation of men who grew up with internet porn at their fingertips, yet they still masturbate less than the two younger groups. All you're saying is "This data doesn't fit my worldview, therefor I reject it."
>As I said before, the main driver behind sexual frequency is habituation, especially in the population of people who have grown up with readily accessible video pornography.
Yes, you did say that, and yet you've offered no evidence beyond "muh feelings, I know they're right". Why don't you reference some actual data? I provided a national survey with thousands of respondents and a peer-reviewed article by highly respected researchers in the field (including one from the Department of Psychiatry and Biobehavioral Sciences at UCLA), and you offered your unsupported convictions.
>It is a reasonable hypotheses, especially seeing that like almost any other pleasurable behavior, the neurological processes that instill habit (deltafosb induction) still occur.
That is not only a pitifully weak argument, it's genuinely retarded. ΔFosB expression is seen when you exercise, when you laugh, when you read a particularly poetic passage from a book, when you do ANYTHING pleasurable, and yet not all pleasurable activities result in a detrimental positive feedback loops. All you've shown evidence for is that masturbation is pleasurable: No shit, Thinkenstein, that's why people do it.

>> No.11880307

Prayer to the Mother of God and Saint Augustine of Hippo

>> No.11880327
File: 43 KB, 625x297, 2018-10-03 22_51_11-Science Stopped Believing in Porn Addiction, You Should Too _ Psychology Today -.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>professing science as dogma
Actually, I'm supporting an argument with evidence rather than my feelings.
>>false equivalency and simplistic understanding of physiology
Oh? By all means enlighten me. I'm sure you have a very, very nuanced and informed opinion beyond "primal urges aren't the same as addiction cuz i sez so" (but nevermind that they operate on the same endorphin and dopamine pathways, wouldn't want to make a "false" equivalence or oversimplify the physiology that you no doubt are highly educated on).
>>dude religion dude!
Yes, because religious lobbyists have never been known to support shoddy research or use well-respected but morally bankrupt mouthpieces to press their beliefs onto the rest of society. Did you know that the reason why 50% of American males are circumcised is because John Kellogg (of the cereal brand) and other right-wing religious nuts recommended it as a way to curb masturbation?
>>presumption after presumption (DUDE wtf, you were never addicted, how could you say something so stupid!)
Well, if that was your post, have you ever been addicted to opiates? If you haven't, you are arguing from a position of abject ignorance, and you should keep your stupid trap shut.
>>"definitive study" (despite it contradicting most cognitive science that hypersexuality is a deleterious behavior.)
Oh, I'm sorry, I shouldn't have wasted my time since you're such a blithering retard. That study examines whether there is a causal relationship between pornography consumption and subject-perceived morbidity, which can include hypersexuality. It found that the correlating factor with morbidity is moral incongruence with pornography consumption, not pornography consumption itself. That's how meta-analyses work, shit-for-brains. And you're calling me a pseud? Don't ever reply to me again, imbecile.

>> No.11880667

>ignorant fundies start spouting bullshit about porn being an addiction (rather than a manifestation of an inherent human addiction), trying to censor art, projecting your own twisted psyches onto everyone else (e.g. Society has become too sexualized! Porn destroys your ability to have healthy relationships! et cetera)

>then you're taking your own personal (and inevitably religious in foundation) beliefs and forcing them on the rest of us.

>You mind your libido however you want; don't tell me how to mind mine

You are so mad holy shit

>> No.11880677

Nigga, you are arguing with a person who nonironically recommended Kellog ITT. Let that sink in. He's in every thread like this. Guess that nofap energy is put to a productive use lol.

>> No.11880684
File: 200 KB, 1200x1200, 1200px-13323-Will_Self_Reading_-1660-Edit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the lengths people will go to to defend their ejaculatory privileges.....

>> No.11880742

Ugh, I don't know the titles of Kellogg's moral panic and castration porn rags so I didn't even realize.

>> No.11880887

Porn addiction comes from resentment. Self-conscious about yourself. It's a form of masochism.

Our design necessitate an addiction to sex. The last thirty years simply exposed it in a more grotesque way.

>> No.11880890

>A picture of the naked human body in a book is the same as millions of videos on the internet available at any time. Then some further justification of his addiction.
The brainwashed person here is you and it's scary how unreceptive you are. Erotic material does not equal hardcore pornography readily available you lunatic.

Pull yourself together man.

>> No.11880898

It does insofar as it happens naturally and this would be called a biological imperative and not an addiction, which I'm trying to explain to the porn-zombie itt. However it becomes an addiction when the stimuli you normally receive only occasionally are presented to you readily literally all the time. Then it becomes a vicious cycle, like any addiction. Just because people are susceptible to it doesn't make it normal. It's like saying the problem Americans have really exposed that opioid addiction people have.

>> No.11880904

>you have to eat so it's fine to consume 40000 calories of junk food a day its part of being human bro

>> No.11880916

>Our design necessitate an addiction to sex
You don't seem to understand what an addiction is. By that local, our design necessitates an addiction to food, but by addiction to food you simply mean a requirement for food.

>> No.11881010

>Porn addiction comes from resentment. Self-conscious about yourself. It's a form of masochism.
Yes, and it also leads to hairy palms and venereal diseases. There is no such thing as porn addiction. See https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/women-who-stray/201808/science-stopped-believing-in-porn-addiction-you-should-too

Do you even know anything about Fanny Hill or de Sade's writings? They are hardcore porn. Even if they weren't (which they most certainly are), care to cite a single source of empirical data that demonstrates a detrimental effect from consuming pornographic videos?
>Pull yourself together man.
Great argument. You really convinced me of your position with that.

>It does insofar as it happens naturally and this would be called a biological imperative and not an addiction
You won't die from lack of sex. Food and water are biological imperatives for the individual organism, sex is not. Nor is there anything beyond religious prudery in the statement "insofar as it happens naturally"; sex is natural but masturbation isn't? Chimps, dogs, and tons of other animals do it, but is it only "natural" for non-humans?
>However it becomes an addiction when the stimuli you normally receive only occasionally are presented to you readily literally all the time.
What the fuck do you mean by "normally" and "literally all the time"? Is a man who sleeps with his wife every night a sex addict? No? So why is someone who watches porn three times a week for ten minutes at a time an addict, but the guy receiving much more sexual stimulation (visual AND tactile) not an addict? And would you care to cite any empirical data for this "vicious cycle" phenomenon you posit? All you're doing is offering the same puritanical convictions without a shred of evidence to support them. The absolute bare minimum you should have the decency to do is show that people masturbate more now that internet porn is available in order to support the idea of it being addictive. Of course, even this most basic step you cannot perform because your worldview is based on moral puritanism, not reason nor evidence.

Did I ever remotely imply that you should indulge your urges, sexual or otherwise, as much as possible or any more than is necessary not to be constantly distracted by them just because they're inevitable? Learn to read, retard.

Eating can be very pleasurable even when you've taken in more calories than you need. Just because something is necessary for survival doesn't mean it can't also be pleasurable and addictive. You've heard of bulimia, right?

>> No.11881064


>> No.11881083

It's a mass media summary of an academic publication, retard. If you're too stupid or lazy to actually read through the results, you've no basis for complaint nor should your crippled mind be voicing its uninformed opinions.

>> No.11881208

Not how it works, sadly

>> No.11881251

absolute blackpill here

>> No.11881309

no one cares about your studies or what the men in white labcoats have to say

>> No.11881350

Maybe you're right, but we certainly don't care about what a bunch of sexually frustrated bible thumpers think of our taste and proclivity for porn. You're on a site that from its inception has welcomed erotic stimulation, both of the anime and 3DPD variety. Go to reddit or the jezebel comments section if you want to rail about the threat and sin of internet porn. The rest of us don't give a fuck about what you hicks think other than that you not constantly preach about your stupid "life energy" and "vitality" bullshit. There are plenty of websites and forums that don't require you to be >18 years old, so go there if evidence of human sexuality is too much for you to handle; you sure as fuck have nothing material to add to any discussion on the topic.

>> No.11881736

In the field of sexology which has long parted wages with medicine and has the asinine assumption that sex acts are a biological free lunch. They aren't. There is a toll to be paid for doing it like almost any other thing you do.

>> No.11881762
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(old post)
People who assert that sex and everything relating to it is "harmless" rely on all of the following when confronting evidence to the contrary:
1. Naturalistic Fallacy (it's natural dude!)
2. Freudian reasoning (dude, repression dude!)
3. Appeal to ignorance (well dude, no studies exist so looks like I'm right!)
4. Straw man arguments (le current year/dude you won't get hairy palms :D)

Looking back, we see that the old research, while crude in it's understanding and attribution of exact mechanistic cause, it nonetheless, appeals to medicine and physiology. The counter research of it's day and carrying over to "present research", is far divorced from this, and rather than doctors and men of science studying the field, it is conducted by sham experts with degrees in the social sciences. The fact is, your emperors promulgating this "present research" have no clothes.
Case in point, Dr. Ruth. She is not a physician as her name implies but holds a terminal degree in teaching. Yet, she plays the role of an expert on all matters regarding sex and holds the notion that it is harmless.

In fact, if we look at the present research from neurology and endocrinology journals, we see that the sex act triggers a profound response in the body, beyond what anyone could have imagined (rises of "prolactin", hypofrontality, habituation, etc).
The 300+ years of research showing the negative effects of the sex act cannot be neglected or swept under the rug with such simpleton assertions. It's time we drop the charade of the sexual revolution and reexamine the hypotheses put forth by physicians and scientists of old.

>> No.11881763

always fun to post thinkers you don’t understand to associate yourself with intellect you do not possess.

>> No.11881764


Here is some science for you basedboy

Animal studies:

>Increased estrogen receptor alpha immunoreactivity in the forebrain of sexually satiated rats.

>Sexual behavior reduces hypothalamic androgen receptor immunoreactivity.

>Pharmacological and physiological aspects of sexual exhaustion in male rats.

Human studies:
>Endocrine response to masturbation-induced orgasm in healthy men following a 3-week sexual abstinence.

>A research on the relationship between ejaculation and serum testosterone level in men.

>Testosterone levels in women and men who are single, in long-distance relationships, or same-city relationships.

>> No.11881777
File: 138 KB, 900x750, 1526436043267.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>y-you don't understand him!

>> No.11881781

Here are some to add.

>Brain structure and functional connectivity associated with pornography consumption: the brain on porn.
Shows a loss of gray matter in the right caudate of the striatum from pornography indulgence.

>Pornographic picture processing interferes with working memory performance.

>Craving Responses to Methamphetamine and Sexual Visual Cues in Individuals With Methamphetamine Use Disorder After Long-Term Drug Rehabilitation.
"that sexual demand might be more robust than drug demand"

>> No.11881784

You don’t understand pythagoras and are using him as a moral club for your own purposes, citing passages isn’t understanding, neither is repetitious explication. You’re already setting up a double for you to shadow box with and all ive done is ask you to show what you have created instead of clinging to dead people’s ideas. What do you have?

>> No.11881785

Why are you trying to quote a man who did not write a single book in his time, and whose shenanigans weren't written about until hundreds of years later?

>> No.11881797

Realize that you're watching porn, because you're too much of a coward to approach women and/or to live an interesting life.
See if you can still enjoy it then.

>> No.11882489


>> No.11883206

Actually, no one cares what fundy retards make up out of whole cloth to support their primitive and backwards worldview. If you have nothing to add to the conversation other than ignorance and moral convictions, save it for your church group. No one outside of it gives a fuck about your bible stories and pre-literate superstitions.

Could you cite something to support your arguments, perhaps an empirical study in the fields of endocrinology or neurology to support your puritanical assumptions? That there are observable effects in the brain of sexual stimulation should come as no surprise to anyone who isn't a fucking retard. Instead, show me evidence of how there is no "free lunch" to orgasms in comparison to, say, running a mile. They're both going to create changes in the organism, but if you don't have any evidence to suggest these changes are detrimental, then fuck off to your bible study.

>The 300+ years of research showing the negative effects of the sex act cannot be neglected or swept under the rug
And what research is that? Cite studies with control groups that demonstrate negative effects on health or livelihood, not lobbyist propaganda.

Oh dear, here comes Mount Stupid. What do you think any of those studies show, exactly? An endocrine mediated process that orginates and ends with brain stimulation is—STOP THE FUCKING PRESS—going to show up as changes in the brain and endocrine system. No fucking shit, braniac. You're also going to see a similar class of changes if you examined the effects of watching a funny show, going for a jog, eating a piece of chocolate (or anything else, for that matter), or reading a fucking book. We can actually see the effects of neurological stimulation and hormonal fluctuation in someone's brain and hormones??? Whoa, dude. That's like, heavy, man.

>> No.11883668

Writes a lot. Says very little.

>> No.11883828
File: 231 KB, 2048x1127, proxy.duckduckgo.com.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Gawain and the Green Knight
>Lord of the Rings
>Don Quixote (humor is a way to enter into seriousness)
>The Gospels
>the story of the Buddha

What all of these have in common is a representation of the Blessed Virgin, the pure ideal of Woman untouched and unspoiled by man, that is, by your lust and animal nature. Once you realize her as your Queen, radiating with effortless beauty and grace, soft yet powerful in her splendor, you will feel all of your sins as a disgrace and mockery of the Good and Pure, most of all your incontinence. You will know that your self-gratification is a betrayal of your duty and service to others and a gross and shameful negligence in the fight against evil. You may laugh at this, but the entire tradition of chivalry, and much of literature (Dante, Dostoevsky, Goethe) have, at least partially been inspired by this ideal, and you can find many instances, modern and ancient of personal experiences with the Blessed Mother (Father Lazarus being a modern example). This figure indicates not a mere concept but a real experience which every man who is not a complete savage has felt to some degree in his lifetime, whether or not he is aware or has give it more than a superficial thought.

Sadly, none of this is possible until you have a real, direct vision or experience of the Blessed Virgin. Until this happens you will pray in word only, without feeling or true devotion, and when you look at images or think upon the Holy Mother, you will see but lack understanding. Nonetheless you must pray and you must think upon her. You already know that it is a disgrace and a stain upon your own heart to sin in such an egregious manner, but until you feel and know that you, as long as you are alive, that you are free to give your heart to the sweet and sacred Virgin in perfect chastity and devotion, you will not overcome lust and know true passion and faithful love. The Servants of God are but few and far between but the true knighthood is the highest calling in life and the way of true manhood, perfect balance, and the overcoming of the world.

I wish you strength in your fight against this menace of the flesh.

>> No.11884110

What your falacies, m'lady

>> No.11884992

Writes a little, says nothing.

>> No.11885748

>I wish you strength in your fight against this menace of the flesh.
Was (is?) this blessed virgin not a piece of flesh? Didn't her daddy put his cock in mommy and fill mommy's slimy hole with ball snot to conceive her? Why is this blessed virgin always conceived of as a pretty maiden? Aren't you just transferring your flesh worship onto a "sinless" idol so that you can have your cake and eat it too? Wouldn't a decrepit old spinster with a huge grey bush of pubic hair be better? Wouldn't conquering the "menace of the flesh" mean not indulging in it at all? That means you exist because your parents failed, right? So shouldn't you correct their mistakes by necking yourselves?

Food for thought.