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/lit/ - Literature

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11874899 No.11874899 [Reply] [Original]

What are some /lit/erary jobs apart from being a librarian?

>> No.11874905

being a writer, pussy

>> No.11874912

I've already failed being a writer. Anything else?

>> No.11874923

you haven't failed as a writer until you've committed suicide

>> No.11874978

>implying this isn't succeeding as a writer

>> No.11874994

Night guard at some place that's closed during the night. You'll have so much spare time at work you won't know what to do with it.

>> No.11875001

I actually followed a (don’t laugh) fanfiction author who did this to write. It’s always seemed like a kind of nice idea, but I assume the pay would be shit.

>> No.11875013

Around here it's minimum wage and working the night shit for a long time leaves you funny in the head.

>> No.11875021

Pick one.
Librarians are some of the least literature minded people in the world.
They are posers and pseuds. They deserve no respect. Especially in 2018. Most are SJW "save our libraries" sort of brainlets. Community libraries are wretched places where homeless people and child molesters converge to do anything but read. It would be cheaper to buy everyone an ereader than to continue the community library system where billions of tax dollars are inefficiently wasted year in and year out. I went to two local libraries as a kid. The selection was worse than my elementary school's library. It was crap then. They're crap now. Anyone who claims these inspire reading are sorely mistaken. They inspire pseuds and posers. I recall some news story on a negro child bragging about reading so much. She was not intelligent. I saw though the charade moments into the piece. The mother and daughter just checked books out and pretended to read them to gain social approval. Thats it. Better to have illiterates than pseuds.

>> No.11875062

>Better to have illiterates than pseuds.


>> No.11875076

Provost of Kings College, Cambridge

>> No.11875103


>> No.11875113

Journalist or essayist.

>> No.11875461
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>It would be cheaper to buy everyone an ereader than to continue the community library system where billions of tax dollars are inefficiently wasted year in and year out.
Nah, I grew up on a block with a library chartered by pic related and it had books you'd never find digitally. Oldest library in the state, some really neat stuff in there.

>> No.11875466


>> No.11875470

art/museum curator

>> No.11875475

failed writers become screenwriters

>> No.11875484

Well, that's cool. I doubt the "you would never find digitally" part though.

>> No.11875493

I used to work a job like that, protecting a gov building in aus. 4 days on 4 days off, 12 hour shifts. Pay was like $1400 a week before tax, $1000+ after. I wish I was still doing it honestly nothing has come close to making me be such a good writer

>> No.11875511
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>I doubt the "you would never find digitally" part though.
There's some really ancient historical volumes in there, some from the early 1500s. Whether or not the average person would consider them important is another matter, though, but there is significant historical value. I am sure there are regular books that have been lost to time as well. Plenty of things slip through the cracks.

>> No.11875512

Not that guy, but really? There's countless old and rare books that will never be digitized (because there's no demand for them), and there are many books that you can get from a library that you can't find online without paying.

>> No.11875553
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People who think the world is a utilitarian game of maximizing their tax dollars' efficiency should be shot
The most boomer mentality physically possible

>> No.11875561

Yeah, you're right. I said something stupid.

>> No.11875629

Let me tell you,
It sure as hell ain't retail.

>> No.11875631


>> No.11875664

Soldier or marine.

>> No.11875669

sucking cock

>> No.11875677

computer programmer

>> No.11875682


>> No.11875699

Let's put is into perspective:
Dostoyevsky was in his early 20s when he made his name but he quickly ruined his own reputation and at times felt like you do now.
But by the time he hit 50, he had written some of the most famous and widely respected works in literature. Not in his time mind, oh yes, they were received much better than most writer's could still hope for but it's really beyond a writer's own lifetime that they "make" it as a writer.
Don't lose heart on writing, think not of the material present. Strive for integrity in your work and ignore the naysayers, and then let time do the rest.

>> No.11875702
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Diarist desu

>> No.11875703

chemical engineering

>> No.11875900

I worked in a hotel for several months. It was nice. Intellectually stimulating, gave lots of opportunities to be exposed to lots of different people and lots of different languages. Night shift if the best. Spent hours just reading, cleaned toilets, read more. Good times.

>> No.11875908


>> No.11875909

Being a psychologist

>> No.11876112

Did you serve? Thinking of joining the NZSAS and continuing with my studies afterwards but doubt that will happen

>> No.11876147

literally the opposite

>> No.11876228

and now?

>> No.11876232

being a lawyer
does this really bother you? amidst the rest of the board. retard faggot. im a lawyer you're probably a piece of shit.

>> No.11876247

this is MAYBE true of librarians in public libraries, but university, technical, and state libraries exist as well, and the librarians there tend toward a slightly higher caliber

>> No.11876256

Dostoevsky also spent 4 years in a Siberian prison and then 6 years in forced military service idk what you're trying to say with this post

>> No.11876738

You can do letter writing or some shit. Of course you'll probably hate it though.

>> No.11876773

Good literature is rarely written by or about people whose professions were directly related to literature as an art form.

>> No.11876776

A doctor

>> No.11876779


>> No.11876861

>libraries are a waste of tax dollars
So these are the people who post on /lit/ in 2018.
Good job killing 4chan guys, we made it.

>> No.11876926

Which is why Gass is so shit.

>> No.11876970

Community libraries absolutely are a waste. Even if they were tax positive, they would still be a drain because they're just disgusting places for homeless people to jack off in current year.
They do not inspire reading and often the selection of books there, in addition to being extremely subpar, is biased.
The only children who unironically feel inspired by them are low IQ idiots who wouldn't know what a good book was if it came up and bit them in the face. It bestows a false sense of intelligence in them, and arrogance.

The "I'm really smart because I go to the library :D" little shits.
The ones who go on to become undergrads and profess themselves off as being "smart" and "scientists" and go to #MarchForScience rallies.

Giving an imbecile knowledge is like giving a beggar a gun. Nothing good can come of it. In their hands, it's dangerous. Not that it makes them think, but that it pollutes and poisons intellectual discourse. They are given a narrative and they run with it no matter how totally wrong they are.

>> No.11877109

jesus christ, you sound like someone who gets rejected from community college because the adcom can smell your room through the internet

>> No.11877116

Get a load of this guy

>> No.11877117

You clearly don't understand the role of libraries or how taxes work.
But I'm not reading more buzzword-laden lunatic ramblings so don't bother. At least the words SJW/pedo/negro don't pop up unironically as the crux of your latest one lmao, keep up the improvement and you might be considered a human being at some point

>> No.11877124

What is the role of a library then?

>> No.11877125 [DELETED] 
File: 108 KB, 880x1360, GoToWork.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where can I download this? For free ofc

>> No.11877129

to trigger autists such as yaself yaboi

>> No.11877141

Autists are those who go to the community library. Sound people go to large libraries where rare texts are stored or bookstores.
Community libraries are pointless.

>> No.11877149

>what is the role of a library?
>autists...comunity library
>sound people...large libraries
the goalposts are dizzying!

>> No.11877165

Being a teacher, maybe.
Teaching about literature, specially.

>> No.11877170

>community libraries are absolutely are a waste
>you clearly don't understand the role of libraries
>what is the role of a library?
>autists...comunity[sic] library
>sound people...large libraries
>the goalposts are dizzying!
Clearly they are for you.

>> No.11877171


>> No.11877184

the edgiest post currently on 4chan, grats.

>> No.11877245

Solitary Night Shift Worker

>> No.11877408

Work in publishing somewhere, like editing.

I’m a legislative editor. Not really /lit/, but I have a shit-ton of free time to write and read outside of sessions.

>> No.11877417

this and 10 times this

>> No.11877422
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Civil servant, so you don't have to actually do much work and can read and write all day.

In some countries, like in Southern Europe and Latin America, life as a civil servant is basically life as a remunerated NEET.

>> No.11877423

Wtf I love pointless spending now

>> No.11877425

copywriter for an ad agency

>> No.11877777

No, I just like reading war memoirs.

>> No.11877808

You haven’t succeeded at being a writer until you’ve committed life enhancing measures?

>> No.11877947

my point was that you cannot be a successful writer if you have quit before writing anything worthwhile and are dead. it's a different story if you have already written a great work. (imagine if joyce left thousands of pages of notes for finnegans wake)

>> No.11877956

Graveyard shift stocking shelves anywhere

>> No.11877969

literary agent

>> No.11877973

Speaking of graveyards; I work at a morgue and probably spend half my time doing fuckall, which means I can read plenty during work hours.

>> No.11877986

definitely not whatever the fuck it is I'm doing

>> No.11878194

i work as an editor and an obituary writer in a newspaper. it feels like mining in a mmorpg, but i have a lot of free moments to read or write or whatever. actually i've had some really good revelations about the novel i'm working on while staring blindly at the computer screen after 6+ hours of being here. i just long for isolation.

>> No.11878668
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>> No.11879316

this is the only correct answer

>> No.11879408

A viable carreer path for non monolinguals is being a translator. Not even need to be in writing when the market sours.
My friend works at an MLB club translating shit from English to Japanese

>> No.11879451

How much money he make?

>> No.11879472

Every male librarian i've seen is a physical abomination.

>> No.11879516

This is true. The trash that currently fills the shelves in your average library can only be traced to the disgusting mediocrity of the common man and especially the common or even the above average woman. Better to keep most of the population illiterate and leave the libraries undisturbed by filth so that intelligent males actually have a place to exist in relative peace. Subsequently these intelligent men, having come to the ripening of their knowledge will pay the rabble back tenfold by public speaking or developing the infrastructure of society. Everybody wins and single moms are unable to make a mockery of humanity by establishing useless "children's corners" or "young adult" sections in libraries.

>> No.11879517


>bastions of human civilization and knowledge are a waste of tax dollars

you are the worst type of person, have some pride you fuck

>> No.11879521

Local libraries aren't something to take pride in.

>> No.11879764


I was a bouncer in college and it exposes you to so much shit you probably wouldnt see regularly. Ugliness comes in all ages, races, classes.

>> No.11879799

Last job I had was office building. Worked 8 hours a day proofreading for a computer program being developed by a fruit named company... can’t tell you what it is (at least, without getting sued), but the program rhymes with “Miri” and attracts the mental dredges of humanity like moths to light.
Anyways, this is common knowledge, at least, it’s in the 500 page contract you signed when you downloaded the thing, everything you say around this program is recorded and stored in a data base. EVERY. SINGLE. THING. I went through this data and proofread it 8 hours a day,5 days a week.
Didn’t last long at that company, only a few months, but by god wasnit eye opening. Horrible working conditions, windowless basement room of a chic millennial office building, but eye opening.

Now I’m working through a certification program to work with little autistic kids. At least it’s not office building work. I’d really like to go back to working nights at some hotel though. That was a cool job. Never ending stream of pussy and downtime. Paid like shit but so many benefits.

>> No.11879963

I think in the next twenty years people are going to recoil with horror at the idea of people loving tech like Siri and Alexa. Our kids are going to have a hard time believing we were ever that fucking stupid, and rightfully so.
What's your work with the kids gonna be like? My sister teaches 5th grade for special ed kids and it sounds like a thankless overwhelming hell I could never handle.

>> No.11880105

I hop libraries to study just to get a different experience, lets say about 10 different ones rotating between 3 really nice ones, and I have to say Im real jealous to what libraries have become for kids. lots of skills, book clubs, STEM club stuff, cooking classes, tutoring, and field trip type stuff happens their that I would have like to have done as a kid. For seniors they got computer classes, english classes, book clubs, sewing classes, dancing etc

its pretty heart warming to see the mentally retarted kids take field trips here to read or be on the computer or at the very basic just practice their social skills with library patrons.

the "im smart I go to a library" people dont exist. I wont deny theirs occasional riff raff, but they keep to themselves and half the type their at least doing something productive like reading or applying for jobs online.

>> No.11880110

Im not so sure most male librarians are very howdy-doody white older eccentric guys.
although ive seen the occasional ponytail.

>> No.11880175

Being a professional audiobook narrator must be fucking cool.

>> No.11880192

>bastions of human civilization and knowledge
>community libraries
top kek.
more like cesspoles of filth and homeless semen.

>> No.11880201

Why’re you guys hating on libraries now? You can get literally any book you want from there. If they don’t have it at your local library then they’ll gladly have it sent over from a bigger one within the week. And if it’s a newer book that no library has, they’ll happily buy it and make it available for free to the public. Some next level haters on this board.

>> No.11880215

not to mention they have a fuck ton of manga if your into that. they even rent videogames and movies these days.
ppeople are haters

>> No.11880231

It depends on the library. My hometown library was filled with homeless and shit selection of books for adults, library I live near now is amazing. I have a year long pass to access the Stanford library too and as a history buff it's a dream come true, so many older works that haven't been digitilized are just stuffed in the endless rooms there

>> No.11880234

We never liked them.
Reddit loves em.

>> No.11880239


>> No.11880286

I don’t know. Wish I could be that optimistic, but I fear the next generation is gonna be even worse. Almost unanimously among the under five year old crowd there seems to be an unwritten consensus that programs like Siri and Alexa are human beings, and they are addressed as such. If I was a smarter man I’d speculate on that.

Autism looks pretty fun. Force some unresponsive kid to do the same task over and over. The same small section of a task. Then the tap on then off, 20 maybe 30 times, eventually they’ll learn to wash their hands. They do it right and give them a cookie. Repeat till they can function. Used to teach at a high school and I did some work with developmentally challengeds. It was repetitive and crushing but someone has to do it and I can set flexible hours. Besides, something about getting in a little child’s head excites me intellectually.

What do you do? If you don’t mind me asking.

>> No.11881372
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I can't tell if you're shitposting or if you are an idiot.

>> No.11881706

I hope you are Nip, translators should be natives of the language they translate into.

>> No.11882267

>translators should be natives of the language they translate into.
Other way around, bub.

>> No.11882465

rare post

>> No.11882503

>Going full kindle
>Thousands of public domain classics for free
>One single book

Based friendposter

>> No.11883327

Marrying an old women and living of her inheritance.

>> No.11883334

Pick one and only one.

>> No.11883386

fucking state of the US. Even my shitty rundown hometown in Northern England has a decent library

>> No.11883495

wealthy scion

>> No.11883509

I've seen a male librarian who was 6'2 and built like a brick shithouse

>> No.11883718

He either lives in bumfuck nowhere or he’s lying. I live in the US and put like 5 books on hold yesterday at my local library (which is pretty small). One of them is ready for pick up and the other 4 are in transit, all within a day. The library system here is fucking amazing. Also I did this all online in like 5 minutes.

>> No.11884028

I recently got hired at popular book store chain I get a discount on books and coffee so that's cool

>> No.11884073

Go to bed Saul.

>> No.11884126

There will always be value in archival and research libraries, sure. The public should have access to them. But your average homeless shelter/preteen free-daycare-with-a-PS4 doesn’t house anything that couldn’t be found online.