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11874367 No.11874367[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I’m about to drink coffee black for the first time

wish me luck /lit/

>> No.11874368

How are you making it? French press? Pre-ground or do you have a grinder?

>> No.11874370

Nescafe blend 43

>> No.11874373

>Nescafe blend 43
Kill yourself

>> No.11874378
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good thread

>> No.11874404

>tfw only ever drink shitty gas station black coffee that looks like gutter water and tastes like ash
Is there a more /lit/ drink?

>> No.11874414
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good luck

just try some better stuff next time

>> No.11874500

>not buying your coffee exclusively from Orthodox monks

>> No.11874505

Did this for the first time Spring sem exam week Junior year when I was 20. Was up for two days (which I needed to be). Good luck!

>> No.11874509

Dude I drink black coffee every day. Oh and I also drink black tea every day. It doesn't ecwn affwcr mw ar all. Dronk it every day. Coffee and twa is good ro srinkcxz

>> No.11874513

I remember a thread here about a guy that drank something like 60 cups of coffee a day.

>> No.11874538

that was Balzac, anon.

>> No.11874612
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>Nescafe blend 43

Why the everloving fuck would you eat that shit as your first black coffee

>> No.11874621

i have a constant stream of black coffee in my face at all times, welcome to addiction, OP

>> No.11874635

I quit coffee. one of the best decisions I've ever made, bros.

>> No.11874646
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>gradually start drinking more and more coffee
>don’t drink it one day
>massive headache that persisted throughout the entire day and into the next one
Haven’t missed a day since. W-what do I do lads?

>> No.11874651

>not making your own ersatz from kitchen scavenge

>> No.11874653
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>> No.11874654

caffeine withdrawal is terrible. you could wean yourself gradually, or just suffer for 2-3 days as the demons leave your body.

>> No.11874655

Stop now. Caffeine addiction is a serious thing

>> No.11874657

pray globalism doesn't fail?

>> No.11874664

Keep drinking coffee

>> No.11874665

better switch to heroin

>> No.11874667

Based, nothing more then pretentious coffee fags

>> No.11874668

Include me in the screencap

>> No.11874793

The best way to quit is to be a man, get angry, and quit all at once. Pop a few Tylenols and deal with the massive headaches which will last for two or three days. If you try to get cute and ween yourself off slowly all your doing is prolonging your suffering. Instead of a few days of pain it'll last for weeks and you'll probably fail and start drinking again.

>> No.11874989

>tfw buy the $1 coffee from 7-11 and it tastes pretty good

>> No.11874995

>they hasn't taken the Mccormick's pill
purge yourself every now and then when priorities are lower, use ibuprofen or acetaminophen to lower headache, don't use both at the same time but usually one works better for different people

>> No.11875015

holy shit are you me just made myself the same thing and came across this thread.

>> No.11875032

I talked to a guy the other day who was a regional superintendent of a McCormicks distribution plant. He would be the one to sign the drafted orders for more parts/machinery worth tens of thousands of dollars.

Pretty cool talking to him

>> No.11875041

Confession time.

I hate people who don't drink coffee black.
The sweeter the beverage, the deeper my hatred.
Extra hatred points for people who don't drink hot beverages at all.

>> No.11875046

When I was working in the trades, if someone was home while we were working they'd always offer us coffee or tea, but in my country that means instant coffee or a tea bag so I'd always ask for a glass of water. People seemed weirded out by that.

>> No.11875048

i prefer lighter roasts with fruity aromas and an acidic bite. the kind of stuff that is grown at high altitude to reduce myotoxin content . then i mix it with mct oil and cacao powder and drink it fast. my second cup is just black, after which i take an l theanine supplement so i dont get the jitters. the result is a smooth caffeinated high

>> No.11875051

what's wrong with tea bags?

>> No.11875056

t. bugman

>> No.11875058

Fair enough in this case. At least it isn't a pathological aversion to hot drinks. It's just a question of quality for you.

>> No.11875060

A meme.

>> No.11875065


>> No.11875088

caring about coffee is pretentious

>> No.11875095

I have drank coffee all of maybe 3 times in my life, ama

>> No.11875096
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good thread. i'm listening to a WWII audiobook now. shame the people back then still drank mostly terrible ground coffee from those tins.

>> No.11875102

T. Keurig with two Splendas + milk drinking brainlet.

>> No.11875104

t. addict

>> No.11875106

and yet you're still here

>> No.11875107

Day 12 of no caffeine here. Only fags need caffeine for energy. AMA.

>> No.11875108

I hate people like you.

>> No.11875117

Caffeine only gives energy to NPCs.
Real people can drink coffee or a red bull and sleep afterward still.

>> No.11875120

how's your sleep schedule? do you nap?

>> No.11875121

Other way round

>> No.11875126

>he hasn't achieve complete control over his body

>> No.11875138

I make a point of not drinking it every day so I don't become addicted and I don't develop a tolerance. That way I can drink two or three cups whenever I'm tired and need to stay awake for whatever reason, and it's very effective.

>> No.11875145

No naps. I take 5mg of melatonin a 9 PM every day and fall asleep somewhere between 10-10:30. I wake at 7-9 AM (depending on the day). I take the melatonin because it helps me keep a stable sleeping routine, which helps me keep stable energy, which means I've minimized my desire for coffee. Coffee is a vicious cycle: you sleep bad, you drink coffee to wake up and get going, the coffee spikes you adrenaline (which should never really happen unless you're about the fight or something), and then you sleep worse than you should because of the coffee and then need the coffee.

Biggest thing I've noticed is that I have more dreams. This is just because coffee can inhibit your REM cycle somewhat. So I sleep better and deeper now (hands down the best benefit is improved sleep).

>> No.11875154

> 10-10:30. I wake at 7-9 AM

Holy fuck. You sleep for 9 - 11 hours? You are worse than the coffeefags, you waste away your whole life sleeping

>> No.11875155

>tfw quit nicotine and caffeine cold turkey at the same time after 4 years continuous use
I was a ball of raw fucking anger for a week but the withdrawals eventually subsided for the most part and I feel much better because of it. It's worth it, vices are a fucking meme.

>> No.11875203

Maybe you're right. Maybe I should cut back on some sleeping. I'll think about it. I'd say somewhere between 8-9 hours is my average and 11 maybe once a week. I could probably bring it down. 7-8 is normal for an adult right?

>> No.11875208

Even that’s a bit high, growing up you should’ve gotten 8 hours but when you’re a full grown adult you can get by with less.

>> No.11875221

Around 8 is fine. You should check out sleepyti.me. You can tell it when you're going to bed or when you want to wake up and then it'll give you a list of times in which you should wake up for optimal rests. It takes the average length of most peoples REM cycles and gives you a time in between them so you don't wake up feeling groggy. I think they recommend 4-5 cycles of sleep which comes out to 7 and a half hours up to nine and a half hours for optimal rest.

>> No.11875236

If you ever wondered what shit tastes like, just blast one in the mug before having a sip.