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/lit/ - Literature

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11874324 No.11874324 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw reading aristotle
>tfw reading kant
>tfw reading hume
>tfw reading husserl
>tfw reading betrand russell
>tfw reading habermas
>tfw reading marx
>tfw aquinas

>> No.11874347
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>tfw reading plato
>tfw reading heraclitus
>tfw reading nietzsche
>tfw reading spinoza
>tfw reading heidegger
>tfw not reading any analytic autist
>tfw reading deleuze
>tfw reading gramsci
>tfw reading descartes

>> No.11874376

>tfw reading your shitty thread

>> No.11874385

Stay mad

>> No.11874518

lol fag. OP is just a fucking pseud

>> No.11874537

Nice gyno fag

>> No.11874541
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>tfw reading marx

>> No.11875274

How do you read Aquinas? You can't read a town dumbass

>> No.11875354

A Brief History of Philosophy

1. Socrates deletes his account.
2. Plato posts screenshots of Socrates.
3. Aristotle unfollows Plato.
4. Aquinas retweets Jesus.
5. Descartes mutes Aquinas.
6. Locke mutes Descartes.
7. Kant unfollows Locke and Descartes.
8. Hegel subtweets Kant.
9. Schopenhauer blocks Hegel.
10. Marx likes Hegel.
11. Nietzsche gets hacked.
12. Heidegger DMs Arendt.
13. Adorno reports Heidegger.
14. Derrida gets verified.
15. Heidegger gets banned.
16. Wittgenstein only does instagram.
17. Confucius and Al-Ghazali are still waiting to get verified because of their avatars.


>> No.11875379

mega cringe. hope you die painfully.

>> No.11875411

what a tripfag

>> No.11876781

4. should be Aquinas "retweets" Aristotle and "tweets" on Jesus right afterwards
7. should be Kant "unfollows" Wolff and Baumgarten. Kant's Critique of Pure Reason is mostly a response to Leibniz through Hume. Wolff was the one whom Kant had so thoroughly detested during his later years, but who had also served as one of his great influences during his early years.
10. is strongly inaccurate. Marx was heavily biased against Hegel's "idealist" metaphysical system, but used his dialectic/logic to create the theoretical basis for communism. As a matter of fact, there was no one whom Marx actually just "liked". He criticized the Left Hegelians (Bauer, Stirner) in the German Ideology just as much as he wrote Das Kapital to stand against Smith and Ricardo's models of capitalism. Even the Manifesto is a critique of "utopian socialism".