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/lit/ - Literature

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11873927 No.11873927 [Reply] [Original]

So, let's see your stacks /lit/.

Just got these in the mail, tried ordering from Abebooks for the first time. Didn't receive my copy of "Cities of the plain" by McCarthy, and the version I got of "All the pretty horses" was a pocket book instead of a paperback, which is a bit of a shame I guess. Was still a steal though.

>> No.11874030 [DELETED] 
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Second from the top is Waugh, Scoop. Not sure if it's legible in the picture. Just came in the mail yesterday.

>> No.11874066
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Second from the bottom says James Fenton. Accidentally got cut off.

>> No.11874076
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Based and redpilled, Llosa is great

Got all my shit from Half-Price Books in Plano. I'm pretty psyched about Beowulf, since it's a side-by-side translation.

>> No.11874097
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Mah nigga

>> No.11874627

Only thing I bought recently was a cool Barnes & Nobles hardcover edition of DUNE

>> No.11874634

Reverse your stack.

>> No.11874677

Get a library card.

>> No.11874751
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>> No.11875429

i remember going through a collection of lectures he gave as an oxford (i think ) writer in residence and feeling distinctly unimpressed.

You can see the Auden influence; but it's early auden. when he was more interested in the sound of a few turns of phrase then making sense.
And for the most part Fenton hopes to get by on lyric's power alone and for the most part it doesn't work.

+10 waugh. Still the most enjoyably writer i've ever read.

Have you just started reading ? thinking back, this would have been my perfect stack 10 something years ago. what made you buy it?

>> No.11875448
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been stackin' since day one, playa

>> No.11875495

>The mind illuminated
I've seen that book shilled here, is it any good? I've never really bought the whole "dude just breathe your problems away, lmao"

>> No.11875533

My library is shit. If I wanted to read YA fiction and murder mystery books I would have a card already. My library has 2 Dosto books: notes and C&P and 1 Pynchon novel: Vineland

>> No.11875549

I'm only posting my recent purchases, so I can't say anything about the book. A friend recommended it to me and since I trust him, I decided I'd blow twenty bucks on it. I'll have it read by New Year's, so I'll be sure to make a thread with my notes.

>> No.11875587

Cool, thank you.

>> No.11875895
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My last purchases, I read a hacked Antifragile already but I don't mind it. Still need to get through some Nietzsche I borrowed and I suspect my gf will buy me Dostojevski for my upcoming birthday.

Not expecting to be done with Hegel anytime soon, although from what I've seen of the English translations it seems to be more coherent in Slovenian.

>> No.11875896
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>> No.11875904

I wish I had a gf :(

>> No.11875921

I was lucky I met her in high-school, and her friend group is nice, they usually buy me books for presents. She also sometimes reads with me, but she reads mostly Murakami

>> No.11875923

whats that Kubrick book?

>> No.11875952
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Based. My gf is into Murakami as well. My stack on the left, hers on the right.

>> No.11875996

interviews and a lot of images from his films: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/471385.Kubrick

it's alright. but i highly recommend this series of essays on the master: https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/471384.Kubrick

my mental breakdown was triggered by Eyes Wide Shut, i would watch it twice a day for like a week, feverishly unraveling the symbolism as if it were a dream in which i died. i concluded that Kubrick had arranged Tom Cruise's entire life for the film, and had even ghost-directed Jerry Maguire. Haven't had a delusion in a long time though, unless you count the main ones like "what is the function of a brain, what happens after you die" type stuff.

>> No.11876034

>Llosa is great
I think so too! But to be fair, I've only read The Bad Girl and The Feast of the Goat so far. I also have Captain Pantoja and the Secret Service aside from the ones I just received. Have you read any of the ones I just got? Which would you recommend I start with? I'm leaning towards 'Aunt Julia and the Scriptwriter' because I want something cozy and light this time.

Enjoy that Eco, anon - I really liked that one. Also, is that Fictions from Borges?


>> No.11876039

good for you anon, I like a girl currently but we have nothing in common and I'm pretty sure she doesn't like reading books as much as I do. All I want is a /lit/ babe :(

>> No.11876122

Nice short stack. How is against method? I might read it down the line.
I've been trying to get an English Houellebecq, but all I can get around here is french and slovenian, our bookstores never have what I want to read... At least we have nice philosophy publishing houses.

>> No.11876195

Can't say I've read a lot of his stuff, but what I've read I've enjoyed. I read Death in the Andes and The Time of the Hero which were both great.

I haven't read Eco before so I'm pretty excited. The Borges book is Narraciones, which is just a selection of his writings. It was the only one of his books I could find in Spanish locally...

>> No.11876299

Thanks man, going to have to pick up those two as well, in that case! I would really like to recommend 'The feast of the Goat', it was simply brilliant and the ending still gives me the chills just thinking about it.

> It was the only one of his books I could find in Spanish locally

>> No.11877664

Pleb filter right there

>> No.11877682

Dump her

>> No.11877717

I am pretty new to reading anything other than non-fiction which I used to read exclusively. I can't say for certain why I bought each book. I keep a list of books I want to read after hearing or reading about certain titles or authors. With the poetry, I had read a handful of poems by both each of them before and was fond of the style.

>> No.11877734

>all those classic memes
based oldfag post

>> No.11877753
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Got GEB for four Euro, it was an absolute steal

>> No.11877778

Sighted that calvino

Sighted that eco

>> No.11877788
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Very near quints, also forgot image

>> No.11877876

Read Don Quixote first.

>> No.11878023

Ah, got'cha! I've already read it. I just wanted to own it too. Will re-read it again, but probably not in a long time. Still got way too many books I want to read and not have to stress about it before getting to Don Quixote again.

>> No.11878062

I feel sorry for Americans, my local libraries have (not including the many books I've already read from them) Stoner, Ulysses, Gravity's Rainbow, Grossman's Quixote, Fear and Loathing, both Fagles and Fitzgerald's Odysseys, The Book Of Disquiet, The Leopard, Invisible Cities, White Noise, The Remains Of The Day, A Confederacy Of Dunces, 100 Years Of Solitude, Ready's Crime and Punishment, Book of the New Sun, Life A User's Manual, Revolutionary Road, Kafka on the Shore and The Sound and The Fury

>> No.11878073
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Left is reading, right is read.

>> No.11878079

I live in a medium-sized town in Arkansas and my local library has a pretty good selection. Hell, I'm headed there right now to check out some Pynchon.

>> No.11878109

i'm 24.
bro I went to Hendrix College in Conway for a few years, had a mental breakdown and took some time off now I'm going to a University in my hometown. I loved Arkansas though, most folks were so unassuming. My best friends are all from that time, and most of them stuck by me after I lost it. How do you like it there?

>> No.11878137
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It's nice down here even though the weather flip-flops from normal autumn day to middle of July. I'm currently working to get back into college after a psychotic episode left me a friendless husk. The faculty were really nice about it though.

>> No.11878232

Here is one of the facebook messages I sent to my professor during my breakdown:

"Eyes Wide Shut is a Shakespearean production of The Odyssey set in The Divine Comedy on a stage in Plato's Allegory of the Cave that takes place in the real minds of Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. it's a tragicomedy on the grandest scale imaginable."

he was basically like "bro you're manic," and he was uncomfortable with the way i was hassling people and involving them in my delusions, and he made that clear which devastated me. mental illness is rough as fuck because everyone just expects everything to be okay all the time. if you ever need someone to vent to just email me.

>> No.11878280
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Thank you fren.

>> No.11878669

You're from Düsseldorf, aren't you?

>> No.11879371

Near Hamburg. Why are you asking?

>> No.11880390

>remembering kanji
ill believe it when i see it

>> No.11880395
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>a frolic of his of his own
everytime bro

>> No.11880396

I don't understand the reference, I haven't read it

>> No.11880409

read the spine read the spine dude

>> No.11880669

>Tfw 5 hour stop over for flight next month

What's a good 1000 paged book I can read to pass the time? I've considered getting Gargantua and of Pantagruel

>> No.11880672

Quiet Flows The Don

>> No.11880678

>tfw uncanny valley makes silent hill even scarier

>> No.11880699
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I think the cutscenes are really excellent but the stilted voice acting in the dialogue is the real uncanny valley and one of the most unnerving parts

>> No.11880732

Bring a few magazines and a book of essays or something like that. If you only bring one book you'll get bored before your layover is over

>> No.11880738
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>> No.11880743
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Recently I bought this great new collection of Kharms' works. It has his short stories, poems, notes and diaries, and even sketches.

>> No.11880746
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>> No.11880751
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>> No.11880753
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>> No.11880754
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>> No.11880767
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>> No.11880834

your gf has shit taste brah

>> No.11881108
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>> No.11881129

You're not alone, friendo. The girl I like barely reads at all and smokes weed and takes too much adderall, yet she's genuinely intelligent and one of the few people I've met who can make me genuinely laugh.

>> No.11881157
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>> No.11881172

What are the bottom books?

>> No.11881190

The World of Mathematics (4 volumes) Hardcover – 1956
by James R. Newman

>> No.11881809

>forbidden archaeology

whats this about?

>> No.11881843

Probably Daniken-tier assblastry about the ANCIUNT ALIYUMS and HIDDEN GENE POOLS. They were quite popular back at the time.

>> No.11881865

I was hoping it would be about how ancient black hebrew kings flew around in the pyramids until the white devil cavemen and greek homos came out and raped their women and stole all their wakandan technology

>> No.11881968

Absolutely based. I remember when he was memes here nonstop a few years ago and everybody was searching for a certain book of him. Those were some great threads.
I have truly become a Boomer :)

>> No.11883147

I don't get the hatred of Heisig meme but I think it originates in /jp/

>> No.11883516

Jesus, allow me (>>11881108) to illuminate it for you. Forbidden archaeology as described by it's amazon page "Over the centuries, researchers have found bones and artifacts proving that humans like us have existed for millions of years. Mainstream science, however, has supppressed these facts. Prejudices based on current scientific theory act as a knowledge filter, giving us a picture of prehistory that is largely incorrect.", now It's very interesting and pokes holes in the various methods of dating ancient objects (including bones). Various methods of dating are often repeated again and again until the desired "age" of a given artifact is produced. That age is one that fits the mainstream dogmatic view in regards to the evolutionary origins of humans. It also makes the case (with references) that humans have existed far longer that "mainstream" evolutionary beliefs allow, pointing out artifacts found locked in stone at depths impossible for the contemporary model to quantify. Even if you dismiss the eoliths and paleoliths that are initially spoken about, there's significant evidence to refute the status quo that is mainstream dogmatism and the egotistical nature of most existing archaeologists

>> No.11883532

Here's an interview with the man.

>> No.11883840

thanks, the woman at the library said she had never heard of mes Fenton

>> No.11885130
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this channel looks like a goldmine

>> No.11885202

Hi Luke

>> No.11885218
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who /edgy/ here?

>> No.11885311

Necronomicon, Lovecraft, nice.

>> No.11885313

I don't get mixing mysticism, communism, and atheism, but could you take a clearer picture? What's that green book on the bottom right?

>> No.11885320

The anon, did say he/she was edgy.
The bottom right book, I can make out Hebrew-English TANAKH followed by some Hebrew.

>> No.11885325
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The Easton Press copy of Moby Dick is really neat

>> No.11885419
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Found these on my grandpa old bookshelf, are any of this good?

>> No.11885431


This reminds me of the fake publishing house from Foucault's Pendulum. it's exactly the kind of nonsense they published.

>> No.11885456

How much did you pay for the Stirner?

>> No.11885521


Just watched more of this ... holly shit was i right or was i right .

>> No.11885783
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>> No.11885925

The qur'an

>> No.11886103
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Just got these in the mail.

>> No.11886190
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>> No.11886221

Me in 15 years tops 2bh onii-senpaitachi

>> No.11886229

Zero. Out of. Fucking. Ten.

>> No.11886230

top shelf bait

>> No.11886253

>posting this again
yeah we got it the other 20 times you posted this bait fuck off

>> No.11886271
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The only thing I’ve bought recently is this old illustrated pocket edition of Yevgeniy Onegin for rereading.
It was less than a buck, and it also contains some of Pushkin’s text fragments, alongside with his own commentary.
Apparently it’s a miniaturized version of the 1953 commemorative edition, with this releasing a year later.

>> No.11886384

>A Frolic of His, of His Own

patrician title.

>> No.11886753

how are you all so fucking beige

>> No.11886988

None of you actually read this, right? It's like how /v/ fags post steam libraries of 5000 games but only have 10k hours in Dota 2.
Are you just trying to prove you have "taste" and high iq?

>> No.11887011

>Buy a lot of books
>Post pictures of said books
>Put them on your shelf
>Take pictures of your shelves and post them in shelf threads

There. You've bought yourself an identity.

>> No.11887022

bought some poetry by olga ravn, yahya hassan and richard siken but i went to pick it up at the wrong place because i'm stupid so i don't have them! friday is ruined lads i'm watching the blacklist right now

>> No.11887309

i've got that exact hardcover of blood meridian. gorgeous book and a great read, too

>> No.11887317


>> No.11887325

oops! lmfao

>> No.11887344

I actually read

>> No.11887953

>didn't get the Grossman translation of Don Quixote
Let's all say a prayer for OP together.

>> No.11888138

honestly fuck the 120 days of sodom, that book is so incredibly boring. its only worth outside of a couple good bits of prose is that the reader gets so desensitized to the depravity that you find yourself longing for the most horrible acts right along side the um... protagonists?

cool piece of history, boring book

>> No.11888147

the movie is absolutely beautiful though, pasolini is an incredible filmmaker

>> No.11888210

It this as actually your stack you're impressive anon and I love you

>> No.11888385

Plenty of people here actually read books. The low effort "nobody on x themed board actually does x" is less applicable than you'd think

>> No.11888505

Are you reading that pseudoarch book for amusement and to learn what the current bullshit is or are you actually retarded?

>> No.11888587

Not who you're replying to, but it's especially weird on /lit/ to make that accusation. Reading is one of the easiest hobbies to get into. Can you read? Do you have a dictionary? Do you have a permanent address to obtain a library card? Congratulations. You have everything you need.

Other than maybe arguing about translations and hardcover vs. paperback, there's not a lot of discussion compared to a hobby like painting, technology, weapons, cooking, auto, etc. where there are hundreds of different brands with their own pros and cons, and different prices, etc.

Just get a book, find someplace quiet with light, and read. It's the best hobby.

>> No.11888658


bout 20bux

>> No.11889799
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probably a lot of posters in 15yrs

>> No.11889818

I would argue that reading offers a controllable sliding scale of discussion. I could talk for hours about a recent piece I read. However, if you wanna keep the thoughts personal, you are more than welcome to. No one will berate you for it, and it is just really nice.

I do like your comment on the accessibility and ease of reading. One thing I would add is that you literally start and stop the hobby by opening your book. No prep time required outside of ordering or downloading or going to the library.

>> No.11889836
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>> No.11890784

Douglass murray is actually good, but you can fuck the rest off

>> No.11891940

>I would argue that reading offers a controllable sliding scale of discussion.
I explained myself poorly. By "discussion" I was referring to the amount of misinformation that beginners who are introduced to a hobby have to sort through. It's hard to reach a consensus in, for example, music what instrument is the best to learn, what manufacturer of said instrument is best for a beginner, what habits to avoid, etc. With reading, you can really just dive in on your own. There's no right or wrong way. At some point you might want to consider reading more challenging stuff, but you can enjoy and excel at reading simply by seeking out what you like. People have opinions about what books are best, but you can largely ignore it. You really can't say that about any other hobby. Most hobbies are extremely intimidating in the beginning and have huge barriers of entry. Just imagine trying to get into painting and seeing the prices. You want a decent set of oils and paints, but your budget is limited. So maybe you get some cheaper materials planning to grow into it and then update your equipment later on when you get some experience under your belt. But maybe that cheaper equipment turns you off of the hobby where a better set would have opened more doors. It's a difficult thing to navigate. If you don't like a book, you can just walk away with practically zero loss if you get an e-reader (or read on your computer) or a library card. It's the best hobby to have, IMO.

>> No.11891980

It is translated by Edith Grossman.


>> No.11892826
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>> No.11892883


>> No.11892949

Good stuff Anon. Keked when I saw Napoleon on the cover of Hegel.

Got any idea what work by Dostoyevsky you'll be getting?
Also what did you think of antifragile?