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/lit/ - Literature

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1187384 No.1187384 [Reply] [Original]

Girl: "So, what are your hobbies?"
Me: "I like to read books."
Girl: "Cool, what are some of your favorites?"
Me: "Atlus Shrugged."
Girl: "Never heard of it.."
Me: *Walk away*

Hipster victory/subtly trolled/make her feel like an idiot.

But seriously I don't want anything to do with a girl who doesn't read and apprechiate some Ayn Rand.

>> No.1187387
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>> No.1187385


Hipsters cannot be right wing.

>> No.1187388


I'm not saying I am a hipster, just stating it was merely a hipster victory

>> No.1187393

Man, I loved Atlus Shrugged.

All those adorable super-deformed characters and the familiar yet innovative turn-based fight scenes were brilliant.

>> No.1187394

From The Fountainhead:

>She gathered handfuls of glass off the floor, and poured it over her lap, over her hair. She took a sharp splinter and slashed her legs, her arms. What she felt was not pain. She saw blood shooting out of her arm, running down on her lap. She did not want to stop, she was free. She did not know if she had cut an artery. She felt SO light.

Speaking from experience Ayn?

>> No.1187396


Well that was a dick move. The fact you found a girl who wasn't weirded out by your reading should have been more than enough to satisfy you, I can't even find one like that.

>> No.1187424


This. You're a moron, OP.

>> No.1187426
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The randtrolls are getting smarter.

>> No.1187445
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>Atlus Shrugged

>> No.1187448

I think you're probably talking to the wrong type of girls. Are you going for the shy, intelligent introverts, or are you going for loudmouthed, tanned bimbos? If you can't find a girl who likes reading, you are doing it wrong. Or live in a really shitty place.

>> No.1187450

Atlas Shrugged is a horrible piece of literature.

It's like a bible for to preach her stupid philosophy.

>> No.1187455

From The Fountainhead:

>She gathered handfuls of glass off the floor, and poured it over her lap, over her hair. She took a sharp splinter and slashed her legs, her arms. What she felt was not pain. She saw blood shooting out of her arm, running down on her lap. She did not want to stop, she was free. She did not know if she had cut an artery. She felt SO light.

Speaking from experience Ayn?

>> No.1187456

And Dostoevsky isn't this?

>> No.1187635


I go for just any girl who'll talk to me really, and they're all weirded out by me liking books while they think watching MTV is a perfectly normal past-time.

Yes, I mad.

>> No.1187641

pastime not past time

>> No.1187645

Good to see /lit still can't identify trolls.
God put dinosaur bones in the ground to test our faith, btw.

>> No.1187648
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You hipsters ruin everything good with your pseudo intellectualism, reading books for the sake of saying you've read it before, I thought you faggots were supposed to be liberal? what are you doing reading Atlas Shrugged?

>> No.1187655

>reading a book means you agree with it
fuck my brain

>> No.1187659

Typical pseudo intellectual response.

>> No.1187662




although someone can certainly read political literature they don't agree with. i read al gore excerpts all the time for a laugh.

>> No.1188973



>> No.1189201

He is just little dicked bimbo, I would call him a ditch brain.

>> No.1189220

You are the biggest cunt what has ever cunted.

>> No.1189222


As a little dicked faggot I resent you maligning my people.

>> No.1189225

>Atlus Shrugged

If she'd ever read this book, she'd be glad you walked away.

>> No.1189471


>I am better than you because I read a book.
>World is divided into 2 categories: People who've read 'Atlus' Shrugged and Fags.