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/lit/ - Literature

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11873236 No.11873236[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

When pol turned you into a pessimistic nihilistic rascist, when r9k turned you into a blackpilled fag, when sci turned you into putting 10k hours into a meme math degree to earn less than a wallmart wagecuck.
There is still lit, for neuronsMAXXING

>> No.11873251

/lit/ convinced me to spend my time reading instead of watching TV and playing videogames and now I can't talk to anyone about anything because it turns out nobody IRL gives a shit about stupid ass books.

>> No.11873256

white women are still the only women getting white children so...
also the hispanic one should have a mexican flag, else it doesnt make sense

>> No.11873257

I've never browsed any of those other boards
I went /b/ -> /v/ -> /k/ -> /lit/
Sometimes I use /fit/ and /sp/

>> No.11873272

i just want a latina catholic gf man.

>> No.11873308
File: 232 KB, 854x1280, IMG_5866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try to ask them what books they're reading, or try to befriend an english or lit teacher desu.
Europeans began arriving in Mexico during the Spanish conquest of the Aztec Empire;
>tfw no cute dreamy pardon saying georgian gf to marry and infant inside a victorian house living off your dividends and acres of breadmilkers like old time aristocrats.

Heavy weight feel to the ribs.

>> No.11873377


you shouldn't take anything on this website seriously desu. It's not relevant at all in the grand scheme of things (especially since activity is dying on it). It's not even good for real discussion since people lie about everything all the time on it to promote agendas.

>> No.11873383

Would people really do this ? Lie on the internet ?

>> No.11873450
File: 14 KB, 225x225, FE1C520D-D5B0-46B4-A755-1D065CEF03A6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Arab women
>Pakistani flag

>> No.11873473

for me it was just /b/ for a small stint may years ago, then I came back on /mu/ and started /lit/ like a year ago

>> No.11873569

/lit/ convinced me the only thing worth reading is the bible

>> No.11873636
File: 80 KB, 1024x1024, 9434FA51-31B4-4763-8413-C7BB5BA61691.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

man that’s pleb-tier

1. Jewish
2. White
3. Arab
4. Hispanic
5. Black
6. Asian

>> No.11873861

>retarded image
>retarded opinion
you are retarded and have shit taste