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11872877 No.11872877[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Who is the single most leftwing writer in history? I don't want any mild milquetoast center-left Stalinists or dorky anarcho-liberals. I only want to be recommend the hardest, farthest, single most left writer to ever exist. I will accept nothing less.

>> No.11872882

Fucking Marx you idiot

>> No.11872885

Marx was a capitalist, so no.

>> No.11872894


>> No.11872993

Sally Jane Black

>> No.11873005

If left wing means capital in the hands of the public than any communist

>> No.11873008

What would make someone further left than Marx?

>> No.11873011


>> No.11873033

This depends on your understanding of left and right, but those leftists who are extremely critical of the organised left are often among the farthest-left groups. Things like "Armed Joy" and "The Right to be Greedy".
But then there is "Against Domestication", and "The Poverty of Feminism" which come close to the right in some areas.
The anti-German marxist-leninist accelerationists were probably the most extreme. And definitely not something I advocate, it is only to understand history and the destructive side of revolutionary groups.

>> No.11873040

And probably someone like Pol Pot is even worse than that. Didn't he advocate slaughter of anyone who wasn't the peasantry?

>> No.11873334
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Eulogized by the Marquis de Sade, and an actual writer, perhaps pic related.

>> No.11874171

Jean Malaquais

>> No.11874938

hitler - mein kampf

>> No.11874975

lol. I'm left to the left of the left, and I hate this bitch. I completely agree that transgender narratives are important, and hugely important to people, but sometimes its just too much. Her writing on experimental films really gets me. I don't need a feminist-marxist-leninist reading of Stan Brakhage desu

>> No.11875189

Kamo no Chomei and other Buddhist monks were probably more left-wing in terms of their rejection of private property than most "leftists".

>> No.11875244

Hunter s Thompson

>> No.11875266

Simone Weil

>> No.11875273

Lev Tolstoy

>> No.11875288

>most left wing

tf could that possibly even mean.

>> No.11875293
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>I completely agree that transgender narratives are important
This is a liberal policy point that has nothing to do with leftism.

>> No.11875308

>Who is the most [insert arbitrary political delineation] based on on [my own arbitrary axioms that judge that political delineation]?

Even the most anti-capitalist, violently egalitarian radical would harbour at least a couple of opinions that wouldn't be considered "left", such as wanting to ban transgender women from using women's bathrooms. Your obsession with "political purity" is doing a fuckton of damage to your psychological framework.

>> No.11875340

>marx was a capitalist

>> No.11875361

Just for balance, who is the single most leftwing writer in history?

>> No.11875362

bordiga or gilles dauve

>> No.11875365

I suppose you meant right wing. I think most people on here would vote Evola, but I say Maistre.

>> No.11875393

Imagine being this much of a pseud

>> No.11875403

Imagine not reading Marx and inheriting your opinions of him from JBP

>> No.11875406


>> No.11875432

Andrea Dworkin

>> No.11875436

Damn it, I did mean right-wing

>> No.11875482
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It depends on what you mean by left

>> No.11875499


>> No.11875755

fucking kek

Just because Marx maybe appreciated one or two aspects of the bourgeoisie doesn't make him a capitalist. He is merely an observer of the whole system. Plus he co-wrote the Communist Manifesto, so it's pretty safe to say he's on the left.

Stop spewing stupid shit to make yourself seem edgier.

>> No.11875777

good kantbot arc

>> No.11875794

>Plus he co-wrote the Communist Manifesto, so it's pretty safe to say he's on the left.

Marx saw communism as the completion of capitalism, capitalism's apotheosis and entirely contingent on it.

>Just because Marx maybe appreciated one or two aspects of the bourgeoisie doesn't make him a capitalist.

The bourgeoisie are the revolutionary class that brings about communism through their engagement in, and underlying support for free trade. Marx was one of histories biggest advocates of free trade because it allowed for capitalism to mature by eroding the borders and cultures of nation states which he saw as vestiges of feudalism. Marx was a capitalist.

>> No.11875828

Marx saw communism as the consummation of enlightenment liberal values, private ownership of the MoP by capitalists was the part he regarded as getting in the way.

Marx said all kinds of things about revolutionary strategy, idk where you're getting this emphasis on free trade from.

>> No.11875833

fun fact: the Amazing Atheist made this point almost a decade before Kantbot did, its also been made by numerous esoteric economic theorists and econometrics savvy marxists regarding the Soviet labor market, on this board even.

>> No.11875840

He could not have realistically been expected to have foreseen the correlation between xenoestrogens and forming online identities around pretending to have read him.

>> No.11875842

Everyone who isn't producing food is a bourgeois parasite

>> No.11875844

That is a fun fact. I wish I was smarter so that I could understand the argument better

>> No.11875854

>private ownership of the MoP by capitalists was the part he regarded as getting in the way.

No. This was the only means to lay the groundwork for communism. Capitalism creates the means by which the means of production can be seized by anybody at anytime. Anything else is reactionary and collapses back in to 19th century type nation-states, fascism and explains the total failure of all communist projects in the 20th century (they were not capitalist enough).

To quote the Communist Manifesto:
"By the exploitation of the world market, the bourgeoisie has given a cosmopolitan
character to production and consumption in every land. To
the despair of the reactionaries, it has deprived industry of its national
foundation. Of the old-established national industries, some have already
been destroyed and others are day by day undergoing destruction. They
are dislodged by now industries, whose introduction is becoming a matter
of life and death for all civilised nations: by industries which no longer depend
upon the homeland for their raw materials, but draw these from the
remotest spots; and by industries whose products are consumed, not only
in the country of manufacture, but the wide world over. Instead of the
old wants, satisfied by the products of native industry, new wants appear,
wants which can only be satisfied by the products of distant lands and
unfamiliar climes. The old local and national self-sufficiency and isolation
are replaced by a system of universal intercourse, of all-round interdependence
of the nations"

>> No.11875869
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Glass War Now!

>> No.11875891

>To destroy you is no loss, to preserve you is no gain
When you can tell someone is just out of fucks to give

>> No.11875980 [SPOILER] 
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Cambodia was too fucked by 1975. Not even a Year Zero could work and Pol Pot probably knew it was a losing battle before he even took over.

>> No.11875982
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karl marx
nuff said

>> No.11876234

Maybe Robespierre?

>> No.11876248

The "extremeness" of Pol Pot was more right wing tendencies though. He had this obsession of recreating former glories of his people (i.e. the Angkor period). The "kill everyone who isn't a peasant" stuff was about removing degenerate artists and colonial collaborators who welcomed the French in. He used the word "Communism" and "Marx" a lot but that was just dressing to appear "cool" since Pol Pot was an idiot who became revolutionary because smarter folks around him in Paris were. The Khmer leaders would often talk about Marxlenin as if it was one person because nobody actually knew a damn thing about communism as a Westerner would have read. Instead, to them "communism" was a blanket term to encompass ruthless revolution in order to settle various nationalistic scores regarding the Vietnamese. If the Khmer had adopted the term "fascism" and praised AdolfMussolini all the time their reign would have looked identical.

>> No.11876254

John Zerzan

>> No.11876288
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Primitivism might be what you are after.

Rousseau argues that civilisation is the foundation of all inequality. Ted is completely anti civ for similar reasons and actually acted upon it.

States are just another form of capital, where a ruling class hold a monopoly over the workers. Therefore, statist socialism is really just controlled opposition to ensure any rebellious types hand power straight back to the elites.

>> No.11876292


>> No.11877134
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>> No.11877432

my diary desu

>> No.11877559

>I'm like reaaaaally left
>transgender narratives are important
nigga u ain't left

>> No.11877581

alot of people with strong feelings about marx (americans) have never read anything written by marx

>> No.11877594

the extremities of left-wing politics start to look an awful lot like the extremities right-wing politics.

its almost like the "left-right" continuim is totally inadequate or that the terms "left" and "right" have highly flexible meanings to the point that they become absurd

>> No.11877639

based. He knew urbanites were the scum of society.

>> No.11877699

So basically all you're saying is the only difference between Marx and a capitalist is that Marx is anti-globalist?

>> No.11877868


>> No.11877884

why the fuck do I waste me time in this shit hole?

>> No.11877911

>Marx was a capitalist
Then who was the communist???? Was Friedrich Engels the Communist and he didn’t know Marx was actually a capitalist??? What the fuck!!??

>> No.11878357
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GG Allin.

>Just ate a burger at the sleazy joint
>Now I gotta take a shit, get to the point
>Sittin' on the toilet, my ass is a blast
>Runnin' smelly diarrhea outta my ass

The precocious "just...", the fragility of the proletariat.

The realization of his own imprisonment in the hedonistic machine.

The swift action in purging its confusion from within him, and his impatience with the counterrevolution's inquisition.

The sheer brilliance of closing the gap between means and need by placing the former onto the latter, so that gravity itself, the chief Material force, can animate this airtight holy communion.

The saintly self-effacement of avoiding glistening Apollonian suburbia as the portrait of Utopia. No, comrades, the toil itself is murky and must be celebrated - together.

>> No.11879351

Junkies are inherently and inescapably apolitical.

>> No.11879376

Maybe Renzo Novatore

>> No.11879384
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It's Stirner, anything grounded in scientism or economism doesn't represent a radical break from modernity and romanticism and primitivism are inherently right wing

>> No.11879393
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this is the most staunchly leftwing fiction book in history

>> No.11880320


George Cicarriello-Maher