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11872749 No.11872749 [Reply] [Original]

University Thread

What are you reading?
What are you studying?

>> No.11872753

>tfw graduated in may
hold me bros

>> No.11872796


>> No.11873438
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I study at Princeton. I'm currently reading Paradise Lost and the Iliad for classes, I think I'm going to be an English major. Recently I haven't been very motivated to do my class readings and was reading This Side of Paradise instead though.

>> No.11873582

Currently reading House of Leaves. I study chemical engineering at Northwestern.

I wanted to study english, but my dad was pissed about that. I'm a senior now, so it's too late to change at this point.

>> No.11873642

i know this feel my man

>> No.11873645
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>This Side of Paradise

mein n word

>> No.11873664

I'm reading Adam Bede for fun and studying English at a small private college in western Michigan

>> No.11873697

University of Pennsylvania studying Economics and Philosophy. Currently reading Critique of Pure Reason, Difference and Repetition, and Gravity’s Rainbow.

>> No.11873750

Studying electrical engineering fucken kill me. Just wanna study lit or art but I need to pay off this student loan somehow so id better go for something thatll give me a job.

>> No.11873775

Undergrad in Linguistics, now I'm doing a master's in Computational Ling so I can actually get a job. I feel like it's really helping me become more well-rounded, I'm still a humanities type of person at heart but it turns out STEM stuff can actually be pretty interesting too.

>> No.11873782

Arabian nights, undergrad in psychology, studying for the Medical entrance exam.

>> No.11873789

>this exact thread again

>> No.11873839

Today I finished Cancer Ward and started reading The Things They Carried.

I'm in the process of writing my master's thesis in Supply Chain Management.

>> No.11873841


>> No.11873845


>> No.11873957

>Just finished Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals
>Philosophy and Music

>> No.11873962
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freshman English major, reading IJ and Spinoza's Ethics.
I know there are a few other Spartans here, what are you guys up to?

>> No.11873983

Republic, The Egyptian, 1984

>> No.11874040

Finance/Spanish major

Currently reading Rise of the Colored Empires by this man Goddard

>> No.11874042

explain this picture to me

>> No.11874079

Kek, EE is bro tier drinking beer with elecrobros is dank shit.

Doing my masters thesis in control engineering on robot localization and mapping. Blood memeridian and the last volume of the complete set of Icelandic sagas.

>> No.11874110

I read every thread of yours

>> No.11874158

Texas criminal procedure is dry as fuck except when the prosecutors fuck up.

I can't believe 18 grams of meth isn't 28 grams of meth!

The casebook method is garbage.

>> No.11874269


>> No.11874288

If it's less than an ounce do you get a lighter penalty or something?

>> No.11874298

The penal codes will have different weight ranges giving different levels of misdemeanors or felony charges. So it'll be like 1-17 grams and 18-200 grams, and 200-1000 grams. But the issue was that the indictment didn't specify the definition of the meth, and so the pure meth measurement was 18 (even though there was like 40 grams of dirty meth) and the indictment charged 28-200 grams.

>> No.11874406

I go to Harvard and someone at an event I was at recently convinced me to actually come to 4chan. I have to say, it's a pretty riveting experience: there's all these different threads about all these different things, but I'm hesitant to take any of them seriously because I have no idea who's writing them and if they have any idea of what they're talking about. Some of them are relevant to what I'm currently reading right now, which is nothing.

>> No.11874407
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History major, Slavic Studies and Philosophy minor (pretty trash at Russian and philosophy desu, but I try). Reading Weimar Germany by Weitz, Revolutionary Iran by Axworthy, Bridge on the Drina by Andrić, and Gogol's short stories for my classes.

Reading Secondhand Time by Alexievich and Twilight of the Idols in my free time. Going slow with Secondhand Time because it's easy to put down and pick up again

>> No.11874420

I'm studying at Stevens Institute of Technology as a computer engineering major. I'm going to start a double major in philosophy or English because studying just STEM fills me with dread. Currently reading The Anatomy of Melancholy

>> No.11874624

Post more princetontoad

>> No.11874770

Lmao currently in my first year of mechanical but I'm finding that I enjoy the electrical subjects more than the mechanical ones. Is it worth switching?

Currently reading the decline of the west.

>> No.11875042

Austin community college; reading portable jung, studying philosophy. I'll probably do psychology in graduate school though, used to be suicidal and depressed for 5-8 years but I've been seeing a pretty great psychologist for about a year so that's where the inspiration came from probably (insurance covers it and parents are megaloaded)

>> No.11875150

Don’t want to say what college I go to but needless to say it’s a generic “flagship” state university (out of state is expensive and I’m an accounting major so it’s not like it matters too much as long as I pass the CPA eventually)

Currently reading Hesiod’s Theogeny and Ovid’s Metamorphoses. I’m a freshman. I’m also reading IJ in my spare time.

>> No.11875160

Actually now that I think about it I’m on works and days now

>> No.11875206

Nice bait
If you are serious: most people here shouldnt be taken seriously, so just lurk moar until you get a feel for what the board is like

>> No.11875250

How's difference and repetition. I put down AE after 120 pages cause I'm too dumb to get it.

>> No.11876268
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International Relations.
pic related

>> No.11876282

I'm studying English with a minor in Film Studies.

I spent the entirety of a night editing this video only for the professor to be like "this video is really creeping me out," like fuck I just used my friend's dramatic/cinematic music cause I thought it would make the boring interviews a little more interesting. anyway here's the video:


>> No.11876332

Civil engineering 2nd year
Brothers Karamazov

Enjoying the program so far. Basically only had math so far and a couple of introductory courses, we started with some more indepth geology this semester. Would love to hear from someone who is either graduated or late in the program

>> No.11876394

depends on what want to do i guess, EE is much more versatile in some ways as its really easy to go into embedded programming and from there go towards computer science stuff.

Many of my MechE friends did opt for a masters in mechatronics though. Stuff like what masters you take and elective courses is really important for specialization.

But if you thinks its more fun go for it, hard and boring is a terrible combination and it will be infinity easier to graduate if you think the courses are interesting. Especially the heavy calculation courses.

>> No.11876518
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>> No.11876539

luther college lmao. lolita and les paticuliers elementaire.

>> No.11876555

boiz how fucked am i for post grad for going to a no name liberal arts college. ?id love to do phd in phil or science but maybe also law. ive got 3.9GPA in mostly high level courses. bUT BRO!!! HEYYYYYYYY !!!! i bet i’ll do well on LSAT too or GRE got 32 on ACT and that was when i wss slacker and also retard in high school. Thoughts?

>> No.11876562


The Art of writing reasonable organic reactions by Grossman


>> No.11876649

La Sorbonne,


>> No.11876688

What do you guys study for English phonology and enunciation? Here in the UNLP in Argentina we are going with David Brazil

>> No.11876708

Currently studying from Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine and from Goodman & Gilman's The Pharmacological Basis of Theraupeutics.
PS: if you're ugly you simply don't get laid in med school despite 70% of people being women.

>> No.11876725

Studying my second year. I entered to study cultural analysis but now I'm taking courses in political science as a minor, and am thinking of changing it to be my new major. Not sure. The two ideas I have about what I want to work are kinda split between the two subjects, can't decide which would help me most to focus on.

>> No.11877251

i like the way you type

>> No.11877321

plato's republic (lecture reading)
heidegger's essence of truth and holderlin's hymns (private reading)

>> No.11877940

th -/ th— thankss anon said the faggot who Just says the same phrases as eeveryone else. i just want to conform

>> No.11878508

I'm at McGill too lad
Giovanni's Room

>> No.11878519

Nice. I'm going there for an exchange semester next year

>> No.11878595

Law school

Reading Butcher's Crossing

>> No.11878613

dropped out of ucla
currently reading the first draft of my suicide note
studying the best ways to kill myself

>> No.11878623


>> No.11878644

3LOL checking in. How's not being on journal anymore and working part time going for you lads? What do I even study anymore? The bar is far away, and the MPRE is a joke!

>> No.11878648

Austin Peay (B.S., English)
Currently reading Cioran

>> No.11878657

Blood Meridian
Computer Science

I don't read much, trying to start and I'm struggling with the book but also enjoying it.

>> No.11878666

Environmental Science
Change major?

>> No.11878716


Apparently you need to.

>> No.11878730

Not american so idk about MPRE.
Working part-time as a trustee assistant, kinda boring.
Bar is faaar away indeed.

>> No.11878745
File: 61 KB, 728x937, Keir_Dullea_Denver_Pyle_1962.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

English Literature, 3rd Year, University of Glasgow.

I am reading After London and My Lady Ludlow for a Victorian lit module, and some Dickinson poems for American lit

>> No.11878849

Are you French or international? Thinking of studying there if my French gets good enough, what's the philosophy program like?

>> No.11878863

Woah. Me too. I'm a sophomore, Marketing. Currently reading some Ibsen plays and about to start On the Eve by Turgenev. Also going through a primer on Protestant mysticism

>> No.11878874

Holy shit never thought I'd see the day. Are you faculty or student? I've probably seen you if you hang out in the library or harned often

>> No.11878933

the politics

>> No.11878939

Christ Church Oxford

t. not even rich

>> No.11878946

How you like it? Personally I want to shoot myself daily.

>> No.11878947

forgot to add, starting with the greeks is a prerequisite for entry.

So rn im reading In search of lost time

>> No.11878951

Yes you retard. Youre doing a very narrow field in the hopes of getting a job that real stem chads will get.

>> No.11878956

Let's meet by the statue outside the library tomorrow at 1pm.

>> No.11878976

Are you racist? I'm half black.

>> No.11879052

I'm a student. You've probably seen me on the top floor of the library, I'm there p much every day.
I have class.
I am not racist.

>> No.11879054

I'm a medfag, extern now.
Reading some Edgar Allan Poe stories.

>> No.11879076

Alright dude I'll be there. What do you read mainly?

>> No.11879089

Oh hey, I dropped out of Stevens a couple of years ago. I didn't think anyone there read.

>> No.11879113

I'm the same but recently I've been making an effort to go out more and get involved with things, making me want to shoot myself less

>> No.11879202

Oh, I meant I can't be there (I'm the English major), sorry.

>> No.11879221

It's fine bro. What do you read?

>> No.11879254

I’m a huge fan of Salman Rushdie.

>> No.11879263

The post saying I won’t be there wasn’t me. I’ll be there, but I’ll be tied up until 1:30. So let’s meet at 1:40 or so

>> No.11879268

I've actually never gotten around to checking him out. I just know him for the fatwah or whatever. APSU has a fucking awesome collection, which is rly surprising. DESU it's my favorite part of college. Like they have shit I'd never think of them having. Who was your English prof? I got Shea.

>> No.11879280

I figured. I'll be out there

>> No.11879295

The metamorphoses is a beautiful work anon, which translation?

>> No.11879396

4th year here, should be working on my dissertation but no idea where to start

>> No.11879404

Wanna hang out?

>> No.11879413
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Physics at pic related
About to finish Germinal, what should I read next lads

>> No.11879449

my diary desu

>> No.11879455

>Studying computer science at a top 10 public university, senior
>have no desire to go into the field
>might not even be able to considering I haven't done an internship in favor of learning my father's trade over the summers
>I wish I studied something else
>Reading The Sound and the Fury
I'm scared anons

>> No.11879465

Why'd you drop out, if you don't mind me asking?
And yeah, I'm in a quad with four guys who constantly play fortnite, get drunk at clubs and piss on each other, and the other night one guy had sex in my dorm floor's kitchen. So yeah the definitely don't read

>> No.11879484

don't just do one major

do a practical major and your interest one

so maybe English and History; English and international relations; etc

>> No.11879526

I was a really lazy, ungrateful, and altogether horrible student. I was wasting my parent's money and really had no clue what I wanted to do with my life. I only went to college so I could run, and only went into engineering because I was good at math. I'm happy I dropped out though, working and living on my own for a while helped me put things into perspective. I hope you don't find it all bad, there are still some nice people there and it's cool being so close to the city.

>> No.11879530

Why'd you drop out, if you don't mind me asking?
And yeah, I'm in a quad with four guys who constantly play fortnite, get drunk at clubs and piss on each other, and the other night one guy had sex in my dorm floor's kitchen. So yeah the definitely don't read

>> No.11879532
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Theology student with a small penis here. I'm currently reading pic related

>> No.11879539

I study econ

>> No.11879548

Should I major in Healthcare Policy ? My family is kinda in the business.

>> No.11879552

Birth of Tragedy and none of your fucking business faggot

>> No.11879606

I'm never gonna get into a good uni :(
I dropped out of hs and only got Bs in community college to get my GED, should I stay in community college to get my associates degree and then apply out of state, or should I just settle for state Uni and pretend graduate school is an actual option :(

>> No.11879609

studying Chemistry at Worcester Polytechnic Institute, reading Infinite Jest rn
(be gentle)

>> No.11879792

Lads is 16 references for a 1500-1800 word essay too much? Philosophy btw

>> No.11879821

Rolfe Humphries translation. I think it’s a very very beautiful work, I hope the translation I’m reading is considered highly.