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11871570 No.11871570 [Reply] [Original]

Accelerationism is a CIA psyop.

that's why whenever you ask, what exactly is accelerationism or how do you bring it about, you get lol capital is sentient or some other postmodern jargon.

There's no plan. It's meant to give you a masturbatory fantasy of a Matrix like revolution where you don't have to do anything. With the expressed goal of preventing you from looking for real revolutionary tactics that actually work and produce results.

It's no surprise that accelerationism was born in the postgraduate world. If it had any real basis in reality and had any real potential, it would've been shut down a long time ago. Tenured professors writing sci-fi isn't any real threat to the state, so it's been allowed to flourish and even given scholarly prestige.

Stop LARPing, grow up and start organizing in the real world.

>> No.11871711
File: 6 KB, 197x256, Andwhenlovespeaksthevoiceofallthegodsmakeheavendrowsywiththeharmony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take it one step further and call it what it really is. A byproduct of deeply divided institutional cultures competing during an era of technological growth. It is a communications problem exacerbated by think-tanks and political organizations. Just as the telegraph and railroad became essential components of the state, narrative understandings were constructed to given humans back a sense of autonomy and control that the church once gave them. None of it was planned, it just occurs when humans are in groups and shit gets a little confusing. Plus, it pays well to construct enemies, either technology or capital. I prefer humans myself, but I'm for equality, so I tend to think you're all fucked in the head and need to be watched.

>> No.11871743

Yes, it is the Qanon of ideology.
Or the Pussyhat, depending on the day.

>> No.11871776

Accelerationism is only a thing because all other movements against capital have failed and will continue to fail because the amount of people and organization necessary for a complete abolition of capital is simply not feasible.

>> No.11871787
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>you get lol capital is sentient or some other postmodern jargon.

>> No.11871794

Calling everything a psyop is a psyop

>> No.11871798

big if true

>> No.11872800

all other movements against capital have failed because revolutionary potential has always been siphoned into dead end narcissistic projects like psychedelics, communes, identity politics, activism, electoralism, & accelerationism

>> No.11872828
File: 612 KB, 1713x1101, DecelerateSentience.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And accelerationism can't fail because it precludes its victory within the victory of capital.
Impressive stuff. But you're still just pseuds trying to catch up with what everyone knew 250 years ago.

>> No.11872851

>all other movements against capital have failed and will continue to fail because

>> No.11872872

apocalypse when?

>> No.11872896

Acceleration isn't an ideology, it's just a loose set of terms and nick land mumbling on Twitter forever

>> No.11872906

never, sadly

>> No.11872924

>I define the cutoff at where complexity outstrips any possible concrete analysis and it just so happens at exactly that threshold where my un-augmented bio-intellect fails me

>> No.11872934

it's funny, as a kid i always wondered, all this 'i'm inherently condemned and i need an external savior' talk sounds like broken coping

but now, i totally get it

>> No.11872951
File: 660 KB, 1402x1102, CapitalIsOpiate.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In Decelerationist Russia, you revolutionize meme.
>in accelerationist england, meme revolutionise you
Apocalypse Forever!