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/lit/ - Literature

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11870744 No.11870744 [Reply] [Original]

Is enthusiasm the enemy of good writing?

This really isn't a thought from the "just b urslef" school of art, but I think it's worth considering.

Why do people think the brain can only refold its own dirty laundry?
Why do people think nothing can be done consciously, and that art only comes from emotional incontinence?
It smacks of self-comfort. "The reason I have achieved nothing is because I am following my heart, which just happens to be going nowhere."

>> No.11870873

>And what do you mean by Good writing?
And so on and so on until you realize the markets of the past that produced Good writing have become a Preference in modernity for those whose job is to top the intellectual bottoms. Is it rape and is there a reacharound? Did you really need to say what you said to get you to the place you are now, holding down that job and new relationship?

I will not be undone.

>> No.11870882

I was with you till you said that I had a job.

>> No.11870889

One must be dispassionate as a writer, it must feel like a chore: something to get out of your system and look with a feeling of disgust. You must hate the characters you write to your story; but also feel sexual attraction them (even if they were male and you were a heterosexual yourself)

>> No.11870979
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good writing = historical/academic/institutional definition that marginalizes art and situates the maze of entrance within the structure. Enthusiasm is derided as far back as 17th and 18th century due to literally shitty water and overconsumption of alchol, TB, and general disdane amongst protestants. Is Kant more worthy of praise for his method of seeking god than any of the New Lights? Do you feel disgusted by the stories of drunks in a bar, or do you witness a transcendence of emotions that is overgrown with thick vines and hoary walls. I personally praise both because I'm bit more of a threeway Greek than a missonary with weak arms and tiny dick. I suppose it may not be a profitable view thouh.

>> No.11871051

It's a good thing I said that, because that means you don't have to formulate a reply. Phew! Dodged a bullet there.

Yes, exactly. Good writing is elite, and I want to be elite.

The way to do this is to have always been elite, which of course I have always been, as of maybe five years from now. In ten years I will also have an old house that's been in the family for generation (for the first time.)

I don't like honest people. Honesty is essentially the policy of keeping everything exactly the way it is, forever; that only benefits a handful of people.
To an extent, this is why old money looks down on business. It's wheeling and dealing, making something from nothing, as opposed to the honesty of the lord of the manor's relationship with his serfs.

>> No.11871058

>I personally praise both because I'm bit more of a threeway Greek than a missonary with weak arms and tiny dick.
based and redpilled

>> No.11871060

...The permanence of that relationship, the impossibility of those honest serfs ever challenging the status quo, etc.

Enthusiasm and inspiration in literature are much the same thing. A writer learns how to write, and then acts as if he sleepwalks through it. Much like an aristocrat whose ancestor was a murderous gangster acts as if he has the eternal right to his castle and land.
His readers, much like the aristocrat's serfs, defend the writer's claim of inspiration, because they are powerless to create literature themselves.

>> No.11871075

In both cases a transformation occurs.

A powerful figure seizes his power by dishonest, calculating, violent means. Later, this violence is disguised, and turned into something organic, something that was there forever. Those who depend on it and are not capable of the violence of originality or the originality of violence defend this claim of unconsciousness, naturalness, legitimacy.

>> No.11871267

Every thing looks like a serf when you are a parasite, even aristocrats. This is the basis of all institutions if I'm not mistaken, at least from the common xer's perspective. The relation is constant and only democracy placates both the aristocrats and serfs by means of a game. The trick is to play them all, to embrace your inherent parasitic nature. That is the heart of the DNC and Liberal party, isn't it?

>> No.11871280

What a silly thread. Why did you make this?

>> No.11871401

No, I think you'd have to be from Europe to understand that lords and serfs utterly deserve each other. They really are codependent.

The same goes for writers and their fanbases.

Silliness, clearly.