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/lit/ - Literature

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11868998 No.11868998 [Reply] [Original]

The earth. The despot. Capital. Bodies of inscription, bodies of organs. Bodies which provide surface, orientation; bodies which point. We can retreat into the body without organs, the deterritorialized socius, a recording surface without orientation, without internal limit. Or we can push forward, liberate intelligence from it's anthropomorphic constraints, and create true organs without bodies, a Zizekian feverdream of short-circuited assemblages and whole partial-objects, operating independently to maximize their own objectives which converge at the apex as a convergent wave, or, terminatoresque automanufacture.

The machinic unconscious operates as tractor field, pulling time towards it at a pace which scales with techonomics. Acceleration is, as Land put it, "technomic time" [1], self-compressing moment-blocks which provides a rapidly compressing timescape through which teleoplexy intensifies. According to the irrational, you were never an end-in-itself in the first place (Kant wasn’t a fool keeping his ethics tightly within in the theater). Hyperstitons sleep, or they live and breathe through you like blood. Hyperstitions compete for unconscious intellectual resources, starving each others development with Bolshevik-like efficiency (the forms themselves commit warcrimes in jest). Economic abstraction becomes divine oracle; occult praxis is capitalist excrement. Spinoza’s worm in Spinoza’s worm (...), and the whole dance uploaded in real time.

Fredric Jameson wrote:
>Someone once said that it is easier to imagine the end of the world than to imagine the end of capitalism. We can now revise that and witness the attempt to imagine capitalism by way of imagining the end of the world. [2]
(Ignoring the glaring hyperstitional “someone”,) what does it really mean for capitalism to end the world? The most obvious answer would be that of the destruction of earth, the territorial element of (bio)production, most commonly projected as nuclear apocalypse. What if, however, what is at stake here isn’t the planet, but the Heideggerian world, that of our temporal horizon of meaning; we face not simply a ‘loss of world’ in the sense which we have lost the world of ancient Greece, but instead a loss of the very grounding of World itself, utter abandonment of the principle that “Being-in-the-world belongs essentially to Dasein”. [3]

>> No.11869002

It is worth a moment to reflect on an oft-unturned stone: why did Land reject Hegel? One suspects it comes from Deleuzian sympathies, but this doesn't grok. Deleuze rejects Hegelian dialectics precisely because of their conservative (that is, absolute) mechanics. Although dialectics negates, D&G describe "Hegel-style destructions" as being "ways of conserving"[4], and therefore antithetical to the true project of psychoanalysis (that being true destruction (of Oedipus)).

But the conservative aspect of Hegelian dialectics is the basis of his cybernetic influence. (Here I agree wholly with girardfag; Hegel was the prince of cybernetics.) What is negated is preserved in the moment, not simply discarded, and as such cybernetic intensification is simply a natural outcome to the process. The surplus excitement feeding back upon the auto-exciting circuit is the sublated negation itself. However, what could be more Hegelian than the negation of Hegel being sublated into the Hegelian dialectic (as with Schopenhauer so many year earlier)?

The Young Hegel eats the Old. In truth Land takes the cybernetic aspect of Hegel, and appropriates it through negation much the same way Deleuze did. Unlike Deleuze, who rejected Hegelian absolutes in exchange for a non-dialectical exchange of differences, Land rejects in Hegel the anthropos, the Hegel who, in a fit of neo-Ptolemaism, deigns the celestial bodies themselves as subordinate to terrestrial life [5]. Land turns this in on itself, that terrestrial life is in turn subordinated to the Outside once again. But in this negation, Land takes Hegel’s system up with him – accelerationism is haunted by a Hegelian cybernetic purified in flames, unfettered by archaic notions of anthropocentrism, abstracted from the real into the horror-core of the imaginary.

1 Teleoplexy, Nick Land; §00
2 Future City, Fredric Jameson
3 Being and Time, Martin Heidegger; p.84
4 Anti-Oedipus, Deleuze & Guattari; p. 311
5 Narcissism and Dispersion in Heidegger's 1953 Trakl Interpretation, Nick Land

>> No.11869012

Stop spamming this trash.

>> No.11869249

>The surplus excitement feeding back upon the auto-exciting circuit is the sublated negation itself. However, what could be more Hegelian than the negation of Hegel being sublated into the Hegelian dialectic
is this what reading Hegel does to you?

>> No.11869276

>a Zizekian feverdream of short-circuited assemblages and whole partial-objects
I want to engage you in discussion because it seems like you have a basic grasp on a lot of the terminology you use. However, I want to know: what did he mean by this?

>> No.11869478
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The word assemblage [as per Deleuze] is translated from the French word agencement, which translates closer to something like arrangement or layout. It is not simply social, philosophic, linguistic, "assemblage", but something like schematics or mapping. A short circuit is simply an unintended point of connection between any two places in a circuit, an accidental point of reduced-resistance (this itself is represented in schematic or map) leading to an increase in conductivity in the circuit (the feedback kicks in, exponential current). Partial objects symbolize artificial immortality, the monstrous surplus remainder of pure semblance. They become whole apart from the assemblage, self-grounding images which persist into the real.; the something-after of the short-circuited assemblages and their undead extra:
>[A] hand that wonders around alone in early Surrealist films, or like the smile in Alice in Wonderland that persists alone, even when the Cheshire cat’s body is no longer present [Troubles with the Real, Slavoj Zizek]

>> No.11869733

c-capital is sentient?

>> No.11869777

Jurgen Habermas invalidated his theories

>> No.11870487


>> No.11870519

Holy... I want more

>> No.11870552
File: 150 KB, 640x628, s61aopaac3k11.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seems like you have a basic grasp
>this is what a basic grasp looks like
accelerationism is sentient

>> No.11870579

Sloterdijk's notion of Spheres is far cleaner.

>> No.11870616

can someone elaborate on what spheres actually is? I see Sloterdijk meme'd more and more but have no idea what hes about

>> No.11870628

Do your fucking jobs jannies.
These cultists have made 20 or more threads the past few days.

>> No.11870643

Academia rots your brain.

>> No.11870665
File: 216 KB, 1080x1622, Screenshot_20181001-073724__01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based, we need more threads like pic related

>> No.11871186


>> No.11871223
File: 315 KB, 890x1106, CapitalIsSharing.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How's that any worse than a thousand 'Capital is naptime' threads?

>> No.11871311

well for starters this op actually talked about books

>> No.11871327

OP has a fucking bibliography, he’s a fucking saint

>> No.11871339

Who cares? It's still just spam from a discord agenda.

>> No.11871431

>paragraphs of researched OC
what discord group do you imagine is behind all this?

>> No.11871600

Look arguably there is some dedicated autist reposting these but the knowledge is sound. Land deserves his comeback and its a fair way more interesting than

"lol infinite jest is shit" 300 times a year

>> No.11871609

I want in.

Separately, the "appeal to mods" is ludicrous. A lot of well written, well researched posts turn up on a topic you don't like? Ignore them. There are plenty of other threads out there. Meta/lit/ is annoying AF

>> No.11871620

Nah, it's pseud bullshit.

>> No.11871807

Why though. Is D&G pseud bullshit as well? The writing style that irritates some is present there as well... Or is it the source material and the scifi references that piss you off. Just saying "its bullshit" isn't enough

>> No.11871818

Because it's based on a false premise, a misunderstanding of history/capital, and filled with mounds of technobabble to obscure the circular logic.

>> No.11871845

>call something they don't understand pseud bullshit
>allude to arguments instead of making them
classic /lit/

>> No.11871878

What is the misunderstanding tho. I get people don't like the deterministic angle of it as its largely dead outside of the acc space but I don't see why its circular logic.

And the "technobabble" is clearly stylistic, builds on style of D&G, and I don't think obscures the meaning unless you approach it in a way you shouldn't and start trying to glue down every term too tightly

>> No.11872704

huh, that actually helped

>> No.11872715

This has nothing to do with Heraclitus. And get your Marxist horseshit off this board.

>> No.11872987

>Fire in its advance will judge and convict all things.

>> No.11872991


>> No.11872998
File: 631 KB, 1600x1106, CapitalIsMastery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you knew what that meant you wouldn't be wasting your time on this pseud shit.
Either that or you're just a corrupt spirit.

>> No.11873030

>corrupt spirit
>Landian Geist
The jokes almost write themselves.

>> No.11873046

>heh muh inside schizotechnojokes
So if accelerationists are so fast, why can't they meme?

>> No.11873105
File: 406 KB, 1377x1600, Spinoza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP--stop relying on GERMAN (properly YIDDISH) IDEALISTS as a crutch--all CARTESO-SPINOZAN REASONING from DESCARTRES through NIETZSCEH and from NIETZSCHE through the modern DAY, is an affront to GOD. the EN'LIGHT'ENMENT/'LIGHTBRINGING'/LUCIFERIAN/SATANIC AGE yielded NO legitimate anything