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11867701 No.11867701 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw did a psychedelic drug and experienced eternity
What now?
I know it was "just a drug" but I can't deny the experience

>> No.11867709

I don't get why you guys make these threads on /lit/

>> No.11867719

It says something about the post-modernist fags who post here.

>> No.11867724

It was just a drug, but what the drug showed you came from your own mind. Does this help?

>> No.11867729

>this op

also i recommend writing on a small amount of lsd

>> No.11867735
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>'We can easily see how LSD inverts the relationships of ill humor, stupidity, and thought: it no sooner eliminates the supremacy of categories than it tears away the ground of its indifference and disintegrates the gloomy dumbshow of stupidity; and it presents this univocal and acategorical mass not only as variegated, mobile, asymmetrical, decentered, spiraloid, and reverberating but causes it to rise, at each instant, as a swarming of phantasm-events. As it slides on this surface at once regular and intensely vibratory, as it is freed from its catatonic chrysalis, thought invariably contemplates this indefinite equivalence transformed into an acute event and a sumptuous, appareled repetition.'
Now its lit related

>> No.11867736

You as well as every other millennial has done this by now. I'm really disillusioned by psychedelics but I used to be interested in them when I was a little bit younger. They're cool still but so many children and retards have ruined their image for me. Ayahuasca mixtures are about the only one I think really has lasting impact, at least for me, but even it fades after months-years

>> No.11867741

MDMA is better for thus

>> No.11867743

Psychedelic drugs are not a rare candy that levels up enlightenment. They're at best a form of mentally dangerous entertainment that produces easily gotten delusions of having real insight. Terrence McKenna produced no thought of real substance and died of brain cancer. Alan Watts was an obfuscating entertainer with garnishes of real wisdom that lived a life as a plastic monk and profited greatly from the hippie counterculture.

There's a good reason Buddha advocated against drugs as one of the five precepts. They limit self control, impede coherent thought, overexaggerate mental connections to a schizophrenic level, often spiral into hedonism, encourage egotistical confirmation biases and can outright cause insanity in heavier users. So many psychedelic users are evangelists about this dangerous and ultimately indulgent form of recreation. People like Phillip K Dick saw dozens of people crumble around them into death or psychosis because of these kinds of carefree attitudes.

>> No.11867744

Start reading eastern texts also Coomaraswamy's book 'Time and Eternity' is probably relevant.

>> No.11867807

DMT > ayahuasca

>> No.11867817

ayahuasca is DMT taken orally with an MAOI

>> No.11867834

What are drugs though? What about sugar? Or the drugs produced in your body/brain? All the medicines that treat people with severe illness (non-psychedelic or psychiatric medicine and not mental illness in this case but those are important too) and keep people alive? All the foods you eat or beverages you drink which contain chemicals which could be considered a drug just as much as anything else?

>> No.11867837

i think he meant the extracted crystals

>> No.11867846

DMT is the psychedelic drug in ayahuasca along with the catalyst to make it orally active (some sort of MAOI, usually a beta-carboline in a plant like the ayahuasca vine banisteriopsis caapi traditionally. The experience is different but so is DMT taken intravenously or insufflated

>> No.11867849

Totally /lit/ related

>> No.11867863

You could use DMT HCl along with a pharmaceutical MAOI and it would still be the same experience (more or less) to any other form of ayahuasca that uses a DMT-containing plant along with caapi vine or Syrian rue

>> No.11867935

>i dont like this thing because other people like it
uhhh okay

>> No.11867937


>> No.11867955
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My friend did lsd a while back and didnt experience anything close to what most people see as a traditional high where people see colors and shapes. He said it just made his mouth numb and everything seem funny. Although he did only take 125 micrograms. Did he just not take enough?

>> No.11867956

>experienced eternity
that's called ODing and dying, and since you're not dead you failed. try again

>> No.11867986

Your friend has a low IQ

>> No.11867999

What do you mean: what now? Doesn't that experience help you understand?

>> No.11868001

125 isn't a huge amount although numb mouth is a sign he wasn't doing acid but an RC

>> No.11868024

I had to go through the worst trip of my life to snap me out of my obsession with the idea, but LSD has no final "answer" waiting for you. It is an experience that feels infinitely meaningful, and feels like it is hiding secrets somewhere at the bottom, but everything you experience on LSD is all their is. Maybe this won't mean anything until you take the round trip yourself, but you can hit the "bottom" of yourself with a large enough dose and you will feel that it is incomplete and incomprehensible right to the core. There is no understanding waiting for you. There is only curiosity and frustration no matter how far you go, and it only ends once you realize that's the case.
That isn't to say you shouldn't take it. It's a marvelous drug and can point your attention towards some amazing things about your own mind. But remember that you're not studying, you're not becoming whole, you're not "getting closer." What you think is what you get.
Good luck anon

>> No.11868028

>all their is
fuck, *there

>> No.11869591

>tfw this is true about all of mankind’s quests for understanding

When the tent cord is plucked up within him, does he not die, and that without knowledge

>> No.11869609

This is why I don't want to fall for the DMT meme. What's the point of penetrating the infinite if you're going to comeback as the same loser you were before.

>> No.11869639

Based and true, although it seems like these kinds of drugs have stimulated creativity in some artists so there is that. Still, it's playing with fire and not a route to genuine enlightenment.

>dude, what's the difference between food and poison? they're both just substances you ingest that affect your body chemistry

>> No.11869751

I spent 3 years on and off with L and what I've found is that it's like standing in an empty steel container, but every time you walk towards a wall, it grows slightly more out of your reach. You realise how much larger the room is inside, which amazes, but eventually you find out you can't ever reach the wall, the "answer". The room becomes so large that you can't even guess where close to center is. Many people don't ever ask themselves what they would even do if they could touch that wall. "Life's complete, you found the answer, congrats, but you're 30something and have 55 more years ahead of you, now what?"

I agree with Sartre that man is condemned to be free. People don't want to choose their own life, they want to be told what the best life for them is. They want the individual guidelines on exactly what's right for them, who is right for them, and what decisions to take when. The problem is that casting this away is to cast away our humanness. We must eternally suffer knowing that nothing will ever be right enough for us. The moment one thinks that someone else has the whole answer for them is the moment they gave their humanity away and should and shall be treated like such.

>tl;dr acid is good at expanding the metaphorical ever-expanding steel box you exist in, but you can't ever begin to leave this box. Stop worrying about trying to touch the walls and start worrying about how you can live in this box

>> No.11869884

conga rats! You've experienced the afterlife!

Does it comfort you knowing you'll be looking dapper in a suit, and tripping on DMT while the worms eat your toes?

>> No.11870351

have you ever taken a psychedelic?

>> No.11870364
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>Microdose and play Doom arcade mode.
>ranked top 300 in the world in my favorite levels.
LSD is a hell of a drug.

>> No.11870377

Why is pep e wearing birthday hat??????!

>> No.11870448

Alan Watts barely tried drugs desu, he did them a few times because that was the done thing at the time, but after having some realisations on them he gave them up. He even went to declare "once you've received the message, hang up the phone."

>> No.11870726

how do you think a dogs behavior would change after tripping on DMT?

>> No.11870890

>He even went to declare "once you've received the message, hang up the phone."
And then drank himself to death

>> No.11870925

Psychedelics don't work in stupid people

>> No.11870974

There is no big other

>> No.11870996

Fuck materialism, if it has value to you, that is all that matters. You are not moving through reality, it is unfolding to you. You got a glimpse of the subtext.

>> No.11871004

This is a pretty good analogy. It's funny how imbued with a sense of the infinite an LSD trip is, given that trying to "understand" it really feels like trying to approach infinity, or the speed of light

>> No.11871006
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>mfw there are unironically drugfiends on this board

>> No.11871019

>implying LSD is a drug
>implying the part that gives you the "trip" isn't the inner-folding motion one must accomplish to bring the tab to the oral cavity

>> No.11871031

Last time I took LSD it ended with my friend (who was on twice as much as I was) pinning me down by the shoulders and yelling into my face "NONE OF THIS IS PROFOUND" as I sobbed and went through thought loops

>> No.11871039

t. NPC

>> No.11871040

>top 300
that’s nothing desu
tho my only point of pride was top50 on a portal2 level

>> No.11871055

lurk more

>> No.11871092

Read Hegel

>> No.11871112


>> No.11871119

They're showing how cool and woke they are

>> No.11871259

Read a science textbook for Pete's sake

>> No.11871272

lmao the mods and the userbase on this board are absolute trash

>> No.11871420

Well said

>> No.11871436
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>> No.11871468

don't like it then you know where the door is

>> No.11871666

t. retard

>> No.11871687
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What is it like dual wielding Hegel and Deleuze on acid? Asking for a friend.

>> No.11871691

please submit this for peer review, james

>> No.11871706

but you know what doesn't fade? trying to understand the world around you and the people in it, omitting nothing and meditating on everything, as you enjoy more exploration and discovery

Just say no!

>> No.11871736

but did you achieve it natty

>> No.11871870

I honestly feel sorry for people who never did lsd

>> No.11871898
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based and redpilled