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11866136 No.11866136 [Reply] [Original]

I really liked this book. Give me some recommendations based on this

>> No.11866571

the old testament

>> No.11866578

People need to stop treating Joseph Campbell like an unquestionable authority. His entire project was basically just a justification for the worst forms of capitalist exploitation in the 70s and 80s.
>dude just follow your bliss lmao
What a fucking joke, he doesn't even have any qualifications to make his system of thought seem legitimate, but a bunch of morons after him (including every hack YA writer and Jordan B. Peterson) use his work as a foundation for their own nonsense. Fuck Joseph Campbell.

>> No.11866988

He later recanted on that comment and wish he had said something like "follow your blisters" instead, because he realised just how much it could be misinterpreted by new agey hedonism.

>> No.11867021

That one comment is the essence of his entire ethical position, though

>> No.11867043


>> No.11867085

>His entire project was basically just a justification for the worst forms of capitalist exploitation in the 70s and 80s.
But how?

>> No.11867306

Finnegans Wake

>> No.11867514

Read it, was a huge fan, the story of Moses really works well as a romance :^)
I’ll check it out, thanks anon

>> No.11867534


continue on with the Masks of God, if you've already read the Old Testament (you have, right?)

then read Jung's Answer to Job.

that was capitalism's doing, not Campbell's. dummy.

>> No.11867553

he's mistaken. campbell's work was not a "justification for" all the shitty movies that used his ideas as a guide for storytelling. campbell's work was made for the sake of man's soul, not george lucas bank account.

there is no how.

>> No.11867608

Nobody said anything about George Lucas. I was referring to stuff like the Iran-Comtra scandal. Oliver North was a student of Campbell.

>> No.11867615

>campbell wrote his work as justification for oliver north
still doesn't make sense brainlet

>> No.11867646

Stop misinterpreting my words. North used Campbell as justification.

>> No.11867665
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citation needed

>> No.11867688

I have yes. I’ll definitely check both of these out, thanks anon!

>> No.11867695

I’m not going to spoon feed you. Everyone should know about Iran-Contra.

>> No.11867703

>makes claim
>refuses to support claim
>wins argument
so this is the power of being brainless

>> No.11867710
File: 25 KB, 323x499, 51e1oVtCMSL._SX321_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Levi Strauss, Georges Dumezil, Roberto Calasso
