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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 28 KB, 376x488, faulkner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1186429 No.1186429 [Reply] [Original]

Don't mind me, just being the most over rated writer on earth.

>> No.1186437

Agree 100%. His characters are literary cardboard, his stories are idiotic, and his dialog is garbage.

I'll never understand how a writer so unjustifiably boring is held is such high esteem.

>> No.1186436

Steve Martin?

>> No.1186443

NB4 "it's just so deep"
>implying woman bashing and saying "nigger" over and over is deep.

>> No.1186440

>His characters are literary cardboard
This is actually one of the stupidest things I have ever seen.

>> No.1186445

to deep for you bro?

>> No.1186453

I've never though any of his writing was that well done. The Sound and the Fury was a complete waste of time.

Faulkner is for all the pseudo intellectual kids that think they are deep for reading him.

Sorry kids.

>> No.1186461
File: 46 KB, 395x600, the-catcher-in-the-rye-cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel compelled to bring up the piece of shite that was this book.

>> No.1186504


Somebody hasn't read Absalom, Absalom...

>> No.1186512

I pray for a new Holocaust so that young people will get fucking discipline and embrace Modernism.

>> No.1186530


What part of it are you having trouble with?

>> No.1186529


>Implying 'modern' actually means anything or ever has.

>> No.1186528

I wanted, really, really, realllllly badly, for some part of what you said to make any sense whatsoever.

>> No.1186537


Yes, it does mean something, but it's not what I said. What I said was Modernism. It's not a period, but a process. It is the duty of writers to recognise it. Many dodge this duty and get rich off the ignorance of the people.

>> No.1186560

Come on, lick my balls.

>> No.1186571

Come on, what part of what I said doesn't make sense?

Literary high seriousness is only respected when people know enough to be afraid.

>> No.1186575



Shut up for your own sake.

>> No.1186578


What are you talking about? Do you think you can exert some kind of force on me?

>> No.1186594

>What are you talking about? Do you think you can exert some kind of force on me?

I lold'd funniest thing on /lit/ ever

>> No.1186601


>Do you think you can exert some kind of force on me?

Uh, no. Just giving you some friendly advice: for you to pull your head out of your ass in the hopes you don't continue to make a fool of yourself. I'd hate to think you act like this to people in public. Ah, the joys of anonymity.

captcha: respect, explect

Heh, appropriate.

>> No.1186603

Wow, after Stagolee and Mogwai left, /lit/ actually got worse.

>> No.1186607

Faulkner isn't worth the paper he gets printed on.

>> No.1186606


It's ridiculous. All I'm saying is, people don't feel the urgency of life any more, they don't feel the need to make new literary forms for their feelings. A horror comparable in scale to the Holocaust would deal with it.

>> No.1186611


>implying it isn't stag and mog under the guise of Anon.

>> No.1186613


But your opinion doesn't matter to me. For me to be a fool in the eyes of any number of /lit/ posters would be of no matter. If only one other person sees the truth in what I'm saying, I'll be satisfied.

>> No.1186616

sure is troll in here....

>> No.1186621
File: 1.52 MB, 2297x3000, Dashiell Hammett.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did Faulkner and Dashiell Hammett ever meet?

>> No.1186625


Who's trolling?

There will have to be killing before people get some fucking discipline and embrace the Modernist duty again. It's pretty obvious. It's not an outre theory. Only when people know their danger do they make art at the limits.

>> No.1186629


>in the eyes of any number of /lit/ posters
>If only one other person
>please pay attention to me bawww

>>But your opinion doesn't matter to me.
Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.1186632

gosh, you're so poetic and carefree

fuck off douchebag

>> No.1186636


Why does your prick stand for the name 'Jew'?

>> No.1186637


>> No.1186638


I'm not carefree, I preach GODDOG YAKILLIN.

>> No.1186643


Explain please.

>> No.1186652


>> No.1186663


Can anyone else make sense of this? I'm seriously unable to parse this.

>> No.1186665

Haters gonna hate.

Faulkner's one of the greats. He's a legend.

>> No.1186693


You're volunteering to be exterminated in a new Holocaust.

>> No.1186704


Whatever. Just....go away.

>> No.1186747
File: 98 KB, 600x450, 1213208447623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Remove yourself from the internet, would you kindly?

>> No.1186759

Quentin's section in the Sound and the Fury is one of the best section in literature ever

>> No.1186764


>> No.1186768



>> No.1186787

Quentin's section is some damn fine literature.