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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 200x247, lacan.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11863679 No.11863679 [Reply] [Original]

Would anyone here be genuinely interesting in doing some sort of Lacan reading group, in a similar vein to the Anti-Oedipus one that existed for a bit? I thought just by picking some excerpts, perhaps a chapter from The Ethics of Psychoanalysis or something, and discussing it could be interesting. Don't really think there's as much of an interest in Lacan here along the same lines as Deleuze, but from the threads on Anti-Oedipus it seemed like there was a number of people here who knew what they were talking about.

>> No.11863685

No thanks.

>> No.11863692

why not read contemporary cognitive science instead of frenchie voodoo?

>> No.11863695

i'm interested, but 4chan isn't the place and anywhere else ends up sucking dick, is what i've learned
if you can do it seriously i'll hop in

>> No.11863718

Yeah sure, sounds interesting. Just got a copy, will get around to reading by tomorrow.

>> No.11863722

I'd be interested but I need to read more philosophy. What should I read in order to understand Lacan?

>> No.11863723

Not op, but what did you have in mind?

>> No.11863740


>> No.11863766

can we please do this? I've always wanted to make it 5 pages into Ecrits

>> No.11863782

So what, is /lit/ working its way backward through the history of psychoanalysis?
Also I'm in if this is happening

>> No.11863813

What do we start with? I'll join and help keep threads alive

>> No.11863896

We have to start with a Hegel reading group and then move on to Freud because linking up with Lacan.

>> No.11863904

>Hegel reading group
Reminder the AO reading group made it 8 pages in 5 threads

>> No.11863948

Same with the Anti-Oedipus thread. Anyone want to take bets on how far we get into Lacan?

>> No.11864000

can't we just make some telegram or discord server? otherwise activity would be annoying to follow and hard to trace into a particular lad
also, i hope the reading is uncritical, as otherwise we'd get stuck soon and often, the idea would be—i hope—to learn what he has to say, not to engage with, not immediately, at least. i'd assume you people have to ability to do that without getting swayed into agreement

>> No.11864087
File: 42 KB, 651x366, 32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Level 83 Lacanian here. Id be glad to help out if you guys have any questions about the text.

>> No.11864130

Sokal and Bricmont BTFO'd by that Chad hair

>> No.11864142

i agree with this. i think a discord server would be much more effective to form a solid group reading.
i am very interested in lacan, but sadly i dont think i would be able to grasp his ideas without the necessary background.

>> No.11864158
File: 253 KB, 611x474, 235235.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*Blocks your reading group*

>> No.11864208

Whats the difference? Just post here. Use a trip if you have to

>> No.11864489

main difference is that i may lose the ability to keep contact with someone passionate about the same things i am, which is a non-argument
what's a good place to start with him for all of us?
and what're the seminars where he talks about joyce, trakl and cybernetics? those i'm interested in, and the concept of jouissance

>> No.11864528


>> No.11864649


>> No.11864699
File: 171 KB, 640x480, 150519_tao_lin_apa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can this double as the Tao Lin reading group?

>> No.11864724
File: 977 KB, 1548x1024, deleuluue.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When Lacan discovered how aggressive the book was with respect to his ideas, all the bridges were definitively burned. Not only would the two never see each other gain, but Lacan and his friends also started circulating a series of rumors about Guattari’s practice to discredit him in the psychoanalytic circles.

>When “Anti-Oedipus” was finally published, Lacan censored any discussion of the book among his students. He forbade any debate about the book, and never mentioned it in his seminar. One student of Lacan noted that Lacan took “Anti-Oedipus” as “a personal attack that was all the more hurtful because he had made some gestures towards Deleuze, whom he respected.”

Who was in the wrong here?

>> No.11864748

guys please, did i get excited for naught?

>> No.11864788


>> No.11864797
File: 1.98 MB, 480x600, 1531787898650.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's just start on the Seminars. Any objections?

The Seminar of Jacques Lacan: Freud's Papers on Technique (Seminar I)

>> No.11864812

>Letting the Other spook you into not reading Lacan

>> No.11864815

Lacan; AO actually isn't all that hard on him, not like Freud and Jung at least.

>> No.11864819

non on my end, i guess, but should we read it whole for a set date?

>> No.11864919

This picture isn't sexual. It's like she is an angel leading you on the right path, and when fleshbags try to lead you astray, she turns around and sincerely urges you not to and to instead stay with her.
My friends. When you see the sexual images in real life or in a dream. Don't look at them. You won't get to your destination if you do. It's even worse if you operate under the assumption that there is no God, because all that's left is a primal region of the brain trying to usurp the primacy of the prefrontal cortex. Renounce the flesh in its entirety or you'll be a slave the rest of your days.

>> No.11865153

>Don't appreciate the most beautiful thing in the universe


>> No.11865163

What are we going to read?

>> No.11865513


>> No.11865874

Not Lacan. He's a hack that throws autistic fits when speaking. Watch a YouTube video of him. Such a disgusting freak. If someone tried to lecture me in such a way, I'd walk out. Weirdo.

>> No.11865903

