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11863232 No.11863232 [Reply] [Original]

What went wrong?

>> No.11863255

Nothing went wrong.

Ready Player One did exactly what it set out to be - entertaining low-level trash for unimaginitive plebs.

>> No.11863257

Why do you even have to ask? They picked the trailer towers out for the new cover because they realized that was the only even remotely original image the book delivered. Go read Nerd Porn if you want to see what a fedora tipping bugman the author is.

>> No.11863258

literally everything

>> No.11863371
File: 287 KB, 647x432, Cline_Martin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like to imagine that one day Ernest Cline will reveal his entire professional life has been one long performance, and the fact that we all took the bait and actually enjoyed his regurgitated pile of soulless shit is meant to show us how awful we are
I can't justify how gut-wrenchingly awful he is in my head in any other way unless god isn't real

>> No.11863383

The book isn't very good. That's what went wrong. And it's not really unusual, bad books come out all the time.

>> No.11863389

everyone go read this retard's porn poem. so fuckin bad

>> No.11863753

A lot of the book is dedicated to just listing nostalgic things.

>> No.11863785

what went wrong was my fucking high school assigning this garbage as summer reading in 2015

>> No.11863816


>They picked the trailer towers out for the new cover because they realized that was the only even remotely original image the book delivered

This. I remember really liking the idea of piled up trailers, but...it all goes to shit and then all the rest was complete shit.

I still feel bad for taking my time to read that clusterfuck.

>> No.11864191


>> No.11864222


>> No.11864279

Just look at those literal bugman eyes. You can actually see his soul crying out in terror.

>> No.11864387
File: 108 KB, 178x173, 1523989702135.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you anon youve cursed my ears

>> No.11864536

Felt like the author wasn't around back then to feel the nostalgia and was cramming for a trivia test.

>> No.11864760
File: 503 KB, 1252x1666, ready player one research.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This is what went wrong.

>> No.11864820

The author being born is what went wrong.
He is a miserable, disgusting bugman that masturbates too much.

>> No.11864826

If you thought this book was bad, you didn't read Armada
literal fanfiction.net tier writing

>> No.11864834

Hey, I remember those things!

>> No.11864850

I don't believe you.
what type of fucking school did you go to where they'd make you read that?!

>> No.11864874

american public school
believe me when I say that this book could be on the higher end of what literature an american student would read during their high school education. Some kids have never touched a book written before 1960, or a book written for actual adults. Americans can easily end up functionally illiterate and it's no surprise that our """""culture""""" is basically non-existent

>> No.11864876
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>> No.11864898

Assuming this is real, does he not realize there's plenty of porn like that out there? Considering how much of an addicted bugman he undoubtedly is, you'd think he would have come across it.

>> No.11864902
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I knew public schools were bad but I didn't know they were THAT bad.
Thank God my parents sent me to a cozy private school so that I wouldn't be forced to read tripe until college.

>> No.11864907
File: 678 KB, 654x497, 1537542392736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>and, of course, kevin smith

>> No.11864917


He thinks MENSA means something. lol.