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/lit/ - Literature

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11863053 No.11863053 [Reply] [Original]

>But that writer is racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic

>> No.11863057

oh no....social turbulence.....

>> No.11863281

Something to keep in mind, yes

>> No.11863311

TS Eliot was racist and who denies the importance of the Wasteland?

>> No.11863337

This, it gives insight into their writing most of the time

>> No.11863356
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By todays standard, anyone born before 1950 is a racist for holding, at the time, centrist views anyways so who cares.

>> No.11863365

You have to love me for everything that I am before I'll read you

>> No.11863373

>Oh no that writer is female/marxist/anarchist/gay

>> No.11863381

This might be nice to cultivate positive vibes - but it does nothing to gain resistance to negative vibes. You’re building a spiritual house of cards.

>> No.11863393

Well, what's wrong with us removing all neg-vibers?
Problem solved.

>> No.11863505
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its getting fucking crazy, especially seeing people like r crumb, a communist and progressive, booed at comic festivals because of his openness about his sexism and weird fetishes.

>> No.11863535

If every /lit/ member gets gulaged would it really be herstory's greatest tragedy?

>> No.11863690

Anyone thats not racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic is a low IQ subhuman and should not be taken serious in any way, shape or form

>> No.11863710

Let’s make a distinction here. I think that God would have us understand homosexuality as a very terrible sin. History teaches us that homosexuality is predominant in a cultures decline, like with the Greeks or Romans. It’s a signal of a sinful, decadent culture.

The Koran speaks of cities that have been suited by God for giving in to homosexuality.

Women are a little less pure than men, that much is visibly true.

But I have no problem with the trend of women being empowered, as long as we only empower those who are virtuous, see that’s the problem

>> No.11863720

here is a fun game, think of a classic literature author or writer, and write thier name into google and the word "jew"

>> No.11863764

God, Jews are insufferable


>> No.11863786
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>that writer is really good, but if he wasn't racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic/ableist, he would be my favorite of all time

>> No.11863902

The true task is to take in all of the world and still keep a joyful spirit. Don't look away.

>> No.11864260

You could have replaced all 4 of those words with Jewish and it would have been simpler (and more true to life).

>> No.11864289

Do any of you guys ever just admit that you're x-ist around these people? I dont mean in like a super edgy way, but once in a while Ill be at a bar or something and just say fuck it, and explain to them that yes i am racist, sexist, variously phobic etc. It's like they don't really know what to say, the most Ive really gotten out of them is that I need to 'educate myself' to which I respond that the more you read about race and sex the clearer it is what's going on. This usually just draws accusations of me being a diettante, and the conversation changes topics.

These are not people i know for the record, these are randoms i meet, who can just write me off as being some unedcuated bigot that they dont have to care about.

>> No.11864330

It's actually pretty fun if you know you're in an area where it can't compromise you in other ways. Most liberals have literally never had anyone seriously challenge their perspective from either the right or the left. While the right has a significantly more biting critique of the modern world, the left has a level of safety and acceptance within the status quo that is appealing to many normies. They tend to be just smart enough to figure out that something is seriously wrong, but they are neither curious nor brave enough to pursue it beyond what is easily and safely available to them (which tends to lead to bourgeois AnCom larping or to UBI technofuedalism).

>> No.11864365

>x author has leftoid political views
looks like I can't like that author any more :^(

>> No.11864371

Implying you've ever heard anyone say this outside of cherry picked images from /pol/

>> No.11864385
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life;s too short to read books written by white men.

>> No.11864404
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that dosn't mean i won't skim the wikipedia about them and their works. I'd hate to be ill-informed

>> No.11864419

People actually say that all the time. Granted you tend to hear it more from women and gays than men, but the number of girls I've tutored who complained about how racist/sexist/homophobic/heretical in some other fashion some book they had to read for class was is fairly staggering. Even books written by people who were intending to be anti-racist like Man In the High Castle by PKD they couldn't understand beyond their feeling of shock at his use of the word chink.

>> No.11864434

>they couldn't understand beyond their feeling of shock at his use of the word chink.
these people are so tiring. It's like trying to talk to Muslims about Allah, you just arent going to get anywhere and theyll become enraged basically immediately

>> No.11864448

the dismissal of all authors who show signs of racism/homophobia/transphobia/etc. is exactly the kind of destructive and revolutionary impulse that society in general, and a fortiori, art as well, needs. It would be even better if people were serious about it and really did stop reading all authors with objectionable views instead of engaging in a boring and ceaseless debate about whether such a dismissal is "justified".

>> No.11864483

Congratulations, you've gotten your revolutionary world in which everyone has stopped reading authors they morally disagree with (basically everything that isn't explicitly about POC shoving things up their bums or women complaining about how men don't consider them equal despite not being equivalent in any possible way). What are you going to do next with your enlightened revolutionary class?

>> No.11864485 [DELETED] 

alternate history is passe as fukk, you best be teaching a history class with context.

>> No.11864488

You would thunk a guy who hates trump would be backed by sjws.

>> No.11864497

>Man In the High Castle
alternate history is passe as fukk, in what context are you teaching this played out book?

>> No.11864501

>What are you going to do next

I don't understand this question. "I'm" not doing anything, in this hypothetical scenario they're the ones doing it. Whatever "big thing" happens next as a causal consequence isn't easy for me to predict but whatever it was I would accept it

>> No.11864506

It was assigned in one of the students Intro to Comp classes. I'm just a part time session tutor while I finish my PhD, not a professor.

>> No.11864511

They won't because hypocrits, so we're stuck with the tedious cultural schizophrenia circus and you'll remain blueballed for the duration.

>> No.11864513

The "big thing" is the slow descent into Gay Space Communism™ (this time with illiterate brown people) sponsored by Alphabet Inc, Amazon and Visa.

>> No.11864540

You obviously never browse mainstream news sources

>> No.11864590

is 4chan a mainstream news source?

>> No.11864592

That’s a pretty nego vibe towards negative people...


I’ve had success dropping it when I phrase it as a way forward : “I’m a racist. It’s 2018 dude, ain’t no purity anymore. I’m a racist too. I don’t let these facts keep me from working on it.“

You’re right about “uneducated” people on the right being slightly more open to being challenged than on the left. The key is to just avoid certain words and they’ll follow you along pretty far.

>> No.11864642

Don’t forget neoliberals and any hit of anti-capitalism going to “Stalin killed trillions” in 2 sentences.

Lol. Zizek talks about exactly your conundrum. The day after is never, ever present in the revolutionary fantasy. It’s because it’s religious in nature. The question asks you to wonder what living in heaven would be like. It’s /unimaginably/ good - you just need to work hard right now to get there.

I get the urge to smash - but it’s all done in negativity : you actually have no idea what you’re fighting for. You conceive of revolution as a straight line from the dirty present to the amazing future. It may have to smash some things along the way - but it’s a straight line nonetheless. Remember that the road to hell is paved in good intentions. Always, always, always be suspicious of your intentions.

>> No.11864657

I actually like Stalinists more than neolibs to be perfectly honest. They will usually at least debate

>> No.11864684


>> No.11864899

>people defending the dissmissal of anything they don't like because "that's the future" in this thread
>people being softcore book burners with any book from an author they don't like/disagree with

we lost the cultural world 60 years ago

>> No.11864945

This oppression of working minds is why the top writers write under pseudonyms at LULZ.com.

>> No.11864992

>hey tend to be just smart enough to figure out that something is seriously wrong, but they are neither curious nor brave enough to pursue it beyond what is easily and safely available to them
That's because most of them are atheists or Christians in name only who don't believe in anything higher than themselves or humanity. If they do so much as even question the world around them or their internal monologue, they end up becoming blackpilled, depressed, and suicidal. Nihilism is the logical conclusion of atheism, and there is only one way it can end for you once you realize how shitty and irredeemable the world is. The redpill will destroy you if you don't have a spiritual support.

>> No.11865038

The best way to counter these attacks is just embrace the categorization you're placed in and demand an argument against it. Most are used to pathetic denial of being a racist/sexist/whatever when those terms are used against someone so they freeze when it's not denied. I'm a good looking non white so I take advantage of my contempory social class by pushing the buttoms of the political retards around me, like saying women should not be allowed to vote. Of course I'll be called a misogynist but I don't deny it and ask for an argument why I shouldn't think women are inferior. When they stumble over their words it's fucking hilarious because 99% of people don't even know why they shouldn't be those things besides the fact that they are vilified by mainstream media and philosophy

>> No.11865047

>but that writer is a sjw

>> No.11865362

Based and Redpilled

>> No.11865411

I explained why prejudice makes sense in a counselling class once and everyone seemed ok with it.

>> No.11865465

Discrimination based on any number of properties (including race) is the most normal thing in the world. You literally can't be a normally functioning person if you don't discriminate others all the time. Most of this discrimination is subconscious and socially acceptable, nobody makes a big deal out of it.

People can be OK with many things, it's pretty much all about framing and the charisma of the presenter.

>> No.11865525

what is actually wrong with racism/sexism/homo"phobia"?
It's pushed so much I don't even understand the reasoning anymore, it's just
>this is racist so it's bad

>> No.11865531
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>when the writer is an anti-semite

>> No.11865638

It gives negative vibes. I don't read to feel negative by passive aggressive ranting

>> No.11865639

>You literally can't be a normally functioning person if you don't discriminate others all the time.
That's like saying you can't normally function without calling black people niggers all the time. Try it at your top programming job at the bay area and see what happens

>> No.11865648

>That's like saying you can't normally function without calling black people niggers all the time.
No, not at all.
When you refuse to go on a date with a man (assuming you're into women), you're discriminating [based on sex].
When you give a seat to an old lady on a bus you're discriminating [based on age].
And so on and so on. Discrimination can be positive or negative, and it happens all the time, it's part of normal human interactions.
Even if it's negative, it doesn't mean you have to be rude and call people names.

>> No.11865673

The base function of any society is control of sexuality. The so-called libertine SJWs are unironically sexual prudes in their own rules.

>> No.11865679

Even their beloved DFW should be, by their rules, labeled a massive racist. You only have to go for chapters into IJ to read his first person ebonics literary minstrel show.

>> No.11865685

I just put it this way:

I don't have anything against people of other races. No one chose to be born the way they are. You have to treat people with dignity and respect. But I am just happier and more comfortable around people of my own race, and if I had the option of being only with them for the rest of my life, I would take it.

>> No.11865867

So, you're basically a child who is looking to read as a "good feelings only" escapism?

>> No.11865930

Impossible you'd end up killing yourself

>> No.11865931

I notice he didnt reply to this post because you are 100% right lol

>> No.11865938

>Caring what bottom of the fucking barrel shit feasting progressives have to say about anything.

>> No.11865976

Crumb has been one of the only people in comics who has kept it from demoting itself further as an art. I love comics but the fanbase is 99.9% capeshit apologists. If I ever became invisible the first thing I would do would be to go to any comics convention and shout "STAR TREK RAPE" or "STAR WARS GOOOOK/racist word etc." just to see them squirm without a target.

>> No.11865989

Why do you even think about these people? Why do you even make threads about these people? We all know you're just complaining about bottom of the barrel retards on twitter, so why not just unfollow them and stop being a whiny fuck.

>> No.11866072

Reading is escapism

>> No.11866229

People tend to be shocked when I start talking about eugenics until I rationalise it. Everyone always ends up agreeing.

>> No.11866243

Reading can be escapism, it doesn't need to be. It can also be self-improvement, intellectually challenging, and philosophically fulfilling.

>> No.11866312
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if you want to stick it to consumerism, conformity and the putrid values of corporate america, you must become antigay, you must become transphobic, racist and you must become a literal FASCIST. or else, risk being assimilated into the same unthinking monoculture of starbucks sippers, pink haired queers, 'woke' investment bankers and beardo fatasses with marvel comics tees. only the swastika can drive out the rainbow. the lighting and the sun. esoteric hitlerism. Charlie Manson is the one true revolutionary spokesman of the turned on counterculture youth of America. i grew up amongst east coast upper middle class progs, and just look at me now, i am a right old skinhead. Sieg F*cking Heil! that's right. F*ck ZOG and Smash Cultural Marxism!

>> No.11866367

By today's standard anyone alive today holding centrist views is racist.

>> No.11866402

At this rate being racist will be seen as something normal, and any opposing views will be seen as being an extremist. It's all going full circle.

>> No.11866478

better luck next life...

>> No.11866482

man - it must suck to be such a small person with such a small range if life experiences.

I guess maybe you get some points for cuteness?

>> No.11866583

all of those get love in /lit/ though

>> No.11866586

Good job not addressing what he said and snarkily vomiting a pointless post, you guys lose literally every single argument you enter

>> No.11866598

have a huge orgy on our collective weed farm

>> No.11866613

I'm not sure what you mean by this, but most of the illiberal right is pretty against neoliberal capitalism. Stalin and Mao did kill significantly more people than Hitler or Mussolini, but I'm not expecting Tankies to apologise for Stalin anymore than I'm willing to apologise for Hitler. History is what it is, and we can choose to learn from the mistakes of people both with and against our personal ideological bends, or we can choose to ignore them and pretend the faults of our ideological God's don't exist.

>> No.11866643


You total bloody faggot haha

>> No.11867259

You faggots really are schizophrenic, arguing with imaginary people. Show me 1 (one) person saying this.
>>this is racist so it's bad
Exactly. I'll explain this slowly so your brainlet/underage brain can keep up. Most people interact with colored people everyday, and have no problem with them. A lot even have colored friends. Therefore, most people aren't comfortable with calls to hang niggers or some shit.
Same thing. Half the population is women, and everyone interacts with women, everyone has a mother, therefore most people aren't comfortable with the idea of "putting them back in the kitchen" or whatever.
Same thing. No one gives a shit. People treat faggots like any other person, so most people aren't comfortable with calls to shoot fags.
>it's pushed so hard
Spend less time on r/pol and stop arguing with imaginary people.

>> No.11867323

>arguing with imaginary people
...says guy arguing with imaginary people.

>most people aren't comfortable with calls to hang niggers
You know very well that pretty much nobody says that and also that people get called racist (pejorative) for much milder things.

>> No.11868089


>> No.11868135

The fuck is this bullshit? Are jews really this narcissistic that they have to project themselves onto everything?

>> No.11868140


>> No.11868147
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>> No.11868327
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>when people devalue bigotry by letting their resentiment get in the way

>> No.11868380

OK, lit, here is the question, share some good
> racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic

>> No.11868553

You're in denial.

>> No.11868573

yes, obviously. did you just wake up from a coma that started in 2015 (BC)?

>> No.11869794

but there's nothing wrong with suppression of sinful speech and pursuit of the right kind of ideological purity, i have a unprogrammed, deep-seated hatred of racism and homophobia. unlike normies, i don't get triggered when someone says faggot and nigger, i just know it is a serious trangression and in my left wing theocracy they would be put to death or sentenced to hard labour.

people who think this post is ironic in anyway, or people who publish satire or employ irony in their writings will also be executed.

>> No.11869807

There's nothing i hate more than a normie leftist, literally seethe every time i see one of them post their spoonfed msm opinion as if i hadn't heard that tripe before.

>> No.11869836

>But as I left the movie theatre, I turned to my husband and said, “This is about the Jews.”
Jesus Christ. Also, for the record, Christian theology fulfills mercy and justice. It is *literally* the crux of the religion. Christ suffered and died to satisfy the law while extending mercy to those who do not deserve it.

>> No.11869838

>is pretty against neoliberal capitalism.
No one on the right is whining that much about outsourcing and trying to prevent it. Even Trump’s tariffs seemed to be more about against China than for American industry

>> No.11869860

>Whatever "big thing" happens next as a causal consequence isn't easy for me to predict but whatever it was I would accept it
History tells us it's a violent overthrow of your civilization by a radically motivated religious group that restores "traditional" values.

>> No.11869914

That sure was a good argument against that guy

>> No.11869929

Marx ironically

>> No.11869931

>No one on the right is whining that much about outsourcing and trying to prevent it.

>> No.11869953

Not much have changed in the Right since Thacter and Reagan came along

>> No.11870212

Even though it's pretty obvious you're talking out your ass, the right wing is literally running on populism and protectionism in basically every country that the right has had success in since 2016. Trump ran on protectionism, Conte ran on protectionism, Brexit was about preservation of the ethnic make up of England and protection of the jobs English people work, Orban ran on protectionism etc. The whole "radical right" as it stands right now is nationalist and opposed to both outsourcing of jobs, and importing labor as a means of suppressing wage growth. For God's sake you have the most popular right wing pundit in America going on television every night talking about how immigration effects jobs for Americans and how it's better for America to retain manufacturing and labor positions.

>> No.11870219

Crashing this culture. With no surviors!

>> No.11870249

dank painting

>> No.11870268

It pisses me off that there were people at SPX who never read Robert Crumb and booed him based on their google image searches or what they'd heard about him. These are people that only know about mainstream fantasy comics and fanart they saw on tumblr, people that never even got into more experimental challenging stuff. I hate all this twee wacom tablet art. People can't handle ugly ideas or negative emotions apparently, even when it's critiquing the same things they critique. I guess your characters have to be nice and everything has to be "thoughtful", sensitive and comforting.

>> No.11870664

>History teaches us that homosexuality is predominant in a cultures decline, like with the Greeks or Romans

Why do pseuds always say this bullshit line?

>> No.11870773

>be liberal
>plan to die at 28 from violent revolt, STDs, cholera, or even just boredom
>life is almost too short to read even one great work of Russian literature
they mean it literally

>> No.11870785


>> No.11870881

Cause it’s simplistic and requires little thought about the real world. Society’s don’t collapse from massively complex issue way beyond our understanding that could already be happening for all we know. It’s just the icky gay and there icky gayness

>> No.11870929

How does the mere existence of black peoples or woman disprove prejudice against them. Hitler was from a Jewish family dose that make home not an anitsemite? Everyone has had a mother and a father so has sexism never existed. was no one ever stereotyping anyone based on gender. Your trying to logic out the reasoning behind bigotry but there is no reason to it in there first place there is only emotionally overriding reason

>> No.11870932

Isnt that an Ad Homimeme or something? Even /pol/ has an stick with those logic stuff

>> No.11870937


>> No.11870951

You do know the Roman Empire was throughly christanised by the end right. Homosexuality was only frowned upon druing it decline. Also Alexander the Great was gay so the main who built the Greek empire was apparently part of it decline

>> No.11870958

Sounds based, someone needs to undo the violent overthrow of our civilization by a radically motivated religious group that destroyed traditional values.

>> No.11871022

What even are these “traditional values”. If we’re talking pure tradition then radical Islam has the same claim to those values cause even though they may be morally abohorant sharia law is probably the most traditional legal system in practice rn. People act like the West was founded on something from the Bible like the Ten Commandments. But what really make or governments stand out is eleghtemnt values like divsion of power and separation of church and state stuff that directly contradicts the church

>> No.11871037
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>massive international banking schemes have monetized and advertised a fetishistic movement named after the bedrock of all sins
Reality really has jumped the shark. Nothing surprises me anymore

>> No.11871064

>A writer is racist/sexist/homophobic/transphobic means the work is automatically flawless

>> No.11871070

>divsion of power and separation of church and state
see this is a meme. There is always a sovereign, and there is always a state church

>> No.11871081

That isn't what is being said though

>> No.11871090

That's buying into the argument.

Now, as a degenerate, you surely are of the opinion that degeneracy is good.

Unless you're of the opinion degeneracy is bad. But then what sort of degenerate would you be?

>> No.11871094
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Enlightenment was a mistake.

>Accordingly, I think that it is well to warn studious and able young men, who fear God and are seeking for happiness of life, not to venture heedlessly upon the pursuit of the branches of learning that are in vogue beyond the pale of the Church of Christ, as if these could secure for them the happiness they seek; but soberly and carefully to discriminate among them. And if they find any of those which have been instituted by men varying by reason of the varying pleasure of their founders, and unknown by reason of erroneous conjectures, especially if they involve entering into fellowship with devils by means of leagues and covenants about signs, let these be utterly rejected and held in detestation. Let the young men also withdraw their attention from such institutions of men as are unnecessary and luxurious. But for the sake of the necessities of this life we must not neglect the arrangements of men that enable us to carry on intercourse with those around us. I think, however, there is nothing useful in the other branches of learning that are found among the heathen, except information about objects, either past or present, that relate to the bodily senses, in which are included also the experiments and conclusions of the useful mechanical arts, except also the sciences of reasoning and of number.

>> No.11871104

>Alexander the Great was gay
No he wasn't. He physically could not have been, homosexuality was invented by European Progressives. Since Alexander was a time traveler, do you think he conquered his empire via firearma and tanks?

>> No.11871107

I'm the "hates jews and abuses too much cocaine degenerate." Not the rainbows and tolerance kind.

>> No.11871432

If I pull that nose off, will you survive?

>> No.11871514

Of course they wouldn't know what to say you jackass, do you really think the average person have a bunch of counter arguments and sources on the top of their heads just for the rare cases of an random autist from /lit/ wants to sit down in a bar and debate? Do you realize that you're in a setting where people are trying drink and wind down? The last thing they want to do is spend an entire night debating and stressing with someone with a checklist of reasons why they are a certain "ist" or "phobic." It's almost like it's your first time leaving the internet and actually speaking to people. In real life people are going to easily write you off as a bigot and never debate or talk to you on the subject or at all, have you ever considered how annoying and obnoxious it is alone to sit through that when they can go else where to have a better conversation? Don't pat yourself on the back.

>> No.11871627


Is that Serena?

>> No.11871637

Arent you missing what he said? Hes saying that its present, as a symptom, of decline. He never said it's the reason for its decline. Two very different things. Not saying I agree, but if you're gonna critique him at least critique him for something he said and not something you made up

>> No.11871641


All the better.

>> No.11871643

that is so



that might happen, honestly

>> No.11871654

Actually bait or really uneducated.

The Bible does revile heterosexuality more so than homosexuality. Interestingly enough, it does see transgender people being the symbol of decline.

>> No.11871671


I'm convinced Aristotle said that women have fewer teeth than men as a domestic violence joke.

>> No.11871727

None of the things you've listed are discrimination as in:
>the unjust or prejudicial treatment of different categories of people or things, especially on the grounds of race, age, or sex.
Me (a heterosexual man who's not in any form attracted to men) refusing to date a gay man isn't mistreatment or even objectively prove of prejudice, it's me alone being biologically hardwired to not having an interest of having a loving or sexual relationship with man but that doesn't won't be friends or respect that person. Deciding to give a seat to an old lady on a bus isn't a deep moral dilemma on the conversation of ageism. Anon, you're conflating the definitions of prejudice and discrimination, which is common because they both can go hand and hand but are completely different concepts alone.
>Even if it's negative, it doesn't mean you have to be rude and call people names.
Come on Anon, don't come at people with that weak shit. If you lose your job and home because of someone with that power fits your weird ass definition of "negative-Discrimination" you would be just as rude and bitter.

>> No.11871738

>it's me alone being biologically hardwired
um wow stemlord bigot much???? sex is socially constructed sweaty

>> No.11871746


I kek'd

>> No.11871751

This but unironically (with the exception of gay writers, who are based af)

>> No.11871792

Homosexuality was very common upon educated greeks and romans, but it was accepted as a normal expression of love between men, they didnt see it as a sexuality, you fucking asshole.
The behaviour that you are talking about refers to the actitude of feminized and weak men who tend to appear in the decline of civilizations

>> No.11871812

>It's almost like
Your kind can't hide.

>> No.11871844
File: 107 KB, 420x361, oh lord no.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The problem, really, is that normal, disinterested, everyday people cannot, or will not, do something that really should be very simple: separating art from its artist. Separating a creation from its creator. It's like it's impossible for these people, though it shouldn't be at all.

PoMo-related critical theories (racism, feminism, anticolonialism, etc.) have traces of this too, though it's often more about the culture/time period/context of a piece of lit, but the problem is the same: the work is being judged based not strictly on the actual, textual content but on outside beliefs, ethics, morals, etc.

Really, it's all very self-indulgent and blinding. It makes me angry to try and discuss things with people and have them go, "Yeah, but wasn't X [insert -ist here]"

>> No.11871857

I always thought that was white Boston southie

>> No.11871916

I can paste some definitions of discrimination too, look:
>the act, practice, or an instance of discriminating categorically rather than individually
>the quality or power of finely distinguishing
>the act of making or perceiving a difference

Anyway, your refusal of dating men fits quite nicely. You could have a great time getting fucked in the ass, but you categorically refuse to do that. And you're potentially hurting another person with that bigotry, so it's also mistreatment and prejudice.
It's exactly like not wanting to have black neighbors, for example, and you can find the same excuses for that too ("I'm biologically hardwired to dislike them" "They're more likely to be criminals and play shitty music" and so on).

>Come on Anon, don't come at people with that weak shit.
What do you mean? Do you go around calling gay men faggots all the time?
Discriminating does not mean being rude. It simply means observing the properties of a person or group and making decisions based on that.

>> No.11871987

Stop ruining a perfectly good word. They're called "homosexuals" or "fags".

>> No.11871998

lmao. It's just something I do for fun with strangers you sperg
>it's almost like
You have to go back

>> No.11872048

>homosexuality was invented by European Progressives
aka the Jews

>> No.11872623
File: 11 KB, 265x363, 1537699902696.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This also add jew.

>> No.11872863

I'm curious, denial of what?

>> No.11872864

>words words words
the left literally can't meme

>> No.11874071
File: 671 KB, 2601x2034, xrdctfvgbh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Objectively wrong.