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11861780 No.11861780 [Reply] [Original]

Ultimate depression bundle.

>> No.11861820

up ^

>> No.11861913

Y'all just pussies who like to read soft fiction about love, sex and drugs because you can't handle a real man read like Unabomber Manifesto or Seneca. Shame on you virgins, shame on you all.

>> No.11862275

Well real literature is dead. Fucking neoplebs with their soft fiction. Fuck you guys all

>> No.11862292

I don't know why you're sperging out OP. ISAIF has probably been read by most people here, even the plebs, probably because it's so short and concise. It's constantly cited by stormfags too. Why On the Shortness of Life?

>> No.11862294
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>> No.11862323

on the shortness of life is in no way depressing whatsoever. Did you actually read it

>> No.11862357

I actually did. Yes, calling it "depressing" is my bad, that I meant to say is that the moment then you realize how your time has been wasted on surrogate activities and working/fapping/consuming media and that the sphere of human freedom is narrowing with every year, you feel sick af. Well at least I did.

>> No.11862485

What are each of these books about? Maybe if you describe them, people will read them

>> No.11862497

Well the first one is the ultimate redpill on the state of the modern world. The most mind-changing essay out there. Read it and it will change your life. Second one is more of a le motivational stuff, just written in 49AD, which is pretty impressive for that time I suppose.

>> No.11862506

I see I see that's a good kind of feeling in the end though the feeling of realization that will lead to positive change that leaves you better off for having felt it

>> No.11862508

Unabomber Manifesto used to get to me, but I’m Christian now, so I don’t really care anymore. I still believe we can form a utopia based on his ideas. And it doesn’t involve stopping the advance of technology, ironically.

>> No.11862524
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>I still believe we can form a utopia based on his ideas.
He is strictly anti utopian, what the fuck you on about?

>> No.11862534

He doesn’t have a creative mind, he can only analyze the problem. In a future where countries don’t have to compete with each other, populations are limited, genetic engineering exists, we could easily form a utopia. I’m not gonna post all the details right now, but it would essentially be composed of a central “city” of research and tech advancement while the rest of the country lives a more autonomous lifestyle.

>> No.11862540

>but I’m Christian now,
How does it change the situation? Like let industrial system exploit me here on Earth because afterwards I'll have eternal life in paradise full of virgins and happiness? That's an easy way out of problem.

>> No.11862551

I said Christian, not Muslim. Anyway, yeah, I don’t really care about politics now, and most philosophy is only interesting to me if it relates to Christianity somehow.

>> No.11862573

Well the only question that comes to my mind is why don't you commit sudoku right now? I am not trying to encourage you in any way, but if you really believe in afterlife then why are you still suffering here? Why not just go right to paradise today? Why be in hell now? I understand that this is a childish mindset, but nevertheless the question remains.

>> No.11862589

>we can form a utopia
How do you believe this as a Christian? Surely that's some Babel tower thinking.
>For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
Philippians 1:21

>> No.11862590

>In a future where countries don’t have to compete with each other
Yeah sorry but this is completely delusional but you can believe it for all you like. It isn't like you have agency to actually contribute to this "ideal" to realize it.

Btw what do you mean with "form a utopia based on his ideas" what are his ideas according to you and how are they utopian? What you prepose is completely opposed to his ideas in his works.

>> No.11862595

I’m not as Christian as I could be. I’m actually a pretty decent convert after a lifetime of agnosticism and general doubt. If I died right now, I’m not actually sure I’d go to Heaven. To commit suicide as if I knew I were going to Heaven would mean I’m judging myself, pretending to be God. I’d rather not take that risk. Besides, one of my biggest goals in this life is to have a wife and kid(s) and give them everything I never had growing up. I want personal companions in Heaven when I eventually go there, also.

>> No.11862614

No society can be perfect, and I say “utopia” as a relative term.

A good society will have people that are healthy while also living autonomous lives among loved ones. I understand the lack of competition is unrealistic right now, but maybe one day a certain technology will virtually remove any desire to engage in war, or maybe this technology can prevent any and all forms of attacks, etc. In any case, this would open the possibility of not relying on the mindless growth of capital and population, and we could have better control on how our society develops.

>> No.11862669

>No society can be perfect, and I say “utopia” as a relative term.
Sure, but even then how do you get that from Christianity - the faith that a creature as unfailingly sinful as mankind has any hope of building something something utopian for themselves?

>> No.11862671

>it's future

>> No.11862675

Must it get much worse for it to get any better?

>> No.11862679

why do you want to talk about this

>> No.11862685

Dude, I’m not actually claiming that we can have a perfect utopia. Every society has problems, but there exists such a possible, future society that is better than the rest, and this society, in relation to the rest, can be considered a utopia. This utopia would no doubt prepare people spiritually as well, since it is the best society possible. I mean, if we could somehow form a society in which everyone who lives there goes to Heaven, what more could we do?

>> No.11862798

>Dude, I’m not actually claiming that we can have a perfect utopia. Every society has problems, but there exists such a possible, future society that is better than the rest, and this society, in relation to the rest, can be considered a utopia. This utopia would no doubt prepare people spiritually as well, since it is the best society possible.
There's no misunderstanding, I know what you mean. But what makes you believe that man would ever improve society, at any point?
>I mean, if we could somehow form a society in which everyone who lives there goes to Heaven, what more could we do?
Simply: what makes you think we can?
It is God's grace that brings anyone to Heaven, not anything on a man's part.
(And not to forget that the Bible is pretty explicit that not everyone is repentant come the end times.)

>> No.11862970

Do you think people have negative impacts on others’ faith? For example, the atheist who spreads propaganda and fools others who haven’t really investigated Christianity? If so, then certainly we could reverse those negative effects, and if we weren’t able to produce positive effects, we could at least try to get rid of all the negative. But by encouraging people to read the Bible and other Christian works, and make society less materialistic (which no doubt turns people away from God), then we could surely we would be heading in the right direction.

>> No.11862978

To clarify, materialism and indulgence in pleasure turn people away from God, and not the decrease of materialism.

>> No.11863062

These are good things we should hope and try to do.
Though there's no reason to be optimistic, in our own terms, about what we (as man or as an individual) will do - unfortunately many of these negative effects are the results of our own sinful nature. Of course, God's will will be done - so there's always optimism that different (more important) sense.

>> No.11863088
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>> No.11863881
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>> No.11863889


>> No.11863919

>But what makes you believe that man would ever improve society, at any point?
Umm, just look at a history book

>> No.11863949

unabomber was trying to say that the lack of competition will kill us

>> No.11863957

So, basically a retelling of BNW?

>> No.11864153

No, if you read his other work about the nature of self-prop systems and the competition among them, you’d know the driving force of efficiency and growth is caused by that competition. If we as a species were really concerned with progress, we would limit our population, conserve resources, and not get hung up in empty, consumerist lifestyles. But this is impossible because we have to compete against other countries, where the chance of survival is generally indicated by quantity of capital, hence the superiority of the capitalist system.

>> No.11864335

Woah dude ur blowing my mind!