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/lit/ - Literature

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11857141 No.11857141 [Reply] [Original]

Who is your favorite author?

>> No.11857146

I don't really have a favourite author but Joyce wrote some of my favourite books so I guess it's him

>> No.11857185
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Triple H.

>> No.11857206
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>David Jones

>> No.11857207


>> No.11857265


>> No.11857402

Do girls like this read Cortazar

>> No.11857543

James Joyce

>> No.11857557

William Gaddis I'm pretty sure

>> No.11857562
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>> No.11857583
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>> No.11857591


>> No.11857592

Unironically GK Chesterton. I consider him my patron saint

>> No.11857604

Same, after I read Mason & Dixon.

>> No.11857610
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H.P. Lovecraft. I'd buy the man a drink if I could travel back to his time.

>> No.11857691

I haven't read too many authors works.. but so far that I like the most probably Dosto and Ligotti

>> No.11857735


>> No.11858158
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This manlet

I unironically think The Sound and the Fury and Absalom, Absalom! are better than Ulysses.

>> No.11858209

No AILD desu?

>> No.11858243

Hemingway. Wanna be drinking buddies?

>> No.11858247


Honorable mentions to Tolstoy, Woolf, and Nabokov

>> No.11858311

Woolf, Wolfe, Pynchon, Strindberg, Bernhard, Hemingway, Joyce, Nabokov, Proust, Huysmans, Tolstoyevsky, Krleza, Andric.

>> No.11858370

Unironically Shakespeare

>> No.11859471



all good answers

>> No.11859476

Have you read Intruder in the Dust? It's fucking good.

>> No.11859500

Bob Dylan

>> No.11859508

Never been too much of a fan, but it was the first Faulkner I read and I may have been a bit too young and dumb for it, I haven’t reread it yet

>> No.11859513

I have read a lot of Faulkner but have not gotten to that one yet, I will check it out

>> No.11859592

Only favorite author desu.

>> No.11859597


>> No.11859822
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>> No.11860721
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>> No.11860948

William GassBurroughsFaulkner. All burgers, damn.

>> No.11860954

Are you ex-yu?

>> No.11860974
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>> No.11860979

Yeah, I think Andric and Krleza are somewhat underappreciated worldwide though I don't know about the quality of translations. Krleza's references might be more local - Petrica Kerempuh being one of the best (quasi) medieval narratives and damn nigh untranslateable, but both should enjoy permanent fixture as chroniclers of Turkish and Austro-Hungarian presence in the Balkans.

>> No.11860997


>> No.11861004

Name one (1) book you’ve read by him other than Moby Dick

>> No.11861162


>> No.11861191

As if it would be important how many books you've read by an author to appreciate his work

>> No.11861680

Of course it is.
Please don't be like those people who write down the name of a band in the "interests" section just because they heard and enjoyed one song.

>> No.11861728

Of course it's not, literature isn't a quest for completion. I mentioned Huysmans for example: one would either have to be a historian or a retard (or both) to read his third-rate naturalistic drivel before Au Rebours kicked into gear.

>> No.11861745
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correct answer reporting in

>> No.11861770

Billy Budd

>> No.11861772
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>> No.11861794
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This guy. Opened my eyes to the truth.

>> No.11861814

Fair, but I still believe that 'loving an author' means 'loving his works' in general, or at least a significant part of them. I wouldn't find it proper if someone states they love Huysmans or Melville while having read only one novel.

>> No.11861851

So what? Strindberg is among my favourite authors ever since I read Inferno. Since then I've read several more of his books, but I did not read any of his dramas, which is what celebrated him in the first place; I find the outline of a dramatic text (he: speaks she: speaks he: speaks again she: enters) to be a tedious reading experience so I don't see why would I do something I don't like just because I like his other work.

In fact, I consider this sort of erudistic specialization one of key issues with modern academia and its constant compartializing. You don't need to read reams upon reams upon reams of text just because you're afraid to state an opinion. In the end, you'll be just another weakling that covers any semblance of personality with endless footnotes. Look, I know Huysmans was Zola's student - I don't give a fuck about reading that shit in order to write an essay on his literature in, say, La-Bas. Just as I dropped him as he became a turbo Christfag.

>> No.11861859


>> No.11861914

Ítalo Calvino
douglas adams

>> No.11861923

What solution did he actually propose? Muh revolution? Against what? Towards what? Do you really think people would just give up on their "comfortable" and docile lifes full of porn, games and degrading social medias for some vague "freedom" and "real activities"? Grow up man, we are all doomed.

>> No.11862147

Sei Shonagon