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11856540 No.11856540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Has there ever been a valid defense of Christianity that isn't just epistemological "WHAT IS TRUTH" bullshit?

>> No.11856547


>> No.11856551


>> No.11856578

Alright, this is far from a legit proof of god, but what is the reason to not believe in it? All you have to do is not be a degenerate cunt, gives you something to strive for in life etc.
I'll just say i am a wholehearted Christian btw.

>> No.11856590

Has there ever been a valid argument against God that isn't just "HOW IS EVIL A THING LMAO" bullshit?

>> No.11856600

>All of Western Civilization is built upon the Christian value system
>Yeah but how is that proof that Christianity is valid?

>> No.11856618

>epistemological "WHAT IS TRUTH" bullshit?

Wtf are you even talking about?

>> No.11856619

demiurge cocksucker.

>> No.11856621

lol hi blaise

>> No.11856622

"western civilization" built christianity not the other way around, without the pagans christian would be a bunch of wife beating savages in the desert.

>> No.11856624

quality youtube education right here.

>> No.11856626

Satan is the god of this world.
t. Christ.

>> No.11856627

I don't use yank websites you massive meat portal.

>> No.11856630

The problem is that you're conflating two things.

Confucius, Lao Tzu, and the Buddha all created teachings that don't actually require their authors' own existence to be valid. If the Buddha never actually existed and Buddhism was instead created by a council of philosophers or whatever, then Buddhism itself is still valid because Buddhism is really just a very (very) long way of answering
>How do I live a good life?
The same goes for Confucianism, Taoism, and Platonism (along with the works of most philosophers, in some round-about way). In that sense, yes, Christianity doesn't require God, which is where "Cultural Christians" come in.

The problem is that most of Christ's teachings are contingent upon Yahweh existing. If Yahweh doesn't exist then there's no heaven, no hell, no resurrection, etc. The key point of Christianity (Jesus' promise that he would return within his original followers' lifetimes; later, that of heaven) requires Yahweh's existence and without it the entire thing falls apart. If Confucius never actually existed, filial piety doesn't stop existing; but if Jesus never actually existed, then heaven isn't real.

Could Christianity be retooled to be a religion akin to Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and Platonism? Certainly. No one has done it yet, of course, but it could. Frankly, I think the Church was dumb for not doing this the moment they saw which way the tide was turning.

>> No.11856642

Fake and gay

>western civilization
Oh, you mean that thing that you all insist is failing right now?

>> No.11856644

Isn’t that just brainwashing youself?

>> No.11856658


>> No.11856661

>Oh, you mean that thing that you all insist is failing right now?
In an era of mass atheism and rejection of tradition you blame Christianity? LOL

>> No.11856662

If you don’t believe in Christianity then who was Jesus?

>> No.11856666

>demi urge worshipper this delusional
Didn't even answer my post, bet he doesn't even exist.

>> No.11856669

Jesus of Nazareth, a historical revolutionary, nothing more nothing less.

>> No.11856774

What was his purpose as a mere revolutionary

>> No.11856848



>> No.11856894

>Frankly, I think the Church was dumb for not doing this the moment they saw which way the tide was turning.
i enjoy the idea of a group keeping the whole world in a certain mental stasis

>> No.11856895
File: 60 KB, 850x400, quote-to-fall-in-love-with-god-is-the-greatest-romance-to-seek-him-the-greatest-adventure-saint-augustine-36-33-75.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Honestly this.
The people who rail against Christianity take personal issue with it getting in the way of their degeneracy. I'm a fairly committed materialist and find it hard to actually believe there is a God.
Yet, "discovering" Christianity was one of the most intellectually refreshing moments of my life. I've been through all sorts of philosophers and books and schools of thought. It was the same old, same old.
Enter, Church Theology (this time without a priori biases). It was remarkable how well thought out it was and how well spoken. Everything from the Pauline Epistles to the Early Church fathers made sense and I found a coherent, all-encompassing world view inherent to it. The otherworldliness of it all was something to appreciate. Something about it seemed to transcend any other school of thought. Most things you wish to speak to others about but this, this you are content diving into it and keeping it to yourself.
From Augustine to the Blessed Henry Suso. It's all excellent, refreshing, novel insights and philosophy that warrants further examination, if not a a renewal.

>> No.11856967

What is the reason not to believe that I'm going to rape your tight ass right now? Right, zero, so let it be and don't look back.

>> No.11856979

So wait, are we all secretly Christians anyway regardless of what we think or have we strayed from God's light? You can't have it both ways

>> No.11858232

Christ is risen

>> No.11858238

check out the works of christians who criticize the churches but still follow the teachings of christ.

>> No.11858269

I like having unprotected sex with women I'm not married to, I don't necessarily want to kill all homosexuals (just tightly regulate them), prayer disturbs and annoys me, there is nothing to be found in the torpidity of contemplative or rustic life and the bible narrative is inferior to multiple other religious texts as well as the poetic epics that it inspired like the Divine Comedy, Jerusalem, Paradise Lost etc. Finally, I just hate the idea of a priestly caste and their obvious propensity to behave in a pedophilic and socially parastical way while stymieing the arts (which had to shake themselves free covertly with the Rennaisance) and the unspeakably tasteless repression of the Sciences is damning for me. What else could i salvage? An afterlife? its physically impossible. Absolution? There is no sin, we're all spotless from the first. Community? With whom, among which types, why would I want a union with most of humanity? Why would anyone exceptional want to welcome, share themselves with or be drawn downwards by the rest of the species. Its a pointless and really sick minded thing to engage with. There's nothing there save for the mercy cult and the aesthetic appeal which is again dwarfed by the East, by the Pagan Mediterranean and by the allure of the Bronze Age and Paleolithic Human.

I will grant that the hymns and architecture is gorgeous and certainly without the wellspring of inspiration for the actual subject matter of the Rennaisance and Baroque period art there would be a slightly impoverished or at least warped form of art in Europe but its just not enough, and the Pagan arts are in every way a worthy rival to the Magian-Teutonic style found in the Christian aesthetic. Its just not a good deal for anyone who has a strong sense of history or themselves.