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11854336 No.11854336 [Reply] [Original]

What is some manlet-core for a 5'10" midget like me?

>> No.11854344

Fuck off. I don’t need to be reminded how much of a loser i am to be 5’7, not on this site

>> No.11854351

You're only a loser if you let your height affect who you are as a man. Manlet is just a meme. Dw about it, and focus on improving all the qualities you have control over.

>> No.11854946

"Non-Stop", by Brian Aldiss.

interstellar generation colony ship discovers a virus at their destination that accelerates metabolism and causes the children to be born smaller. the ship tries to return to earth but the society falls into savagery. the main character is about two feet tall.

>> No.11855383

any idea where i can find sun and steel in pdf form?

>> No.11855391

read your bible.
and the read it again.

>> No.11855420
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>manlet is just a meme

>> No.11855433


>> No.11855601

There will always be a lot of very tall and very short women. Just ignore the very tall ones if they're a turn off for you. The whole manlet thing is just a meme, despite what >>11855420 may think. There are so many other qualities that matter in making a man attractive, you don't need all of them. Just make the most out of the ones you have and the ones you can improve.

>> No.11855610

I'm a girl and I'm 5'6. I wouldn't be attracted to a guy who feels and looks less masculine than myself.

>> No.11855619
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>*sniff* a-all that m-matters i-is in the inside

>> No.11855623
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>> No.11855677

If you feel masculine while being a girl, then you have much bigger problems than superficial good looks in a male partner.

>> No.11855691

Don't get into a relationship with American females.

Height for men is like big boobs for women. Sure, everybody likes big boobs, but basing your *entire* mating strategy on the size of her boobs is simply insane. Secondly, imagine a male who is intimidated or feels insecure around a small-boobed woman. That suggests some very serious psychological self-image and gender issues. Same deal with women and height. Avoid the crazies, who cares what they think.

>> No.11855712

Why do so many women think that masculinity is determined primarily by height? I'm a 5'6" guy and no woman has ever been physically attracted to me because of my height, but I have masculine secondary sexual characteristics in pretty much every other respects (good jawline, good job, 7" dick, ability to build muscle, body hair, etc.). It's insane how a single quality can be so important to women's attraction.

>> No.11855715
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When /fit/ invades /lit/

Honestly though, if you're so insecure that your height is your only thing to brag about, off yourself.

>> No.11855729

Caring about relationships with women is gay. Real alpha manlets like Napoleon, Alexander The Great, and Genghis Khan used their resentment to take over the world

>> No.11856337


the one on the right is definitely benis

>> No.11856369

For onze I don't gare

>> No.11856385

its not a meme every single study ever done on female sexual preferences shows facial attractiveness, muscularity and height are crucial to getting laid or a gf/wife, stop being retarded
all women have similar sexual preferences which converge as facial attractiveness and HWR go up
that’s not what she means, idiot.
No, it is really important. It also has connotations for health and fitness
because humans are sexually dimorphic w/males being bigger, stronger and more aggressive. This cannot change without causing serious damage to fitness or extreme and unrealistic periods of gradual evolution (which would not be selected for in the first place).
Alexander was a chad prince who was described as handsome, Ghengis Khan came from a noble house and was also considered very manly.
They both have feminine pelvises and collar bones.

>> No.11856489

I just meant that it's just one quality. Like you mentioned, facial attractiveness, muscularity, and height are all separate factors. Saying crucial is very naive, as it is not crucial to have all three in order to have a good sex life, and as someone who I assume is over 18, I hope you know this by now.
That's what I meant by focus on your other qualities, the ones you can improve. You'll still be able to have a great sex life and amazing relationships. Everyone has ideal body types they look for in partners, but very seldom do people find the true ideal. I'm 5'10" and I never struggled. Sure, I'm not short, but I'm not tall either, and the manlet meme would class me as one because I'm under 6' or 5'11".

>> No.11856526

>This cannot change without causing serious damage to fitness
Selecting for success in our current cultural context is surely more beneficial in the long run than selecting for ancient indicators of physical dominance. Also, my point wasn't that sexual selection shouldn't be affected by secondary sexual characteristics, only that we live in a culture where a single characteristic seems to be selected above all others, which doesn't make any sense. My grandfather and father were both short by the standards of their time, and they didn't have trouble dating.

>> No.11856541

>average height guy has no trouble dating due to his height
Shut up dude you're not short

>> No.11856680

I'm sorry. I was just referring to the meme.

>> No.11856693

>small penis
How wonderful, truly blessed I am.

>> No.11856737

It's definitely a meme. One of my friend is 5'5 and is more successful with women than the vast majority of the people I know. He literally has been dating someone different every three or six months for the past five years. Meanwhile, I have an average height and a cute face but have been through a never-ending dry spell since I broke up with my ex three years ago. The thing I don't have compared to him is simply confidence.

>> No.11856740

i think evelyn waugh was short

>> No.11856743

how small?

>> No.11856750

7 inches

>> No.11856825

That's fucking pathetic.

>> No.11857014

It’s not a meme, but it’s not the end-all-be-all in terms of attractiveness. Good face and an alpha personality can make up for being short. Sort of like how a woman can make up for being chubby by having big tits

>> No.11857075

Kant and Sartre were both five feet tall

>> No.11857379

It's a meme in the same way that penis length can be, as evidenced by
>>11856825 saying a 7" penis is pathetic.
It just gets exaggerated and people just end up saying any man below 6'3" is a midget. When any Caucasian male above 5'9" is definitely not short or tall, and shouldn't see their height as a hindrance when dating, in general. Same goes for any penis length 6".

>> No.11857607

Genghis cared about his women

Something like 5% of han chinese are related to genghis through blood

>> No.11857702

All through rape, you dumbboi.

>> No.11857705

implying they didnt want it, conquered women love the conqueror d

>> No.11857709

It is both a meme and not a meme. I'm 5'7, yet I have a beautiful girlfriend who is actually taller than me, and my ex was the same height as me. Numerous girls have been attracted to me in the past.

Like someone else said, it's like boobs with girls. If you're fit, good looking, dress well, socially intelligent and have a somewhat confident vibe, women will be attracted to you. You don't even need to be a "life of the party" type. Women have been attracted to me because of how serious and detached I was in relation to other people.

Often times, attractiveness is all in very subtle demeanor. I have 6 feet tall and over friends who on paper sound and look attractive, but women don't care for them. It's just in the very minute ways they carry themselves. It can be learned and altered, but it requires lot of effort, and a knack for how the little things define social interactions.

>> No.11857767

Heidegger too. Jünger was like 5'7

>> No.11857769

>his gf is taller than him
genuinely embarrassing to see this kind of thing in public

>> No.11857780

I don't know, it feels pretty good

>> No.11857820

That's pretty childish if you find that embarrassing.

>> No.11857829

I'm 5'10" and my gf is pretty much 6'. Who gives a shit, and why should I?

>> No.11857951

Did she have to throw out all her high heels when she started to dating you?

>> No.11857960

Part of me wishes she did sometimes. She still wears 4"-6" heels on occasion and dwarfs most men. But she likes them, so fuck it.

>> No.11857974


>> No.11857985


>> No.11858040

Go LOTR Dwarf mode. It's the only way.

>> No.11858075

Hey, pick on someone your own size.

>> No.11858156

You're a loser just if you wants to be one, sweetie

>> No.11858231

>this /fit/ brainlet invasion
I'm ok being hobbit-size, i have other things that makes some people attracted to me. It's ok, kiddos, everyone can be loved by a big range of people. I'm not even that smart, nor handsome, most cool people that have ACTUAL nice talking do not actually care about that, just internet virgins and mostly, americans.
Get a life, everyone. What's the point of reading so much if you guys don't get any knowledge or point of view? What's the point of reading without thinking about human existence? Being like 10cm taller or trying to fit one standart won't helpyou anything in our doomed depressed lifes.
Just chill and try to understand what's the root of your problems, bros, peace.
I do not understand all 4chan frisson about height and trying to fit this imaginary standart, that's sad because no one will ever fit any standart, nor be ok this way.

>> No.11858268


>> No.11858382

More suicidefuel.
The tank is almost full.

>> No.11858384 [DELETED] 

Just to add into my post. I'm a 165cm 47kg boy with a 10cm cock. Last party i kissed 2 girls and 7 boys. One of them cheated his boyfriend (more handsome and socially succesfull than me) just to kiss and rub dicks with me. The other one is in love with me and asked to date with me few times since 2017 and he always says that he still loves me. It's all about being a ok-ish not rude person, people want people to feel good, be happy, confidence, love, and not to fit crazy shit.
Plus: i'm even gouine and i still get sex with normal frequency. It's not even about penetration, as you can see.
Be nice and be open to understand people as a whole, without prejudice. Sour people have sour faces.