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11853594 No.11853594 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't I ever see you pricks discussing A Song of Ice & Fire? Is this series too "low-brow" for you?

>> No.11853596

Pretty much

>> No.11853660

Yeah, it's pretty bad

>> No.11853686

>Is this series too "low-brow" for you?
Yeah. I actually gave it a chance and read book 1, then I read The Hobbit and realized Martin stole many things from it.

>> No.11853703
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>> No.11853716

Yep. Despite the novalisposting this board is filled with genrefags and even they don't hold the series in high regard.

>> No.11853795
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What are you a nromalfag? How can anyone but a vacuous npc enjoy those books?

>> No.11853812

The more she drank the more she shat!

>> No.11854357
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>> No.11854368

this is why ill never read GR.

>> No.11854377

well that's silly

>> No.11854438

It actually is a garbage series. The first few books are good because Martin took risks and tried new things. He innovated and popularized the grimdark nihilistic fantasy that everyone is trying to copy now, but as the series went on it devolved into what it is now, a very tired, repetitive, meandering mess. Martin decided to stretch the series out and it shows with characters like Dany having nothing to do. He increasingly relies on the same old tired tropes and cliches with one example being every single prominent character having at least one fake-out death scene that's meant to trick the reader into thinking the POV narrator died.

The worst part of Europe at the worst time of history wasn't nearly as rapey as the world of ASOIAF but that's all Martin has writing toolbox to make a bad character bad. There are hundreds on instances of sex throughout the series yet only two or three involve a married couple.

>> No.11854537

it's actually unironically a great paragraph.

>> No.11854543

Fantasy fucking sucks
Read about the actual war of the roses or something

>> No.11854580

this reads just like Pynchon

>> No.11854599

The worst thing about ASOIAF's popularity is the way it made his brand of "POV chapter" bullshit popular. The Expanse would still be garbage if it weren't written from a different character's eyes every other chapter, but it wouldn't be *as* derivative and bad as it is.
Another issue with ASOIAF is that the series tries to be smarter than its writer. Martin clearly has no serious interest in philosophy, history, or religion. If he did, he wouldn't have constructed a world stuck in the same form of feudalism for 8,000 years.

>> No.11854618

have you even read pynchon?

>> No.11854662

Isn't there a quote from grrm saying he just takes different historical events, mixes them up, changes a few things and that's his idea of originality? Sure authors can be inspired but this guy has parallels to Rome, England, Mongols, etc. It wouldn't have even been so bad if the characters weren't so 2 dimensional

>> No.11854666

>"I'm undermining genre tropes"
>Actually he's just taking cues from Greek tragedy where Tolkien took cues from Finnish mythology

>> No.11854673

I know he says he undermines genre tropes abd doesn't believe in true evil, but he still creates 100% evil characters like Joffrey, Ramsay, mountain

>> No.11854711

Its a frustrating, thankless read, and because of how many potentially interesting plotlines are skipped over in favor of awful ones. Also, time has shown that GRRM is simply not a good author. The man can write, and hes not totally inept as someone who crafts ideas, but he is a strange author, this series is never going to end well.

He has his HBOBUX now and can tell the world to fuck itself, which it seems like he is doing.

>> No.11854738

He's a lying sack of shit as a marketing strategy. It's the only way he knows to set himself apart from other fantasy writers. I'm working my way through the series right now (about a third of the way through A Storm of Swords) and plan on finishing at least through The Winds of Winter but I don't have especially high expectations in terms of his ability to write good prose. The most interesting thing about the series' style is the way he reveals information about the past through the eyes of POV characters, but he is very much overconfident in both his ability to convincingly fill up ~10K years of history and the patience his audience has for his bullshit "Maester Faggius has just finished writing his History of My Hemorrhoids, I got the raven today and am translating it for my editor" schtick. He is almost definitely going to die before finishing the story people care about. Fuck him.

>> No.11854749


>> No.11854758

>Who don't I ever see you pricks discussing ASoIaF
Newfag. A year ago there were daily threads about it and about the shitting meme

>> No.11854762

If it were only low-brow, it'd be discussed. If it were only low-brow and terrible, it'd be discussed occasionally. But, it's low-brow, terrible, and popular, which means it was already discussed to death before you came here from where ever the fuck you came from.

>> No.11854769

Not really. This board is just filled with contrarian faggots, if it didn't get it's own tvshow it would have just been seen as an average fantasy setup with some good shit now and then. It's not as bad as people here make it to be.

>> No.11854772

Actually books like this give genre fiction a bad name. It's incredibly disappointing because of what its structure says about the state of the profession of writing.

>> No.11854782

>It's not as bad as people here make it to be.
Except that this is the one series that is probably worse than what most people try to make it out to be. It's actually just flat out bad in every way, and in plenty of ways it's remarkably terrible.

>> No.11854817

>Actually books like this give genre fiction a bad name.
> It's actually just flat out bad in every way, and in plenty of ways it's remarkably terrible.
that's subjective as fuck, you really make it sound very bad when it's not even worthy of that much negative feedback

>> No.11854823

I'm allowed to express my opinion, fuck off

>> No.11854827

>The worst part of Europe at the worst time of history wasn't nearly as rapey as the world of ASOIAF

I agree with most of what you said except this part. Go watch a documentary or two about the medieval age.

>> No.11854884


>> No.11854885

drank n shid n drank n shid n drank n shid n drank n shid n drank n shid n drank n shid x---DDD

>> No.11854931

Her cunt became the world

>> No.11854994
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Men call me Darkstar, and I am of the night.

>> No.11855024

Martin's characters have mono dimensional and random behavioral patterns, their actions are not prepared in the script, they delve into erratic petty politics and schemes to provoke and impress the reader in a world that dragons existed and exist and in a world that shadows kill people from afar and magical frost themed outsiders threaten the lands. How can that make sense? Why would you care about taxes and who your psychopath son will marry in his reign when there are priests who raise the dead and assassins who take whatever form they want in order to kill whomever they want, etc? This is an "art" that poses as pseudo realistic, but in truth is an undecided mix of high fantasy, medieval pseudo realism, porn, epic parody and Martin's personal complex about how cruel the world is. The problem with his art is, that it does not make sense and it does not have cohesion and a robust core like Tolkiens art did. He fails because he has not decided on what the core of his work is. Hell, he doesn't even have a main story. Oh, and by the way, he needs to lose the RR's from his middle name. It's embarrassing.

>> No.11855027


>> No.11855136

Finally a good argument other than "it sucks"

>> No.11855145

I bet grrm is into scat and asoiaf is secretly smut

>> No.11855236

I've never read it, OP, and I don't really take part in discussions on books I haven't read unless if I'm intending to read it.

I've been tempted to get the boxset of books from one of those clearance budget book shops we have so many of in the UK but I'm often telling myself that that's £5-£10 I could spend on a single book I'd much rather read instead. Maybe I'll pick them up sometime, the next time I go on a fantasy binge but even then I'm guessing there's better genre fiction out there.

>> No.11855247

sounds like a Saturday night with IBS badum tssh

>> No.11855255

It's a very small sequence in a large book, anon. I'm certain these large doorstoppers have at least one or two grotesque things in there just to make sure the reader is still paying attention. It's a well written section, even if it is disgusting.

Plus, if you never read GR you'll never know the pleasure of Slothrop trying obscure fictional british sweets, fighting a giant octopus on the beach in France of being chased down in a hot air balloon while throwing pies. Fucking great book.

>> No.11855265

I'm not embarrassed to say I really enjoyed the books.

>> No.11855302

If show didn't turn into a piece of shit then it would be easier to like. The books are pretty good. It's a good example of a character driven narrative. People make an impact on the world, for better or worse, whether or not you're there to see it. Characters act in their own self interest and the unexpected happens, etc

You read one book

You haven't read the books and you're talking about the show

>> No.11855351

Reading 5000 pages of fantasy XD

>> No.11855354

Can you make it any more clear that you haven't read the books?

It's driven by the characters and the world, not a goodguys vs badguys narrative. Magic etc is reborn into the world, coinciding with with differing legends and prophesies. The dragons, shadow killer, and white walkers are myths to most people for most of the story.
People have their own changing goals and they don't care about a simple narrative. Shit happens but it always comes together in a satisfying way for most of the characters.

>> No.11855357

What documentary do I need to see which shows me that over 99% of sex that took place was rape? I'm not too big on watching movies so maybe you could just point to a book instead.

>> No.11855362

>You haven't read the books and you're talking about the show

What makes you think this? There aren't hundreed of instances of rape in the show and not every character has a takeout death.

>> No.11855373

What's funny is that the Lord of the Rings, which is a better story, with better worldbuilding, better characters, better everything than any modern fantasy novel, is only around 1,000 pages in total. In its totality its like 1/10th the length of a modern fantasy series and contains more than they ever will.

>> No.11855398

We should have a ASOIAF megathread since his new book is coming out soon desu

>> No.11855401


>> No.11855404

Based Pinecone would take it to the complete extreme of fetishism. GRRM's poo prose is as vanilla as it gets.

>> No.11855431
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His books are implicitly and at times even explicitly sexual to the point where "pornographic" would describe them.
He even consents to this with his well known meme quote.
>I can describe an axe entering a human skull in great explicit detail and no one will blink twice at it. I provide a similar description, just as detailed, of a penis entering a vagina, and I get letters about it and people swearing off. To my mind this is kind of frustrating, it’s madness. Ultimately, in the history of the world, penises entering vaginas have given a lot of people a lot of pleasure; axes entering skulls, well, not so much
I've said this in the past, so this is largely a copy+paste from this point—His argument is a nonsensical comparison as it relates to artistic contribution and is merely a utilitarian straw man (a poor one at that, looking at pleasure alone, rather than detriments associated with the act). It's actually stupid if examined.

Murder, in almost all literature is something that warrants reflection, a contemplation on mortality and morality; and always serves a point to progress a a story. It, invokes the higher faculties and implicates the more recently developed parts of the human brain that separates us from all other species to contemplate and assess it, from premeditation, to execution, and the consequences that all stem from it. It's artistically rich and by no means serves as an inducement to do commit it, and often can show the horrible consequences that result (eg Crime and Punishment).
Sexually suggestive material and themes does nothing, it automatically engages the procreation drive, and makes someone aroused. Being descriptive or showing overt nudity, doesn't give deeper contemplation involving the higher faculties, quite the opposite---it induces temporary hypofrontality in the cortex of the frontal lobes, to ensure the human in question procreates---the result is arousal, not contemplation. Your ability to assess and appreciate artwork on is greatly subdued because of this. Hence, this is why low quality art and literature often have sexually explicit scenes and material.

Reading or contemplating violence, does not make you have an insatiable urge to do it. Sexual arousal naturally leads to a distracted state originally intended to further nature's objective.

There is literally no reason to vividly describe sexual scenes. The only reason is to excite, and that frenzy it sets aflame is antithetical to the good reading normally begets in the mind.

>> No.11855457
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lit is filled with miserable unemployed continental philosophers from the far left and far right who just want to talk about how they are failures because because constitutional republicanism and capitalism have made them fail.

they are incapable of reading for fun because their hatred for freedom and life itself has ruined everything for them.

>> No.11855471

Well the last book came out like 7 or 8 years ago, so there hasn't been much to talk about since. If you were here then this place was almost spammed with asoiaf

>> No.11855707

ASOIAF is the greatest work of plot-centered fiction ever.

People here on /lit/ don't like it because plot fiction is for entertainment, which puts it in opposition to this board's pride in its intellectualism.

>> No.11855777

Seems like a good description of cholera.

>> No.11855857

Gratuitous descriptions of creampies and blowjobs abound in the first book alone

>> No.11856081

True, no great art focuses on the very human nature of our sexuality just as no shlock ever ovedoes the violence. Yessir, it's not a matter of the way you handle it or how real it is to the situation.

>> No.11856100

Martin doesn't focus on "the human nature of our sexuality," as you call it--he actually does just use it for shock value.

>> No.11856195

The plot doesn't go anywhere after the first book.

>> No.11856368


We're not allowed to discuss it here anymore because of the HBO series. You missed out though. We had some great threads pre-2011 and the thread where the German anon got ADWD early was pretty fun.

>> No.11856387
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Why doesn't anyone talk about his actual "inspiration" for ASoIaF?

>> No.11856453

>Not driven by good guys vs bad guys narrative
>Starks vs Lannisters
>Starks vs Bolton's
>Starks vs greyjoys

>> No.11856595

>Hell, he doesn't even have a main story
I'm not even a fan but this is a retarded criticism.

>> No.11856756

Did you not read the later books?

The Starks, at least in terms of the collective North, were not good by any means. They committed war crimes just as bad as the Lannisters.

>> No.11856772

It's been a while so please remind me about any stark crimes.

Either way though, he sets up characters to be explicitly bad, and it's ridiculous since his series is supposed to be "morally grey"

>> No.11856799

There are huge sections of multiple characters travelling through the Riverlands during and in the aftermath of the war where you see that both sides are pretty much equally as bad if you are caught in the middle.
War is a huge theme in GRRM's works.

>> No.11856812

Yes that is one of the main themes but my point was that he does create a good guy vs bad guy narrative. In the bigger picture, yes, both armies are bad, but there is definitely a main characters vs evil characters thing going on

>> No.11856822

only good Starks were Ned and maybe Jon, Lannisters have Tyrion and Lancel, Greyjoys have Asha. Ramsey is pretty evil though.

>> No.11856851

Robb is good, Lancel is such a minor character no need to mention him, there's Joffrey, there's euron

>> No.11856856

Just because an author wants you to side with particular characters doesn't necessarily make them "good".

There are definitely characters that are more good than others, but it's meant to be ambiguous and fuzzy.
Ned was pretty good overall, but when you look at his actions and back story from other character's perspectives it's less clear.

That's one thing that's really great about his writing compared to most fiction. The way he gets the reader to really understand and hold the multiple POV characters' perspectives simultaneously.

>> No.11856866


I think it's very good. I don't regret reading it, but I don't see myself re-reading it, which is something I generally do with books I love.

GRRM has a long writing style that is probably only loved by few, but I can dig what he's trying to do.

>> No.11856875

>t. hates the meme trilogy

>> No.11856877

What exactly is ambiguous about euron, Joffrey, Ramsay, Cersei? And what is fuzzy about Ned, hes literally touted as the most honourable asshole ever

>> No.11856891

Robb wasn't good, he broke his vows losing the war and killing thousands of his own men in the process. Even the Starks have an evil character, maybe even two (arya and maybe bran).

>> No.11856899

Oh there are characters that are unambiguously bad. But IMO there's no one who is unambiguously good. Except maybe Sam.

>And what is fuzzy about Ned, hes literally touted as the most honourable asshole ever
Honor is not the only aspect of good.
Also what was honourable about ordering the kidnapping of Tyrion for the (unproven) crimes of his family members?

>> No.11856902

I don't like grrm's writing. The plots are fine, though not genius. He just doesn't have a fundamental command over language.

>> No.11856904

Arya and bran have done nothing to be considered evil. And Robb made a mistake, that doesn't make him not good, that just means he made a mistake. That would be like saying Ned isn't good because he got himself killed

>> No.11856910

Cercei and Euron have nuance to them, but Joffery and Ramsey are pretty evil. thing is, if he's going for realism, it's not unusual for a few of the hundreds of characters to be genuinely bad people. If every single character was 50%good 50%bad it would be the least realistic thing you could imagine.

>> No.11856915

>Arya has done nothing to be considered evil

is this bait?

>> No.11856924

Catelyn ordered his kidnapping, not Ned. But you admit that these characters are unambiguously evil and they are set up to be against our good guys. This proves my point, that there is a good guy vs bad guy narrative

>> No.11856927

Arya has done nothing evil? Shes a murdering sociopath by the end of the fifth book. Bran is in the hands of the children now and if you trust them you are in for a surprise (they already turned Bran into a cannibal if you missed it). Robbs mistake was dishonorable, Ned literally did the opposite and married someone he didn't love for the sake of his kingdom. Robb is the opposite of Ned.

>> No.11856931

The unambiguously bad characters aren't the main antagonists of the story though.

>> No.11856933

How realistic is it then for a character to be 100% evil? Grrm himself is always talking about how he likes his characters to be a mix of good and evil

>> No.11856940

I feel like a lot of the people who talk shit about A Song of Ice and Fire have never actually read the books. Considering how much they seem to confuse the TV show's portrayal of events with the things that actually happened.

>> No.11856942

How realistic is Jeffrey Dahlmer, or John Wayne Gacy, or Gilles de Rais?

>> No.11856952

Who are then, the others? Not much ambiguous about them

>> No.11856957

How realistic would it be for all those killers to be in the same story and all against our main characters?

>> No.11856969

It's obvious that his mistake is dishonourable, but he is still an overall good guy. It may have been wrong of him but it didn't change the fact that his cause was righteous

>> No.11856971

grrm has already said we don't know the story of the Others and that they are not mindlessly evil. Even their name 'Other' has philosophical signifigance to suggest this.

>> No.11856973

Stannis and Daenerys are incredibly morally ambiguous.

>> No.11856980

Well the show pretty much revealed their story. They are anticipating humanity and mindlessly kill people for the sake of expansion even in the books so I'd say they are evil

>> No.11856983

Also the Lannisters under Tommen and Highgarden leadership could turn from being mostly morally bad to leaning good.

>> No.11856985

I agree but they aren't exactly antagonists

>> No.11856988

The show has completely diverged from the actual story.

Stannis and Daenerys will never be on the same side, so if you consider either one a protagonist, then the other is automatically an antagonist.

>> No.11856990

I think there's probably two, and even then its like maybe 0.5% of named characters, and they aren't against all of the main characters because most of the characters aren't even working towards common ends

>> No.11857007
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>the show
>having any correlation with the books past season 3

>> No.11857010

Dany is a protagonist and Stannis has nothing to do with her yet since they aren't even on the same continent. Stannis is definitely morally ambiguous with his fire sacrifices and everything but how can you not consider him a protagonist when he's about to fight Ramsay to put Starks back on top?

>> No.11857016

There is still general events or plot outlines that they follow since grrm told them what happens. For example r+l is one of them, the origin of the others could be another

>> No.11857024

I'm not saying he's not a protagonist, I'm saying that at some point in the story one of the two will become an antagonist depending on which one of them you side with.

>> No.11857027

Idk, there's the mountain, Cersei, Joffrey, they're all against the Starks. There's Ramsay, Roose, Walder Frey, who have also fucked over the starks. There's euron and whos definitely going to do something "shocking" to a main character if you don't count what he's already done

>> No.11857031

It was Tyrion's blade that an assassin nearly used to kill his son and I'm pretty sure Cat randomly found Tyrion in an inn up King's Road

Bran, Robb (who cares about a vow to a disloyal hermit that should've given him passage for free), Jon, Jeorah, Tyrion, Queen of Dragons, Ned, Cat, all Tyrells, and ultimately the eunuch are unambiguously good. Even the Hound

Most people are unambiguously good in the story

>> No.11857033

I guess so but we can't discuss what hasn't been released

>> No.11857044

>Bran, Robb (who cares about a vow to a disloyal hermit that should've given him passage for free), Jon, Ned
hmm ok, arguable

>Jeorah, Tyrion, Queen of Dragons, Cat, all Tyrells, and ultimately the eunuch are unambiguously good. Even the Hound
Lmao did you even read the books?

>> No.11857055

I agree Jon, Ned, bran and Robb are good, even Cat to some extent but the rest of the people he mentioned are a mix

>> No.11857068

Stannis seems doomed to die painfully. He'll sacrifice everything to be king and I doubt he'll make the cut.

>depending on which one of them you side with
We're siding with the same people. The only way any real conflict would happen is if it's Jon vs Dany

>> No.11857082

>who cares about a vow to a disloyal hermit that should've given him passage for free
they only told you a half a dozen times that the Frey alliance is key to winning the war, and the Freys already have bad blood with the Starks so he should have been even more accommodating.
Bran isn't even going to be Bran next book
Jeorah was a slaver
Tryion killed his lover and his Father
Danyres is literally one of the worst people in the books (crucifing the masters)
Cat is awful and now an evil hate-zombie
The Tyrells are power obsessed schemers just like the Lannisters
Varys hahhaha holy shit you've never read the books (he has a team of child assassins)

>> No.11857091

I'll admit that even though Jon is unambiguously good now, I have a feeling George is setting him up to be the nights king. Too bad his book won't come out though

>> No.11857100

Loras Tyrell was a fag, which automatically makes him immoral.

>> No.11857104

The Frey's are Robb's vassals, they are obligated to serve him, not the other way around. There's a reason the realm hates the Frey's for betraying their own side and breaking hospitality laws

>> No.11857131

Rob was in open rebellion against the King of the 7 Kingdoms.

The Freys had plenty of grounds to decide not to support him.
Plus the Twins was historically not part of the North.

>> No.11857132

So just fuck them over yet again? A vasselage requires two cooperating parties. Robb was asking for it. Keep in mind his story directly mirrors Ned who does the right thing and marries for duty not love.

>> No.11857147

My bad, the Freys weren't part of the North at all, they were bannermen of the Tully's.
That's even less reason to support Rob.

>> No.11857159

Bannerman of the Tully's, who were Bannermen of Robb

>> No.11857164

Also don't forget they fucked over their direct liege Lord to become lord of the Riverland

>> No.11857834

>year ago
Nigger that was 5 years ago

>> No.11857870

>they’re called “others” look how fucking deep I am
This is just pathetic on his part...

>> No.11858451

The text on the left sounds ridiculously boring.

>> No.11858592

>grrm references psychoanalysis: pathetic
>joyce references an Irish bus schedule: high art

>> No.11858600

dude they put the kids IN the pie

>> No.11858622

Where did he reference psychoanalysis? You aren't referring to the feast descriptions are you

>> No.11858657

I was waiting for muh clegane bowl for years but I haven't really given a shit about it for a while now and have moved on to enjoy other series better.

>> No.11858667


>> No.11858693

>Jacques Lacan
Please kill yourself

>> No.11858769

with regard to your first point how do you view magical realism books? Like, would you make these same arguments about 100 years of solitude?

>> No.11858805

also I applaud the anons who baited out an actual discussion by posting bad opinions. It's unfortunate that that's how lit works.

>> No.11858931

Which opinions do you think are bad in this thread?

>> No.11858982

I think the discussion of good vs bad antagonists started in bad faith but went on to be very productive with some good back and forth on who is actually a bad character and how much moral grey should be allowed in a book. I also think the sex opinion was pretty shit but I suspect the person who wrote it really believed it and he offered a thorough if not altogether convincing explanation for his reasoning.

>> No.11859114

I dunno, man, it doesn’t seem like you’re capable of making this sort of judgment. You seem a bit daft.

>> No.11859127

Is this actually GR or is the world retarded enough to consider this literature?

>> No.11859287

I'm 100% positive Drogon is going to get butchered by the Khal group Daenerys encountered at the end of Dance. It would also be incredibly ironic too, Daenerys will more than likely survive but Drogon will absolutely die taking out the riders and the new Khal.

>> No.11859311

this is actually GR

>> No.11859361

Tyrion will be confirmed as a Targaryen bastard when one of the dragons unexpectedly takes a liking to him and this will set up the final scene of Winds of Winter: Tyrion, Jon, and Dany riding their dragons to meet the dead army. It's going to be extremely lame

>> No.11859424


I think both Drogon and Rhaegal will die and Viserion will be the one who will betray Daenerys or choose a different rider. MAYBE Euron or Aegon. Euron could probably bind him with the horn but I think he'll somehow sense Aegon being the real deal and fly to meet him. Daenerys goes batshit insane losing all of her dragons and wonders off mad around Essos.

>> No.11859436

the more she drank the more she shat

>> No.11859445

fat pink mast

>> No.11859448

>he bought the reddit theory
even the show didn't go that route. obligatory Preston Jacobs plug

>> No.11859464

D&D did say they're doing a different ending which is why they gave the white walkers a dragon but the show did make the dragons act nicely to Tyrion, just like the dragons were nice to Jon.

>> No.11859482

Eat my poo

>> No.11859487

Having finished The Hobbit recently I imagine book 1 being quite boring.

>> No.11859534

What if the horn doesn't actually bind dragons but binds Daenerys to whoever blows it and acts as a marriage seal? Whoever blows the horn and lives shall be the one who is worthy enough to marry Daenerys, the inscriptions involving the dragons were taken far too literal.

>> No.11859538

like it would control Dany?

>> No.11859543


Basically turn Daenerys into a cockslave

>> No.11859590
File: 244 KB, 1884x1124, have a sad cum bb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've read them all so far and I'll read the rest, it's not 'literature' but it's better than most of the trash-tier rot that passes for fantasy these days.

>> No.11860566
File: 42 KB, 312x475, 24359968[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>his actual "inspiration
You meant those?

>> No.11860628

Only during shit like the 30 years war.
ASOIAF is in a universe were the slightest spark of conflict leads to mass rape and murder.
Also I don't think a single peasant revolt is mentioned in the book.
Apparently they just take having no rights and being rape and murdered all the time on the chin

>> No.11860745

Did you forget about the Sparrows?

>> No.11861113


Unite IBroS

>> No.11861115
