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11853280 No.11853280 [Reply] [Original]

How To Argue Like A Jordan Peterson Fan

>Discredit any position that uses citations from the social sciences on the basis that it comes from the social sciences
>Adduce exhibits from the expert field of psychology; talk about personality types, typological maps, metrics of individuality; estimate the poster's IQ on the spot in a way that is informed by nothing
>Insist that opponent's life experiences are not difficult, tragic, or instructive enough to be valid
>Remind everyone that any personal issue you believe bears discussion brings you dangerously close to being a: faggot, cuck, whiner, bitch, loser, Marxist, millenial (the atom bomb in the JP fan arsenal - "Break Glass In Case Opponent Is Educated")
>Remember that every problem of every kind, including categorical problems, can be solved with more personal responsibility - no exceptions
>Tie it off with a bow of sweetly affirmative bullshit: platitudes about self-ownership, irrationalisms about the logos, appeals to greek pederasts, Victorian warlords, and Solzhenitsyn

If I had heptatitis and a squirt gun, I'd blast every last one of you. It's like living with a bunch of Red Formans and pseudo-robber barons.

>> No.11853305

im far right wing and I agree, they are insufferable, any legitimate criticism is met with a personal attack on the cleanliness of your room, and a confusing mishmash of 'he's just having good optics' and simultaneously 'ethnic identity is for collectivists who have never accomplished anything'.

I imagine they are just as bad when debating people from the Left, does literally anybody like them. When tehy first appeared on pol some of them were like fucking cultists

>> No.11853306
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>Victorian warlords


>> No.11853310
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>unironically liking Trump

>> No.11853326
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I Fock pussy 4 fun.

>> No.11853354
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it's almost useless engaging with them. they're too stupid to know that he's stupid. the best line of attack I think is to remind them that he's a gigantic pussy:

>> No.11853368

he is a lot of things but I wouldnt call him a pussy, taking as much heat as he has is not easy. if anything he seems mentally unstable

have you heard about this beef-salt-water diet he's on? The guys seems actually unhinged

>> No.11853376

go back to discord tranny

>> No.11853408

Okay, okay okay.
Now, this,
is truly epic.

>> No.11853442

he's definitely overly sensitive, call that what you will. I'm inclined to agree about his mental health -- it's not normal to be seeing communist conspiracies everywhere you look.

I don't see how the stuff about his diet could be true. if he really has food allergies that severe, how could he not have known it sooner?

>> No.11853464

>>Discredit any position that uses citations from the social sciences on the basis that it comes from the social sciences
This is a fair enough position. Social science departments are more or less leftist think tanks with better funding.

>> No.11853470

>it's not normal to be seeing communist conspiracies everywhere you look.
I dont even like jbp, but this is just a strawman. The 'cultural marxism' meme is about an ideology, or rather set of ideologies, that became very fashionable in academia, not about a conspiracy. The refernce to Marxism in the term is purely because all these ideologies like to chop up society into victim and oppressor classes, which is a famoun element of Marx'S analysis of capital.

You can find this a stupid idea if you want but you dont have to misrepresent it as an actual conspriacy theory

>> No.11853474

The left truly cannot argue.

>> No.11853478

except he threatens to sue anyone who calls him a mean name.

>> No.11853500

im not really sticking up for the guy im just saying he intentionally became a sort of international pariah among the educated class he belongs to, which is not something i associate with being a pussy

>> No.11853510

I'm not describing it that way, he is. he claims that (mostly French) "postmodern" intellectuals intentionally dressed Marxism up in new garb and churned it back out, and that now most of academia is infected. that's a conspiracy.

>> No.11853585

well then yeah that's a conspiracy. the cultural marxism term predates him by a while though and was mostly just used in that sense, except by people who think its a jewish plot, but those people think everything is a jewish plot

>> No.11854238

Why did you bring this shit here? This has nothing to do with literature, get the fuck out.

>> No.11854262

>bumping a thread you hate

that'll show 'em

>> No.11854292

Butthurt cultural marxist conspirator.

>> No.11854293

>what is sage

>> No.11854317
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But where do the lobsters come into it?

>> No.11854329

no, its just a boogey man. Sure there are some nutjobs in academia, but mostly just upset reactionaries uncomfortable with progress

>> No.11854337
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BASED magapede!

>> No.11854398

It's awfully convenient that Peterson, who had worked to sanitize UN policy documents of overtly ideological speech, appeared right around now so you could attach these ideas to him and delegitimize them as a brainless populist fad for drooling maladaptive undesirables, that therefore deserve no further thought. Almost like this easy narrative was handed to you on a silver platter. No no no... that can't be right, even Peterson himself says conspiracy theorizing is the lowest form of intellectual activity, and the elites simply cannot afford to buy experts in psychological manipulation, which is incidentally Peterson's vocation.

>> No.11854404

hey its not my fault peterson's an idiot

>> No.11854408


>> No.11854410

Man that statement about the freedom of speech is pure cringe.

>> No.11854411

Peterson fanboys ironically act similarly to the foot soldiers of soviet psychiatry who under rhetoric truth seeking instead test for idealogical compliance and proceed to pathologize any divergence from their narrow criterion.

>> No.11854413

>Peterson claims his IQ is 152
Am I the only one who sees through this obvious bullshit?

>> No.11854419

>Discredit any position that uses citations from the social sciences on the basis that it comes from the social sciences
I mean that's not really a hard sell OP

>> No.11854426
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How to argue against Jordan Peterson fans:
>create a giant strawman and avoid actually formulating an argument

>> No.11854430

>jbp fans call me cuck and millienial that's not fair!!!!
>jpb is a pussy because he cried once

>> No.11854436

>Imposing costs on slanderers makes you effeminate
Behold the face of the Jewish charlatan!

>> No.11854437
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>thing I never said!!!!
>thing that happened more than once

wash your penis

>> No.11854486

Came here to post this

They are guilty of character assassination with no emphasis on Peterson's content itself

>> No.11854495

>leave my exclusive online anonymous book club

he's an author, stupid

>> No.11854498

thats not what he said

>> No.11854500

i'm not a leftist

>> No.11854504

literally what content?

>> No.11854507

you have to read between the lines, friendo

>> No.11854513

I don't know about social sciences in general, but as a psychologist, I can only advise anyone to disregard any social psychology studies by default. The whole field is rigged

>> No.11854519

Nothing in the op is about his books, this is just /pol/ eceleb garbage. What is so hard about posting on the relevant board?

>> No.11854529

The thing that sucks is that the left were initially so bad at challenging Peterson that they only made him more famous. Drastically misrepresenting him in interviews (cathy newman), attributing way more malice to his words than they should have (that whole enforced monogamy thing), and just trying to deplatform a guy for being racist, homophobic, mysoginytic, transphobic etc (just basically going "well if he might be transphobic, I might as well add the other three).

The left just added to the whole mythos of Jordan Peterson by setting themselves up as easily surpassed obstacles. They made him larger than life by attacking him with the usual Idpol shit, but unfortunately, a lot of it didnt really stick and it made him look like the victim of baseless left wing accusations.

>> No.11854559

peterson's just the new age rand. i think the worst part is how he dares utter nietzsche's name, holy shit that infuriates me. it's fine though, people will never be smart enough to admit what they don't know and will continue to get in debates over and over again. All the political pop-intellectuals are very similar. you have the stupid black science man, lawrence krauss, bill nye, sam harris, all the other stupid ones I can't remember. They all just keep debating in circles over and over again. Oh my god it's insanity, I can't take it anymore!

>> No.11854574

Jordan "BEATS-OFF-A-LOT" Peterson is a FOOL. he does not even fall into the CARTESO-SPINOZAN TRAP (he is too stupid to grasp DESCARTES to the extent necessary to affirm his absurdities) because he is AN IDIOT. he treats POSTMODERNISM as a conscious or psychologically acquired "BRAIN-STATE" when it is in fact a phase of the KALI YUGA/CAPITALISM existing outside oon the level of the UNIVERSAL MIND, rather than in any particular one "BRAIN". it is a symptom of the way our world has come to structure itself in its restructuring of itself in its own image--it is NOT something that people "believe in" or "theorize about"

>> No.11854596

t. Francis E Dec

>> No.11854600

yeah, too bad you're illiterate

>> No.11854601

If he's not a pussy then why doesn't he debate Zizek?

>> No.11854605

He's not wrong, though, is he?

>> No.11854607

Peterson picks his debates well.

Nobody gives a shit if he made Kathy Newman look like a fool, sorry /pol/.

>> No.11854622

>nobody cares
I hate pol but that's massive cope

>> No.11854632

is this story his?

>> No.11854646

from the preface to MoM

>> No.11854650

not really though.

>> No.11854701

Well yeah

>> No.11854708

The only things in that post that sound like conspiracy theories or schizophrenia are the bits about the Kali Yuga and Spinoza.

>> No.11854710

Sounds like someone got btfo.

>> No.11854726
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Are there any good left leaning self help daddies for straight white men? (asking for a friend)

>> No.11854730

>interviews are now debates
The absolute state of Petersonfags

>> No.11854734

Dan Harmon and Justin Roiland.

>> No.11854743

Dr Guattari

>> No.11855055

>literally only eats beef

He's fucking lost it. Not right in the head

>> No.11855077

Psychology, JP's actual field and the only subject he knows even a little about, is a social science

>> No.11855118

Where could you buy a tie in that colour and why would you think it looks good?

>> No.11855122

>mention that I think Solzhenitsyn is shit in a thread on/tv/
>flooded with replies calling me a SJW communist

I'm convinced none of them had ever read a book he'd written either.

>> No.11855148

It really isn't, if the research is done correctly it shouldn't matter who it comes from. Don't deny science when it's convenient.

>> No.11855153

Not exclusively

>> No.11855393

This thread was moved to >>>/his/5403828