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/lit/ - Literature

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11852247 No.11852247 [Reply] [Original]

>skipped class today because I was supposed to have a rough draft of a 1 page essay and do a peer review
>didn't write anything and didn't want to interact with people
books for this feel?

>> No.11852348


>> No.11852354

>taking an English class in college

>> No.11852356

I'm skipping classes because I've gotten fat over the year and my clothes barely fit me anymore. I'm just ashamed of showing up.

>> No.11852375
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scrub your brain down and read a good book

>> No.11852377

It's Sociology 111 "Understanding Technological Society". We're supposed to write about a technology of choosing and its implications for society. Easy enough but jfmsu

>> No.11852692

That's worse

>> No.11852710

that's a sad feel

>> No.11852716

How fucking inept are you that you can't write a 1-page rough draft
Jesus! That's so shameful. Your peer doesn't even care about you

>> No.11852730
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>make the switch from lit/phil to comsci this year
>couldn't stomach any more modern academia
>first few classes are great, very engaging and I'm finally struggling to get a word in rather than being the only person raising their hand
>get first weekend assignment
>have to read book, write essay, and participate in seminar on the lack of female and lgbtq+ representation in STEM

>> No.11852743

>can't write a 1 page essay
>wants a book recommendation

I know this is probably a variant of the "250 word essay" meme, but fuck man. Shitpost somewhere else.

>> No.11852749

You're a coward. Just like me. Enjoy your shit life.

>> No.11852842

I hate when feminism comes up in the classroom because you can't say anything in case you come off as the bad guy.

>> No.11852977

I was thinking about how much I hate myself all day and didn't get around to it. .

>> No.11852980


>> No.11853081

You just gotta fucking game the system man. I took two gender studies courses for my electives and basically roleplayed as an ultrafeminist ally. In all my exams and assignments I namedropped Deleuze and Lacan constantly to justify why gender isn’t real. Deleuze was especially helpful, you just talk about how gender norms stop people from becoming a body without organs. Anyway I got perfect scores on all my assessments and my professor thought I was a fucking genius since I was the only student who seemed to have read such advanced shit. Those two courses bumped my GPA up enough that I was able to get into a really competitive honours program. These fucking retards will cream their pants when you bring up post-structuralist writers. Take advantage of their naivety and reap the rewards.

>> No.11853092

I'm too autistically principled
I've tried many times to play along and it's a task in and of itself just getting my mouth to form the words

>> No.11853101


That happened to me all the time, I just showed up, got marked present, asked to use the bathroom, and typed the whole damn thing in the library double spaced in a few minutes. Ah the good old days of getting a sudden burst of energy. It stopped happening eventually though...

>> No.11853154

I sat at the back and barely spoke out during class. I just focused on putting as much bullshit into my assessments. Unless you get marked on class participation or something there's no value to engaging. Just sit back and relax, have a silent kek to yourself and review the lecture slides later if there's something you need for the exams.