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11848197 No.11848197 [Reply] [Original]

How do i get into Jung's work? Is there a proper order or at least some order that will make sense to someone who has no touch with his work?

>> No.11848217

Start with Archetypes of the Collective Unconscious. If you're too dumb start with Man and His Symbols. After Archetypes read Aion. After Aion read whatever you want

>> No.11848218
File: 28 KB, 331x499, B4E4EB37-008A-402A-BF88-9A4F184B5666.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just read this desu

>> No.11848221

No joke, this is actually a good read after Archetypes and Aion. Peterson synthesizes a lot of Jung's ideas in it

>> No.11848260

Let's be honest, peterson is good but not that great. He read a bunch of books based on his degree, he got a bunch of those ideas, implemented in his own world view and is now reselling them. Nothing wrong with that, but i would rather read what the people who inspired peterson had to say.

>> No.11848282
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>read this

>> No.11848317

He is good insofar as he is an expert on Jung and analytic psychology but, like most political commentators, he oversimplifies the political situation due to its complexity, diagnosing the individual as the cause of societal degradation.

Intellectuals have a duty to apply their work as best they can but Peterson seems to be abusing his academic credibility and taking advantage of political furore to sell his shitty self-help program and books

>> No.11848347


>> No.11848394

I see someone jumped on the "anything even tangentially related to Jordan Peterson is degenerate" bandwagon.

>> No.11848409

You could actually try his autobiography Memories, Dreams and Reflections. It provides a nice overview of all his work while also explaining how and why he reached those conclusions. Jung covered a shit ton of ground so MDaR is a really good starting place as it has a little bit of everything Jung ever did. Also there's a bit where God appears to him as a gargantuan penis with a red eye where its piss slit should be.

>> No.11848412

fuck off tranny

>> No.11848424

I actually might try this, thanks a lot!

>> No.11848451

>diagnosing the individual as the cause of societal degradation.

Because Peterson read some Freud aswell. Peterson is a well needed messenger, he delivers bits of wisdom to lazy millenials who browse youtube for 5 hours per day.

>> No.11848478



>> No.11848492

you destroyed me, i am going to sleep now.

>> No.11848682


>> No.11848704

uhm... I would read Freud's interpretation of dreams first. Just so you can have a bearing on psychoanalysis first. As for Jung there are stark differences in the dream interpretation but Idk where you should start with him.

>> No.11848716

hell yeah that sounds sick

>> No.11848744

lol. nobody gave a fuck about jung until peterson started shilling his wares to internet fuccbois.
bunch of sheeple.


>> No.11848788

Man and His Symbols was written specifically to be an introduction to the lay reader. Jung’s Map of the Soul by Stein is the best book other than that to start off.

To read a lot of his more technical work it’s necessary to have at least a passing familiarity with Freud’s terms and concepts, and it’s beneficial to have a deep understanding.

Personally I’d recommend getting The Jung Reader edited by Joesph Campbell. Like Leibniz, or even Freud (also Lacan), his thinking is scattered across dozens of papers or in single chapters of bigger books, and requires reconstruction to put it into one coherent body of thought.

>> No.11848805


time to grow up and leave behind the fantastic meta-narratives of modernity.

>> No.11848809

Holy shit, what a dumb ass fag

>> No.11848823
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>he doesn't base the collective unconscious on pre-modern mythology and dreams