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/lit/ - Literature

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11847543 No.11847543 [Reply] [Original]

What are some books about being afraid to live?

>> No.11847555

Somebody who's genuinenly afraid of living wouldn't write a book

>> No.11847588

My books desu

>> No.11847610

post it

>> No.11847612
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>> No.11847683

feel the fear and do it anyway

>> No.11847743

I feel ya, anon. I've been feeling afraid to live in fear of dying. So, I'm on several layers of contradictions. I don't get much done; I'm trying to straighten this out. Books are nice, but can be a big distraction from actually figuring out what's going on.

>> No.11847750
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>> No.11847796

i am trying to find this book because i hate myself but i don't want to pay 20$ from amazon, where do i find it

>> No.11847801

The Bible

>> No.11847823

Yo, dawg. I'm genuinely curious about the novels, but I need to know what I'm investing in. I've requested an excerpt, before. Just give me a sample, and I'll give you a chance.

>> No.11847881

you can preview 15-30 pages of it on amazon.

>> No.11847885

You could order another book alongside it.
There's lots of pages of excerpts available on Amazon.com

>> No.11847892

it's 13% off...$14.67 on amazon. 2-day shipping is free if you've got prime.

>> No.11848021
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>> No.11848170

Thanks, headed there now.

>> No.11848407

I will lambast it on my alt right booktuber channel if it is even 1% less based than advertised.

>> No.11848652

Bhagavad Gita homie

>> No.11848722

this OP

>> No.11848731

>alt right booktuber channel