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11847289 No.11847289 [Reply] [Original]

So we all know Lolita but what else of his is worth reading? How are his short stories?

>> No.11847303

gotta read pale fire mang
after that read everything else by him

>> No.11847311

this mangs

>> No.11847360

speak, memory

>> No.11847364

This and this
What a gorgeous book. His masterpiece imo

>> No.11847487

Alright, i'll get those two. Thanks.

>> No.11847491
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>> No.11847495


>> No.11847512

Thank you!

>> No.11847714

The short stories are comfy

>> No.11849039

real lolita looks boring there should be a manga adaption or something

>> No.11849087

>no king, queen, knave
>no bend sinister

>> No.11849101

I read like the first twenty pages of that once, I should try to pick it up again

>> No.11849109

Since this seems to be a general Nabokov
I'm currently in the middle of Pale Fire and I don't know, it's not grabbing me like his other work I've read. I did have high expectations. It's good, but I'm struggling through the commentary. There's parts in it that are really great, but the majority of it has been uninteresting for me
Am I missing something?

>> No.11849141

which of his works have interested you, aside from Lolita?

>> No.11849149

Speak, Memory and Ada are the other ones I read which I liked a lot