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/lit/ - Literature

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11846762 No.11846762 [Reply] [Original]

I do sincerely believe a few of the individuals on /lit/ will be some of the best writers of the 21st. No, no I do not say this in jest.
Here me so, oh, so hear me /lit/.
The western canon will be mounted upon the shoulders of us, us anonymous, as we are the ones who tredge through the slums and boroughs of bugmen, the pit of society the decay of modernity. As they the proprietors of the drained soul they will feel the ground, their place of standing ethics, morals, class, give way to the motion that is already becomming. A tidal wave among man and across the vectors and social spheres that their society protrays.
See /lit/ is a nest, A sacred holy for those with an impeding soul of action, dwelling in the bosom of the internet, where people take to earnest to fulfill their heart. We are about to witness the fruits spring from slumber. The age of promised fulfilment, for you, I and others, shall open upon us.
I sincerely believe, /lit/ is to be a cornerstone of what is to come.

>> No.11846769
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I appreciate that you would think so highly of my Sword & Sorcery furry genre fiction.

>> No.11846990

I sincerely believe this about myself too
Not so sure about these other guys

>> No.11847005

Everyone defending Bukowski in the Bukowski thread is condemned to failure, though.

>> No.11847043

/lit/ is the new cafe culture.

>> No.11847052

Thank you anon.

>> No.11847094

Yesterday, there was a thread about Joyce being a degenerate - with 50+ replies. It's highly unlikely much good will be spawned from this ass.

East London Frogposter and 'Wojak at five o'clock' are based (and redpilled).

>> No.11847201

This is correct, I would venture in phrase to say it is also a figure of early public forum of antiquity.

>> No.11847220

Joyce is shit though.

>> No.11847235

I highly doubt this.

>> No.11847248

Absolutely, but I believe that their are plenty of public intellectuals and authors that already post on here or at least peruse the content of /lit/, reddit is a joke and somehow this place is more attractive. The next big authors will never openly admit publicly that this is their home, their cafe, but it is.

>> No.11847267

You're wrong. I'm going to destroy the canon.

>> No.11847296
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Their is power here

>> No.11847298

The future is feminine, sweetie.

>> No.11847374
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No. /lit/ is home to middle-class, suburban white kids who are so scared of a future which shows no possibility of beauty that they take refuge in the past and entertain fantasies of grandeur and intelectualism.
Nothing more. But nothing less either, because fear is all that protects us from the reality of the Outside.

>> No.11847404

This is the literal definition of a shit post

>> No.11847414
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speak for your self burgershit. many euros on lit, that I know, perceive this board in a completely different way,

>> No.11847422

if that is the Outside i am staying In

>> No.11847427

i will write the next great american novel



>> No.11847432

I think people on /lit probably have a viable future as an interesting regular and conversationalist in a dive bar.

>> No.11847439
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>> No.11847447

Why did you post a picture of yourself

>> No.11847458


>> No.11847459
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this, sadly

>> No.11847462


i have no problem with this

>> No.11847475

t. Bukowskifag

>> No.11847798

But I’m from Orly, euro frendo
What I’m talking about is common to all of the Ocidental world

>> No.11847803

Oh that's rich. its because I can afford the pragmatism to pursue in my the life intellectualist
friends and intellectualism that
I am automatically doing it in the expense of
Not to mention implying that its ok to stand an intellectualist who instead of choise because he could pick any fruit from the garden is there because lack of better options?

I too was made fun of in university,
but I was smart enough to find a girlfriend
from chat
instead of letting girls see my ultra beta status
in school and
reinforce it.
I stand this shit because I need to finish this elite school but I don't let these dicks into my personal life.

>> No.11847913

Ey, you are me, or you are as Neitzches and I of Kierkgaard, nihilism my friend is a slippery slope, the trail will end.

>> No.11847948

Middle class and white is the best atm. Would you prefer poor and black? Graduating college is considered an accomplishment. Upper class and white? Suicidals who never have to face up to the fact that they majored in nothing of value because dads got them covered? Upper class blacks? Political pundits, CNN recurring guests, etc. who make a decent living peddling resentment? What stereotype do you think is superior for creativity?

>> No.11847962

I agree, /lit/ is home of this generation's superfluous men. Of course most of this board doesn't read or write and only skim through philosophy wikipedia articles to be able to vaguely shitpost about Deleuze or Hegel or Nick Land, but the few of us who truly engage with the canon are on a path of greatness. I can see future historians arguing about whether that post about sniffing feet or that entry on write what's on your mind thread belongs to me and how Jezebel posting relates to my earlier writing. I promise that when history remember me, you guys will be remembered as well, i'll name this board as my ugly, pathetic and degenerate muse.

>> No.11847963

Fuck off Leopold

>> No.11847987

Pynch is a confirmed /lit/ lurker btw

>> No.11848015

It's a bit of a numbers game. If even a handful of us can do something interesting with our lives then they can make up for the "I don't read" members of /lit/.

>> No.11848071

When I'm a big-name author with a lot of prestige and connections, I promise I'll do an AMA here.

>> No.11848079

It's nice to see Proust held to the same regard that I hold him. Aside from his philosophically brilliant and stylistically delightful epic, I identify with Proust as a person and an artist. You see, according to his private letters, he was a chronic masturbator.

Not like your average adolescent, we're talking 10-15 times a day, well into his late 30s. It's no wonder he didn't start seriously writing ISOLT/Swann's Way until the late age of 38, because his wrist must've been devoid of cartilage by age 35 requiring strenuous recovery, like how some 30-year-old NBA players have the knees of an 80-year-old after a modest career. I too have this problem, it's a curse. But it's comforting knowing that there is an upper echelon of chronic masturbators who are brilliant artists and philosophers and minds throughout human history. It comforts me knowing that when I die there might be a glowing castle in the clouds where all the great chronic masturbators throughout history occupy, and Proust, from the highest tower, upon seeing my one normal arm and muscular arm with a chaffed lumberjack palm, blows smoky stardust from his divine pipe and shouts "Lower the drawbridge, he's one of us!", and I am greeted with Target 5 for $5 hand creams as I take my rightful place in eternity.

>> No.11848131

/lit/ will make it.

>> No.11848135
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I actually am inclined to agree OP. I'm not the writing type so it won't be me, but some of the posters here do seem to have the spark neccessary for greatness.

I'm a recent university graduate and all I see in the writing and literature departments are stagnation. They overanalyze everything, write purple prose, and seem to lack true depth and spirit. Maybe universities were the places for great writers in times past, but not anymore.

On here, I've seen some of the most insightful contemporary writing around. Sure, a significant portion of the posters are shitposters and fags, but every once in a while there is that post that makes me keep coming back here.

Universities are clearly dying, we're in a new era of decentralization of everything, especially knowledge and creativity. This board manifests that. It has that boundary-pushing, transgressive nature of 4chan, combined with a thoughtfulness that reveals the person behind the screen. It really does seem like a (at least temporary) stop for the next Great One, who'll create the next masterpiece of Western literature.

>> No.11848158

>A sacred holy for those with an impeding soul of action, dwelling in the bosom of the internet

Christ almighty what in the fuck do you think this is? If you seriously regard a fucking image board this highly you're really fucking pathetic. Do you not see the degenerate filth absolutely void of anything even remotely intellectually stimulating that fills this place to the brim? This is a place for socially isolated brainlets LARPing as fucking Catholic monks or as someone who could potentially put forth into this world something of greater value than what they shit out into the toilet bowl each and every morning. The rest of us are lost causes; hopeless and alienated pseudo-intellectuals who try to tell themselves that they're something other than a libertine with the pipe dream to write prose.

>> No.11848248

I don't think there is anything special about /lit/ that breeds great writers. If you made the average person read/post here for 6 hours a day I doubt they would write anything of worth. However, I think the kind of person who gravitates towards a place like this is certainly more likely to be a great writer than someone who doesn't. It requires enough of an interest in books and writing to seek out a forum for such things, and it requires a certain level of introversion and reclusiveness to spend serious amounts of time here (much like how those things are required to write full time).

>>11847043 this is pretty spot on

>>11846762 I think what you're getting at is that in order to be a great writer of the coming future, you need to be at least (at the very least) involved in internet culture. I've always personally maintained that great writers are those who not only ingest more of what life has to offer than the average person, but are also able to pass it through a unique filter (ie their mind) and when it comes out the other side it's not only understandable enough for the public but it's a different enough interpretation to be interesting. In the past this involved exploring the world on a sailboat, or some other shit depending on what time frame we're talking about. I think now it's pretty much a requirement to have taken part in internet forum culture to understand how people think enough to write in a world that they populate.

>> No.11848276

Sitting around and chattering idly about whether Camus or Sartre is more of a cuck won't make the best writer of the 21st century. If you want /lit/ to be a place where we can actually be good writers, then that attitude needs to come with a bit more conviction than we all seem to have. That's not to say you're wrong, just that there's work to be done.

>> No.11848311

Sorry /lit/ but bugmen will become successful and you will stay a neet loser. I am however of the firm belief that one of you will die a failure and then gain a cult following of neets who will worship your authoring in the 22nd or 23rd century. Your image will be preserved in the neet uprising, your words gospel to their minds.

>> No.11848319
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Well when you start spouting off buzzwords like bugman and prattle on about “muh West” it makes it hard to take you seriously.
We probably do have some genuinely great writers on /lit/, but they are also very inexperienced. It’s most likely that they will have volumes of beautiful works written or saved somewhere but have never been published due to self doubt and fear. We live in a very interesting age, everything can be accessed with a click of a button and yet we choose to study the past and contemporary literature rather than just latching on to something for pleasure

>> No.11848324


friendly reminder to donate to the lit archives scattered around the internet

even though the government has a copy of all digital data, it's unlikely it'll ever be released.

>> No.11848393
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>I'm from Orly

>> No.11849399

Protip: When you call someone a "bugman", you're really only doing damage to yourself, no one else.

>> No.11849423

My medium is shitposting and I've been honing my craft for 10 years now
Odds are you're replying to me or posting in one of my threads as we speak

>> No.11849483
File: 264 KB, 620x387, Human-rights-lawye_3349805b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How are we going to change the form? I've thought of some ways:
Romanticism of interpersonal relationships, already done by Franzen and Wallace. Doesn't necessarily change the form, but the culture.
Hyper-precise minimalism. Something I am currently working on. Probably why this prose is fucked up.
Theory-Fiction. Nick Land.
That's all I've got.

>> No.11849513

My mouth wiggles around about. I feel a hot tongue tortured in there. It's needing to speak its knowledge.

>> No.11849533

Then uncoil the serpent, and right it's mast for the adventure of knowledge.

>> No.11849539

>Hyper-precise minimalism.
hey wanna be friends

>> No.11849555

Yup, people call stand up comedians barstool philosophers but nothing is more laughable, this place though? a lot closer to that idea than anywhere else, even if 95% of the board are borderline spastics

>> No.11849566

>Hyper-precise minimalism
Like Brett Easton Ellis and Tao Lin? Or are you referring to something else that I'm unfamiliar with?

>> No.11849627


Dont know if you heard but im the Sauce Boss roun these parts. Now listen if a mans as big as they say, he oughta prove it. Else hes a sissy, or a queer.

CAJONES. Got the balls to claim the Pyncher, Lowf is in the /lit/way, show me the sauce! Show me the sauce!

Stay Saucy

>> No.11849632

The disdain gurgles from the back of my throat, like thick phlegm damning my breathe.

>> No.11850150

>How are we going to change the form?
There's no "we" about it faggot

>> No.11851318

No, not you anon, you are excluded from this.

>> No.11851342

>having any discernible style

>> No.11852750

Tao Lin is here though. Same for Megan and Miranda.

>> No.11853036

>they shit out into the toilet bowl each and every morning
I shit every couple of days, is that bad?

>> No.11853053

we'll be fine

>> No.11853057

Thank you, OP, I try my best.

>> No.11853122

What? He's arguably all style

>> No.11853131

Tao insists he doesn't actually post though

>> No.11853139

thanks for acknowledging my 21st_century space folk epic poem will be great.

>> No.11853333

It’s almost certainly going to be me. I am the King of /lit/.

>> No.11853338

Quad gods confirm. Kneel before me.

>> No.11853639


>> No.11854247

daily reminder the group your describing are literally the same demographic that formented the American and french revolutions, who cares if Thomas Jefferson didn't read chaucer, or if Oliver Cromwell wasn't the best of friends with Shakespeare.

>> No.11854257

Holy fucking shit. I want to bang Ben Shapiro so goddamn bad. I can't stand it anymore. Every time I go to Turning Point USA I get a massive erection. I've seen literally every rule 34 post there is of him online. My dreams are nothing but constant fucking sex with Ben Shapiro. I'm sick of waking up every morning with six nuts in my boxers and knowing that those are nuts that should've been busted inside of Ben's tight conservative boi pussy. I want him to have my mutant human/conservative babies.

Fuck, my fucking libtard mom caught me with Ben Shapiro. I'd dressed him in my sister's skirt and went to fucking town. She hasn't said a word to me in 10 hours and I'm worried she's gonna take away my Fox News subscription. I might not ever get to see Ben Shapiro again.

>> No.11855576

I don't know about this board specifically, judging by how quickly the catalog quality can degrade with a few poor posts, but in the broader sense I think you're right about the people browsing forums today.

Anon >>11848248 got it right when he said that it's more a case of people who have an interest in books and the arts seeking out places like this. It's the ability to filter by interest, and thus "meet" people of similar ability, that creates the magic of the new culture growing here on the internet.

The problem with forums like /lit/ is that post such as>>11848158 takes up just as much space as a decent post, so it's very easy for the garbage to become overwhelming and the hidden gems to become drowned in a sea of meaninglessness not wholly worth the effort of dismissing. Basically what /lit/ can become on a bad day. One big part of the change in perspective internet culture causes in us is the exposure to all the new forms of art that go unnoticed in the mainstream. This includes things like unique and interesting music, (I personally liked the VA-11 Hall-A and NITW soundtracks) as well the ability to get recommendations for things like books (why we're here I guess) which you might not have found yourself. The ability to share this also accelerates information which pleases the tastes of people who gravitate towards forums like this.

Being around a self filtering group of people interested in art also allows sharing of related and useful information which is not strictly related to the forum's topic. The anonymity, though the enabler of overwhelming low quality posts, also allows more frank discussions to take place which might cross the boundaries of ego protection in regular conversation. Though obviously a forum like this is now wholly anonymous, it is still less likely to have social repercussions than something said in real life.

Bandwidth is the most significant limitation on the progress we can make talking to each other, as it's hard to filter out the rubbish and this format of long posts and replies is nowhere near as information dense as real conversation. If there was a way people on forums could select to meet with each other, without discovering any identifying information, huge progress could be made. Until then though, it is hard to image forum culture making meaningful progress while poor content can drown out the good.

>> No.11855592

>ugly, pathetic and degenerate muse
It's more than a bit ironic isn't it? The way I see it is these boards, and the internet as a whole to some extent, are largely an exercise in finding gems of interesting or inspiring information in an avalanche of garbage.

>> No.11856056

Is that why it isn't here yet?

>> No.11856073

lol ur an idiot

>> No.11857823
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>> No.11857825

That's exactly what Tao would say. This is exactly the sort of post he'd make for that matter.

>> No.11857833

Based and Benpilled

>> No.11857856

Whenever somebody defends Tao on here I like to shred them apart and pretend it's Tao

>> No.11857866

The Definite Treatise on /lit/
by Factual Anon

>> No.11857868

Same here.

>> No.11857874


>> No.11857880

He’s been known to shitpost on threads involving Shakespeare. I know of two where he is proven in them but i don’t have the thread links. Just look for someone shitpostif about how Shakespeare was actually not a real person and just a puppet for the Catholic Church. It’s a real good laff becuase Pynchon is a great shitposter

>> No.11857888

Typical passive aggressive bugman post

>> No.11857900

itt: /lit/ dreams about being goodreads, it's cute

>> No.11857905

king of /lit/? more like king of /bitch/ xDD

>> No.11857915
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>we are anonymous
A few of you will likely write a fantastic book or two, no more.

>> No.11857926

Thanks for this post. I read less than I should because I'm OCD, masturbate quite a bit and am afraid of tainting my books with my cum. Imagine if Proust had had this scruple. He would never have ammounted to anything. The books he owned were probably pretty cum-ridden.

>> No.11857949

>irreparably demoralized and directionless young men
>making it
Keep dreaming OP

>> No.11857967

>yfw you realize /lit/ is indeed just a bunch of delusional wankers

>> No.11857969

How about a book that uses any form suitable to immerse the reader entirely in the text such that during the process of reading it feels as though you're actually breathing the minds of the characters and the culture itself

>> No.11858080

Right. This is especially true on a lonely Friday night..
>my gf has to work

>> No.11858115

My goal is to be a truly great poet, perhaps the greatest of this age. Thanks for the encouragement, OP.

>> No.11859714

Sally Rooney if you are reading this we love you <3