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11844827 No.11844827 [Reply] [Original]

Most of what you hear about Christianity seems to be either the metaphysics of Genesis, or the crucifixion/sacrifice narrative. But what did pre-Crucifixion Christianity look like? What sermons would you have heard from Jesus himself on the hill, and how did they differ from the status quo?

>> No.11844831

There was no pre-crucifixion Christianity, it was still Judaism at that point (Jesus was a Rabbi). Christianity was founded only after the resurrection in John 21

>> No.11844837

>it was still Judaism at that point (Jesus was a Rabbi)
What was so controversial then?

>> No.11844845

Because Jesus' accurate teaching was at odds with the corrupt teaching of the Pharisees.

>> No.11844848

That's interesting. In what way?

>> No.11844851

Jesus was a heretic

>> No.11844854

Christianity and those who wrote the gospels strove to synthesize the warring Gods of Syria, Greece, Chaldea, Rome, and Egypt at the time when the growth of the Roman Empire first made travel possible, and the intercommunication of the priests of Mithras, Adonis, Attis, Osiris, Dionysus, Isis, Astarte, Venus and many scores of others and it was decided to unite all of these myths under the figure of Christ.

Traces of this recension are still visible in the Mass and in the Calendar of the Saints, all major Gods and Goddesses of universal import receiving the same honour by the same rites as before, while the local Gods were replaced by Saints, virgins, martyrs, or angels, often of the same name, always of the same character of the Christian pantheon.

Thus on the altar the Solar-phallic Crucifix is surrounded by six lights for the planets, to use one example and Christmas is at the winter solstice, the birth of Christ put for the birth of the Sun".

The Crucifixion represents the Caduceus; the two thieves, the two serpents; the cliff in the Vision of the Universal Mercury is Golgotha; Maria is simply Maia with the solar R added to her name.

The controversy about Christ between the Synoptics and John was really a contention between the priests of Bacchus, Sol, and Osiris, also, perhaps, of Adonis and Attis, on the one hand, and those of Hermes on the other, at that period when initiates all over the world found it necessary, owing to the growth of the Roman Empire and the opening up of means of communication, to replace conflicting Polytheisms by a synthetic Faith.

Compare Christ's descent into hell with the function of Hermes as guide of the Dead. Also Hermes leading up Eurydice, and Christ raising up Jairus' daughter. Christ is said to have risen on the third day, because it takes three days for the Planet Mercury to become visible after separating from the orb of the Sun.
In the beginning was the Word, the Logos, who is Mercury; and is therefore to be identified with Christ. Both are messengers; their birth-mysteries are similar; the pranks of their childhood are similar. In the Vision of the Universal Mercury, Hermes is seen descending upon the sea, which refers to Mary.

Note also Christ's relations with the money-changers, his frequent parables, and the fact that his first disciple was a publican.

Note also Mercury as the deliverer of Prometheus.

One half of the fish symbol is also common to Christ and Mercury; fish are sacred to Mercury, (owing presumably to their quality of movement and cold-bloodedness.) Many of Christ's disciples were fishermen and he was always doing miracles in connection with fish.

>> No.11844860


Christians and pagans alike were struck by the remarkable coincidence between the death and resurrection of their respective deities, and that the coincidence formed a theme of bitter controversy between the adherents of the rival religions, the pagans contending that the resurrection of Christ was a spurious imitation of the resurrection of Attis, and the Christians asserting with equal warmth that the resurrection of Attis was a diabolical counterfeit of the resurrection of Christ. In these unseemly bickerings the heathens took what to a superficial observer might seem strong ground by arguing that their god was older and therefore presumably the original, not the counterfeit, since as a general rule an original is older than its copy. This feeble argument the Christians easily rebutted.

They admitted, indeed, that in point of time Christ was the junior deity, but they triumphantly demonstrated his real seniority by falling back on the subtlety of Satan, who on so important an occasion had surpassed himself by inverting the usual order of nature.

Taken together, the coincidences of the Christian with the heathen festivals are too close and too numerous to be accidental. They mark the compromise which the church in the hour of its triumph was compelled to make with its vanquished yet still dangerous rivals.

>> No.11844865

Try reading the new testament, bozo.

>> No.11844914

The Naassenes, or primitive Jewish-Christian "Gnostics" as they preferred to be called, identified Christ with Attis and Hermes with approval as the Logos

>> No.11844962

>They admitted, indeed, that in point of time Christ was the junior deity, but they triumphantly demonstrated his real seniority by falling back on the subtlety of Satan, who on so important an occasion had surpassed himself by inverting the usual order of nature.
>"triumphantly demonstrated"
>dude, Satan did it, lmao, he just reversed time

>> No.11845393

Jewish nationalism

>> No.11845545

None of the other rabbis were stating that God was there father though. I agree that it is heavily Jewish and some bible scholars argue that some early Christians saw the teachings of Jesus as an addition to the laws laid out in the OT and still kept kosher etc. However, I think it’s false to say that pre crucifixion Christianity was still Judaism. Christ was proclaiming to be the messiah and his followers believed him. Other Jews at the time were still waiting for their king davidesque messiah.

I think it’s also important to note that these were temple Jews and not Talmudic Jews. They were significantly different from the Jews we know today.

>> No.11845658

>the growth of the Roman Empire first made travel possible,
middle east has been ruled by successive blobs for literally thousands of years
read a fucking history book once in your life you zeitgeist retard

>> No.11846320
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Plato, duh.

>> No.11846331



>But to the Mind-less ones, the wicked and depraved, the envious and covetous, and those who murder do and love impiety, I am far off, yielding my place to the Avenging Daimon, who sharpening the fire, tormenteth him and addeth fire to fire upon him, and rusheth on him through his senses, thus rendering him the readier for transgressions of the law, so that he meets with greater torment; nor doth he ever cease to have desire for appetites inordinate, insatiately striving in the dark.
>The Good is He who gives all things and naught receives. God, then, doth give all things and receive naught. God, then, is Good, and Good is God.

>> No.11847658
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Really ignorant question. Christianity is just a label for the continuous religious covenant of Abraham up to Through Christ to the modern day. The Jews fell out of the covenant and became the corrupted pharisaic talmudic synagogue of satan.

The word Jew has been excessively doctored and stretched to mean completely opposite groups in english. The second temple "Judaism" was nothing like the "Judaism" of today.

Jesus wasn't a "Jew" he was a Christian just like Abraham, Noah, and David etc were. If you want to hear the sermons of Jesus listen to the apostolic tradition and read the bible.

Any way this is a kike deception slide thread and the two people I responded to are the same person.

>> No.11847675

you think most of us give a shit about whether god is real? stop asking yourself if we need god, but rather do you want god. i want god so i can put a limiter on all this degenerate trans shit thats flooding media.

>> No.11848364

that's literally what the first 90% of the gospels is about

>> No.11849184

this but every prophet (including Isa, pbuh) up to Muhammad was Muslim not Christian