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/lit/ - Literature

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11844163 No.11844163 [Reply] [Original]

Do you like reading?

>> No.11844171

quite, you?

>> No.11844178

it's okay

>> No.11844190

More than I like being alive.

>> No.11844196

the internet is killing my attention span one day at a time

>> No.11844344

mine is completely gone, i cant read more than 20 pages without drifting to another activity.

>> No.11844359

Nah /lit/ is cool though

>> No.11844405

Slowly getting back to liking it, yeah.
School made me hate reading. If we read a story or book that stunk we had to continue reading it and analyzing it and rereading and answer questions and discuss it and blah blah blah. I find if I read for my own personal enjoyment and strictly read what I want to read I enjoy it tons more.
Can anyone else relate?

>> No.11844429

yes immensely but i don't like sitting on my ass neglecting my bodily needs

>> No.11844431

Yeah I read a lot when I was a kid but bideo games took over somewhere down the line and I didn't start reading again for my own pleasure until I was about 17. It didn't take me long to start enjoying it again.

>> No.11845148

I hate it. That's why I only listen to audiobooks and ocasionally masturbate when the narrator has a deep and soft voice.

>> No.11845167

wat did he mean by this?

>> No.11845174

I'm learning to again. Years of college in a major I wasn't passionate about trapped me into the guilt of if I were reading anything it should be studying for my classes, which I didn't want to do so I just read nothing. Ended up graduating and now I'm relearning how to motivate myself to read only for myself.

>> No.11845204

yes, i do love reading even tho there's a ton of people that know more about literature and read more than me.

>> No.11845210

If I had someone to talk about it outside of /lit/ I think I would enjoy it more

>> No.11845214

20 pages a sitting isn’t bad at all, just do it 3-4 time’s a day

>> No.11845269

Well, that's ok, just read the way that you enjoy reading, take your time. People here are always wanting to read everything at once but don't remember shit or don't feel shit, enjoy your time with the book as you enjoy your time with friends, actually, just enjoy time without worrying to rush things, people these days are always thinking that we need to do everything fast like an urgence, reading isn't like that (not always). So, don't be so anxious as everybody else in XXI century.
I also like reading 20 pages and doing others things like embroidering, cooking, watching the animals in the garden, watching the time passing in front of my eyes, etc. I usually read at least 50 pages of my main book of the week in one day + more pages of other books, short stories, poems, etc. But if i don't want to read one day, fine, i just do whatever i want to do and i read in the next day. Let's keep our hobbies healthy and ACTUALLY ENJOY QUALITY TIME over quantity.
My advice is just chill, bro. Peace.

>> No.11845272
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>> No.11845414

But the only way I can distinguish myself from the other people around me is by being well read and well spoken. Other than that, I am the lowest, worst person I know.

>> No.11845457

Same desu.

>> No.11845465

>b is contained in a
>I like b more than i like the capcity to take part in things within a
shoo shoo retard poster

>> No.11845489

Too close to home

>> No.11845524

I've always felt /lit/ read shit for the sake of fulfilling some pretentious hole rather than for the sake of fun

>> No.11845525

Mfw i saw 'b' 'a' and 'contained' and was confused why you thought /a/ was a containment board for /b/

>> No.11845529

You were right anon

>> No.11845532

Well yeah that’s what /lit/ does mostly

>> No.11845552

I enjoy a good audiobook while driving to and from work but it has to have a good reader.I'm able to read an additional 3 to 4 books a month that way. I tend to listen to lighter books while driving. For instance I tried listening to Dante's Inferno but would frequently loose focus due to the dense writing. Nothing tops reading a good book in the afternoon or later morning. Fuck niggers.

>> No.11845563


>> No.11846462

When I find the right book, yeah.

>> No.11846468

100%. I hated almost all of the crap I had to slog through (or rather, pretended to slog through) in college. A few months later, I bought a book on a whim, read it in days and loved every second.

>> No.11846498

Fuck no

>> No.11848075

I'm new to reading for pleasure and I can't not have a book to read. It's getting pretty bad because I buy every book I read. I don't go to the library. I'm about to get a second book shelf.

>> No.11848376

I like what books contain, but the act of reading is difficult with the infinite distractions we have now

>> No.11848389

I hate it but am cucked by likely misguided responsibility

>> No.11848400

How about this, you addlepated fuckwit: your comment is so astoundingly ignorant that even if we presume satirical intention, it's still indicative of an individual whose moral compass is irrevocably broken. You are an irredeemable piece of sub-human detritus.

>> No.11848503

no i only listen to windows narrator generated audiobooks

>> No.11848528

I read in bed right before sleeping.

>> No.11848561
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I tell myself that I do, but the most that I read are 4chan threads. The last book I started to read I stopped with a little under a hundred pages left, and the book before that I stopped with fifty pages left. I haven't tried reading either book for two months now. I also tell myself that I like writing, but I haven't written anything for even more months. looking back I tell myself that I enjoy reading and writing, even listing them as my favorite things to do, but in the moment I don't get anything from it. It just saps any motivation I have to start once I've stopped.

>> No.11848567

this lmao

>> No.11848571

holy shit I can’t imagine what your life is like, I mean I can, but I don’t understand it. I enjoy reading but don’t tell anyone that I do

>> No.11848577

Yeah, but i find it difficult to be consistent about it.

>> No.11848593

hey want to be friends

>> No.11849342

Nah, I just like to fit in with /lit/ cucks

>> No.11851051

This is an important question. I love everyone being honest about attention spans, and hate the "I don't read" faggots. Our generation is going through a change in how we absorb information; This combines with a broken education system and easy accsess to digital information to give us a situation where we have to learn to read again. Thank you /lit/ bros (even the worst of you) for doing your best.

>> No.11851108

Does audiobooks get shit on here? I used to read all the time, but lost time. Now since I started using audible during work, school, driving I have gotten about 675 hours since January.

>> No.11851116

just imagine a chad reading. lmao

Moreover, when i start to read i can go on for 30 pages easily, but i just can't find the time nor the will to start reading. Binging 200 pages in the weekend isn't fun either.

>> No.11851137

Only by the elitists. Do what you like, honestly. You do lose something in that format but it's better than nothing. If you want to develop memories, then don't use audiobooks either

>> No.11851139

Reading can be chad

Watching tv shows, for example, can’t be chad (unless in a netflix and chill setting)

>> No.11851896

I disagree with you, my image of chads is like some dumb dude with muscles and no brain, that can't read for shit, and watches TV like every normie does instead.

>> No.11852187


>> No.11852488

lmao reading is for nerds

>> No.11852560

Leave this board if you thought to yourself "no".

>> No.11852567

sometime wish become words on sheet, some text

>> No.11852652

Yes, but I like thinking even more, because thinking prevents faggots from making shitty threads.

>> No.11852677

I think I did at some point. I don't really enjoy anything now. I used to be able to get so into certain books. Now I just can't relate to the joy, sadness, relief, etc. being expressed in a book. I think it's because I've become so used to not looking forward to anything.

>> No.11852827

A chad is someone who can strike a conversation with anyone and keep them invested in his words through his own charisma. A chad would be able to charm anyone, from a devoted literate to a meathead who only cares about getting drunk and laid every night. Chad would have no issue inviting the loner of the class to his party because he likes everyone, and he tries to make them all happy.
Your definition of chad is corrupted.

>> No.11854490

Can confirm, t. IRL chad

>> No.11855139

>my arbitrary definition is better than yours

>> No.11855144

Yeah but not as much as I like drinking gallons of hot as fuck tea until my stomach is bloated and I have to piss every 20 minutes.

>> No.11855149
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When abstinent, yes. I love reading. It comes naturally, as was the case before puberty.
When unchaste, no it's a chore that requires discipline to keep going and is never done for recreation.

>> No.11855322

I enjoy reading but for the last couple months I have not touched a book and only played video games. Very strange because 2015-2017 I read more books total than in my entire life.

>> No.11855564

Yeah, it is.

>> No.11855567


>> No.11855578 [DELETED] 
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>> No.11855632

If you don't, why are you here? I genuinely don't understand this.

>> No.11855664

it really is anon

>> No.11855672

oh you do, i know you know sweetie

>> No.11855765


>> No.11855797

when i'm drunk

>> No.11856380

I like getting paid more than I like my job

>> No.11856467


>> No.11857204

>Implying /lit/'s ever rec'd you anything that wasn't porn
Read a book nigger they're full of shit you're going to need two hands for and some dexterous flexibility.

>> No.11857209

no it's boring af

>> No.11857257

no i hate it that's why i visit this board regularly

>> No.11858452

is there a book like the one Pepe is reading?

>> No.11859373

I mainly just like the slight dopamine rush when I finish a book

>> No.11859401

Only reason I read is because I got tired of communist subversives trying to gaslight me.

>> No.11859879

Yes, but only if I can be a pretentious asshole about it and rib it on other people's faces

>> No.11860079

I did when I enjoyed things.
Now it's just intellectually stimulating enough not to be boring. Maybe if I join the gym I'll enjoy things again.