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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.56 MB, 1751x2335, Noam_Chomsky_(1977).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11843796 No.11843796 [Reply] [Original]

Where to start?

Is there a meme for his books on what to read first?

>> No.11843801

I started with Understanding Power: The Indispensable Chomsky. It's real big and took me a few months to read (it's not the size itself, but the depth of the material, the amount it 'opens your eyes', that you need to give time to settle in).

The great thing about it is that it's well edited transcripts of him answer questions and in interviews throughout the late 80's—90's. It covers a vast amount of ground, and is very conversational in its tone. You get that great Chomsky lecture, but you can read it about 5 times faster than it takes him to draw it out as you'll notice in recordings of his lectures. He is not the most inspirational speaker.

This book really was an education, and has completely changed the way I look at world affairs and media. We need a new Middle Ages.

>> No.11843835

what are you interested in?

>> No.11844011 [DELETED] 
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Does anyone have that photo where you roll for three different things to write about?

>> No.11844022

Understanding Power is a great start. I started with Manufacturing Consent and that was great too.

>> No.11844069

Syntactic Structures

>> No.11844157

Deleuze invalidated his theories

>> No.11844161
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>> No.11844206

Haven't read Deleuze. Do you have anything more specific?

>> No.11844843

What theories? Lmao

>> No.11844882


>deleuze invalidated X's theories

Is this a meme?

>> No.11844889

Deleuze is bullshit, it's the Suggsverse of continental philosophy.

>> No.11846025

Nice point, really rhetorically powerful.

>> No.11847390

Thanks for this