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11841614 No.11841614 [Reply] [Original]

>Samuel Johnson
Melancholy, digestive weakness, fits of insanity
>Scott Fitzgerald
Hypochondriac, anxiety disorder, bouts of extreme depression and hopelessness, digestive weakness
Pre sleep hallucinations, synesthesia, digestive weakness
Bouts of extreme depression, suicide
Anxiety, depression, claimed to be "afraid of life", digestive weakness
Extreme digestive weakness, hallucinations on closing eyes, insomnia, eventual mental collapse
Some melancholia, spent years living in a single room "I I have not lived, but only dreamed about living."
Fits of near murderous rage
Emotionally feeble, would weep because he thought it was rude to blow off reporters who stalked him to his home
Extreme depression, suicidal ideation, took pills for melancholy, fits of rage, poor digestion
>Lord Tennyson
Haven't read enough about him, but insanity in close family members
Haven't read enough about him, but insanity in close family members
Socially challenged, melancholy, committed suicide
Literal hallucinations
Depressive addict, died of his addiction
Enough said
Imprisoned on account of his insanity

Wtf is wrong with writers

>> No.11841624

There are also dozens of good writers who were totally fine. It doesn't help your case that you cite a hack like Weininger.

>> No.11841639

This. Just one example is Albert Camus. He was Chad as fuck and was pretty happy throughout most of his life.

>> No.11841650

Joyce was a scat fetishist

>> No.11841659

No, he loved anal sex and enjoyed the smell of his wife's farts. That's it.

>> No.11841707

>there are dozens
The point is its prevalence. At least think before posting.
Give me your thoughts on Weininger’s theory of genius and where he departs from Carlyle.
Camus isn’t a great writer.

>> No.11841715

>Camus isn’t a great writer.
He's better than Salinger.

>> No.11841726
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>muh big idearz

>> No.11841731

Direct me to the post where I said Camus is better because he has "big idearz"

>> No.11841742


>> No.11841746


>> No.11841751


>> No.11841752

Lamb's (older) sister Mary killed their mother in a fit of rage, but she was let off for insanity and Charles became her guardian, and this effected his life in many ways. Though melancholy he had the right friends, was productive, and generally upbeat.
Each and every one of [us] has some portion of insanity to bear, fwiw

>> No.11841762

>Literal hallucinations
These were real prophetic visions desu

>> No.11841826

Extreme melancholia
Extreme depression, suicidal ideation, homosexuality
Self evident
Fearful apprehensions, weak digestion, opium abuse

>> No.11841829


>> No.11841836

“I’m anxious and disconnected from other people and society. I dislike this anxiety and disconnection, but there is also something profound about it. I’m going to seek some answers to it by mining the wisdom of the ages.”

>reads a million books
>comes back into society

“I’m even more anxious and disconnected than I was before! What I thought would provide me with answers has only given rise to more questions, and now I cannot help but see even the other spiritually sensitive and discontent people of my age as fundamentally naive about their malaise. But at least I am now very articulate about this anxious alienation, which I understand in some details. Maybe I can overcome it, and in a way that clarifies it for other people, perhaps leading them out of it, by writing! At the very least, I’ll get famous and rich for writing, and then the gap that has grown between me and others will be bridged over by wealth and fame, so I can still be my alienated self, and yet be celebrated for it by the masses from whom I am disconnected!”

>spends years writing
>returns to society

“Not only am I not famous, not wealthy, and fundamentally misunderstood by even the most literate people, but I am more isolated and anxious than ever, because I have spent so much time trying to bridge the gap between myself and people by fleeing people into solitude, and so much time trying to conquer anxiety by keeping it close that I have become besotted with it, and am incapable of feeling anything else. This world appears to me as a strange, absurd dream, populated by ghosts who fill me with terror and mindless chattering mouths who fill me with disgust. I shall never touch another in the way I always needed to. I shall never be at home in the world. I shall always be frightened and alone.”

>eats the business end of a Remington

>> No.11841861

All those things just give them different perspectives to write about.

>> No.11841867

Read Camus in French before criticizing him. It's the translations that always make him seem dry.

>> No.11841879

Sounds like a bunch of typical human experiences to me. Pretty much everyone had bad digestion in the old days since the food wasn't the same quality as it is now and they ate a lot of lard.

>> No.11841985

>ben ten

>> No.11841986

he was also a horrible writer and a shallow thinker

>> No.11842019

Let me guess, you read him in translation

>> No.11842116

If they were typical, they wouldn't be classed as special disorders

>> No.11842184

Is this from something?

>> No.11842196

I love these threads.

>> No.11842202


careful with that edge, son

>> No.11842204

high creativity and high iq strongly correlate with mental illness and specifically schizophrenia, they also correlate with autism which again happens to correlate with digestive and sleep issues. Its an unfortunate side effect of having sig more brain power than is necessary to survive. Also being a creative genius will drive you insane.

>> No.11842208

Most people have special disorders

>> No.11842230

>Most people have special disorders
Yeah, it's really common to hallucinate or suffer your neighbors to watch you because they suspect you're going to stab yourself

>> No.11842332

>Pre sleep hallucinations, synesthesia
These seem like benefits if anything

>> No.11842358

From me brain tappin on me iPhone

>> No.11842361

as someone who actually has severe digestive issues and is obsessed with finding writers who are equally cursed, the only person you listed who had real non-self inflicted physiological problems is Nietzsche.

>> No.11842366

Fits of rage, depression, emotionally feeble, anxiety, melancholy are all very common things.

>> No.11842375

We fetishize the crazed genius.

>> No.11842387

They are weird and uncomfortable desu

>> No.11842411

No, they don’t. Fits of rage doesn’t mean slamming a door and depression isn’t getting to starbucks only to find they’re out of pumpkin spice.

Melville supposedly chased his wife around a kitchen table while holding a knife. Hemingway blew his own brains out.

>> No.11842644

>It doesn't help your case that you cite a hack like Weininger.

le resentful jew

Shut up, retard. Weininger was a genius.

>> No.11842892

Shut up Blumpftard. Go back to your MAGAcel buddies.

>> No.11843740


>> No.11843766

Speak for yourself, creep.

>> No.11843775

not the other guy but here goes. we view creative prowess as a product of madness/genius because it's comforting and glamorous to us. we wonder what our "natural gift" is. we also fantasize about some of our neurotic tendencies being a side effect of some dormant talent. the reality of a guitarist practicing scales for hours or a writer reading/practicing Elements of Style by EB White is not sexy whatsoever.

>> No.11843781

What is all this weak digestion shit, surely this is not important or rare enough to be significant.

Nothing about autism makes you more likely to be a great writer.

>> No.11843784

I wonder if the increasing trend of treating serious mental issues will cause us to lose some unique authors

>> No.11843790

>Elements of Style
Do you think any great writer has done this? Seems like it would hinder you if anything.

>> No.11843806

As someone who suffers from hallucinations before and after sleep, no, it is not a benefit.

>> No.11843838

What sort of hallucinations are these? I haven't heard of it in the terms of sleep. Is it similar to sleep paralysis, or dreaming while you are awake?

>> No.11844246

if you're one for the "know the rules so that you know how to break them" mindset it's a good template

>> No.11844395



Sartre is the superiour existentialist anyway. (inb4 "muh absurdism") Nausea blows The Stranger out of the water.

>> No.11844409


Whoa. Do you write? You clearly get it.

>> No.11845231

Elements of Style was originally a manual that EB White himself studied in college. He later added to it and republished it. I'm sure you'll argue that he isn't a great writer but his columns for Harper's about life in Maine were sublime.
>white would burst into his chicken coop every morning and shout, "cubism is dead!" to rile up his birds
These columns are collected in One Man's Meat and they're maximum comfy-core.

>> No.11845322

>What is all this weak digestion shit, surely this is not important or rare enough to be significant.
having chronic digestive issues is pure, constant agony, and it interferes with your life in a lot of ways

>> No.11845344
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hey cool, I've got depression, insomnia and digestive weakness.

Buy my book!