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/lit/ - Literature

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11840161 No.11840161[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why can't leftists understand economics?

>> No.11840166

the market wills it

>> No.11840171

They don't know statistics in general which precludes any understanding of economics

>> No.11840184

Why can't frogs understand the bit that says "literature"?

>> No.11840189
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why can't non-geckos understand geckonomics?

>> No.11840195

This is a thread about economic (right-wing) literature.

>> No.11840198

LTV is correct, STV is an ad-hoc bourgeois invention to cover up their crimes. They took use and exchange value which explain price, supply and demand, but then when it to value, which explains what happens when supply and demand are equal, they memory holed it and just said "dude, values subjective, bottle of water cost £10,0000 dollars if you're thirsty!" so people didn't discover the bourgies are ripping them off with suplus labour value.

>> No.11840201

Economists are the biggest retards in the world

>> No.11840207

Economics is literally just a bunch of retards looking at charts and drawing squiggly lines. It’s all completely made up.

>> No.11840213

No it's not you fucking cunt. There's a fucking board for this, ie political talk, and it's called /pol/. It doesn't matter what faggot ideology you subscribe to, whether you're a fascist or commie or whatever the fuck you call yourself, but this is not the board for it.

Do as your home board's darling did and kill yourself.

>> No.11840234
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>> No.11840309
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Ecomonics is bullshit. It has literally no predictive power. Ask a physicist how fast a ball will roll down a hill and they can tell you. Ask an economist almost anything and they can't answer All they do is explain past events. They're human they draw meaning from seemingly random events and explain what it meant. In reality markets are irrational and can't be explained.

They still can't explain if the market is efficient or innefficent. It's like physicsts saying they're not sure if the earth is round. Such a basic fact and they have nothing. And by an ecomoists defnition you can inly tell if it is efficient after the transactions. No predictive power.

Next point is right wingers don't understand there is MORE THAN BASIC ECONOMICS. FUCK. It's like you tards read basic physics and then try and explain the big bang. Basic economics is built on so many assumptions and bullshit one has to wonder whether ut's worth teaching. I mean seriously, people are fully rational, no transaction costs, no barriers to entry? THIS DOESNT EXIST ANYWHERE. Only rich people who love bootlickers believe this shit.

>> No.11840323

why can't the alt right either?

>> No.11840339
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Most modern economists are either social liberals or social democrats, less are libertarian/classical liberal and few are conservative. The left is not limited to far-left only.

>> No.11840343
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>> No.11840350

um no sweaty you're either an alt right nazi or a literal communist xx

>> No.11840364

And many economists don’t have a political stance at all you absolute pseud bitch.

Don’t try to bring politics into my scientific discipline

>> No.11840370

great argument. I'm guessing you were expecting the usual hugbox but got btfo instead

>scientific discipline
There's a reason why it's called the dismal science

>> No.11840379
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>lmao let's assume humans behave rationally and call it a science
You're not better than tankies claiming that Marxism-Leninism is scientific

>> No.11840387

A lot of economic thought has gone past the classical theory towards ideas of irrationality or bounded rationality m8

>> No.11840404

Why do frogs poison wells?

>> No.11840407

>There's a reason why it's called the dismal science
Because it’s a science? They don’t call it the dismal artform or anything, do they? Fuck off

>he thinks economists assume humans behave rationally
I think it was Von Neumann who proved that he overall economic utility in a situation may be lower in an optimized economic situation than one in an irrational situation.

>> No.11840464

what can i study to make the most money from the stock market?

>> No.11840471

"How to invest in an index fund" By reasonable anon

>> No.11840483

Joke to sum up economists:
>A physicist, an engineer and an economist are stranded in the desert. They are hungry. Suddenly, they find a can of corn. They want to open it, but how?
The physicist says: “Let’s start a fire and place the can inside the flames. It will explode and then we will all be able to eat”.
“Are you crazy?” says the engineer. “All the corn will burn and scatter, and we’ll have nothing. We should use a metal wire, attach it to a base, push it and crack the can open.”
“Both of you are wrong!” states the economist. “Where the hell do we find a metal wire in the desert?! The solution is simple: ASSUME we have a can opener”

>> No.11840510

>LTV is correct, STV is an ad-hoc bourgeois invention to cover up their crimes.
The irony is palpable.

>> No.11840530

Why are you posting this here ?