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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 3.23 MB, 3120x3740, IMG_20180925_184050.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11840133 No.11840133 [Reply] [Original]

What are you reading right now, /lit/?

>> No.11840572

this pic is amazing, saved

>> No.11840587

did you honestly buy a monster just to make this thread?

>> No.11840590

Great pic OP


Reading De Sanctis- Schopenhauer e Leopardi

>> No.11840636

Kant's Critique of Pure Reason
Kant seems like a really nice man who was willing to go out of his way to explain even some of the most basic concepts, and would readily approach all opposition to it without dismissing it for being "irrational".

>> No.11840652
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>> No.11840699
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I'm always reading Homer but besides that I'm reading A Tear and a Smile by Kahlil Gibran.

>> No.11840714

I don’t drink Monster they are terrible for you.

I’m reading Abu Kamil’s Algebra. I’ll be reading Von Neumann’s Game Theory for the rest of the day most likely.

>> No.11840722

> psk

The Interpretation of Dreams by Freud at like a 2 page per day rate.

>> No.11840725

The Greeks... now THAT was a civilization.

Anyone have a Nietzsche-boomer?

>> No.11840764
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i've read Bellow before, always impressed but never captivated, but this time I'm in love.

And Willbur was the greatest American poet of his generation, but I'm done convincing people of that.

>> No.11840973

I buy that can like every day so it wasn't much of a chore.

>> No.11840991

Is the boomer meme the worst meme on the planet? its basically an advertimsent for monster energy drink and at the same time promotes ageism

>> No.11841052

I'm reading complete pleb trash to take a break from serious literature for a little while (the last serious book I've read was Gravity's Rainbow). I've kinda memed myself back into UFOs/aliens stuff so I'm reading John Mack's "Abduction: Human Encounters with Aliens" (which is pretty hilarious with all those anal probes and the obvious naivete of Mack himself) and Tom DeLonge's (yes, that guy from Blink-182) "Sekret Machines" (a thriller based on "real life" whose main thesis seems to be that UFOs are actually advanced secret aircraft; I've read 60% of the thing and I'm still waiting for aliens and shit) after watching his interview with Joe Rogan (the guy - DeLonge - seems completely crazy but apparently some of the bullshit he said on the interview was actually legit, e.g., a couple of declassified UFOs videos and the existence of an US agency which studied UFOs and analyzed their potential threat to the US). The only "serious" thing I'm reading is Ray Monk's "Wittgenstein: The Duty of Genius", a biography of, you guessed it, Wittgenstein, which is frankly pretty boring because it's completely biased towards W.'s intellectual activities, i.e. I can't "feel" the real W. reading this book.

>> No.11841054

Get back on your lawnmower

>> No.11841229
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just bought it

>> No.11841402

>every day
Jesus Christ anon, it's maybe understandable if you have to stay up all night to complete an essay or something, but that shit is not good

>> No.11841420

Quality pic. Currently I'm reading Beowulf

>> No.11841433

>100kcal per can
>~160 mg caffeine
I mean that doesn't seem that bad. Most people get way more sugar and caffeine in their daily cups of coffee.

>> No.11841449 [DELETED] 
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Lunar Landscapes

>> No.11841458

It's not so much the caffeine as it is the sugar. I don't really drink any fizzy drinks/soft drinks.

The combination of the two probably isn't great for you either, though.

>> No.11841478

It's like 20g of sugar per can. That's nothing. Bread has more. There are many energy drinks with literally zero grams of sugar. That said, sugar can not be the issue unless you're getting fat from drinking more highly sugarized energy drinks. I'm sure energy drinks are unhealthy for a million reasons other than sugar though.

>> No.11841482

The other assorted chemicals in typical energy drinks are terrible for you too.

>> No.11841497
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They don't keep library books in the condition they used to

>> No.11841630

They are. In particular, they are terrible for your kidneys

>> No.11841667


You're alright anon

>> No.11841948

Which ingredients cause that? I've been drinking these for about six years now almost every sigle day

>> No.11841953

The Guns of August. 10/10 would recommend especially if you like history.

>> No.11843962

Thanks man.
Means a lot.

>> No.11843973

I'm reading Alexander William Kinglake's "Eothen"

Unfortunately I have no meme drinks to take a photo of

>> No.11843977

Loved this. How are you liking it?

>> No.11843985

>I'm always reading Homer
Are you from Thebes c. 450BC? Explain.

>> No.11844049
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Terry always makes me laugh

>> No.11844088

why not in english tho

>> No.11844098
File: 27 KB, 260x400, 9781857987638.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11844100

did you honestly buy the book just to make this thread?

>> No.11844239

Czech translation is actually great. Also Jan Kantůrek (translator) added his own notes which sometimes help to understand some cultural things we don't normally come by, in a funny way. He loved Discworld and even played a role of librarian in a few plays.

Generally speaking we have really great translators so in most of cases (not all) you can read in czech knowing professionals translated it.

>> No.11844257

yeah we have good translations too
but its a translation

>> No.11844258


>> No.11844274

aesthetic as fuck

>> No.11844281

that's just a word, everything is chemicals anon, just because it has a radioactive color doesn't mean it's bad

>> No.11844568
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>> No.11844574

Hit send before typing

This book is really interesting to me. I think the places where it shines best are where it describes how a technology succeeded or failed at widespread adoption due to mostly economic reasons. Also it has wild anecdotes, like how an early 20th century scientist who was studying putting lead in gasoline got some lead in his eyes in a lab explosion; he rinsed his eyes out with mercury, because it would coagulate with the lead.

>> No.11844575

I like that cover. Are you enjoying the book?

>> No.11844583
File: 567 KB, 1339x2151, Puig.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kiss of the Spider Woman by Manuel Puig.

>> No.11844589

I am. I have learned that in the early 1900's, there were many different kinds of cars on American roads, including steam powered ones. They were great for long distance trips because the water tank could be refilled at public watering troughs dotting the country side. But an outbreak of hoof and mouth disease among livestock led to the destruction of these troughs, which essentially killed the use of that power source for automobiles. Electric cars were popular with women because they did not need to be crank-started, but those vehicles suffered more extreme versions of the problems plaguing electric vehicles today.

>> No.11844591
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Pretty enjoyable read so far.

>> No.11844594

Seeing Death is more human light was nice. And meeting the founder of the university was quite amusing.

>> No.11844596

sounds comfy, is it just extracts or commentary

>> No.11844616

how the fuck do you not know what Hamilton's mythology consists of? it's the second most famous greek myth compendium in existence

>> No.11844640

The doctor's better tho

>> No.11844645

i don't know about the greeks

>> No.11844653

> people actually spend upwards of £4 for a single can of rusty water

why do people fall for the energy drink meme?

>> No.11844656

>4 britbux


>> No.11844661

Just bought Beyond Good and Evil

What can I expect?

>> No.11844662

It's a bit of both, it gives an overview of the Gods first, then it covers the most important Greek & Roman myths, heroes and families, then some lesser known myths, and finally some Norse mythology too.

Where the fuck are you buying energy drinks for £4, I don't even drink them but you can get Monster for like £1

>> No.11844666

a bit of good and a bit of evil

>> No.11844673

I'd expect a bit more than that to be honest

>> No.11844680

£1 wasted, the amount of water you'll need to drink to get rid of that shit wew boy

>> No.11844682


not that anon but is John Le Carre generally good? I always assumed he was a british Grandfather's equivalent of Tom Clancy.

>> No.11844685

I agree it's £1 wasted, I don't drink them, only water and tea. I just think £4 is a bit of an outlandish claim.

>> No.11844686
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Is that book related to pic or are the titles just a coincidence?

>> No.11844688

lmao based

>> No.11844690

It's the novelization of the video game

>> No.11844775

there's not much beyond that

>> No.11844785


are you rusing me anon?

>> No.11844801
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La razza bapaty bupity è la meglio razza

>> No.11845853

Updike's Rabbit Run

>> No.11845887
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>> No.11845905

>he didnt start with the greeks

>> No.11846235

Who needs kidneys anyway?

>> No.11846310

Just now finished Siddharta while at work. Wondering what to start next on my quest for betterment.

>> No.11846336
File: 6 KB, 275x183, GK Chesterton.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A collection of essays by the venerable GK Chesterton. I feel so lucky that I finally got around to discovering this beautiful soul and beautiful mind. If I could aspire to be half as good as he I would still feel accomplished.

>> No.11846373

Reflections of a Russian Statesman by Konstantin Pobedonostsev

absolutely based so far

>> No.11846375


more like Graham Greene desu. The karla vs smiley books are his strongest and are genuinely very good.

>> No.11846409

I take oral methamphetamine every day and I still wouldn't touch that shit b/c health concerns.

>> No.11847429

Is there a book about this subject?

>> No.11848178

I don't fucking read nerd

>> No.11848222
File: 311 KB, 864x1241, 817y4henSYL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading Odyssey Fagles translation. Kind of challenging for non native english speaker. A lot of unfamiliar words.

>> No.11848954
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>> No.11849006
File: 796 KB, 3260x1604, XuGkeTK.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just now finishing up Foundation by Asimov. So fucking good, I hate that I waited so long to read it. After I finish it, I'm either gonna read some Arthur C Clarke or Dan Simmons' Hyperion. I've been on a sci fi kick for a bit now.

>> No.11849023

Hello there young Werther

>> No.11849163

is it good? I was gonna steal my dad's copy, then I decided against and took some Morgenthau instead

>> No.11849175

Arthur C Clarke
Arthur C Clarke
Arthur C Clarke
Arthur C Clarke

>> No.11849287

The Aeneid, after Iliad & Odyssey.
By far the worst of the three.

Odyssey >> Iliad >>>> Aeneid

>> No.11849308


>> No.11849409

4 pounds is like $8 Australian.
and fuck energy drinks heart and adrenaline levels kaput

>> No.11849467


>> No.11849477

I live in the house he used to live in.

>> No.11849486


>> No.11849496
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>> No.11849689

Cool, will check him out, thanks anon

>> No.11849748

Fuukken har harhar

>> No.11849848

What translation of them?

>> No.11850031

I'm not though

>> No.11850168

The Plague
I like Camus, he's the one Frenchman I don't hate reading