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11833484 No.11833484 [Reply] [Original]

Hello /lit/, What are some good books on fascism?

>> No.11833489
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>> No.11833503 [DELETED] 

Get the fuck off our board nazi scum. /lit/ is a board that represents anti-masculinity, anti-whiteness and pro-trans sentiments. We read moral and good authors like Shulamith Firestone, Noam Chomsky and chapotraphouse.

>> No.11833704

>Liberals are da real rashists

>> No.11833713
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You are a boomer.
You think as long as immigrants integrate, they are welcome right?

>> No.11833714

Based. This is a liberal cultural marxism board!

>> No.11833817


>> No.11835180

Okay this is EPIC

>> No.11835221
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Not exactly a bit fascism but it's close

>> No.11835225


>> No.11836617


>> No.11837957


>> No.11837997

coming to a barnes and noble near you

>> No.11838002

oh shi-

>> No.11838012
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Similar worldview, although there's definitely big differences

>> No.11838034

I remember when I used to virtue signal with brand choices too.
Wait, actually I never did that because it's retarded.

>> No.11838218
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>> No.11838222

Does anybody else feel like fascism is incredibly ill-defined?

>> No.11838240
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>antisemites who don't know who Alfred Rosenberg was

>> No.11838263
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>a man with the most jewish name and ancestry immediately goes goes into the business of slinging out propaganda via mass media for the masses
Makes you think doesn't it?

>> No.11838266

Fascism is socialism for the right-wing. There.

>> No.11838301
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Socialism is fascism for the left-wing.
Not totally fascism per se but Nazism unironically is a left-wing political ideology.

>> No.11839381

Next Leap by Alexander Slavros

>> No.11839456
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>> No.11839464

No, its not. Fascism is capitalism crying for help, just because they had socialism in the name doesnt mean they were left wing or socialist are all.

>> No.11839469

>lmao what is national-syndicalism

>> No.11839474

The founders of the Nazis were legitimately socialist, as were the popular Strasser brothers who competed with Hitler's vision in the 20s, as well as Rohm. It's not a coincidence that Hitler neutered or got rid of the socialist sympathizers in the party.

>> No.11839480

They weren't, they were corporatist. Mussolini was socialist, but he explicitly rejected Marxism, class war and socialist economics in the doctrine of fascism. Strasser may well have been a socialist or some kind, but it was never Hitler's intention to carry out Strasser's plans, strasser was just a pawn to lure socialists into the movement.

>> No.11840007
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what? Codreanu's Legionaires? that's fascism


When will you fuckers understand your own ideology and get it through your head that Italian or British Fascism, German Nazism, Spanish Falangism are all different movements, but are ALL fascist?

Fascism is different in every single country - it adapts to the country's conditions, people, culture, and economics, that's the beauty of it

As for OP - check out Cultured Thug on youtube.
I also recommend reading Economics Foundations of Fascism by Paul Einzig
And, if you are russian, Aзбyкa Фaшизмa by Poдзaeвcкий Кoнcтaнтин Bлaдимиpoвич
Don't think that book was ever translated. might do it myself.

>> No.11840015

can you read italian?

>> No.11840251

>diaspora jews stole traditional european last names in an attempt to blend in
Makes you think doesn't it?

>> No.11840268
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>> No.11841165

Can you translate for us anon?

>> No.11842108

You're backwards, the Nazi were really just authoritarian, militiant Kenyesians. They were never corporatist. The fascists started off corporatist but that didn't last long and it morphed into a sort of state capitalism.

Nazis aren't fascist. Fascism is Nietzsche applied to politics while Natsoc is Schopenhauer applied to politics. Fascism wants war for war's sake, art for art's sake, action for action's sake. Natsoc didn't do anything for it's own sake, Natsoc had an Endsieg, or final victory, where their great foe, the jews and slavs, are destroyed.

>> No.11842409
File: 45 KB, 568x412, Thomas-Carlyle-Muh-Feelings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Thomas Carlyle - On Heroes, Hero-Worship, and The Heroic in History
>Madison Grant - The Passing of the Great Race.
>Oswald Spengler - The Decline of the West
>Carl Schmitt - The Concept of the Political
>Julius Evola - Fascism viewed from the right
I think it's always nice to get a good sense of the intellectual underpinning of the ideas, rather than just a cold outline of them. Especially since the Fascists had a strange esoteric tinge to it that wasn't stricly rational like Marx tried to be like the Classical Liberals.
Can't help but agree, although I'm not sure we can say they completely abandoned corporatism. Are you talking about pre-war vs during the war or?