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/lit/ - Literature

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11833250 No.11833250 [Reply] [Original]

>Great Spanish Novel: a badass wandering knight lunatic
>Great French Novel: a badass struggling ex-convict
>>Great Italian Poem: a badass afterlife adventurer
>Great American Novel: a badass vengeful sea captain
>Great Mexican Novel: a badass cruel macho landowner
>Great Irish Novel: Cuckold Jew advertising salesman

Why did Joyce hate his people so muh?

>> No.11833253


>> No.11833266

>he thinks a great book needs to have a "badass" main character

what a fucking pl*b

>> No.11833272

Nah, it doesn't but it certainly makes it more masculine and thus, better.

>> No.11833284

Dante was a beta cuck

>> No.11833289

>having SUCH a fragile masculinity
Are you at least taking your hormones?

>> No.11833293

>Great Russian Novel: "Gee, I sure hope Napoleon doesn't invade and rape our wives!"
talk about cucks

>> No.11833298

>Great English Poem: a badass monster slayer

Jesus Christ, the Irish couldn't even beat their hated English lol

>> No.11833304

You should read capeshit OP it seems to cover your vast spectrum of interests

>> No.11833310

Beowulf is set in Scandinavia. All the great English stories are set elsewhere. Macbeth, Hamlet, LOTR, etc. Really makes you think.

>> No.11833313

Moby Dick is high school lit. Are you fucking serious?

Leaves of Grass and The Sound and the Fury are both more quintessential american lit. If you want high school babby shit at least pick Salinger Jesus fuck

>> No.11833319

Imaging unironucally thinking this. It only goes to show that Moby-Dick is the ultimate pleb filter.

>> No.11833322

Great Romanian novel: a chad marrying an ugly girl for land still fucking a pretty girl on the side

>> No.11833323

It is, and it filtered you
Even Huck Finn is more representative than Moby Dick

>> No.11833325


>> No.11833327
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>Moby Dick is high school lit.
>If you want high school babby shit at least pick Salinger

>> No.11833335

>he thinks the great American novel should be representative
What a colossal pleb you truly are, just off yourself already.

>> No.11833339

>Don Quixote
wew lad

>> No.11833340

Name of the novel?

>> No.11833341

Yes, it should be representative of essential Americana, or it isn't a great American novel, just a great novel.

>> No.11833342

Ion by Rebreanu

>> No.11833346

I mean it comparison with Leopold Bloom, they might be seen as such.

>> No.11833351

Why is it thag you don't think Moby-Dick represents the US? A bunch of diverse folks in a boat guided by some lunatic. Literally America now.

>> No.11833356

You're onto something...
By the time Joyce comes it's not about 'what' but about 'the way in which'

It's basically the opposite of Milton's project.

>> No.11833376

I didn't say it doesn't. I only said it represents it much, much less than the other works I mentioned.

Sure, it's mostly symbolism, but the symbols themselves and what they symbolize do little to capture anything essentially american to the degree that Faulkner or Clemens do. I'm not saying that Moby Dick is bad, just that its modern reputation as the great american novel is undeserved.

>> No.11833379

lmao what a fucking retard

>> No.11833435

>Great Finnish epic: an old man getting cucked repeatedly

>> No.11833477

how tf is that fragile?

>> No.11834204

>muh fragililty
sour grapes soiboi detected

>> No.11834223

You're a weakling

>> No.11834432

The Kalevala?

>> No.11834622

Lots of great English novels, like any of the Brontë sisters, Austen, Dickens, and George Eliot's novels are all set in England. Even certain Scottish writers, like Walter Scott, set some of their novels in England.

>> No.11835012

>ITT: OP has learned a lesson about what not to call the great french novel but still gets roasted about the word badass
you'll get there eventually