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/lit/ - Literature

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11831735 No.11831735 [Reply] [Original]

What book-related websites do you check daily?

For me, it's /lit/ and Brain Pickings.

>> No.11831757

There are some /lit/erary blogs I like but they're really obscure and I don't want /lit/ to find out about them and turn them into memes and embarrass me in front of the creators (for some of them I like to them of us as internet friends).

>> No.11831762


Then why even write this at all

>> No.11831769

r/books once every couple days so i can feel superior to their shit taste (all they talk about is Harry potter and stephen king and bash the classics)

>> No.11831771

not that anon. sometimes i've the impulse to do the same so i do it and it's gone. the end.

>> No.11831777


I guess that’s fair. Makes me wonder how many lurkers there really are

>> No.11831796

I mostly check mainstream websites for reviews to see what's being published:

New Yorker
New York Times
Kirkus Reviews
Electric Literature

I visit /lit/ every few days or so, and occasionally I'll look at the New York Review of Books or Paris Review's blog for stuff.

>> No.11832632


>> No.11832656


>> No.11832755
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>I visit /lit/ every few days or so
i wish this was me

>> No.11832867

Is there a site like Goodreads, where I can keep track of what I'm reading and how I liked it, without a bunch of dumbasses shitting on the classics because Dracula isn't like Twilight and I really wanted more sexy vampires?

>> No.11832878

If you want to take a minimalist approach, you could design a spreadsheet with that data. Or just ignore the community on Goodreads. My main problem with Goodreads is that I use a finer-tuned rating system than just 5 stars with only 1 star increments possible.

>> No.11832889

Yes, also this. I dislike how some of my three stars I enjoyed more than others.

>> No.11833015

For me, it's Pickler & Ben.

>> No.11833027

for me it's reddit.

>> No.11833363

>he doesnt mentally keep track of what he reads
>he doesn't remember what exact chapter of which book he was reading 4 years and 3 seasons ago

>> No.11833370

I look through all of New York Review Books and imagine I have enough money to order one. I could tell you about any book in there catalogue I've read through it so many times

>> No.11833893

Yeah, it's called "Goodreads without scrolling down to the reviews".

>My main problem with Goodreads is that I use a finer-tuned rating system than just 5 stars with only 1 star increments possible.
Quit the autism. RYM really fucked up this internet review business.

>> No.11833916

this. r/books is so fucking cringe it's almost unbelievable.

>> No.11833918

I check books

>> No.11834905

Don't pretend that a book section on RYM wouldn't be infinitely better than goodreads
Is there a literature or 'TrueLiterature' subreddit like there's /r/TrueFilm which has much better taste

>> No.11834910

maybe check out /r/literature

>> No.11834915

b t dubs it's not the most active subreddit, the front page of /r/literature has posts from over two weeks ago

>> No.11834927

There’s more than you know kid

This is probably my tenth time posting in 6 years

>> No.11834935


>> No.11835247

>Don't pretend that a book section on RYM wouldn't be infinitely better than goodreads
It wouldn't. It'd be fucking empty, I read obscure books often and would have to add every one of them in that autistic format with sources that RYM demands. The userbase would be tiny, since most people would stick to GR and LT, while the common RYMer isn't much of a voracious book reader either.
But you're ignoring my main point, the thinking that RYM produces is cancerous autism with charts, memes and OCD rating systems. Instead of enjoying and thinking about a book/album, all you're doing are calculations and pointlessly precise concretizations of vague subjective impressions.
The 5 star system is enough for expression of your general disposition towards a book. If you need more, write a review.

>> No.11835277

Checked out the front page and found Norbert Weiner:

>The artist, the writer, and the scientist should be moved by such an irresistible impulse to create that, even if they were not being paid for their work, they would be willing to pay to get the chance to do it. However… it is now considered perhaps more a matter of social prestige to obtain a higher degree and follow what may be regarded as a cultural career, than a matter of any deep impulse… The earlier stages of creative work, whether in the arts or in the sciences, which should properly be governed by a great desire on the part of the students to create something and to communicate it to the world at large, are now subject instead to the formal requirements of finding Ph.D. theses or similar apprentice media. Lord only knows that there are enough problems yet to be solved, books to be written, and music to be composed! Yet for all but a very few, the path to these lies through the performance of perfunctory tasks which in nine cases out of ten have no compelling reason to be performed. Heaven save us from the first novels which are written because a young man desires the prestige of being a novelist rather than because he has something to say! Heaven save us likewise from the mathematical papers which are correct and elegant but without body or spirit. Heaven save us above all from the snobbery which not only admits the possibility of this thin and perfunctory work, but which cries out in a spirit of shrinking arrogance against the competition of vigor and ideas, wherever these may be found!