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/lit/ - Literature

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11831490 No.11831490 [Reply] [Original]

How old were you when you started reading literature that this board would approve of?
How old were you when you read your first 'difficult' book?

>> No.11831506

16, depression got me into Schopenhauer, ironically made me happy though

>> No.11831639

Read Anna Karenina at 14, liked it but didn't really absorb most of it. Until about 16 though I almost exclusively read detective thrillers with the occasional classic thrown in. Got really into literature at 17.

>> No.11831650

I was 15 when I read Blood Meridian, looking back on it I probably shouldn’t have started with such a gruesome book. Now I’m really into literature that has dark/depressing themes and I think that may have influenced it.

>> No.11831653

Hey Elon Musk

>> No.11831668

I first read Paradise Lost when I was 15, but most of it was lost on me because it was a translation.
I kept reading other series, such as Wheel of Time after that. However, I peeked into Lovecraft and Poe when I became 17, but I wouldn't get seriously into literature until I met a good friend who happened to browse /lit/, when I was 19.

>> No.11831678

After high school. I spent high school being a stoned Chad who worked out and went to the clubs on the weekend with my fake ID. I had a sort of existential crisis at the end of highschool, and this sent me diving headlong into literature and philosophy. Since then I’ve hardly come up for air.

>> No.11831681

I was reading Dostoevsky and Jung by the time I was 17. I finished The World as Will and Representation by 18. I was into a lot of bogus stuff as a teen though, heavy into mysticism and other claptrap. I didn't straighten out until about 20.

>> No.11831687

I read The Bell Jar when I was 15

>> No.11831699

I was 16 when finished the Divine Comedy and I think that book got me into ¨ literature that this board would approve of¨

>> No.11831710

I read Stoner when I was 17. Dostoevsky and Camus came after.

>> No.11831721

I read tons of Harry Potter and narnia and shit up till highschool, but it wasn’t till my mid twenties that I started getting into “real” literature like Bradbury, KVJ, Dawkins etc

>> No.11831732

I was really obsessed with 1984 and Brave New World when I was twelve, but I started kicking off and reading "serious" fiction after reading Catcher in the Rye (embarrassing) when I was 15.

>> No.11831916

I’d read people like Steinbeck, Salinger and Keruoac when I was in high school. Think I read Crying of Lot 49 when I was a junior and enjoyed it but most of it probably went over my head.

>> No.11831923

31 GR

>> No.11831934
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is it /lit/?

>> No.11831947

No, but Luke the Bellmaker is.

>> No.11831950

not sure i was like 15 or 16 when i read artaud's heliogabale

>> No.11832071

18, for me it was The Stranger.

>> No.11832358

I tried reading Ulysses when I was 12. I read up to Calypso and then quit

>> No.11832456

Jude the Obscure at 15.

>> No.11832561

looks like Jon Maus

>> No.11832710

Science-fiction was my gateway drug at around age 14 or 15 - shit like Philip K. Dick, Arthur C. Clarke, Ray Bradbury, William Gibson, etc. Obviously none of that is especially high-brow, but it was more complexly written, and dealt with more complex themes than I was used to up to that point.

From there, I leap-frogged into 'serious' literature at about age 16, which is about when I started going on /lit/ - about 6 years ago now, jesus.

>> No.11832733

I rad Infinite Jest when I was 15 so I guess around that time

>> No.11832741

13, The Stranger and all Voltaire... I don't remember wich one was first.

>> No.11832745
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>> No.11832747

I was goaded into reading entry-level "difficult" books since i was 15 or so, and was familiar with a variety of names and titles and such, but it wasn't until I was 19 and had dropped out of engineering school and was struggling with a sense of self-identity that i really understood anything. I was re-reading comic books to pass the time and saw a reference to Gabriel Garcia Marquez of all places in a DC superhero comic, tracked down the book in question out of guilt that i hadn't read anything on my own in over two years. Cien años de soledad made a huge impact on me at that point in time and introduced me to literature as more than just a method for introducing arguments/philosophies to the reader. Since then i've been constantly in the process of enjoying books and literature whenever my schedule permits. I'm jealous of the /lit/ posters here who can study or write in a university setting or who are producing literature with the intention of releasing it. hope i can get there someday.

more like it's /ck/, goddamn the feasts in these books always stood out to me

PKD, Clark, Ellison, Heinlen, etc were big to me too. I still binge that shit on the side while taking breaks from other books

>> No.11832799

moomins at 9
c&p at 17

>> No.11832910

>daily cia intelligence collection thread
I've read allot of Pushkin and Tolstoy as a kid (<10) and later hopped on Dostoyevsky's literature.
Then resumed reading at 15, with some of Kant and Spinoza
Now I mainly read philosophy

>> No.11833156

I read all of western philosophy at age 12 and concluded it with Spengler at 13, now I exclusively read tomboy doujinshi

>> No.11833202

26 feels batman. So much effort to catch up.

>> No.11833232

22 maybe? I took a lib Ed and read My Ántonia. After that I went back to reading 1984, A Clockwork Orange, Cat's Cradle, Snow Crash. Plan on reading Lolita.

Everyone here says, "Oh I read this at 5 but it went over my head." I'm an engineer so I feel like even now classics go over my head. Really enjoyed My Ántonia because maybe and fields while I was stuck in a city finishing school. But like other stuff, what am I supposed to "get"?

>> No.11833243

This. I was recommended it here though. Read Dorian Gray and No Longer Human and then branched out

>> No.11833303

Experienced a massive personality shift at age 19 and took a deep dive into reading starting with modern classics and fantasy. Then I found that I enjoyed /lit/-type books, and I've never read more than I did at that point in my life. I had all the time in the world (i had no life outside of going to class) so I would sit in my apartment huddled over some classic, enraptured, thinking that literature would be the thing that saved me. I'm 22 now and I still read, but not with anywhere near the same kind of zest, sadly.

>> No.11833350

Who hurt you ?

>> No.11833352

The stranger side of a kiss of a close heart

>> No.11833413

Are you quoting YA

>> No.11833638

16, probably when my friend loaned me Kafka's Trial.

>> No.11833643

I think it's Ian Curtis

>> No.11833669
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No, he is a pussy who could not handel schopenhaur and turned to scifi.

>> No.11834848

16, started reading The Greeks and the Western canon.

8, finished the Lord of The Rings trilogy in 6 months. That was the first time in my life I could find 2-3 words on a page and think "huh, I don't exactly know what that means".

>> No.11834858

14 I had to do a book report and my dad gave me Broom of the System

>> No.11834889
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>tfw dad reads DFW

>> No.11834898

16 after I've read A Canticle for Leibowitz, which changed my perception of information forever.

>> No.11834903

I can agree to this, I both liked Schopenhauer and it weirdly made me happy reading him, when not much else did

>> No.11834931

I read the Bible at 8 and studied books like Heart of Darkness, Frankenstein and The Stranger in high school along with the standard Shakespeare stuff. I only started really reading at 23.

>> No.11834932

Started late. Read some random books and series at a younger age, like Harry Potter and stuff. Didn't start reading "proper" literature before the age of 20, when I had no idea what I wanted to do with my life, but suddenly thought "why don't I start reading some real shit".
First 'difficult' book must have been Ulysses, which I read at 22 I think

>> No.11834939

17/18. Started reading because i was NEET and needed something to fill my time, mostly fantasy at first and then found /lit/ in like 2012 and the rest is history

>> No.11834942

Friend recommended botns to me at 16, went on /lit/ for discussion. Within a month was reading Lolita and Kierkegaard (no relation).

>> No.11834947

Read Call of Cthulhu and other Stories when I was 10 because autism. 17 I decided to get back into reading again.

>> No.11834953

i read the sorrows of young werther at 13
that counts, right?

>> No.11834954
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Does this count? read it at 17 and it's still one of my favorite books. After that i read do androids dream of electric sheep and that was great too.

>> No.11835030

17, started with thus spake Zarathustra (of course). Understood it well as I had basically youtubed myself into nietzsche for hours and hours. Was at a really rough point in my life, and immaturely considering myself to be das ubermensch got me through it

>> No.11835057

8. Read Dumas, Hugo... (im french)

Read a fuckton until I turned 12 then went back to reading around 18/19

>> No.11835063

I was reading on my own at 3 years old. My parents fostered my natural talent and I was reading highschool tier books like Siddhartha, catcher in the rye, etc when I was 8-9 years old. By the time I was 14 I was more well read than 90% of my teachers. And it wasn't just a checklist of classics I read, but I would occasionally obsess about a certain author and read their biographies, then I would read everything in the bibliography of the biography and so on. So for certain books/authors I had such a depth of knowledge that I would often "hog" class time "discussing" a book with a teacher. In reality I was the one giving a lecture. I would literally get 99% in my English classes. Did wonders for my average, and I would often write my classmates assignments for them as well for a fee. I did get caught, and nearly expelled once they discovered how "prolific" I was, but ultimately they couldn't stomach punishing me severely because they admired me.

I only started to dig into philosophy when I was 16-17. I majored in French literature in university. I'm only 22 but my interest in fiction has been seriously diminished to the point where I only read it to facilitate language acquisition, i.e. I only read foreign fiction (mostly French, working on German). In English I read mostly history, and biographies of people I consider exceptional.

Basically that's all to say I was /lit/ from a young age, and outgrew literature before most of you even started.

>> No.11835481

Thats exactly what i did

>> No.11835595

BASED savant

>> No.11835810

18 when I started consciously pursuing "literary fiction"

>> No.11835812

probably 15 or 16

>> No.11835816

Probably 16 or 17. That's when I developed an interest in Krasznahorkai.

>> No.11835837

I had stopped reading for a while until I read Dubliners in one sitting, at 12 or 13, after which I fell off the wagon. The earliest /lit/core was Gravity's Rainbow around 14 or 15, then again at 17, and again at 19, understanding a bit more each time. 17 was probably my most formative year, when I began studying Milton in earnest. The only comparable head-over-heels moment I've had with an author was my first Henry James, starting at 20 and continuing until now, though he's not a frequent object of discussion around here.

>> No.11835888

Around age 10 I started reading things like Lord of the Flies that I would find on my parents' bookshelf, a book like that was childish enough to intrigue me but also had the 'something more' that I had started to want as I got tired of things like Lord of the Rings. I started an independent inquiry into philosophy when I was 14, mostly on the internet though I would buy books as they seemed relevant.

The first 'difficult' book I read was Critique of Pure Reason when I was 15. It took me 6 years to properly understand that book. In the end it was a waste of time because Kant is wrong and I only understood the book by reading huge quantities of other things that elucidated what Kant was doing. Almost all of western philosophy is deeply retarded

We have ruined our education system, in a proper system based on Greek, Latin, mathematics and metaphyiscs, I wouldnt have had to undergo all this confusion and autodidact memery, I would have been given the proper framework. Our schooling system is a joke

>> No.11835891
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witt literally said we are all gamers. he was a true old school gamer

>> No.11836289

16 when I read the book of the disquiet in Portuguese (my mother tongue)
Put me in a big depression for over 1 year, then I read Meme Aurelius medications and started to actually make a lot of improvements in my life

>> No.11836333

I was 19 when I picked up the Illiad. Before that I was only into sci-fi / fantasy and nonfiction. I've had an appreciation for the encyclopedia since childhood however, my first memories of reading were dictionaries and Guinness Book of WRs in kindergarten

>> No.11836449

do you ever feel like all that reading was a waste? how has all that knowledge improved your life? What do you do for work?

It almost seems like once you go beyond the basics you're in realm of your own. must be lonely

>> No.11836458 [DELETED] 

I'm 15 (yeah yeah muh underage I get it, but I've been regularly browsing this shithole since I was 13)

1984 when I was 14

First "difficult" book would be French and English Philosophers from the Harvard Classics Collection that was gifted to me by a Harvard alumni I got the chance to speak with about a year ago who shipped it to me a week after meeting me. I still have trouble understanding some parts of that book but it was worth the mental anguish.

>> No.11836463

wtf, book of disquiet made me embrace the world

>> No.11836465

Ulysses at 12 and understood none of the allusions and half of the actual story. Not my choice, I used to pick up books my mother bought and read them before her

>> No.11836468

At 15, I had to read A Clockwork Orange and One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest. That teacher recommended a few more books to me, including The Stranger and Demian. Within the next few years I came across The Outsider by Colin Wilson and that really got me started with Dostoevsky and Nitchee (and more Hesse and Camus)

>> No.11836731

Around 10. I have read through some old ass soviet book about a russian guy who gets caught by bandits in the caucasian wars of the 19th century. Cant remember much of it tho.

>> No.11836871

I get more pussy than you

>> No.11837224
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>reading literature that this board would approve of
Twenty-one years old and still don't.

>> No.11837552

Exquisite b8

>> No.11837875

Doubtful. French lit classes are 95% female. He was probably drowning in pussy. And if he wasn't he probably would have lied about it. Yet he never mentions it at all... A sure sign that he did infact get plenty of pussy

>> No.11839298

I'm 23, and I'm still reading literary capeshit like the Wheel of Time.

>> No.11839417
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I read Animal Farm, Brave New World and 1984 when I was 10, and then The Road when I was 12. I don't think I read anything else considered even basic lit tier until my late teens after that.

>> No.11839433
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15, pic related. Still the best book I've ever read.