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11831331 No.11831331[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did anyone else goof compared to their potential?

>did really well at school, perfect grades, enjoyed my maths and science courses; started reading books for enjoyment at 17, so in retrospect I was at my peak intellectual growth rate relative to my age
>went to nearest university instead of most prestigious one I could have entered (level of uni could have been much worse, but still nowhere near my potential)
>did STEM degree I found boring as fuck (put no thought in to my subject choice)
>ugly nofriends loser all through university; was insanely unhappy while surrounded by attractive normies in their primes
>initially continued doing really well at university despite lacking interest in all courses but motivation eventually went off a cliff
>realised mid-way through my degree that university prestige matters a lot for jobs and also correlates with course difficulty, so even if I got good grades it wouldn't mean much
>my final few years were characterised by less than zero effort and huge amounts of procrastination as I did the absolute bare minimum and horrible work; it was also tough to emotionally come to terms with how much of an ugly loser I was all through university and how the "best period of my life" was ending;
>found r9k and then the incel-blackpill mid-way through uni, which gave me a powerful framework for my utter social failure which hasn't been refuted (if I had ever had a social life at uni, or attention from women ever, that is the point at which I would have stopped being a cringey "nice guy", as a reference point)
>regretted not doing Maths or Physics; the academic level of some of my university courses was pathetic and lowered my motivation further; in the UK you have zero course choice and your maths / physics courses are tarded up by becoming "Diff. Eq. for Biologists" and so on
>final few years also had me failing huge amounts of internship and then graduate job interviews due to at first awful, then merely below average, social skills
>failed huge amounts of interviews with financial companies (to be in Canary Wharf or the City of London on one day, and then my dull, grey, shitty small town uni the next was crushing)
>ironically, I failed the few interviews I had for jobs related to my subject probably even worse, because they wanted nothing but social skills
>realised that normies go through life in normie filled institutions while being judged by normies based on normieness and I will probably never be successful; in all of my jobs I become the ugly loser autist nobody talks to within one day
>barely graduate with an acceptable grade (2:1)
>post university: no job, humiliating part time retailcuck jobs, semi-prestigious but low paid bureaucrat job in London that miraculously requires no work or time at the office (seriously, and I genuinely wonder if I am being observed as a basic income experiment subject), and will start an even more prestigious, higher paid, higher ranking but still zero skill bureaucrat job soon

>> No.11831346

Looking back on myself at age 17-21, when I did very well at school and university, I lacked all perspective of the wider contexts behind courses. I could not have told you why I was studying thermodynamic equations or differential equations of springs. I was extremely ignorant of the world. Pop-sci faggotry aimed at kids is laughed at on here but I could have benefited a lot from it. I regret not doing physics.

I gained no study skills. If anything, I have been Pavloved out of working hard because I spent 4 years as an ugly loser who found nothing but crushingly dull and unfulfilling work every time I sat at my desk and tried to be productive, though I don't want to renounce my free will. I used to just do work with no drama.

I vividly remember one day when I went in to the shiny attractive normie filled library and couldn't bring myself to do a report. It sounds minor but it felt new at the time and the day had really bland weather. I was in on a weekend, so the library was nearly empty. It really captured the sterility of the place. My mind is stuffed with university memories like that with every gloss you can think of. Unhappy sunny days (which is when the university campus would magically be stuffed with Chads and Staceys), unhappy snowy days, unhappy during Christmas break, spring break, summer holidays, early mornings, late nights, exam time, and so on; in all the university buildings, the run down ones and the new ones. The start of every new term, when the streets were filled with happy students and the freshers (new students) fair was like a carnival (which I could never bring myself to enter), was always bad.

>> No.11831354

To summarise my past 4 years, I have wasted the huge majority of my free time on the internet, while avoiding anything productive (I don't include reading or going to the gym as productive) (except for about 5 weeks worth of productive activity). I waste a lot of my free time by aimlessly walking around and hoping that my 20s spontaneously stop feeling wasted. I binge on junk food and coffee almost every day, which rapes my bank account, and usually tell myself it is the last time. My main two goals as I wait for my new job to start are: giving up coffee and junk food and regaining the ability to do anything productive in my free time.

I feel sad to not have any expertise. I still apply for jobs. But I am still totally unsure of what to do with my life. In the UK, if you didn't go to private school or Oxbridge you are already on the verge of failure. If you are not any of posh accented, a normie, or extroverted, you are basically fucked. That is me. (I am also fully blackpilled and realise the extreme easiness of all womens' and Chads' lives.) People the same age as me could have finished university, and a PhD, and become lecturers. Or become investment banking vice presidents or senior software engineers. I am not a total failure, but I am on the slow lane. I find working 9-5, when I did do it, absolutely life crushing, which at least proves I am not an NPC.

One final note: The only truly lingering and bitter sadness and anger I have is the thought of my beginning of university 18 year old self, with shitty clothes, shitty haircut, completely dyel, zero university experience, barely any social experience, feeling sad about being a lonely loser.

>> No.11831627

book a flight to somewhere. change the air you breathe

>> No.11832187

Not gonna read this, stop whining

>> No.11832195

news flash: you are your potential.


>> No.11832196

You need to read Into the Wild.
Go make something of yourself.

>> No.11832233

i read it all. comfy :(

>> No.11833150

Yeah, I did poorly in high school and went to a shitty university. I still have a chip on my shoulder about it and have cut people out of my life solely because they went to well-regarded schools.

>> No.11833154

Have you ever been ASS FUCKED?

>> No.11833718

I had the same experience, only I left as soon as I could. Real sterile, sapping engineering school. Glad I did it.

>> No.11834688

Are you Londonfrog?

>> No.11834745

this indeed helps.

>> No.11834763
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>perfect ACT
>full ride to college of choice
>3.9 GPA econ major graduating in may

heh, no one has any idea im going to enlist in the marine corps the day after i graduate. is this wasted potential?

>> No.11834780

I wish desu.

>> No.11834785

Yes he is

>> No.11834856

many artists who made it ‘goofed’ from their potential. Deeming potential wasted after one failure is a spook.

‘It’s about the work, it’s about the artist’s struggle with their limitations.’ Probably have to goof in order to know your limitations and overcome them.

>> No.11834882

Not that this is a race to the bottom but I fucked my life up way harder than you. Just to give you some perspective.
I dropped out of hs, wasted my 18-24 years on hedonism, frequently to its most extreme limits. Did many dangerous drug cocktails, developed a heroin/cocaine addiction, had crazy drugged out sexs with tinder thots every week. Just basically degrading myself like an animal, only living on instinct.

Now, after finally growing up, I'm starting a biochem degree this semester. I'm surrounded by 18 year old people who I share literally 0 life experience with and who I'm completely estranged from. Since I quit drug dealing I had to to move in with mom again before I find a part time job to live on my own.

It can always be way worse man. Though I'm feeling pretty ok now

>> No.11834900
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>Wasted potential
Biggest lie ever told to yourself or others. Unless you get in an accident that leaves you a paralyzed blind deaf man then you have no excuse to not start over and become someone better than who you were suppose to be. This isn't the same as telling a sub 90IQ junkie he can become president but you can pull yourself out of situations and improve your life drastically by begrudgingly doing what you know you need to do to fix things.

>> No.11834921
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>> No.11834956
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>tfw you're even more of a fuck up than londonfrog

>> No.11834986

yeah taking drugs and having sex is such a shitty life

things have been tough on you chad

>> No.11834989

until you lose a leg or are in a vegetative state youre doing just fine mate

>> No.11835056
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>posting about wasted potential the day after Tiger makes his comeback

>> No.11835068

It's a pretty vapid and shitty life my man

>> No.11835070

Nah im right were I probably should of ended up. I completely goofed off in hs, didnt want to go to community college because I just saw it as high school part two, did some manual labor and now am a paralegal and I definitely dont want to go to law school or any shit like that. Probably on the slow path to a noose tbqh.

>> No.11835112
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honestly, do janitors even care? must you thrice-summon them like bloody mary?

>> No.11835136

infinitely-regressed sub-man epsilon detected. sex is vapid and the post-orgasmic moment reaffirms it every time. it is your bodies's way of saying, "the deed is done, the coitus concluded, the labor belabored---now quench your soul." and eppys such as yourself, believing themselves quenched, venture no further to the slaking of the mind

>> No.11835141

Shit could have gone better for me that's for sure. It's hard to be independent. My parents are uneducated salt of the earth types and school councilors are a joke. Nobody could help me or understand me.

So I had to make life-defining decisions at 16,17,18 years old with no guidance at all. Did I fuck up despite being smart? Of course. Did those fuck ups have a disproportionate impact on my life prospects because of the absurd leverage society induces those few years of life to have? Yes. But I'm still kicking.

It took my the better part of my twenties to straighten things out, and even now, i'm still not where I want to be exactly.

Having educated upper middle class parents or higher is the single most important advantage in life and can do the work of 40 iq points

>> No.11835350

>Start getting extremely depressed at around 14
>totally off the deep end, thinking about killing myself constantly, want to cry all the time
>this continues until about the end of high school
>leave school with mediocre grades
>dont go to university 'because im going to take a gap year haha'
>gap year becomes permanent neetdom
>now just barely leave my childhood bedroom, read and try to distract myself with delusions of attaining some kind of self worth by producing art.

I agree, if your parents are working class you're probably going to stay that way.

>> No.11835357

What the hell isn't vapid

>> No.11835397

Religion. Outdoor hobbies. Genuine Relationships.

>> No.11835465

Sounds like me, except I’m not as bitter

>loner, worked my way through uni sitting in a small guardshack every weekend
>read, study, class, workout repeat
>3.9 GPA, accounting, invited to everything I applied for, jobless due to speech difficulty/bad social skills
>it’s been 4 months since I left uni and I miss the environment badly

I now work menial labor to make a living. I managed a job interview last week and the employer had a confused look on his face, he asked me why wasn’t I working for a big firm given my outstanding academics. I haven’t heard back.

I was a loser, but I loved the academic environment, going to the uni library on weekends and chilling in a carriage booth on the 4th floor (great view) and reading a book, going to class, discussing shit with likeminded people and being in the relative vicinity of QTs (sad, I know)

I’d love the stability of a 9-5 government job, life is tough and I can’t afford to dream better

>> No.11835476

>seriously, and I genuinely wonder if I am being observed as a basic income experiment subject
tfw the pathetic lifestyle of londonfrog is the reason why the UK doesn't get basic income

>> No.11835543

You are LondonFrog aren't you? Fighting the good fight, I hope you find happiness one day!

>> No.11835805

I did great in highschool and on the SAT but didn't bother with college because of social dysfunction and only really being able to express myself on 4chan. Time's up though, I'm turning 20 next month and have to make some big decisions or remain a loser forever.

>> No.11835834

>tfw college dropout

>> No.11835852


>> No.11835877

WTH, embrace your loserdom, revel in it. You have nothing left to lose.

Before the internet there used to be these huge networks of losers working loser jobs doing weird and unusual things because they were bored out of their skulls. Most of those things are completely normal now.

Just do something.

>> No.11835879

>tfw horny all the time

>> No.11835898

"Potential" is a meme that dissatisfied losers use to feel better about themselves

>> No.11835921

do you expect us to read your shit?

150iq, piano teacher gifted me a fucking piano, tnnis teacher used to coach me for free on saturdays, no diploma but was given a job at the biggest financial firm in my country, just because the CEO thought I was smart and had a 'genuine' smile, dated a rising actress, used to win every debate ever

I'm now a drug addict drop out, haven't had sex in 7years, no plans, no money, no driving licence, not articulate, dumb, failure

>> No.11835951

It's "been down so goddamn long." Also, I don't believe any of your shit for a second. You sound like my schizo friend talking about all the stuff he accomplished before I knew him.

>> No.11836055

>decent student in highschool
>good at tests
>crushed on oneitis bestie but too shy to make a move
>played lots of morrowind
>decide to remake myself in college
>start smoking cigs and weed
>start drinking and partying
>get a girlfriend for first time ever
>end up doing poorly in classes tho
>slowly start going crazy through psychedelic usage
>break up with girlfriend
>get kicked out of college
>locked up in psych ward
>heavily medicated
>no job
>no life
>no future

>> No.11836147

Why would it be hard to believe that out of 7 billion humans one of them isn't a mediocre NPC? There are thousands of people right this second that are more talented and intelligent than I am. I also don't share any of this IRL, for the exact reason you provided. People don't even know the extent of my drug use and general self-destructive behavior.

>> No.11836154

And this is /lit/ related how?

>> No.11836168

Pick something arbitrary and learn it. I'm serious. Pick something that you've thought a thousand times you can't do (an instrument, Latin, whatever) and just fucking sit down for one hour EVERY DAY WITHOUT FAIL and fucking learn it. I promise you the fulfilment you get out of this will teach you how to look at life as a feast of opportunities rather than a window to stand, longingly, in front of.

>> No.11836174
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>a bloo a bloo my life isn't perfect in my early 20s therefore my life is a failure ;(
What fucking pussies you are. You genuinely sicken me OP.

>> No.11836186

I’ve got love for you mate. Seriously.

>> No.11836190

If you haven't sorted yourself out in your mid 20s then in all likeliness you probably aren't going to make it

>> No.11836198

Generally speaking, I think I give people a lot of credit. What's hard to believe is getting a finance job because of your smile (and now you're broke), or having dated a top model at one point but now you've somehow gone 7 years without getting laid. Like, none of it jives. You better have a good story explaining your fall, that's all I'm saying.

>> No.11836199

Me except without the girlfriend and college part

>> No.11836222

If you genuinely believe that, you have an incredibly warped perspective on life, as do most people ITT.

I suggest you stop wasting so much time on this site.

>> No.11836224

You have no idea how wrong you are

>> No.11836226

It depends what you want in life but don't pretend you will be able to do the things you want if you haven't set the groundwork early on.

>> No.11836244

4chan is all about gatekeeping. People take a lot of satisfaction in considering themselves total failures - it means they don’t have to try anymore.

>> No.11836265

no. live your own life

>> No.11836273
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What things are we talking about, specifically?

Compared to OP, I barely got a 2:2 degree, will graduate half a year late and still had multiple interviews with decent companies over the past few months, even if not all of them went well and even if I've yet to get a job. I was also essentially friendless through most of uni and lost all of my high school friends due largely (but not entirely) to my own dickery, and yet I don't make threads like this complaining about how my life is ruined because I didn't get lucky in uni and I've been unemployed for a few months. If OP has other shit going on so be it, but his post by itself is nowhere NEAR enough excuse to be so defeatist. If you can afford to waste time on this site, you're already ridiculously privileged compared to much of the world's population.

I'm not trying to invalidate the suffering of the people on this board but get some fucking perspective, holy shit. You have no idea how lucky you are.

>> No.11836295

Boomer tier

>> No.11836314

My situation is objectively worse than OPs in many ways, yet I don't need to blame scapegoats for my own personal failures and haven't completely given up on life in my fucking 20s.

Taking responsibility isn't 'Boomer tier' you fucking moron, that's just your knee jerk reaction because you can't stand being told the truth; that your victim complex isn't justified.

>> No.11836325

i'm about to drop out of an ivy league phd and i barely give a fuck

you are living in a broken society, dude. yes, you made mistakes, but everyone makes mistakes, and society is supposed to be full of as many opportunities as mistakes. you are supposed to grow organically in the space between your fuckups and flaws and the opportunities and legs-up that life throws at you. instead, we're living in a society that effectively deliberately cultivates degenerate pigmen slaves.

there is no objective "life trajectory" that has existed throughout history, as if all the successful and admirable people in the past "actualised their potential" by picking the correct major in the fucking modern busted-ass college system and not falling into a kulturpessimismus ideology like inceldom. every fucking great person in the past made stupid decisions, fucked up, became a decadent for 4 years and blew oscar wilde, everyone fucked up all the time but it didn't matter because society was lumpy and as long as they could pick themselves back up they could clamber to the top of some other hill and make their way. in this society you either fit into the omnicube or you don't.

just think about this. people in the past have been in the "working retail slave jobs" position before, grinding lenses or having to teach high school for 15 years before they got famous, but what did they have? the had a billion things you don't: just to name a few, the luxury of knowing for certain that no matter how downtrodden they were, there was an intelligent reading public and an exciting world-historical development going on in europe that they could participate in so long as they finished their great projects; the luxury of knowing that real patrons and comrades exist out there, if they could only get in touch with them; the luxury of knowing that anything at all is happening at the global scale, and that raw ambition can always be channelled into something.

nowadays you have, what? watch fucking joe rogan and realise that all the leading "intellectuals" are basically the people you knew in college and high school, but some of them randomly got rich? braindead fucking morons mindlessly making reddit posts and tweets while living in the waiting room of a runaway capitalist acceleration process that actively selects for them? what is there anymore?

see yourself as a free man in the wasteland, who can stake a claim on the new world as the old world crumbles. stop judging yourself by the waning traditions of an age whose foundations no one even recalls or understands anymore. I DIDN'T PASS MY GMST-QPRT A-LEVEL BPK'S IN TIME TO TAKE THE ROLLYPROLEY BUMBLE BUGGY TO THE SECOND RANKED COLLEGE SO I CAN BECOME THE BEST IVORY TOWER BUGMAN IN THE LAND

>> No.11836348
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>> No.11836357

Is this post satire?

>> No.11836360

No its boomer tier because saying someone has it worse than you doesnt solve your problems or make you care more to solve your own. Plenty of things you say are scapegoats are more than observeable and can be factors. Everyone is product of their enviroment. Maybe like you say focusing so much on this is bad and can be seen as scapegoating but its still a real reality. And im well aware of my personal failures but I can notice ones that could very likely be out of my control.

>> No.11836400
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>No its boomer tier because saying someone has it worse than you doesnt solve your problems
You're absolutely correct, I'm not claiming otherwise.

>or make you care more to solve your own.
I disagree with this utterly, however. People in far, far worse situations than OP came back to achieve far, far greater things than he (and probably anyone else here) ever will. Gaining some desperately needed perspective can be very helpful, and you don't get that by 'blackpilling' (whatever this fucking cringey bullshit even means) yourself at the age of 20 and giving up on ever having an intimate relationship with another human being. Like just stop and think about how stupid this is Jesus fucking Christ.

As for the rest of your post; people aren't responsible for what happens to them, but they're sure as fuck responsible for how they deal with it. Dismiss this as a platitude if you want but it's the truth. I'm not heartless, but going by OP's post, he doesn't have anywhere near enough problems to justify giving up on life this early.

Nothing annoys me more than wasted potential, and I know you're all capable of so much more, and I know you can achieve it. I WANT you to achieve it.

>> No.11836431

no mate people really are the products of their environment, the people that made it, made it because they had it in them to make it, some don't, suicides do happen and sometimes they are legitimate

>> No.11836440

>no you're wrong it's everyone else's fault
I hate you pussies so much.

Just fuck off back to /r9k/, loser. You bring this on your self, and clearly can't admit it.

>> No.11836441

There is great warmth in bonding with other failures. It makes you feel less alone and gives you gratification for being a failure. Much harder to better yourself when you have a place to vent and talk about how shit your life is without doing anything and people saying "same :(".

>> No.11836446

CIA psyop poster

>> No.11836447

dude im talking about like, the radical closure of subjectivity and shit here stop huffing memes

>> No.11836454


>> No.11836467

You just seem to be cherrypicking the very very small amount of people so destitue that have made things better for themselves. Its a nice feel good story and all but not how it goes usually. Theres a lot of pressure society puts on you in the first world so to feel like you actually made it or even at an objective level of just living comfortably are extremely high. Its probably no coincidence drug use is seeing another very high rise currently.

>> No.11836499

>he asked me why wasn’t I working for a big firm given my outstanding academics
That’s just a stupid question. Jobs can be hard to find sometimes.

One of the complaints I’ve had is my ‘spotty’ employment history (which I haven’t held my last couple jobs for more than a year). That’s a little more reasonable but still stupid because it could be for a lot of different reasons, other than getting fired. And in my case, it is. Frequently I will leave my employer because I get bored or want a better environment

>> No.11836508

>reading this whole thing and knowing OP isn't nearly as smart as he thinks he is
You lived up to your potential, OP.

>> No.11836523
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>You just seem to be cherrypicking the very very small amount of people so destitue that have made things better for themselves.
No, my point is that huge numbers of people experience tremendous suffering in life far outweighing that of most of the privileged users of this site, and yet end up leading more meaningful lives than you because they actually engaged with life and didn't shudder from it. People ITT believing that their life is over at the age of 22 (or that they've suffered in a way the vast majority of people never have) would be almost hilarious if you didn't mean it; this is why I mock you for lacking perspective.

Just go out and fucking interact with people, please. I know I'm wasting my time here and most of you are too dumb-as-a-rock stupid to absorb the incredibly simple messages I've already typed out multiple times now in the most clear and unambiguous way possible, but why not?

After all, if your life was truly that bad, you'd have nothing to lose.

>> No.11836544

He clearly isn't, but he's still a mile ahead of most people here potential-wise. Nothing worse than self-pitying fucks not knowing how good they have it.

Every /r9k/ user should be gassed.

>> No.11836580

>huge numbers of people experience tremendous suffering in life far outweighing that of most of the privileged users of this site

Not the one you replied to, but I think this is the main point. The problem of the modern world is not that we suffer too much but that we don't suffer enough. Sudden, cataclysmic suffering of the thunderbolt variety is a catalyst for change and spiritual rebirth. The constant, minute, first world, suffering is erosion and slow decay. It's the difference between chronic stress and acute stress, the latter has been shown to improve bodily health, the former to destroy it.

Comfort is killing us.

>> No.11836598

But plenty of these people have engaged with life and this is why they are like this now, or they were born less than average in looks or even intelligence so their esteem is broken from the getgo, they cant find meaning since society makes them feel unengaged for a plethora of reasons, they want to go with the flow like how many "normies" seem to but just cant. Its a bit more complicated than dude just like live haha. And to be fair im mostly playing devils advocate here. I have a pretty ok life

>> No.11836619
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>they were born less than average in looks or even intelligence so their esteem is broken from the getgo
Do you really not understand how fucking stupid this is?

Can you PLEASE exercise some basic critical thinking skills and stop viewing everything through le /r9k/ blackpill?

>> No.11836680

Some can get past their less than fortunate genetics some cant. Dont think its that far fetched.

>> No.11836702


People are too focused on how well we are doing from an economics/quantitative perspective. A large part of the suffering stems from being told we have it "good" because of our privilege in comparison, making us feel guilty about something that isn't nearly true.

>> No.11836718

yeah me. that’s why i post here and watch youtube documentaries and debates and waste time reading books that seem interesting instead of pursuing a career

>> No.11836721
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The human condition has always been impoverished but the world can still be beautiful. There's no need for you all to be so uncharitable towards yourselves . In the end you're all you truly have. Take solace in the fact that human development occurs from womb to tomb and it's not too late to at least grow little by little one day at a time. Embrace the absurd and lay yourself bare in the benign indifference of the world.

>> No.11836751

londonfrog should rewrite stranger.

>> No.11836768

Do you seriously believe any of that shit would have made you happy? It would just be misery in a different set of circumstances.

>> No.11836821

Stranger 2: The Squeakel
Somebody get to writing this. Let's have it end with Londonfrog dying in the streets penniless and alone (((sorry Londonfrog))) as an approximation for how society passively executes the cogs who don't fit into the machine for maximum impression.

>> No.11836883

>have no potential
>mediocre grades
>literally bottom set for maths
>become really good at maths between year 11 and year 12
>apply do maths at oxbridge - ace the entrance exam. get place
>now im here, realise i'll never do anything worse being remembered for
>lose interest. don't do any work. scrape 2:1
>have an arrogant persona bc im insecure about my intellect, so now i have to actually achieve things otherwise i'll look like an idiot
>want to just be bohemian poet but being an semi-autistic maths student really ruins my aesthetic
>still have absolutely no clue if im smart or not

>> No.11836893

You ain’t

>> No.11836970

yeah but how do i know? i mean, some people are smart. how do you know if youre one of them or not?

>> No.11836987

There’s no such thing as “smart” people.

>> No.11836997

I should've went ahead and made an instagram in hs just so I could have the luxury now of creeping on all those staceys who have privated accounts. This feels like my biggest goof atm.

>> No.11837022

? i know smart peoplr

>> No.11837039


>> No.11837041

nigga you got a JOB. It could be a hell of a lot worse

>> No.11837061

>Yep i am pretty smart guys.Look at me!I joined oxford mate!Accomplishments?Pssh that pesky thing doesn't matter when i have a high iq.

Genuinely,if what you seek is to demolish your ego then i might have a solution for you.Just play fighting games.Even that child geniuses aren't conquering.

>> No.11837082

reminder pynchon wrote GR when he was 24

u all might as well kill urselves

>> No.11837091

literally opposite of my post, chum. i've got no achievements that would convince me im smart. but im young enough that i dont want to throw the towel in yet.

>> No.11837107

>>have an arrogant persona bc im insecure about my intellect, so now i have to actually achieve things otherwise i'll look like an idiot
I have never seen a arrogant person that wasn't somewhat proud of their achievements.Curious,what do you even want out of life?

>> No.11837120

It seems like for the most part people are in a binary state of "fucked" or "alright" that has nothing much to do with the particulars of their lives and more so with their attitudes towards life. Chad has the same amount of problems as me and you but of a different form.

>> No.11837131

I'm in a p good PhD program, get paid to go to school through fellowships, mid 330's combined GRE etc. but I still feel like shit b/c virgin combined with guilt for feeling like shit despite having a relatively good life.

>> No.11837153

>want to just be bohemian poet but being an semi-autistic maths student really ruins my aesthetic
naah they aren't. they pretend to be to trick you into thinking they're worth being proud of. people who are actually content with their achievements are rather modest.
idk i have no long term aims. i dont want to work but tbqh i dont think im capable

>> No.11837167


>semi-prestigious but low paid bureaucrat job in London that miraculously requires no work or time at the office
>requires no work or time at the office
>no work
>or time at the office

holy shit, sounds like you hit the jackpot OP
you WON !

>> No.11837174

I honestly think it’s a terrifying sin that we make people’s adult lives (if they don’t have rich parents/some kind of safety net) so extremely dependent on what they did while they were children/teenagers/young adults. It’s sad that your grades in high-school will affect deeply what college you get into, college then can affect your whole life after. The human brain doesn’t even fully mature until we’re about 25 years old. People are put into a big machine, an impersonal system which doesn’t really care about them, since they’re young. Even extremely intelligent people can lose their potential to succeed in society just because of a habit of youthful procrastination, being too young and immature to understand why they should do well in school or to care much about it.

Some of the most academically successful people I’ve met, high GPAs and everything, have been chicks, mostly. And these women amazingly turn out to not be that smart if you talk with them one on one. They get into all AP classes in honor school, get straight A’s, go to a good college and do just as well there. And they’re amazingly enough often intellectually uncurious, uncritical, unpassionate, unquestioning. Few of them read in their spare time and they even, amazingly, will regard it as boring. This is because they’re not actually geniuses. They’re just slightly above-average IQ, and very passive, patient, obedient, docile, and hardworking. I think this is the root of the noted disparity between female and male academic achievement in the West today (women are doing better than men), as others have pointed out. IQ research shows men are more represented in the lower and higher ends of IQ, and women less so. So the passionate, curious, very intelligent people (people with the spark of “genius”) are more likely to be men/boys, and, unless they consent to being castrated, to using up their spare time trying to succeed in mediocre curriculums when they prefer, say, reading on their own preferred subjects on their own time, they may not do as well in school as women not as intelligent as them.

This isn’t from a /pol/-tard, MRA, or misogynist. It’s just some sad facts backed up by research. It’s obvious that the intellectual burnouts are much more likely to be men than women. This may also be because we have a great focus on feminism and making young women feel empowered and all that today, whereas boys and young men don’t get the same support system, and female teachers are over-represented from kindergarten to high school (which all sets the path for college), leading to gender dynamics where the female teachers, consciously or unconsciously, like their female students better.

The worst is if one’s parents aren’t themselves that intellectual or didn’t go to college/get good educations themselves and thus can’t really help you with these life-changing decisions at such a young age. So much potential wasted

>> No.11837190

People can always just lift themselves up by the bootstraps!

>> No.11837215

I doubt that's truly what you want.Are you at least doing something or do you just browse 4chan 24/7?

>> No.11837229

i read a lot. and when im at uni i hang with my pals. and i drink

>> No.11837307

School and uni are pretty retard proof, misinterpreting being good there as something relevant is a decent indicator that you was deluded about your potential in the first place. You're basically where someone with your abilities should be.

>Every /r9k/ user should be gassed.
Dubs of truth.

>> No.11837340

"Our greatest fear isn't that we didn't fulfil our potential, but that we did"