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File: 156 KB, 1138x800, ginsberg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11824545 No.11824545 [Reply] [Original]

When did you find out Allen Ginsberg was a member of NAMBLA?

>> No.11824546

Probably the first time I heard about him

>> No.11824554

As soon as I heard of him? It's not a secret or anything and you're a retard if you think it's a revelation that any of the beats were fucked up degenerates when Burroughs, the most noteworthy one among them was a junkie faggot who went to other countries to fuck teenage boys up the ass.

>> No.11824584

I read Howl! and The Ayahuasca Letters and didn't find out untill now.

>> No.11824600

when he sucked my 11 year old cock

>> No.11824614

proceed to pol.

>> No.11824911

When I saw his pedo face

>> No.11824919

When I first heard of him and read his Wikipedia page. Most of the early gay rights guys were pedos. Really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.11824935

When I read his wiki page a few years back. Apparently one of my teachers was friends with him and Hakim Bey.

>> No.11825178
File: 38 KB, 600x300, 74EAA595-F8B1-4115-8E31-87274F85B817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf? Artists are supposed to conform to the morals and standards of society, not counter it!

>> No.11825185

Burroughs was a good writer. He was also a degenerate scumbag.

>> No.11825220

What else do you know about artists? please, share.

>> No.11825248

Quite a rebuttal you’ve got there.

>> No.11825260

imagine the smell

>> No.11825268

Moloch doth protest too much.
Or not enough, in this case...

>> No.11825293

I was asking genuinely. Sorry if my autism made it seem ironic.

>> No.11825312

>Look at his Wikipedia page
>He vigorously opposed militarism, economic materialism and sexual repression
One if these things is not like the others.

>> No.11825637

Are you trying to suggest Allen Ginsberg didn't smell good?

>> No.11825672


>> No.11825701

Someone post the deleuze pasta pls

>> No.11825723

Based and boypilled

>> No.11825761

I heard he was a cocksucking Jew and put two and two together

>> No.11826295

When I fuck kids its not malicious or anything. I just go against societial norms, just like a good artist!

>> No.11826356

mmhmm, yeah, that's why kiddie-fucking is bad, because it "doesn't conform to the morals and standards of society".

>> No.11826408
File: 691 KB, 974x599, hume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what makes kiddie-fucking bad

>> No.11826418

Kerouac was a chad romantic dressed in Beat clothing

>> No.11826419

how is that post even pol

>> No.11826428

what makes beating children with pots and pans bad? what makes skinning old people alive bad you disgusting insect

>> No.11826431


>> No.11826463

Ginsburg is a sick jewish pestilence which has bed-ridden modern academic English and humanities

>> No.11827313
File: 21 KB, 249x287, hume.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yeah what makes those bad explain it to me

>> No.11827321

And a hack. Burroughs was the only genuine artist in the bunch.

>> No.11827350


>> No.11827361

I enjoyed him but he isn't the height of literature. I would suggest On the Road and Dharma Bums to high schoolers.

>> No.11827369

>Being friends with not only Ginsberg alone, but also Hakim Bey
Did he know Peter Sotos too?

>> No.11827456

I tried reading subterraneans and it came off like some drunk faggot trying to tell you about his social life.

>> No.11827460


>> No.11827472


It was a different time

>> No.11827538

NAMBLA is just starting with the Greeks.

>> No.11827704

If I made a movie about Allen Ginsberg I'd call it 'Diddler on the Roof'.

>> No.11828170

he doesn't look anything like Marlon Brando.

>> No.11828192

Stick with Salinger you dumb nigger.

>> No.11828465


>> No.11828517
File: 188 KB, 513x816, kerouac.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone knows Ginsberg was your typical degenerate metropolite Jew.

Pic related is less known though.

>> No.11828553
File: 66 KB, 640x427, david-cross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

More like David Cross

>> No.11828587

Man, I just can't wrap my head around kids as sexual objects. What structure do they imagine the relationship would take? They'd proposition the parents for permission to fuck their kid? They'd run away with the kid in secret? The kid wouldn't even consent but would be drugged? What do they want?

I read the article in Spiegel about the leftists running child-sex daycare centres in the 60s Germany. Sexual liberation of children, they called it. Sickening stuff. A child has no/limited worldview, and so whatever you do to them becomes part of their worldview. They can't consent because they don't properly understand due to a lack of broader understanding of sex and sexual politics. Imposing that on them to sexually gratify yourself is a gross violation of their boundaries and rights to a healthy upbringing.

>> No.11828632

Westerners are so fucking stupid. For thousands of years sex with children has been normal and healthy. European sex autism never ceases to amaze me. First, you can't fuck ANYONE but your spouse, and only for purposes of procreation, and without enjoyment. Then instead of having normal sexual relations with children you try to turn it into a relationship or some sexual liberation nonsense. White people are so fucking autistic and unnatural sometimes I think the Yakub meme might be true.

I bet you think incest is wrong too. Like incest means "marrying your sister" or some insane white people shit instead of just safe sexual play in the family for practice before finding a real relationship. Same with children, it's safe and normal play, it's not unless you have retarded Caucasian genes that this becomes a problem.

I lost my virginity to a family member when I was 12 and I turned out fine, much better than you wh*toids who don't even get fucking hugs or eye contact.

>> No.11828775

>I read the article in Spiegel about the leftists running child-sex daycare centres in the 60s Germany. Sexual liberation of children, they called it. Sickening stuff.

>> No.11828811

40 years ago :(

>> No.11828829

>I lost my virginity to a family member when I was 12 and I turned out fine



>> No.11828832
File: 15 KB, 283x424, 1439058627176.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I lost my virginity to a family member when I was 12 and I turned out fine

>> No.11828836


>> No.11828885

they were all a bunch of vile pedo fucks

>> No.11828986

I like how there's zero accrual argument against. This is what the whites do. Your perverted understanding of sexuality has destroyed the world. Olives were smart, Romans and Greeks understood the potential good of pedophilia, the most brilliant people in history have been pedophiles.

Fucking brainlets. Betting introduced to sexuality early helps you to not develop autism. Is it any surprise the West has the most autism and the least physical interaction with children? You do not even hug your children, kiss them, bathe with them. You treat their naked body as shameful, and make sex foreign and terrifying, hence all your bugman virgins.

The intelligent among you may be upturn minded enough to understand this. But most of you are simply too white.

>> No.11828990
File: 137 KB, 749x746, 1521584197778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11828991

Cool it with the racism, buddy

>> No.11829004
File: 70 KB, 860x484, image-103120-860_poster_16x9-vkwf-103120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829009

Oh no non-autism male sexuality whatever will we do. Alexander the Great took it up the ass but he's gay, we should be more like 500 pound white "men".

>> No.11829012

Reading your messages, we can tell that you actually didn't turn out fine. You think you did because you don't have a reference point.

>> No.11829014

If you're not ironically shitposting, no, you're not fine, you stupid anally ravaged nigger. No one who "turned out fine" spergs out this hard over something they supposedly aren't bothered by.

>> No.11829018


>> No.11829024

Is it really that much of a secret that sailors are gigantic faggots?

>> No.11829068

Are you a paki? Serious question.

>> No.11829165

>be American
>get fired for looking someone in the eyes too long
>get suspended from school for giving someone a hug
>never hold hands with friends
>don't take showers with family members
>afraid of being near children in public
>"we are the super culture"
>"if you think our autism is bad it's because YOU'RE bad!"
Fucking hypocrites. I have had sex with two cousins, it's normal and nothing to be ashamed of. Safe to explore sexuality this way, sucked dick, have a gf now. Of course, the white thinks this is weird.


>> No.11829177

>be goatfucker in waiting
>your dad sells his goat one day, nothing else to fuck
>remembers you have a hole too
>insallah, it's goofy time

>> No.11829203

>fucking animals is bad
>ignore that this was also normal for thousands of years
Whites. Fucking a flashlight is totally normal though.

>> No.11829206

Ok, now it's obvious that you're shitposting.

>> No.11829217

Fucking read mythology like once. Zeus fucked girls as a fucking swan. Ladies stuck snakes in their fucking vaginas. Men fuck goats for a reason, it's normal. Farmers fuck animals. It's normal. Incest is normal. Pedophilia. Normal. Whites just have autism.

>something naturally occurs for thousands of years
>"this is bad because I'm enlightened by my own intelligence"

Try to actually refute rather than pussy out, bugman

>> No.11829223

If I fucked you up the ass it'd count as bestiality ;^)

>> No.11829884
File: 105 KB, 502x703, 06e2286365cd1c393460a659bec04610--john-lennon-beatles-the-beatles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.11829932

too early

>> No.11830027

best comment

>> No.11830405

i think this poster meant that he was raped by ginsberg you guys

>> No.11830437
File: 25 KB, 500x500, 1536597713727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the potential good of pedophilia

>> No.11830463

Who cares? He's a faggot kike and a shit poet anyway.

>> No.11830601

>junkie faggot who went to other countries to fuck teenage boys up the ass.
Why bother going to other countries for that? Sheesh did that smack fiend have any common sense?

>> No.11830645

It's not a Broadway musical dude

>> No.11830651

They're bad because I don't like them.
>who are you to set the norms of society?
Who are you to stop me?

>> No.11830672
File: 271 KB, 808x805, granite cocks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I broke my back lifting Moloch to Heaven and all I got was this lousy Disneyland with no children

>> No.11830674

Shame, most likely.

>> No.11830680

How are antipedophiles even more disgusting and annoying than pedophiles? I thought you had to be a mass murderer or a serial killer to be worse, but I guess all it really takes is being a "won't somebody please think of the children" moralist vigilante.

>> No.11831025

Ginsberg huh. I wonder what ethnicity that name belongs to.

>> No.11831129


>> No.11831382

I actually heard it on Howard Stern.

It's not clear if *he* really believed it, or if it was just something he thought people had a right to believe. He did enjoy his role as the outsider.

>> No.11831463

When I joined NAMBLA.

>> No.11831524

He hung out with known boy diddlers like Burroughs and was a homo himself. I highly doubt he was just in it for the lulz even if that's what he claimed.

>> No.11831552

include me in the screen shot

>> No.11831566

>it's not clear
I mean, he spoke openly about it, it's not some mystery.

>> No.11831571

I think that anon meant it wasn't clear is Howard Stern believed the accusation or not. You are, of course, correct that it's no secret that Ginsberg was a member of NAMBLA.

>> No.11831575

I have the same glasses and facial expression.

>> No.11831582

no no bud. I meant he spoke openly about
>(whether) *he* really believed it, or if it was just something he thought people had a right to believe.
in the link I shared.
(it's the latter. But also he criticizes the overly puritanical attitude of the west towards this whole thing.)

>> No.11831583

And the same appreciation of young boys?

>> No.11831624

oh boy

>> No.11831715

Alas, he has yet to develop such cultured aesthete taste that only Big Name poets like Alen Jewberg can have. The supple, rosy beauty of a fresh faced boy as he sprawls out on the bed, his socks and undergarments strewn upon as he presents his smooth nakedness eagerly to his master, the gentle caress of his soft lips on the body, the firm buoyancy of his bottom, the manly rigidness and readiness of his cock---all of this escapes our friend.

>> No.11831755

t. Shulamith Firestone

>> No.11831794

It's almost as if antipedophiles wouldn't be around if people would just stop defending pedophiles. Really gets the noggin joggin.

>> No.11831815

i think child sexuality is one of those topics that CAN'T be discussed publicly because the very act of having people prove themselves as thinking about it (even if they ultimately agree with the dominant opinion) rather than having an unexamined take (namely disgust and condemnedmenation) is shocking to most. thete's little places i can picture as proper for the discussion

>> No.11831817


>> No.11831819

I can enjoy a good twink but I draw the line at actual underage kids.

Not that I ever bothered to read Ginsberg.

>> No.11831821

Fags don't have lines they don't cross.

>> No.11831853

Kind of like there were no witch hunts without witches?

Strange how that works out.

>> No.11831855

I saw it, faggot.

>> No.11831858

What he really means is that he's not slick or rich enough to get away with buggering little boys.

>> No.11831938

profound harm to an innocent person? does that count?

>> No.11831993

sailing isn't gay it's manly and cool

>> No.11832045

The act is, the men who do it are by and large flaming homosexuals.

>> No.11832053

but my dad...

>> No.11832063

They are literally sorounded by seamen, that's pretty gay if you ask me.

>> No.11832081

they're deleterious to the health and survival of the species and they're repulsive to normal people.

>> No.11832761

except witches aren't real and there most certainly are pedophiles afoot.

>> No.11832781

I don't believe pedophiles exist

>> No.11833706
File: 8 KB, 500x300, 297264_NAMBLA.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.11833719

bald jew helps undermine society while writing mediocre poetry and fucking boys in the ass. Full story at 11.

>> No.11833877

End your life. You’re suffering but you don’t realize it.

>> No.11834313

Fucking kids is just an extension of natalism. If you're enough of a psychopath to think you have the right to play God and spawn sentience creatures into suffering for your own entertainment, fucking them really isn't that much of a stretch either. In fact it's less of an imposition.

>> No.11834323

Wrong. People can unlife themselves, but they can't unmolest themselves.

>> No.11834326

>got fucked as a kid
>is a pedo now because if it
>says it's totally harmless

Paedophilia is a sexually transmitted mental illness and you're an example of it, anon.

>> No.11834334

People can't unlife themselves, they can only kill themselves. That's a big difference. Like with molestation, a great part of the harm is already done and can't be undone.