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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 83 KB, 750x1022, michel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
11823582 No.11823582 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Michel Houellebecq's wife /lit/ ?

>> No.11823590


>> No.11823607

Wat, he got married? Can u gib context

>> No.11823610

Smart man, getting in with the Han before their hegemony is definitely established.

>> No.11823612



>> No.11823621

He truly is king of the incels

>> No.11823623
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This was posted less than 24 hours ago. There isn't much information yet.

>> No.11823624

he looks so lively

>> No.11823628
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>Another reactionary beta marries an Asian

>> No.11823630

Not surprised that he'd have yellow fever. Am surprised that this is the best mail order bride he could afford.>>11823590

>> No.11823636
File: 169 KB, 315x310, 2018-09-22 15_42_44-1537623118405.jpg (JPEG-bild, 750 × 1022 pixlar).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

la monstruosité...

>> No.11823639

writing doesn’t pay what it used to

>> No.11823644

I hate these cunts in the background. She's an old batty woman - mentally ill - and every cunt jumps at the chance to film themselves coming to defence of this little asian girl who can clearly look after herself. They will look at her like she is everything wrong with Australia when she is just a retarded old woman who obviously holds zero public influence.

>> No.11823645

Is she his first wife ?
Anyway I'm happy for him, they look lovely.

>> No.11823651
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>> No.11823656

desu what is wrong with this? he clearly is a beta, can't he just find love where he can get it?

>> No.11823662

Because we are all betas incels and we fear that we too will have to settle for ugly ethnics who secretly resent us, if we manage to get anyone at all.

>> No.11823663

looks like a female asian version of him

>> No.11823664

i guess that OP feels its hypocritcal based on his novels messages (whatever, elementary particles) but im on the fence

>> No.11823668

I hope they convert to Islam next.

>> No.11823669
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>> No.11823671

If he can do it then there's nothing stopping any of us from doing it too.
We're all gonna it make it, /lit/.

>> No.11823672

Nah yeah that would be pretty fucked

>> No.11823678
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More surprising than hypocritical but I mostly find his suit funny.

>> No.11823685

why the h*ck is he wearing that goofy costume tho?

>> No.11823688
File: 420 KB, 683x476, nico.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't Houellebecq live in Chinatown? He wrote in Soumission how impervious Chinatown was to regime change, the Chinese always surviving and marching to their own drum.

It seems like all the redpilled authors are putting their money on the Chinese.

>> No.11823692
File: 165 KB, 683x1029, Michel-Houellebecq-y-la-traductora.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This must be some type of elaborate bait
What happened to his French wife

>> No.11823700


Careful here. It may be fake news. Sad !

>> No.11823701

hoe went for Chadongo

>> No.11823713

>writes about how all relationships are fucked
>gets into a relationship

I have a feeling his next book will suck.

>> No.11823720

He's been married since 1998

>> No.11823734
File: 9 KB, 252x200, wow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

THAT is his wife??? DAMN.

>> No.11823737
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>> No.11823750
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Yes. And she was a prime qt when they met too

>> No.11823758
File: 220 KB, 835x1368, 002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He was accompanied by a ravishing girl from Chiang Mai whose name was Kim. He had met her in a topless bar on the first night and they had been together ever since. I could easily see what this big, slightly clumsy boy saw in the fragile creature, so delicate she seemed almost unreal; I couldn't see how he could ever have found such a girl in his own country. They were a godsend, these little Thai whores, I thought; a gift from heaven, nothing less.

>Houellebecq graduated as an agronomist in 1980, married and had a son; then he divorced, became depressed and took up writing poetry.

>> No.11823761
File: 177 KB, 436x361, 1494517298596.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a second... I just saw the original filename and it says "Houellebecq and his translator" in Spanish.

>> No.11823763

>then he divorced, became depressed and took up writing poetry.

>> No.11823794

>Houellebecq has a son

What the fuck, does he post here?

>> No.11823809
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>> No.11823818
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What did he mean by this?

>> No.11823819

basado y rojopillado

>> No.11823820

It's hypocritical only if you expect someone to live their continuously evolving real life according to some principles implied by a work of fiction they wrote at a particular time.

>> No.11823825

The Possibility of an Island is supposedly autobiographical, and the main, first-person character has that exact back story there. In that book his son committed suicide. I've wondered since if his real son did that too.

>> No.11823844


>> No.11823860


This is largely true and he mentioned that no riots or civil disorder were breaking out there. Very interesting insight.

>> No.11823926

There is hope for us all.

>> No.11823952

who wouldn't want a ugly asian wife to slap around?

>> No.11823955

Nibba lookin like a supreme gentleman

>> No.11823974

houellebece isnt le white nationalist or whatever, he's just ridign the tiger he';ll fuck anyting

>> No.11823999


>> No.11824016
File: 32 KB, 407x612, salman-rushdie-and-wife-padma-lakshmi-during-hearst-magazines-hosts-picture-id110298013?s=612x612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Virgin Michel vs The Chad Salman

>> No.11824025

Lol fuck, I can’t believe this guy got married.

>> No.11824031

While this is true Houllebecq is in the 1% of earners

>> No.11824034

Iggy pop looking like a woman off “housewives of...”

>> No.11824041


>> No.11824048

Basado y rojoempastillado.
Maldito plebeyo

>> No.11824054

At least he is not a hypocrite
If he chose a bride based on appearance, he would have been one

>> No.11824072

there are things worse the hypocrisy

>> No.11824091

She looks so happy that I can't help but smile.

>> No.11824105

Well-beck is a Templar?

>> No.11824112


She looks exactly how French sounds.

>> No.11824116

Is this from that movie about him getting kidnapped?

>> No.11824122

no its some other weird art one about some guy on a bicycle who dies or something

>> No.11824234
File: 116 KB, 467x700, qAP1Rqu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

asian women love white men more than even white women. This is known by red pilled white men You see like even that bitch who works for the new york times who shat on white men on twitter even had a white boy friend.
In the book one flew over the cuckoos nest the evil is represented by a white woman and her nigger stooges who torture the mentally ill men of the facility But there is a minor character in the book who doesnt show up in the movie, a japanese nurse who is kind and nice to mcmurphy.

A lot of people accuse white men of having yellow fever but the truth is asian women have white fever

>> No.11824246

>this is who /lit/ looks up to

>> No.11824251

that book wasn't written by an asian women though. And yes obviously they have a thing for white guys, but women dont even operate in a 'i like this race' sense, neither do men. The world is divided into hot people and ugly people, and each race has a selection of both groups. This seems so incredibly obvious that I find myself struggling to understand how fucking stupid everybody is about this subject.

>> No.11824272
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>> No.11824290
File: 20 KB, 306x368, tumblr_ot8oieqPtv1v7w03po2_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>women dont operate in a "i like this race sense"


>> No.11824291

How do other whites even ride the train? I would have a mental breakdown too being in close proximity to all those subhumans. I can’t wait till we start genociding.
>inb4 redditers

>> No.11824295

whites probably have the highest percentage of attractive people, this doesn't mean that other races don't have attractive people. Christ why is everybody an idiot

>> No.11824299

>Why is everyone other than me so stupid, gosh it's just so obvious why don't they get it
If everyone else feels differently than you do, then you're probably wrong about how people view these things, aren't you? I certainly view attraction through a race-based lens. There are races of women I'm not attracted to and even if they are one of the better-looking examples they still do not attract me. Likewise among the races that I find attractive there are ones that I find more attractive than others, simply based on this aspect.

>> No.11824310

there are entire races of women you arent attracted to? How is this even possible, are you extremely low in testosterone or something?

>> No.11824312

Of course, whites are the only race without poop-hued features, which is why we have to protect ourselves long-term by booting out all these brown people.

>> No.11824316

>batty old woman
literally just australian. up until maybe the current generation (and only in the city) they're all racist af.

>> No.11824318

Pretty much this. It doesn't matter your race, if you're ugly. No asian girl's gonna fawn over you just because you're white, you got to be good looking also.

>> No.11824332

Because white male are consider higher status, same reason i date white girl (i'm asian male). But like i alrady post before, none of this matter if you're ugly. All thing equal, the girl will choose the race that has better "social status", but only if they are both equally attractive.

>> No.11824340

It's just how it is, buddy. You could find the most beautiful black woman that has ever existed on this planet and have her spread her pussy open in front of me and my dick would shrivel up and hide. I'm not attracted at all. And I'm certainly not the only person like this, so you should probably just accept reality rather than trying to distort it so it fits whatever naive political beliefs you currently hold.

>> No.11824345
File: 65 KB, 900x610, ridicule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>highest percentage of attractive people
That is literally in line with anon's argument. Attractiveness is subjective so people must have preferences.
Maybe this statement will make more sense to you:
The average white guy is more attractive to most asian women than the average guy of another race

>> No.11824355

>naive political beliefs
m8 you have no idea what I believe, it is extremely reactionary and cynical. I just can't imagine not wanting to dick a hot black girl. But I will accept that not everybody is like that if that's what you're telling me.

>> No.11824377

Fuck off, Zhang.

>> No.11824386


She fucked Chad Beigbeder

>> No.11824388

Sounds like you’re just a thirsty faggot with no standards

>> No.11824398

Embarrassing posts.
How can you go through life without distinguishing between necessary and sufficient conditions? Without understanding habits?
When people say X is attracted to Y, they obviously mean it as a great pull of their habit, which can border on a (probabilistic) necessary condition.

>> No.11824412

>t. seething manlet shitskin who came here because the universities in your country are shit and is furious that white women won't have sex with him

>> No.11824415

does she know the weird sex stuff he is into

>> No.11824424

Bitch has the facial expression of an ax murderer. I'd rather have a nice froggy-looking azn waifu than a psycho pajeet bimbo.

>> No.11824433

Who is the Asian man?

>> No.11824441


>> No.11824464

Only an asian would think in this sort of way "i want to be with this person because of status" Asians are really disgusting bug people conformists.
White people dont think in that way. Some anecdotal stories but white guys would date a poor asian girl if he was attracted to her

>> No.11824474


>> No.11824496

Lol fucking LOL

>> No.11824499

they broke up cuz he had a small dick and wanted to write all the time

>> No.11824518


>> No.11824520

wow fuck you thats rude

>> No.11824529

Which book is that?

>> No.11824538


>> No.11824543

La poursuite du bonheur

i'm guessing

>> No.11824568


>> No.11824570

You see it in this thread. "how dare he marry an ugly gook, doesnt he know he could date a pretty white woman". Everyone worships white women, white men know the truth about white women though.
The entier world puts white women on a pedastol except white men, and thats why white women are butthurt and why non white men are the true betas who would crawl thru glass if a white woman would fart on him

>> No.11824576

I do, every now and then.

>> No.11824577

don't know which edition exactly, but it includes "rester vivant" ("to stay alive"), which you can read online here: https://www.houellebecq.info/popdivers.php?id=13

>> No.11824626

>Attractiveness is subjective

>> No.11824635


>> No.11824657

They look cute.

>> No.11824678

what's with the random nazi hand on the top left?

>> No.11824696

>doesnt he know he could date a pretty white woman

lmaaaaaao they're delusional thinking Houellebecq could get a white qt. he's a fucking goblin. these days looks are literally everything. not even being le bohemian edgy writer xd gets you a qt if you're not at least a 6.5

>> No.11824704

That is the ugliest chinawoman I've ever seen. Goddamn

>> No.11824720

frank yang

>> No.11824753

That's the white man uniform

>> No.11824765

You clearly haven't been outside in decades.

>> No.11824791

Why do artists marry Oriental women in their old age? Jodorowsky is another one.

>> No.11824822

Because it's easier to find one who isn't as much of a retarded shrieking harpy as women of other races tend to be, especially later in life.

>> No.11824824

im not australian or chinaman hahaha wow.
aus doesnt even have a top 10 uni. do people actually emigrate for your shit-tier schools? genuine q, didnt even know that.

p.s. actual madness that australians would be on a literature board

>> No.11824827

He is 60 years old and this his third marriage. He just wants to settle down with a loyal woman who will cook him food and suck his dick.

>> No.11824855

So you are a seething manlet shitskin mad that white women won’t have sex with you?

>> No.11824871

It was all an elaborate ruse, an advertisement for his next novel which is about incel culture.

>> No.11824874

Yeah I guess you're right and it looks like a "Librio" copy (cheap french edition)

>> No.11824881

im white, sorry to disappoint. again, why is an australian on a literature board?

>> No.11824890

his next novel is about Christianity, Russia, and conservatism.

>> No.11824906

He literally did marry a cute white girl. Turns out talent and integrity do count for something in the real world

>> No.11824953

Damn, you got me! XD

>> No.11824970

>d-dont be offensive to australians! you must be a chink!

>> No.11825003

These all fall within each other's margin of error. I mean, low IQ people should be euthanized.

>> No.11825030

Yikes. Thanks for confirming you’re a redditer.

>> No.11825035

Because you couldn't get me to fuck an "attractive black woman" for one trillion dollars.

>> No.11825098

But I thought he was an incel like me?

>> No.11825120

stockpile response lmao

>> No.11825134


>> No.11825143

Damn! You showed that snowflake!

>> No.11825147

We're all incels at some point

>> No.11825204

i know the whole "containment board" thing must get annoying, but what do you actually get out of coming to a literature board? it's harder pretending you're the first australian to read a book than just going to /tv/ or smth

>> No.11825245
File: 104 KB, 225x300, hotwheelz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lieutenant Dan?

>> No.11825254

>containment board
>we're everywhere

Guess that didn't work huh

>> No.11825339

Her face is really swollen. Are we sure she's not allergic to him or something?

>> No.11825659

Thats not how margins of error work retard

>> No.11825708

they make for good maids that you can fugg

>> No.11825740

I’m about 100 pages into his “Elementary Particles” and I don’t find either Michel or Hugo terribly interesting yet. Also, I don’t see what’s so controversial about this book yet. Is it the translation? Were the 90’s so easily triggered?

>> No.11825878

If Houellebecq has a hapa son he's going to be the most fucked up person on the planet.

>> No.11825896

it wasn't and isn't controversial. its all media hype.
People are far more "triggered" today.
the 90's were the best decade

>> No.11825928

Except there is nothing in those novels that suggests you shouldn't marry. Only that it is increasingly difficult for people to love each other

>> No.11825935
File: 365 KB, 673x354, want.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mean, I would. But I have a face like a goblin that's been shrunk in the wash so take that into account.

>> No.11825944

surely wife has menopaused?

>> No.11825978

this isn't such a surprise. He literally wrote a book endorsing sex tourism in Asia

>> No.11826299
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>ride the train while white
you don't

>> No.11826475

C mamón éste wey.
This sir has an excellent observation. (transl).

>> No.11826651


>> No.11827109

who the fuck is hugo? do you mean bruno?

>> No.11827116

more like a beachhead when you think about it

>> No.11827141
File: 367 KB, 800x669, kisspng-mickey-mouse-minnie-mouse-wedding-invitation-the-w-mickey-minnie-5ac0fbbd072b14.8733311015225967970294.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

literally Mickey and Minnie Mouse lol

>> No.11827151

why's minnie pitching a test

>> No.11827160

i meant tent

>> No.11827795

Cute couple. Like the hat. Wish them the best.
t. [s4s]

>> No.11828045

Haha, why can't author man just live in complete isolation and carry his disgust and hatred for his own country's women (where paternity tests are illegal) to his bitter and lonesome grave like me? I can't believe he wouldn't pick the life of a godless monk without the brotherhood of a monastery when an ethnic will sort of tolerate him and give him some happiness and maybe a few Elliot Rodgers as a legacy.

I can't blame him at all. I wouldn't want to live like me either.

>> No.11828052

why are Australians such subhuman savages? You could say they're the Russians of the English speaking world but that would be insulting to Russia.

>> No.11828276

LARP country. we are lE convict togh guys!!!

>> No.11828468


>> No.11828478

I love diversity! Now every major city in the west looks exactly the same! I can't wait until every population on the globe melds into one brown, undifferentiated, biomass!

>> No.11828516

It's alright mate, the rural Australian roughneck will thrive untouched in great plains and forests for the rest of human history. Melbourne is a foreseen loss

>> No.11828521

you've never seen a fat one

>> No.11828525


>> No.11828642

Yuck — Ching Chong face

>> No.11828687

I might find a hot black woman now and then, but I literally haven't seen one (1) asian in my entire life that I could find attractive. I don't know why, because I'd probably even like their personality and fashion sense, but that's how it is.

>> No.11828697
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>> No.11828700

Basé et rougepilled

>> No.11828713

I don't think he understands what you're talking about and he was talking about the west...

>> No.11828748

That's really fucking weird my dude.

>> No.11828751

t. gppklodkid

>> No.11828753

Not even aboriginals and maoris are too far for you?

>> No.11828772
File: 157 KB, 339x308, irregular.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is both the epitome of his works and the absolute pinnacle of pathetic

>> No.11828776

The fuck are you trying to type there? It's really weird to think you're not attracted to an entire race of women.

>> No.11828785

>hello darkness my old friend

>> No.11828795

It sure didn't. Moot really should have deleted your retarded board.

>> No.11828801

How would every city not look the same if it's just full of white people? Then they would look even more similar. Jesus you're ready

>> No.11828815

That's what I thought when I saw it. The guy sounds like the smuggest cunt on the planet. Crazy people on public transport say stupid shit, put your cunting phone away Martin Luther King.

>> No.11828850

>dude lifts his arm, calling for somebody or some shit like that at a weeding, nothing weird

>> No.11828871
File: 2.01 MB, 3264x2448, 1504061248970.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thus is life in the present jew-run west.

>> No.11828890

based and redpilled

>> No.11828893

I miss the 90s

>> No.11829051
File: 13 KB, 306x306, bobby lee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh Oh, Hot Dog!

>> No.11829055

Subhuman Abo dna and even more subhuman Irish dna.

>> No.11829071
File: 2.31 MB, 3264x2448, 20180917_115048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It might be narcissism because she's almost as amphibian looking as he is.

>> No.11829102

Trying to get his genes into the masterrace.

Whats wrong with that?

>> No.11829119


>> No.11829257

Borges too

>> No.11829263


It's like something out of Beavis and Butt-Head.

>> No.11829282

I mean she's not wrong

>> No.11829289
File: 102 KB, 1024x576, 1381177590390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw his wife on /x/ a few years ago

>> No.11829317

Cringe and race traitor-pilled

>> No.11829512

What's the story? I like x stories

>> No.11829786

Well I and the guy you replied to are living examples. I know a lot more like that. Asians just have these slits for eyes I can't seem to look them in the eyes and feel anything. Also slavic women are way more cute than for example british women, so you don't call me a racist or something, i just have a specific taste

>> No.11829810

Dude, you're fucking retarded if you can't distinguish nordic people fron slavs from germanic people from greeks from british people from Mediterranean people... Also they are all different from other 80% of cities around the globe. Europe has always been diverse and unique.

>> No.11829827
File: 117 KB, 618x269, ct3miekvaaajwsi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Europe has always been diverse
Now, goyim...

>> No.11830102

fugg, she does.

>> No.11830114

MK ultra.

>> No.11830443

she's a cutie

>> No.11830457

i agree <3 shes lovely

>> No.11830517

Basado y rojopildorado

>> No.11830540 [DELETED] 

She looks good minus the face.

So, are we finally settle down with whites and asians settling down as alliance?

>> No.11830679

Did she get attacked by bees?

>> No.11830691


>> No.11830692

I love posts with extra virginity. Sperg-tastique!

>> No.11830695

Yeah but look at him

>> No.11830703

I didn't mean like that...

>> No.11830705


Stop being racist, everyone is allowed to get married to who they want to.

>> No.11830732

EXTREMELY pinchable cheeks

>> No.11830757

its crazy how important Dick size/game is for women and how no one is allowed to talk about this

>> No.11830771

This. It's literally the only thing they care about.

>> No.11830779

Well Beck'd

>> No.11830786

>Stop being racist, everyone is allowed to get married to who they want to.

Not without looking like a fucking loser they're not

>> No.11830794

He looks like a loser because of the hat, if anything he looks better having a thin girl next to him

>> No.11830795

He does. I have a relative who lives 5 minutes away from him.

>> No.11830800

Not everyone shares your opinions.

>> No.11830812

>Not without looking like a fucking loser they're not
If you take out the wife, he still looks like an ugly loser. Slit your wrists.

>> No.11830817

>no source

>> No.11830836

Paris doesn't even have a China town

>> No.11830846

Its nothing about opinion, its pure fact

>> No.11830857

Why can't nazis understand bad satire on/lit/?

>> No.11830863
File: 44 KB, 397x387, Houellebecq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Take away the girl and he's an ascetic author who is depressed and bitter by how little the world offers him in response to his craft.
With the girl he's just another betacuck settling for sideways pussy

>> No.11830886

/lit/ BTFO

>> No.11830898

>the roast flaps toastily, spreading a fine hpv mist through the brisk fall air.
Not a virgin tho. If I was I'd be impressed by clearly psychotic bimbos with fake tits.

>> No.11830900

Satire is one of the Jewish arts of distorting truth and should be discouraged

>> No.11830904

You mean monarch. MK Ultra is oldhat.

>> No.11830916

Imagine taking all the anglos and putting them on an island. Then after centuries of inbreeding, take all the dregs of the resulting society and ship them to a different island. Now you have Australia.

>> No.11830928


>> No.11830929
File: 365 KB, 1699x770, 12118401.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what happened /lit/?

>> No.11830939

after moonrise kingdom you already knew that the only way it can go is down

>> No.11830959

You mean subjective.

>> No.11830968

No I mean objective. Its an objective fact that having an asian girlfriend is a reflection of lower capacity to attract a white girlfriend

>> No.11830992
File: 97 KB, 480x720, bomber vieri.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

exotic women can be somewhat of a status symbol in some countries

>> No.11831002

You don't seem to understand "objectivity" and "facts". Either wikipedia is or go back to /pol/

>> No.11831005

>exotic women can be somewhat of a status symbol in some countries

If by exotic you mean white and by some countries you mean non-white countries yeah sure. In every country that matters even having a slav wife is a sign of shame and coping

>> No.11831016

Nice bait bruh

>> No.11831027

No what I understand is statistics and the goodwill to stand by their implications. What you have is nothing.

>> No.11831035

maybe you're right for ugly women but attractive non-white women are considered as good as white ones

>> No.11831052

>but attractive non-white women are considered as good as white ones

Objectively untrue. She could be a 10/10 model and you'll still be viewed as a loser with a mail order bride

>> No.11831069

Since when are monkeys exotic?

>> No.11831077

>Objectively untrue. She could be a 10/10 model and you'll still be viewed as a loser with a mail order bride

>> No.11831088

By who? Blown out roasties on their 10th abortion? Why should he care?

>> No.11831096

Monarch isn't real, and is not what its called. MKULTRA never stopped, they just stopped declassifying documents in the 70's
i didn't know that Molier and Voltaire (who was an outspoken anti-semite) were Jews

>> No.11831106

By everyone and yourself. You can't hide from reality.
Cope as you will everytime you look at that bucktoothed celestial you'll see the 6/10 white woman who'd turn her nose up at you and who you know you'd feel happier about yourself with

>> No.11831123

There's no functional difference between believing in Monarch and believing in a differently named continuation of ultra.

>> No.11831128

Well spooked, mein property.

>> No.11831140
File: 96 KB, 634x894, nc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cope as you will everytime you look at that bucktoothed celestial you'll see the 6/10 white woman who'd turn her nose up at you and who you know you'd feel happier about yourself with
the fuck would you americans even know you probably can't tell the difference between a german from a scandinavian or a spanish

>> No.11831142

>heh I'll bring up Stirner that'll solve it
Obvious cope

>> No.11831153

>those hands

>> No.11831176

Why refer to yourself as "he" in this question?

>> No.11831193

>cope cope cope cope cope cope
I'm sad this board has been overrun by incel zoomers
it wasn't always like this

>> No.11831195

ya but its your opinion that "capacity to attract a white girlfriend" (lol) is something to be desired or held in higher esteem

>> No.11831223

The toast crumbles.

I was referring to hollaback.

>> No.11831242

You mean neurosyphillitic millenial cat ladies who can't get chad to pay attention to them anymore.

>> No.11831253

Irrelevant to the point being made.
I could go into deeper reasons about how you would want someone who actually comes from your culture and can understand the nuances of where you came from and what you express but this is all so obvious. And from there that any relationship established away from that is often only pushed by a desire to display your ability to establish a relation in opposition to them (this image of white women being left behind by the yellow fever sex weirdo is the very thing that sustains his interest in the slopeheadettes).

>> No.11831259

shut up incel

>> No.11831269

>someone who actually comes from your culture and can understand the nuances of where you came from

white women don't meet this criteria either because they're featureless, rootless, neoliberal blobs just like everyone else in this corner of the world

>> No.11831276

This was used correctly, but nice try -- let's just be clear: you're not derailing this choo choo of keen insight that easily, bubby. You, me, and Allah all know that was you ;-)

>> No.11831282

How many cats do you own?

>> No.11831283

Probably true, which is why I remain alone. I can respect wanting a maid or a whore but if I was to get one I'd pay upfront and keep it my own business not degrade myself publicly like Houellebecq

>> No.11831294

>not degrade myself publicly
That's exactly what you're doing with these posts though.

>> No.11831307

>says anonymous to anonymous

>> No.11831316

No one's actually anonymous anywhere. You'd be a fool to believe otherwise.

>> No.11831330

Yes, Slavs and nords DEFINITELY look more diverse and less similar than a slave and an African. Definitely more diverse than a Nord and a Chinaman. Fucking retard go back to /pol/

>> No.11831337

Yeah, no. That still makes literally zero sense and I'm just convinced you're trolling. If not then I feel bad for whatever deficiency you have that you can't feel attraction to anyone.

>> No.11831350

+30 year old roasties are really bad at hiding their contempt with amusement

>> No.11831357

From dweeb to badass.

>> No.11831361

Its the opposite, everyone is anonymous everywhere. You could have my full name and live next door to me and it'd make no difference to me

>> No.11831362

This is a Legion d'honneur cross. I have no idea if he's wearing it and the Morning dress genuinely or ironically. I suspect it's both.

>> No.11831375

>apending half a thread doing nothing but talking about being perceived in certain ways by others
>it'd make no difference to me
Your brain is swiss cheese.

>> No.11831381

It's 13th arrondissement which is indeed full of Chinese people.

>> No.11831392

These days we have no one but everyone. Thats the horror of the globalized consciousness

>> No.11831406

Well there has been a single demonstration a couple years ago about that Chinese shopkeeper that got murdered by Arabs muggers.

>> No.11831419

Maybe try not staring at a screen for hours at a time.

>> No.11831430

And be stuck interacting with NPCs instead? No thanks

>> No.11831442

I'm French and it definitely was controversial at the time. But now we have Tinder and the likes so it feels normal.

>> No.11831452

>where paternity tests are illegal

This is a 4chan meme. It's not illegal just annoyingly more regulated. Basically you need to ask a judge to do one but i don't think a judge has ever refused to have one performed.

>> No.11831459

She's cute. Hopefully she can bring a little happiness to his life.

>> No.11831462

I don't think he gives much of a shit about people think of him.

>> No.11831515

You blew your already weak cover, frogman.

Though who said anything about dealing with anyone? Go hiking or fishing or something in an isolated area.

>> No.11831544

Could just replay Oblivion if I wanted to do that

>> No.11831899

sounds like you've believed the shit white women spew about asian women

>> No.11831912

That would be nice, really don't see why race is the first thing everyone in this thread sees.

>> No.11831929

>each race has a selection of both groups
Sure but the distribution isn't equal among the races. It's a matter of probability; for example, how many black women can be considered attractive, face included? 5% at most?

>> No.11832276

>no one recognized gregg turkington

>> No.11832428


>Stop being racist, everyone is allowed to get married to who they want to,

she wrote on 4chan.

>> No.11832524

>really don't see why race is the first thing everyone in this thread sees.
Because there is a natural revulsion at seeing someone destroy it.

>> No.11832655

That revulsion ain't natural, pal. You learned it. For humans to remain healthy it's necessary "races" mix. When I see two people of different races together I'm usually happy for them.

>> No.11832662

Destroy what, exactly?

>> No.11832686

It's the exact opposite. Propaganda deracinating whites is required to reinforce the false notion that creating human mules isn't a big deal.

>> No.11832691

One's genetic lineage. Countless generations lived and bred for you to give it away? Only the weakest breed out though so it does have a positive effect.

>> No.11832692

Right... and that's why monkeys specifically seek mates from distant tribes. They were propagandized.

>> No.11832711

We're talking about different human races, not tribes of the same species of monkey. Race-mixing has a negative effect on society and the defective spawn who grow up lacking an identity and with increased mental and genetic problems. It should never be encouraged.

>> No.11832734

Stop getting baited by (You)'s and read a book you dense fucks

>> No.11832751

Those different races are also the same species. Genetic inbreeding, the attempt to remain racially pure, just leads to deformities.

>> No.11832759

wtf is this real

>> No.11832779

Only in tiny, isolated societies. That's literally not an issue, you're just an idiot repeating things you think are true. There is no upside to race-mixing, it is bad for everyone, from the society to the individual, and a selfish thing for the race mixer to do.

>> No.11832896

what is this book?

>> No.11832908


>> No.11832986


>> No.11832990


>> No.11833049

>For my little lost Trident. Though I never Knew you, it behooves me to offer these shards of glass up to you and you alone.
From the amazon description.

Make what you will of that.

>> No.11833058

His latest book did well and he finally had enough money to purchase a bride from Saigon.

What exactly is the point of marriage in France?

>> No.11834017

>le hybrid vigour

>> No.11834074

She’s the one that looks like an ax murderer? Holy shit dude.

>> No.11834081
File: 329 KB, 536x982, 1536804835602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gook wife
Classic incel beta move, very based

>> No.11834086

Abos are based, they are in communion with the dolphins and are spirit world test pilots.

Agreed on the irish though.

>> No.11834310

Look at her eyes.

>> No.11834315

In communication with the huffed petrol spirits you mean.

>> No.11834353

the roastie is right idiot

>> No.11834362

>the crispy std addled beef knows whether you've stuck your dick in a hole before or not
Yeah, ok.

>> No.11834386
File: 54 KB, 640x960, 1453328515323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.11834402

Isolated populations is literally the engine by which evolution works. If everything always outbreeded life would still be globular nigger germs and not advanced life

>> No.11834406
File: 28 KB, 600x315, hemmings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pol tards put white women on a pedastool, do they even realize they are doing it?

>if you fuck a non white woman you are a beta

When you say something like that you say that non white women are less than white women.

The truth is that all your white male ancestors were fucking the slave girl instead of thier frigid white wives.

Its a time honered tradition to spread to colonize the pussies of women of color

>> No.11834414

>When you say something like that you say that non white women are less than white women.

Eh yeah they are. They produce low IQ or manlet aspie kids. White people are superior

>> No.11834691

She was probably royalty in some dynasty in her past life tho. would bang.

>> No.11834729

and It's disgusting!

>> No.11834796

>What exactly is the point of marriage in France?
there is none really

>> No.11834814


A cute Asian school girl kept dozing off onto my shoulder on a train ride one time, she would fall asleep, her head would fall on my arm and she would jolt upright in embarrassment, only for her to start dozing off again. It was very cute.

>> No.11835280

>I can't wait until every population on the globe melds into one brown, undifferentiated, biomass!
Are governments forcing people to race mix now?

>> No.11835713

fuck this bitch