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/lit/ - Literature

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11822771 No.11822771 [Reply] [Original]

I just graduated college and want to get into reading for "fun" and general knowledge. I majored in engineering so I didn't read much literature. I literally have not read a single book in my adult life for fun other than pic related. What books should I try reading?

>> No.11822775
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>> No.11822778
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Good read start to finish.

>> No.11822783

Will I "gain" any "world knowledge" by reading these books?

>> No.11822785

Are you into sci-fi/fantasy like most Engineering chodes? If so then start there, if you want to read "literature" read Reddit-core novels like 1984 and Slaughterhouse 5.

>> No.11822787

of course, faggot

>> No.11822791
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I think you might enjoy reading the work of Hans-Herman Hoppe.

>> No.11822792

Schild's Ladder

>> No.11822800

I enjoy isekai anime and I really liked Battlestar Galactica.

If this isn't a troll post, any specific recommendation?

>> No.11822841
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Not trolling, completely serious. Pic related is a pretty good start.

>> No.11822860

East of Eden by John Steinbeck is always a good starter. Also, Of Mice and Men.

Joyce’s short story collection Dubliners.

Murakami is pretty readable and has some literary merit. Try Kafka on the Shore.

Also the normie-tier shit mentioned like 1984 is pretty legit.

Read the synopses of the above and pick one that sounds up your alley. If none sound up your alley you are either beyond saving or somehow have an aesthetic taste already elevated beyond the limits of what even most readers consider good literature. If you’re in the latter state already, let’s set you up with some Plato, Shakespeare and Faulkner.

>> No.11822864

I thought you said you were reading for fun.

>> No.11823108


>> No.11823112

Infinite Jest, Gravity's Rainbow, Ulysses

>> No.11823349

shiet nigguh good call

Lot 49

>> No.11824396



I want to gain some knowledge from reading

>> No.11824448

You gotta start somewhere, I suppose.

>> No.11824605

You are welcome. I'll be back latter to post more. suggestions.

>> No.11825295
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You also might want to look into Carl Schmitt.

>> No.11826234

what kind of knowledge?

>> No.11827445

Any knowledge that will help me in life

>> No.11827480

Reading literature is not an efficient means of gaining useful knowledge.

>> No.11827485

Start with the Greeks, stemfag

>> No.11827487
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I don't know if your shit posting or are being sincere (hopefully the former) but if you want you should check out the /biz/ reading guide then.

>> No.11827506
File: 2.53 MB, 3721x2936, JR.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So this is clearly a troll, no?

Definitely a troll.

So look, OP, if you want to read a good, interesting work of literature that is funny and will challenge your likely very poorly thought out worldview, try JR by William Gaddis.

It's a book that follows the dueling tales of a middle aged composer that struggles to make a living as a musician and an 11 year old boy that makes a fortune using a series of obfuscated assets to create a large multinational corporation and become the darling of the business community.

>> No.11827509

why would you recommend faulkner to someone who has only read a book by trump? i mean it's probably a joke but don't meme faulkner :(

>> No.11827592

I am not trolling. Great Again was actually pretty interesting and extremely easy to read.

>> No.11827601

The man sure knows how to hire ghostwriters, eh?

Well, what are you looking to get out of books. I'm assuming you won't be capable of reading more challenging books. Why don't you name a movie you like. That will give me a sense of your narrative tastes that will make giving a real recommendation easier.

>> No.11827614

I know he didn't write it himself. I'm looking to just gain more knowledge about the world (economics, politics, etc). Movies for me are 2 hours of turning off my brain so I don't think listing movies I enjoyed will help.

>> No.11827630


Dubliners is too boring for literature noobs desu

>> No.11827642

>I know he didn't write it himself.
I doubt Trump actually wrote any of the books with his name on them. The man doesn't strike me as a reader let alone a writer. Trump probably articulates some generalized vision of what he might want to say in a book and then the ghostwriter gets to work.

>I'm looking to just gain more knowledge about the world (economics, politics, etc).
You want to get these things from fiction books? I mean fiction is mainly good at illustrating general concepts and worldviews or unique experiences. If you want to learn about economics you should literally just learn about statistical analysis and how to understand economic models. As I said, if you want a book that might provide a challenge to what I am assuming your worldview is, then JR is pretty good (though probably too hard for you to read.)

>Movies for me are 2 hours of turning off my brain so I don't think listing movies I enjoyed will help.
You have never in your life liked a movie that was more than merely mindless entertainment? I really doubt this.

>> No.11827663

I never specified fiction. Is /lit/ fiction only?

>> No.11827672

No. See recommendations like >>11822791
>>11822841 and >>11825295
I think lurking here some too and looking at various threads that might interest you would do some good. Feel free to post with additional questions though.

>> No.11827709

Strictly speaking we don't really talk about Econ, History, or Politics. Non-fiction is at best a minor topic on this board. /his/ is probably more appropriate for your questions but it's also a lot worse than here (though its pretty bad here now too).

Like I said with Econ, if you want a better understanding, I would recommend looking at modeling and statistics. The technical aspects are what you should focus on. I'd recommend avoiding wasting your time with the alt-econ threads of thought like the Austrian School or Market Anarchism entirely or at the very least until you have a good understanding of mainstream economics.

For Politics, you probably aren't going to want to read anything I'm going to recommend but if I had to recommend a few really important books I'd go for The History of the Peloponnesian War by Thucydides, World-systems Analysis: An Introduction by Immanuel Wallerstein and something by Foucault (Not that reading any of his books would be particularly helpful as, again, you probably won't really get what he's trying to say. It's really just important to understand a non-strawman post-modern, post-structuralist worldview)

I don't know how helpful these recommendations will be, but again, and I can't stress this enough, don't waste your time reading 90% of the books recommended by people on /pol/ or /his/. The few books that are actually good that they recommend, they probably are recommending for the wrong reasons.

>> No.11827770

You are retarded. No wonder you read Trump shit.

>> No.11827785

> Is /lit/ fiction only?
For the most part yes, the other part is philosophy which given you're a Trump supporter you wont enjoy.

>> No.11827787
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>> No.11827792

Killing Hope by William Blum
The Politics of Heroin by Alfred W. McCoy
Dirty Wars by Jeremy Scahill
Manufacturing Consent by Edward S. Herman & Noam Chomsky

>> No.11828520

Read anything by Bill Bryson

>> No.11828714


are you an autist?

>> No.11828889

Similar position for me, go to the wiki and read just getting started /lit/, then start with the Greeks, resume with the romans, and then just go from there

>> No.11830123

Who isn't?

>> No.11830339

you're clearly pathetic and hopeless don't bother. take the red pill and acknowledge that if you haven't read the canon by the time you are done with high school/or at least studied them in your first two tiers at uni (that being if it's a world class uni) you will probably never be able to appreciate literature. stick to your trump meme books lol

>> No.11830354

The vast majority of the population.

>> No.11830516
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>stem faggot
>I literally have not read a single book in my adult life for fun
Why are you all so stereotypically pleb?

>> No.11830534

>engineering major
>Trump book
You're not gonna fit in on this board man

>> No.11830604

lmao lit is not self-help coaching

>> No.11830715

Godel Escher Bach is an easy recommendation to anyone not on the extremes of the humanities-STEM spectrum. It may seem intimidating at first glance but it's actually very entertaining and hard to put down

>> No.11830725
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You are not welcome on this board.

>> No.11830873
File: 37 KB, 433x302, trump.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>some guy's job was to aibrush around Trump's hair for the cover