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11822607 No.11822607 [Reply] [Original]

>he hasn't read the Australian Nietzsche

>> No.11822780

What are you talking about? Everyone knows that Australians can't read or write

>> No.11822937

>...modern critics have a higher view of his short stories than his poetry, which has been called "unwieldy" (cf Roberts). Historians and literary historians today condemn Baylebridge's political agenda of populist nationalism (cf Jupp), as well as his interest in vitalism. During his time in London, he developed Nietzschean ideas about Australia's future, which prefigure interwar fascism (cf Davison). Baylebridge died on 7 May 1942; he was unmarried.
>died unmarried
Very Nietzschean, indeed.

>> No.11823024
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>> No.11823036

can confirm

>> No.11823047

Completely unrelated but there's an Australian poster on rateyourmusic forums that has clogged the "lists" section so hard with stupid fucking
>10 Reasons Why You Should Love 1960s Australian Music
>Another 10 Reasons Why You Should Love Early 70s Australian Music
>10 Reasons Why You Should Love Australian Pubs: Fake ID Edition
>So You've Never Heard of Little Murders? Let Me Fix That for You
lists, I swear if I ever see an Australian in my life I will knock your goddamn teeth out on spot

>> No.11823060


moot is it true that hiroshimoot sold the site for $4.5m to that Russian oligarch who bankrolled zuck

>> No.11823091


>> No.11823257


>> No.11823259

The Australian Nietzshe?
>oi m8, he who fights with crocs might take care else he might become one. And if ya gaze for long into the arsehole of a croc, the arsehole gazes back atcha. fair dinkum it's dodgy as.

>> No.11823264


Upboated! XD

Edit: Wow! Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

Edit 2: Wow! This comment really blew up! XD

>> No.11823286

I hate that my country is literally a reddit meme

>> No.11823306


>> No.11823312
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The worst part is the cityfags who buy into it.

>> No.11823328

>As is well known, the kiwis are the most evil enemies—but why? Because they are the most impotent. It is because of their impotence that in them hatred grows to monstrous and uncanny proportions, to the most spiritual and poisonous kind of hatred. The truly great haters in world history have always been kiwis; likewise the most ingenious haters: other kinds of spirit hardly come into consideration when compared with the spirit of kiwi vengefulness

>> No.11823348
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>> No.11823350
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>> No.11823369

LOL the IP count didn't go up! XD

>> No.11823397

Cunt if you ever met me in real life and started talking this shit you'd wake up in emergency

>> No.11823413

Sure lol, why don't you keep listening to Courtney Barnett you embarrassing poof

>> No.11823429
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>> No.11823764

I like Australian culture quite a lot, but I hate the rich Sydney and Melbourne cunts who pretend embrace blue collar Australians online but will then take any chance they get to shit all over all aspects of that culture whenever they get the chance. They like the superficial elements of it, but disrespect what created it.

I'm a thoroughly middle class Australian and won't pretend otherwise, but it really bothers me.

>> No.11823824

Australian culture is dead. It died in the seventies. Australia is dead. Our descendants will identify as Chinese-Americans.
>inb4 australian """culture"""

>> No.11823900


>> No.11823993

Now this is epic.